
Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction

A world thats rushing towards a dark ending. An slave traveler that yearns for his freedom. A fire that will consume anyone who stays behind. Will he be able to break the chains that bound him and reach the peak or will he just die like a sheep waiting to be slaughter. Wach him rise from the bottom and tries to discover why he came here. To save the world or rush it to that dark ending. This is a story of a traveler _________________________________________ Notes-Welcome to all new readers. This story was first published in the Novels section and only recently I have moved it to the fanfic part, in case you are wondering why there are two stories with the same name, that is why. I want to say that I am not a professional and that English is not my mother tongue so I hope you can forgive me for any spelling mistakes.

TheWitnes · Book&Literature
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352 Chs

Chapter 192: Request from the Most Dazzling Gem

Backlund, West Backlund, Philip's Department Store.

Philip's was one of the top-end department

stores in the Loen Kingdom. It only opened to nobles and wealthy people who were

qualified to be members.

There were always luxurious carriages parked outside with different emblems printed on them. Not only was it a safe place for shopping, but it also became a popular social venue due to the strict restriction on members.

Audrey brought her maidservant, Annie, and her golden retriever, Susie. She got off the carriage and walked through the entrance.

Along the way, she saw daughters of viscounts, countesses, or maidens with parents of high social status.

She maintained her elegance and greeted

them all gracefully. She used to have trouble doing this due to not knowing how to read the environment very well and the different topics of conversation that people liked but that was before, now she was a Spectator. A Beyonder specialized in reading people.

Just as she was finishing her greetings and was going to say goodbye gracefully, the youngest daughter of a Viscount stopped her.

"Miss Audrey, excuse the presumptuousness but we would like to know if you will attend Dutch Wilson's party."

One of her friends who had the same title as her poked her arm discreetly giving her a daring look but Audrey saw it easily.

A few days ago she had received an invitation from the famous Dutch Wilson for a party to celebrate his charity project in East Borough.

'He recently opened a big orphanage there, according to the newspaper, and Dad said it all cost over 30,000 pounds...'

Dutch had bought several pieces of land and the construction had been very fast. It is even said that he set a new record for building an orphanage in less than 30 days.

According to the most recent data, but which was known to be well below what it actually was, the number of homeless children in the East Borough was around 100,000.

With such a high rate of homeless children, what Dutch did was a true act of the heart and proof that nobles don't just care about themselves.

According to the revealed data, the orphanage could house more than 500 children, with all the services and necessities they might need.

It wasn't much, just a drop from the ocean but it was a big step forward for East Borough to get more help.

There was no opening date yet but it is said that it will open its doors on the 12th.

It is also said that he received help from the Church of the Evernight Goddess but no party had said anything.

<If the church had helped then they advertised it in all the papers.>

It was what her father had said when she asked him about it.

She had even overheard that Dutch received a visit from Archbishop Anthony to congratulate him and bless the orphanage but that was just a rumor.

Not wanting to waste too much time, Audrey answered.

"Dutch Wilson's party? Yes, I plan to attend."

If someone wanted to help as much as Dutch Wilson did then she would do whatever she could to help.

A young black-haired noblewoman asked just above a whisper.

"But Miss Audrey, aren't you afraid that what happened at the last party Dutch Willson organized will happen again?"

Audrey frowned slightly at the question causing the young woman who asked to freak out a little.

Looking at the young woman, Audrey spoke with grace and seriousness.

"The place of the party is in another Mansion with triple security not only from the police but also the churches. If you doubt the security of the party then you not only doubt the ability of the police but also the Churches. If you're so scared then you should just stay at home."

"Have a good evening and goodbye." Giving an elegant curtsy, lifting the hem of her light blue dress, Audrey turned and walked away.

At the suddenness of Backlund's Most Dazzling Gem, everyone present gaped at her, even her maid Annie.

Susie the dog just looked at them with pity in her eyes and went to her owner.

Realizing that she was falling behind, Annie ran to her madam.

"Wait for me, Miss Audrey!"

Left alone, the other girls looked at each other and communicating with their eyes, they sighed sadly.

They had lost all desire to buy.


Reaching for her Mistress, Maid Annie had a surprised look.

"Miss Audrey, what was that? What happened to the manners class? I knew it was a bad idea to drop those classes, we have to resume them as soon as possible!" She spoke quickly, nervous and uneasy. If what happened today was told she could be fired for letting her young master act like that!

Sighing, Audrey looked at her maid and shook her head slightly.

"Those girls won't dare talk about what happened and if they do they'll have to say why sweet Audrey Hall reacted like that."

