
Lord of Mysteries: Starting As A Reader

Lord of Mysteries fanfiction. The unexpected intervention of a real transmigrator, Ebner, would help Klein usher in a better ending. The Lord of the Mysteries would definitely be Klein, not the Celestial Worthy. The main character takes the Sequence pathway of a Reader. note: I'm only editing from MTL and post here so when I don't have a connection I can read it offline. the real author of this book is "Quick Return of the Named Fire"

ordinary_people · Book&Literature
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291 Chs

Xio and Jane

Why would I help you? Of course, it's because you are the future Tarot Club ' judgment '. I'm just forming good karma in advance… But I can't directly say this out loud… Ebner stroked his chin and decided to bring the question over. Hence, he put on a serious look and replied, "Perhaps, you should give me some information? It's equivalent to hiring me to investigate. This way, I won't be helping you, but trading!"

"What?" Xio's mind nearly spun. She was clearly stunned for two to three seconds before her eyes widened. She said uncertainly, "Sir, are you a detective?" But I've never seen a detective who took the initiative to work and even came to ask for money.

Ebner magically matched Xio's train of thought and casually said, "Not yet… Well, you have to know that people who want to make a name for themselves in the world are often able to take the initiative to find the situation they want. If they can't find it, they can create it themselves." The reader pathway was bound to become a detective sooner or later. It wasn't something that would happen in the future.

"Emperor Roselle's words do make sense…" Xio nodded in agreement. However, I have a nagging feeling that you're just patronizing me, just like Fors before you! Of course, Xio didn't finish her sentence. She could already tell that Ebner had no ill intentions, so she didn't expose him.

What? This was also said by Roselle?! It was really hard on him for him to use such an obscure famous quote!

Ebner was rendered speechless. He felt that Klein's slander in the novel was really accurate. The emperor was doing everything in his power to not leave any path for future transmigrators!

"Then, how much gold do you plan on asking for the information just now?" Xio had always been fair in her actions. She didn't wish to owe anyone favors, even if the other party's information still needed confirmation.

"Uh… 10 pounds?" Ebner had just transmigrated, so he wasn't very proficient at earning money, nor did he dare offer a high price.

Xio fell into a daze when she heard that. She couldn't even maintain her stern expression as she said helplessly, "Sir, do you know that the price you offered makes me think that you are a cheat!? Ignoring the analysis of your inference, just the knowledge of the swindler's Sequence is worth more than that. And if the acting method is real, someone would probably want to know about it even if it's a thousand pounds!"

Over a thousand pounds?! Ebner's heart skipped a beat, but he forced himself to calm down and explained without a change in expression, "Knowledge is priceless, but I'm a person who enjoys sharing knowledge… Ten pounds is only the price of deduction." Although his heart was bleeding, he didn't regret giving Miss Judgment this discount. Even if he didn't say anything, she would know about this knowledge in a few months.

Xio didn't notice the abnormality in Ebner's heart as she nodded and accepted his explanation. She continued, "I'll verify the knowledge you gave me. These five pounds are a down payment. If what you said is true, I'll give you other rewards in the future… Then, Mr. Future Detective, how should I contact you?" As Xio spoke, she took out five pounds from her wallet and pushed it in front of Ebner.

"Just call me Ebner. I should be having breakfast in this restaurant for the next month." His identity was still very clean, so there was no need for Ebner to come up with a fake name. In addition, he wasn't pretentious as he put away the five pounds.

"Although you might recognize me, I'll still introduce myself. My name is Xio, Xio Derecha. That's all for today, Mr. Ebner. Goodbye!" With that said, Xio stood up and was about to leave the restaurant.

At this moment, Ebner couldn't help but stop her and remind her, "Miss Xio, it's fine as long as you know about the acting method. Don't reveal it to anyone else. If the Church finds out about you spreading the acting method, it'll be quite troublesome!"

"Did the seven Churches monopolize the acting method?" Xio stopped and asked thoughtfully.

"To be precise, the lower-middle-class Beyonders of the Church don't know about the acting method. Only the upper-class know about it!" Ebner emphasized on the upper-class.

"Thank you, I understand!" Xio bowed and thanked Ebner for his reminder before leaving the restaurant.

After Xio left, Ebner ate the breakfast the waiter brought over as he reflected on what he had just done. Although establishing a good relationship with Miss Judgment is a set goal, I seem to have a deeper understanding of her. Hmm, is this because I was subconsciously excited when I transmigrated to the alternate world to chat with the characters I like in novels? Or is it because the Reader Sequence potion has a 'side effect' of showing off knowledge? Thinking back to the original Sequence Beyonders, Isengard likes to show off his Sealed Artifacts, Vice Admiral Iceberg likes to show off her collection… And almost everyone in this pathway is good at being a teacher…

"Alright, it's still a long way to go. I'm not a Beyonder yet!" Ebner ridiculed himself before quickly finishing his breakfast.

