
Lord of Mysteries: Starting As A Reader

Lord of Mysteries fanfiction. The unexpected intervention of a real transmigrator, Ebner, would help Klein usher in a better ending. The Lord of the Mysteries would definitely be Klein, not the Celestial Worthy. The main character takes the Sequence pathway of a Reader. note: I'm only editing from MTL and post here so when I don't have a connection I can read it offline. the real author of this book is "Quick Return of the Named Fire"

ordinary_people · Book&Literature
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291 Chs

Mr. Gaston's Beyonder Gathering

The first three levels of the Dream Labyrinth were mostly a test of the challenger's deduction and analysis abilities. Furthermore, the abilities displayed in the Creation Scenes were diverse, making one have no choice but to guess that this tower was likely related to the Omniscient and Omnipotent paths.

And regardless of which of the five pathways of Omniscient and Omnipotent, the Card of Blasphemy that might exist was something Ebner needed.

"Besides, the White Tower card is most likely hidden here! After all, this dream maze exists in the form of a tower, and coupled with the deliberate test of reasoning, this shouldn't be a coincidence…"

Ebner took a few deep breaths before he suppressed the desire in his heart. He knew that he would never be able to reach the first level no matter what. Even if he was lucky enough to get there, he would not be able to hold on to what he had obtained. This was because the uppermost level was probably the 'Multilayer Battle Mode Especially created by the Emperor!

Over the next few days, Ebner did his obligatory work, substituting classes at school and helping the island's inhabitants find lost objects. At night, he studied the Book of Ernos's Mystic Records, which he had obtained from the tower. His days were full.

Xio had also left early and returned late. She had been asking around for clues regarding the Sheriff potion's main ingredient. A day ago, she seemed to have obtained news of the Fearsome Demon Worm and was currently confirming it.

Mr. Gaston, on the other hand, spent 12 hours every day in the Dream Labyrinth. His neglect of food and sleep reminded Ebner of the internet-addicted youths who had died in internet cafes in his previous life.

The busy days flew by, and in the blink of an eye, it was Thursday night.

Due to the fact that a Beyonder gathering was being held, Mr. Gaston didn't enter the Dream Maze Tower. Instead, he came to the Sword and Fire Bar early and prepared the venue.

Ebner and Xio did not join him. Instead, they dressed separately and entered the secret room of the bar with the secret signal Mr. Gaston had told them beforehand.

Since they were in an island town, his formal attire was too eye-catching, so Ebner deliberately changed into a relatively clean sailor costume. His face was also smeared with the oil paint that sailors liked, and his hair was even messed up by him. He looked in the mirror and realized that he almost couldn't recognize himself, so he nodded in satisfaction.

However, when Ebner saw Xio on the back street of the bar, the corners of his mouth twitched in embarrassment. This was because Xio was dressed in the same manner as him! She wore the same old sailor suit, the same oil paint, and even her hair was messier than before. The only difference was that Xio was shorter than him, and this was the result of her padding.

If someone was dressed like this, it would be inconspicuous, but if the two of us were to stand there together, I would feel that it would appear even more special… Also, I don't know if it's an illusion, but Xio's attire is still considered decent, and I look a little more comical when I'm dressed like her? With this in mind, Ebner sighed inwardly.

"What are you looking at?" Xio felt that Ebner's gaze was a little strange. She looked down at her attire and didn't find any problems.

"Er, I just don't think there's a need for us to go in separately… Others will definitely think that we're in cahoots." It was too late to change his disguise now, so Ebner could only give up. As the saying goes, clothes clashing is not scary…

Xio didn't think that was a problem. After all, no one recognized the two of them. As long as their faces weren't remembered by the officials or pirates, nothing else mattered.

At 7: 55 p.m., with all his savings and a few newly made charms, Ebner stepped into the chamber where Mr. Gaston was holding his party with mixed feelings.

In the end, he still wore a black robe over his sailor suit and used the shadow of his hood to cover his face that was covered in paint.

