
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself

THIS BOOK IS A TRANSLATION I DO NOT OWN IT. https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ ……………………………….……………………………………….………. Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

Roaldie Fryer

"The Fool!"

Klein admitted that when he heard those words, his heartbeat really accelerated in that moment. He even ignored the pain in his head as he pondered the possibility of changing his name at the next meeting. After all, it would be quite exciting to interact with a god.

However, in the next second, he saw Lin Ruo's expression turn extremely puzzled.

"But as far as I know, the path of Sequence 0 has not yet been established, so how could you see Him?"

There isn't one? Well, that's not bad!

Klein couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and the idea of changing his name faded away. After all, he had just announced himself as a fool, and changing his name so soon would undermine the image of the powerful individual he was trying to portray. It would be wise to be cautious and avoid unnecessary risks.

Klein understood that even if there were issues associated with using the title of "Fool," he couldn't escape them by simply changing his title now. So he decided to continue using it for now.

This lack of surprise wasn't unexpected. As someone who lacked reverence for gods, Klein hadn't fully grasped the horrors of the extraordinary realm in this world. Consequently, he didn't see the need to change his approach, which others might view as extremely reckless.

At this point, Lin Ruo asked, "Klein, could you describe the Fool's situation to me in detail? Of course, if the other party has forbidden such information, then forget it."

"Hmm... I'm sorry," Klein hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

There were many things he didn't know about this world's extraordinary realm, so he didn't plan on revealing too much information.

"That's alright," Lin Ruo deliberately showed a disappointed expression. He then forced a smile and said, "You look tired. Let's rest for a while, alright... Huh?" A sudden dizziness took over his mind, and before Lin Ruo could comprehend what was happening, he lost consciousness.

Simultaneously, from Klein's perspective, his companion disappeared abruptly before finishing his sentence.

"Lin Ruo?" Klein exclaimed in surprise. He walked over to the mirror and inspected it from different angles, but Lin Ruo was nowhere to be found.

"What just happened?"

Loen Kingdom, Backlund—

When Lin Ruo regained consciousness, he smelled a faint scent even before opening his eyes. He could hear someone rummaging through the pockets of his clothes.

His body reacted faster than his mind. Lin Ruo heard a scream in his ears. Opening his eyes, he saw a man dressed in dirty, torn clothes. It appeared to be a vagabond who recoiled in horror when their eyes met, quickly scrambling away and yelling, "Ghost! Ghost!"

Lin Ruo's mouth twitched as he looked down at his chest. At first glance, he noticed a large coagulated area of blood, and there was a tear in his clothes near his heart, as if a bullet had penetrated his body.

Almost instinctively, Lin Ruo lifted his clothes, only to find that although the skin underneath was covered in blood, there were no wounds. Based on his past experiences, the wounds should have already healed.

To be honest, Lin Ruo felt a bit unsettled. After all, he was just teasing Klein in Tingen, but as soon as he closed his eyes and opened them again, he found himself in a different place, possessing a physical body. It would take anyone a moment to adjust to such a sudden change.

However, time clearly had no intention of allowing Lin Ruo to ponder further. Almost instantly after hearing the footsteps, someone was hastily approaching the small alley where he currently stood.

Without wasting time on contemplating why he could hear the other person's footsteps from such a distance, Lin Ruo swiftly injected spirituality into the secret badge once again, using it to transition into a concealed state. As Lin Ruo woke up, he realized that the secret badge was still in his hand.

And several dozen seconds after Lin Ruo entered the concealed state, two individuals arrived at the alley. One was the homeless man who had fled earlier, and the other was a man dressed in a police officer-like attire.

Under Lin Ruo's watchful gaze, the two of them scoured the alley, finding nothing except the bloodstains on the ground. The patrol officer appeared quite dissatisfied with the homeless man, uttering a few curses and delivering a kick before departing.

Fortunately, neither of them had any intention of lingering in the alley, and they soon left one after the other. Lin Ruo let out a sigh of relief, preparing to further examine his body in the concealed state when a sudden rush of information flooded his mind.

It was the relevant memories of the body he currently inhabited.

According to these memories, the original owner of Lin Ruo's body was named Roaldie Fryer, a 19-year-old detective and a Sequence 9 Hunter.

From the memories, Lin Ruo discovered that Roaldie Fryer had a rather unfortunate life. In summary, he was born into an aristocratic family, and his early life was filled with happiness and joy. However, seven years ago, his father, as the Viscount, was imprisoned due to his involvement in a rebellion. He soon committed suicide while in prison.

Although Roaldie Fryer and his mother were not directly implicated in the incident, the various covert suppressions the Fryer family faced from various factions nearly drove them to ruin. His mother eventually succumbed to depression in that dire situation.

Not only that, just as Roaldie Fryer was about to reach adulthood under the care of the loyal old butler, a sudden fire consumed everything related to him. If it weren't for His butler's heroic sacrifice in the fire,He would not have survived.

After escaping from the fire, Roaldie Fryer realized that someone didn't want him to come of age, didn't want the Fryer family to rise again. As a result, he chose to adopt an anonymous existence. He used his wealth to create a false identity, employing cosmetics and wigs to completely transform his appearance and become someone else.

Certainly, Roaldie Fryer could have simply left Backlund at that time and started a new life in a place where no one knew him.

But how could Roaldie Fryer leave willingly? The enemy who had killed his father, ruined his family, and incinerated everything he held dear was still out there. He didn't even know who his enemy was, so how could he abandon everything and walk away?

Driven by his deep-seated hatred, Roaldie Fryer decided to remain in Backlund. To aid in his quest to uncover the truth behind everything, he opted to become a detective. Eager for the power to seek revenge, he discovered the existence of the Extraordinary individuals and began actively participating in various occult gatherings in Backlund. Eventually, he found a group that truly belonged to the Extraordinary. During one such gathering, he acquired the formula for the Sequence 9 Hunter's potion. A few days ago, he gathered all the necessary materials for the potion.

Filled with hope for his revenge, Roaldie Fryer enthusiastically prepared the Hunter's potion yesterday. After consuming it, he became a Sequence 9 hunter without encountering any risks.

Logically speaking, in this situation, Roaldie Fryer shouldn't expect revenge to be guaranteed, but at the very least, he should be able to live a better life than before. However, the reality was quite different. Just as Roaldie had gained extraordinary powers and his confidence had swelled, he ventured alone into the Eastern District and stumbled upon a human trafficker who forcefully abducted people.

Despite enduring numerous misfortunes, Roaldie Fryer still stood resolute, his sense of justice unwavering.

But then, he was ruthlessly attacked by one of the fellow traffickers and killed with a single shot!