After resolving his stomach problem, Ebner took a public carriage to Cherwood Borough and stopped in front of a clothing store that he remembered to be more familiar with. As he was going to attend a secret gathering tomorrow night, his original plan was to buy a cloth and sewing needle to make a robe to cover his face, but now that he had the five pounds that Miss Xio had given him, he could directly come and buy a ready-made robe.

This clothing store was owned by a friend of his in a public school. It wasn't too high-end and its customers were those who had just passed the middle-class threshold. The price was quite reasonable.

As soon as he entered the door, Ebner saw a young girl about the same age as his original body running out of the store. Familiar memories flooded his mind, and he couldn't help but sigh helplessly. He skillfully reached out his hand to stop the young girl so that she wouldn't bump into him. He smiled and said, "Jane, you're still so impatient!"

The young girl, Jane, stabilized herself. When she saw that it was Ebner, she said happily, "Ah, Ebner, I'm sorry. I didn't notice you just now! Haha, I haven't seen you for a few days. Have you settled everything at home? Are you here to play with me?"

"It's taken care of. You know, I've already applied for graduation. I came to your shop to buy some clothes to interview for a job." This young girl was one of the friends Ebner's family had once pooled money for after his transformation, so he explained a little more.

"I see… I was supposed to help you pick, but the club activity is about to start. I have to get there as soon as possible," Jane said sheepishly.

"A club?" If he remembered correctly, this girl was a year lower than him. She was a member of the ancient language club established by her original self. That club had been disbanded after Ebner applied for graduation because no one had learned Hermes except Ebner.

"Ha, Ebner, you know, I like all mysticism knowledge. After your club was gone, I joined Ms. Kapusky's club!" the girl replied.

"Ms. Kapusky?" Somehow, Ebner found the name familiar.

"Yes, Mr. Kapusky believes that death isn't the end. He can even directly sense death with the secret deed. He told us that everything can be reversed. Yes, he believes that the dead can be resurrected! Isn't that great?" Jane said excitedly.

So it was this fellow! Ebner instantly recalled the rookie teacher who had brought his students to play spirit dance in the cemetery.

Although there wasn't any danger for a short period of time, and even if something were to happen, Klein would help resolve it. However, Ebner didn't wish to help the kind girl from his original body get involved in supernatural matters. Hence, he said with a stern expression, "Jane, it's best you don't interact too much with Mr. Kapusky. He's very dangerous!"

Hearing this, Jane was stunned for a moment, then blushed in embarrassment. She stole a glance at Ebner and whispered, "Ebner, are you very concerned about me? Don't you want me to be curious about others too?"

Girl, your reaction isn't right! What are you imagining? The corners of Ebner's mouth twitched when he saw this. He could only bite the bullet and continue to warn, "Jane, since you like mysticism, you should know that the revival of the dead is taboo! Teacher Kapusky advocates that such ideals are either stupid or bad!" Of course, I knew it was the former because Klein had evaluated that teacher as a rookie.

"Okay… okay, I'll listen to you. Well, I know that's taboo, but don't you want to know if the dead can really be revived?" Jane pursed her lips, both feeling that Ebner was right and feeling indignant.

"Even if it's true, how are you going to verify it? Stealing corpses? That's a crime!" Ebner said in a stern tone.

The little girl was obviously frightened and could not speak for a long time.

At this time, Mr. Charlie, the owner of the clothing store, came over and asked in confusion, "What crime?"

Jane saw her father coming and ran to his side, chattering away about her conversation with Ebner. The girl was big-hearted and didn't think she'd be beaten at all if she told the truth.

Mr. Charlie became serious as well. He was a believer of the Goddess and didn't believe in a resurrection. He stared at Jane and said, "Stay at home today. You're not allowed to join that club!"

Seeing Jane nodding subconsciously, he turned around and said to Ebner gratefully, "Young man, thank you for your warning to Jane. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that she was going to participate in such a dangerous thing! Well, are you here to buy clothes? How about this, which one do you like? I'll sell it to you at the cost price!"

Ebner did not expect such a good thing, and he did not refuse (after all, he was poor). He happily picked out a casual outfit and a hooded cloak, which cost him a total of three pounds.

For the sake of the discount, Ebner decided to visit Jane again in a few days. If she was still sneaking into that club event, he'd get someone to report them in case Jane was in real danger.

That night, Ebner activated the Eye of Pure White once again, hoping to decipher the Sequence 8 formula through the Beyonder characteristic. Unfortunately, he encountered Waterloo this time, and he failed to find anything despite being unconscious twice.

Perhaps the prerequisite mysticism knowledge is insufficient? Or perhaps my spirituality is too low, and I can't even fully use the Eye of Pure White's present ability?