845 pounds in cash, as well as five low-level charms. This is all my wealth. I wonder how much I'll have left after this gathering… Ebner found a seat and sat down as his thoughts raced. Then, he used the light of the candle in the chamber to scan the area.

Almost all of them were men… There weren't many women, and there were only two of them, excluding the rest. Then, which one of them was Miss Gwen?

After a few minutes, Mr. Gaston clapped his hands and said,

"Let's begin."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone spoke impatiently. It was a lady who was more than 1.8 meters tall. She was completely covered, but one could vaguely see the curves of her chest. She was also one of the two ladies Ebner had paid attention to previously.

She suppressed her voice and said,

"Is the friend who wanted to buy the crown jellyfish venom crystal here?"

"Here," a man sitting in the corner answered simply.

The tall lady was obviously relieved. She took out a box and said in an urgent tone, "I need a weapon that can restrain python-type creatures. Anything will do. It doesn't matter if it has a serious negative effect or only has a month or two! If there is one, it's yours!"

"I don't have such a weapon. Can I pay? I'm willing to pay 150 pounds!" the man in the corner asked after some thought.

The lady frowned. Just as she was about to answer, she heard Mr. Gaston say with a smile, "I have such a weapon. I can sell it to that gentleman for 150 pounds before letting him exchange it with you."

The tall lady was overjoyed but still asked cautiously, "What kind of weapon?"

Mr. Gaston organized his words and replied,

"Extraordinary creatures like snakes and pythons that live in dark caves usually fear light!"

"This is an arrow made from the feathers of the Holy Sunbird. I remember that you are good at using bows and arrows, so you should be able to control it."

"When it hits the target, it will ignite pure Holy Light Fire in the opponent's internal organs. It's very powerful, but unfortunately, it can only be activated once. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so cheap."

"At present, it will be effective for three months."

"If you are willing, you can exchange it now."

The tall lady and the man sitting in the corner looked at each other. They understood that the arrow was not worth that much money. There was quite a bit of premium. After all, from the description, it was only a one-time use item. But who asked them to have needs?

The lady looked around, hoping that someone else would participate in the bidding. Unfortunately, no one was willing to help. In the end, she could only grit her teeth and nod. "I'll trade!"

After witnessing this transaction, Ebner almost confirmed that this tall lady was the 'Gwen' he was looking for. Firstly, the Crown Jellyfish had also appeared in Gwen's Cave Adventures, one of the monsters led by the protagonist, Gwen. Secondly, according to this adventure book, her team had been wiped out by the Dragon-Eyed Python, and she was the only one who had escaped to seek revenge. This was also in line with the lady's request to purchase a weapon to restrain the python…

But how should he talk to this lady?

Just as Ebner lowered his head in thought, the transaction continued. Someone had bought a pair of mystical items known as the Boots of the Sea for 600 pounds. It allowed the wearer to move freely underwater for more than half an hour, and there was a limit to casting spells related to water. And a Beyonder ingredient named the fruit of the Tree of Elders was sold for 750 pounds at a staggering price.

According to the mysticism knowledge and the original content, Ebner knew that this Beyonder ingredient was likely one of the main ingredients for a Sequence 7 Psychiatrist.

Could the person who bought it be a member of the Psychology Alchemists? Ebner silently glanced at the lady who had taken away the fruit of the Tree of Elders. Yes, she was the last lady at the gathering apart from Xio and the tall lady.

"She's of medium height, slightly taller than Xio. Her face can't be seen, but her exposed hair is red… That's very unique! Of course, it might also be deliberately dyed in order to fool others." Ebner analyzed the situation before turning his attention back to the gathering. He was just used to being wary of Spectators, so he had no intention of interacting with them.

Some of the subsequent transactions were successful, while others failed. The former was less, while the latter was more. After all, most of the Beyonders who came to the gathering had clear goals and wouldn't waste money or resources.

Finally, when Ebner saw that no one was proposing a new deal, he said,

"I need accurate information on the Dragon-Eyed Python. 200 pounds!"

Just as he finished speaking, he felt the tall lady's gaze land on him.

3 chapters a day now, and point out if there's any mistake

ordinary_peoplecreators' thoughts