
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself

THIS BOOK IS A TRANSLATION I DO NOT OWN IT. https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ ……………………………….……………………………………….………. Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

I'm afraid this pendulum isn't broken

According to Ilimi Katy, he sensed something was amiss with his girlfriend, Lier, three days ago. Unfortunately, He can't provide exact details, as he's relying on his intuition for this suspicion.

"I've grasped the general situation, so please, Mr. Ilimi Katy, let me know your specific request," Lin Ruo inquired with a flawless and warm smile after listening to the description.

"I... I hope you can locate Real Lier and ensure her safe return. I'll generously reward you for your efforts," Ilimi Katy became visibly anxious, almost pleading. He then produced a stack of gold pounds from his bag and added, "Here's thirty pounds. If you can reunite me with Lier, I'll give you a hundred and twenty pounds!"

Lin Ruo glanced at the pile of gold pounds, raising an eyebrow. He knew that although 150 pounds wasn't much to him, it was likely the most Ilimi Katy could offer in a short timeframe.

Without rushing to take the money, Lin Ruo cautioned, "Mr. ilimi Katy, it might not be a straightforward matter. I must remind you that if Miss Lier has truly been replaced by someone else, she may have met a dire fate. Be mentally prepared."

Ilimi Katy trembled at the words, lips quivering as if he wanted to say something. Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "If Lier... if something has happened to her, please retrieve her remains. I will pay, as agreed."

"Understood," Lin Ruo nodded and then inquired, "So, who is impersonating your girlfriend? Do you want me to investigate their identity and motives?"

In truth, he posed the same question for a reason. Regardless of ilimi Katy's answer, Lin Ruo intended to delve deeper. His motivation wasn't just curiosity or a sense of justice; it was because Ilimi Katy lived on the same street, and he couldn't discount the possibility of getting entangled in this matter. Thus, Lin Ruo chose to take the initiative rather than be caught off guard.

"The person who impersonated Lier..." Ilimi Katy appeared hesitant and finally said, "Don't concern yourself with her... But if you're certain she's not Lier, please report it to the police. I don't want her... to remain with me any longer." There was a note of fear in his final words.

"I understand, I will do that," Lin Ruo replied with a reassuring nod, continuing to ask Ilimi Katy some follow-up questions before seeing him out.

Once Ilimi Kati had left, the pleasant smile Lin Ruo wore for business purposes vanished, and his eyes narrowed.

He reached into a drawer and retrieved a crystal pendulum, whispering, "I'm not a Sequence 5 [Marionettist] ; that's a [Fallacy]."

With the fallacy initiated, Lin Ruo, now successfully simulating the abilities of a [Marionettist], proceeded to employ the traditional techniques of a Seer .

"Ilimi Katy's girlfriend has indeed been replaced by someone else," Lin Ruo's voice declared, and the pendulum in his hand began to rotate clockwise, confirming Ilimi Katy's suspicions were not unfounded.

Lin Ruo, unsurprised by this revelation, continued the divination, stating, "This matter involves extraordinary elements."

To his bewilderment, the pendulum, under Lin Ruo's watchful gaze, turned counterclockwise by a quarter turn, then clockwise by half a turn, and finally rested without further movement.

Lin Ruo was left puzzled, thinking, "Is this pendulum broken? A divination failure should not yield such a result!"

Even though there were unsettling thoughts in Lin Ruo's mind, he remained vigilant. The outcome of his divination raised suspicions - if the issue wasn't on his side, then it hinted at something peculiar on the opposite end.

Maintaining his caution, Lin Ruo Simulated the [Misfortune Mage] Sequence 4 of the Wheel of Fortune Pathway , once again attempting to divine whether the incident involving Ilimi Kati's girlfriend being replaced had supernatural elements. This time, he obtained a precise result - indeed, there were extraordinary factors at play.

"This is bad ," Lin Ruo sighed, his eyes reflecting contemplation. He then attempted another divination - whether he would be in jeopardy if he got involved in this matter.

The divination result indicated danger, but the risk wasn't significant. This caused Lin Ruo to raise an eyebrow, and he ceased simulating abilities, stretching leisurely.

"Divination isn't a all-knowing ... I need to remember that!" he muttered, his half-squinted eyes concealing his thoughts.


In the afternoon, in Backlund's West Borough:

"A cup of Niagara coffee, black, no sugar, please," a soft-spoken request filled the cafe's atmosphere. The desk clerk, who had been daydreaming, snapped back to attention. As she conveyed the order to the kitchen, she glanced at the customer before returning to her daze, pondering something.

The unassuming young man, blending seamlessly into the crowd with ordinary features, disheveled black hair, and caramel eyes, paid little mind to her curiosity. Having placed his order, he casually found a window seat, gazing outside as if savoring the view.

This black-haired youth was none other than Lin Ruo, utilizing the Faceless Man's ability to disguise himself. His presence at the cafe at this moment was connected to Ilimi Kati's "girlfriend."

According to his gathered intelligence, both Lier and Ilimi Katy were Teacher's. Ilimi Katy taught at a school, while Lier specialized in instructing noble ladies and wives in social dancing.

Today, the noble family Lier was teaching happened to be across from this coffee shop. Lin Ruo's chosen seat allowed him to maintain a clear view, ensuring he could spot "Lier" as soon as she appeared.

As per Ilimi Katy's information, Lier had a penchant for afternoon tea. After her teaching sessions, she often frequented the cafe where Lin Ruo currently sat, sipping coffee and unwinding. Although the real Lier had been replaced, the imposter was deliberately mimicking her habits, making it highly probable they would continue this routine, making it easier for Lin Ruo to observe.

While Lin Ruo waited, he sipped his coffee. His gaze sharpened as he noticed a brown-haired, blue-eyed girl emerging from the opposite party's residence.

At just one glance, Lin Ruo's eyes narrowed, and then he averted his gaze.

She has a weapon!

Lin Ruo swiftly made his initial assessment.

The opponent was undoubtedly not an Beyonder of the Wheel of Fortune Pathway !

This was the second conclusion Lin Ruo reached.