
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

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311 Chs

Chapter 108: You May Call Me: The Return of Stars!

Chapter 118: Mr. Fool: A Star is Destroyed

TheSefirah Castle .

The weekly Tarot Club meeting was about to convene again.

This time, Klein arrived at theSefirah Castle ahead of schedule.

He first earnestly recalled the events of that night, then began to organize his account of what happened.

Because he truly didn't know what had transpired that night, he needed to rehearse in advance to avoid tarnishing his esteemed status in the eyes of Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man.

Once everything was prepared, he summoned Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hanged Man."

Miss Justice was as polite as ever, and from her expression, it was clear she had no significant doubts about the events of that night.

Mr. Hanged Man, however, looked quite complex, as if he was fearful, with excitement and confusion amidst his fear.

He seemed still frightened by the events of that night.

Klein took note of their demeanors, already planning how to explain the night's events.

Of course, he wouldn't bring up the topic himself.

Miss Justice brought two Roselle Gustav diaries, and Mr. Hanged Man brought three.

Just from Mr. Hanged Man's proactive behavior, Klein knew he would surely ask about that night.

Fortunately, he had already prepared in advance, effectively netting three Roselle Gustav diaries for free.

Suppressing a small sense of pleasure, Klein began to peruse the Roselle Gustav diaries.

The five diaries contained much information, but most notably, they mentioned a person named Charatu, the leader of the ancient organization, the Secret Order, and an extraordinary seer.

They also mentioned that Charatu sought Roselle Gustav's help to steal a dangerous sealed item from the Church of the God of Craftsmanship, an Antigonus family relic.

Interestingly, Roselle Gustav angrily declared that he would beat up any diviner he encountered in the future!

After memorizing the diary contents, Klein pressed down the five Roselle Gustav diaries and looked towards Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man.

"You may continue."

Then Miss Justice posed some questions, Mr. Hanged Man was responsible for answering, and Mr. Fool occasionally interjected with some highbrow remarks.

Everything proceeded as usual for the Tarot Club.

But Mr. Hanged Man couldn't contain his curiosity and traded three Roselle Gustav diaries for an answer to a question from Mr. Fool.

"I want to know what the anomaly in the starry sky that night truly signifies?"

As expected, that question.

Mr. Hanged Man, I had already anticipated your thoughts.

Klein, initially a bit nervous, instantly relaxed. He tapped his finger lightly on the table and said indifferently, "That is not something you need to know now, as it would bring pollution to the stars."


Algernon hesitated, but before he could say anything, Klein spoke first: "All I can tell you is that a star was destroyed that night."

"A star was destroyed?"

Algernon murmured repeatedly, his gaze first blank, then filled with terror, and finally, he looked gratefully at Mr. Fool, who sat at the head of the table.

Only a deity could have the power to destroy a star! Perhaps what happened that night was a battle between gods! For someone of his low sequence, knowing such things could cause him to lose control on the spot! Thankfully, Mr. Fool timely reminded him not to delve further into the matter.

"Thank you, Mr. Fool, for your answers and warnings!"

Klein simply nodded calmly, but inwardly he mused, "Look, I deceived him, and he even thanks me for it."

Audrey, who had been quietly listening, expressed her confusion.

She only remembered that the night sky was beautiful, especially one star that rivaled the crimson moon in brilliance, its light so captivating that one couldn't help but reach out to touch it.

Could something extraordinary have really happened that night?

Come to think of it, Susie once told her that it felt a deep-seated fear from within.

But she hadn't taken it seriously…

Susie, it seems, is more suited to be an extraordinary person than she is…

I can't even compare to Susie!

Her face flushed with heat, burning hot.

Thankfully, this wasn't the real world; otherwise, she would be too embarrassed to show her face.

But what exactly happened that night? Audrey calmed herself and looked at Mr. Fool, asking softly, "A star was destroyed, will it affect us?"

Klein spoke gravely, yet unhurriedly, "The brilliance of the sun will dim because of this."