"If they said that they were afraid of what could happen at the party, they would have a little empathy but they would also be judged because that would mean that they doubt the protection of the church."

"Besides, it wasn't a big deal, at no time did I raise my voice or insult them. You're overreacting." Audrey explained calmly causing Maid Annie to gape at her again.

When had her Young Master grown so much?!

Arriving on the second floor, Audrey turned into a shop that sold ready-made dresses.

The attendant in the shop was a petite maiden. She wore a black and white dress and had shoulder-length blonde hair. She was the Arbiter, Xio Derecha.

Audrey gave Susie a look without changing her facial expression. The dog understood what her owner meant immediately and ran to another counter.

Maidservant Annie went after Susie to try to

drag her back.

'Well done!' Audrey complimented inwardly and stood next to Xio Derecha, pretending to look at the different dresses.

"...Why did you arrange to meet me here?" Xio asked in a whisper as she presented the dresses out loud.

Her voice was tender, like a child's but there was a bit of annoyance in her tone.

The noblewoman had used the method they accepted to contact each other too suddenly and she came here in a rush.

"Where is the original attendant?" Audrey asked in response instead of answering her.

Xio looked around and said.

"I convinced her. She was happy to rest for the afternoon."

Audrey looked at the different styles of dresses as she took out a neatly folded piece of paper from her lambskin bag and secretly passed it to Xio.

"Rear Admiral Hurricane, Qilangos, snuck into Backlund. This is his portrait. I hope you can find him for me. Oh, and don't alert him."

Xio received the paper and unfolded it for a quick look. She saw that it was a realistic portrait of a man in his thirties who had a unique broad chin.

'I was once praised by my art teacher...' Audrey commented internally, proud of her artwork.

Seeing that Xio was doubtful, she added.

"The Kingdom offers a reward of thirty thousand pounds for Qilangos. If he were to be arrested, even the person that only provided clues would definitely be awarded with a few hundred pounds."

Just as she finished her sentence, she saw

Xio's eyes beam with joy, as she had expected.


Cherwood Borough, Backlund. House of Xio and Fors.

Entering through the door of his house, Xio had changed and was now wearing his normal clothes which were a white shirt, a black vest, and black pants and boots.

"Fors!" Calling out to her best friend but receiving no response, Xio could only sigh.

"This woman..." She mumbled angrily.

Going to Fors's room and opening the door, the smell of cigarettes hit her and she wrinkled her nose. If someone looked at her, they would say that she looked like a cat.

Lying on the bed in a simple nightgown was a very sound-asleep Fors. On the nightstand next to the bed was an ashtray that had a half-consumed cigarette.

"Fors..." Xio grunted but the only response she got was her friend's giggle.

"No Xio, that tickles..." Fors mumbled sleepily and Xio lost it.

Walking with heavy steps to the bed, she grabbed the pillow and yanked hard. Without having support, Fors's head fell and the sensation of falling woke Fors up, who let out a scream.

Looking at her short friend and seeing how furious she was, Fors laughed awkwardly.

"Go-Good morning my dear friend Xio... How much did you hear?"

The only response Fors received was a pillow to the face.


"So Qilangos?"

Fors asked looking into her friend's green eyes as she hugged her pillow and rested her head on it. She was sitting on the sofa.

Now they were in the living room but she was still wearing her nightdress.

Xio nodded.

"It is a commission from Miss Audrey, even if we only provide clues we will be paid several hundred pounds. And if we find him it will be much more."

Fors returned her blue eyes to the portrait on the table and frowned.

"An Admiral..." She murmured softly.

She returned her attention to Xio.

"We don't have to face him, we just have to find him." Xio responded as if she had read the writer's mind and knew her concerns.

"Sigh, great..." Fors sighed exaggeratedly, filled with relief.

But she frowned again.

"That doesn't mean it's not dangerous. If we look for it, there's a chance we'll find it and we'd be lost if that happens."

Although she was now Sequence 8 and Xio was Sequence 9, she doubted that they could survive Qilangos.

Looking at the stone bracelet on her wrist, Fors turned her attention to the remaining 3 stones...

"We will not investigate directly Fors. I have an informant who can help us and I also know a very effective detective." Xio explained to try to calm her friend down.

Fors nodded gently at that.

Xio looked down at the portrait on the table and her eyes were complicated.

A strange uneasy feeling settled in her stomach...

Sighing, Xio moved away from the wall and went to the kitchen to prepare a snack.

'If something happens I can always ask for his help...' She thought as the image of a masked man appeared in her mind.

Having a very dangerous and somewhat crazy friend had its advantages.

If she told Fors her plan B, Xio was sure she would faint.