He didn't deceive Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man with this point.

As he knew, the explosion of a star would produce a vast amount of dust and gas clouds.

Judging by the brightness and range of the star's explosion that night, it wasn't too far from the sun.

The dust and gas clouds, after spreading and flowing, could very likely obscure the sunlight reaching the ground. In some regions, there might even be a phenomenon of polar night.

Audrey uttered an "Oh," indicating she understood, though in reality, she didn't quite grasp it.

The sun's brilliance will dim? Algernon's heart trembled, shaking with fear. Among the seven deities, one was the Eternal Blazing Sun.

He represents the sun.

The dimming of the sun's light meant that the Eternal Blazing Sun was severely injured in the battle that night!

This matched the intelligence he had recently received! According to the reports, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun had been conducting a series of activities, especially in the search and extermination of heretics, showing a resolute attitude of preferring to err on the side of killing rather than sparing.

There were even rumors that several archbishops had joined forces to head to the southern continent to completely eradicate the evil god cults entrenched there.

Now it seems…

Algernon gasped, forcing himself not to continue thinking.

Mr. Fool had just warned him not to ponder matters concerning the gods.

"I mustn't think! I can't think about it anymore!"

Algernon tried his best to calm himself down.

His unusual behavior caught the curious eyes of Klein and Audrey.

After taking a deep breath, Algernon revealed the recent abnormal activities of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun.

Audrey's mouth fell open in shock; the events of that night were actually related to the gods!

Susie had noticed, yet she had been oblivious…

She fell into deep self-doubt.

Klein felt conflicted. He hadn't expected Mr. Hanged Man to link the dimming of the sun to the abnormal actions of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, speaking so convincingly and assuredly.

This made him fall into deep contemplation, wondering if he had been somewhat unkind in this matter. …


After being warned by Will, Hastur had been staying at home, spending his days eating and reading in the study, occasionally strolling in the garden.

He hadn't ventured far, not knowing if he would run into Ulorus; better to wait until Will lured It away from Beckland.

In the afternoon, a police officer came with good news: Chief Reed's wife had safely given birth to a boy, and both mother and child were well.

Chief Reed's words also hinted at asking him to help choose a name.

For such a joyous occasion, he naturally wouldn't refuse.

But since he couldn't leave home just yet, he found an excuse to delay for a few days before visiting Chief Reed's home.

At night, Will finally came to him in a dream.

He said he had lured Ulorus away from Beckland, and for a short time, Ulorus wouldn't appear in Beckland.

Hastur finally breathed a sigh of relief, now free at last.

He also inquired whether his fate was now concealed.

"Yes, your aura of fate has become very faint, so much so that even walking on the streets, it would be hard to be drawn to others connected by fate."

"Not only that, but the aura of fate in Beckland seems to have weakened a lot as well. To Ulorus, this should appear as a normal phenomenon resulting from my departure from Beckland."

After a pause, Will reminded, "Remember to keep sending ice cream. I want strawberry flavor; I really can't get used to chocolate."

"No problem."

With these troublesome issues resolved, Hastur felt much more relaxed.

After Will left, he entered the Hall of Stars.

As usual, his gaze swept over each one.

The Overstar Dominator showed no change, the Mother Tree of Desire was quiet, and the Lamp Genie seemed to be sealed even more obediently.

The High-Dimensional Overseer … Huh!

Hastur noticed an unusual speck of light on the star of the High-Dimensional Overseer !

The Cocoon of Light, as always, was surrounded by the chaos of space-time, but at the end of a thread below the cocoon, hung an unusual speck of light.

He quickly zoomed in to see what it was.

Inside that speck of light was a baby! And around the baby were two figures, seemingly its parents.

Looking closer, the male figure looked very much like Chief Reed!

Looking around the environment, it indeed resembled Chief Reed's home!

Could it be that the High-Dimensional Overseer had reincarnated as Chief Reed's newly born son?

(End of Chapter)