
Lord of Monsters in the apocalypse

In the blink of an eye, the entire world underwent a seismic shift, triggered by a heedless scientist's inadvertent creation of a portal leading to an alternate dimension. This rift heralded the arrival of formidable beings known as Mutants, who initially displayed an inclination towards peaceful exploration of Earth, with intentions to return to their home planet. However, an unfortunate turn of events saw some Mutants succumb to madness, instigating a devastating conflict with humanity. In their desperate bid to resist, the human race quickly discerned the futility of their weaponry against the formidable powers wielded by the Mutants. As the precipice of defeat loomed, a handful of benevolent Mutants, distanced from the upheaval, opted to bequeath their powers unto humankind, ultimately aiding them in prevailing against their adversaries. With the conflict concluded, the world transitioned into an era where one's Mutant ranking became the linchpin determining their identity and shaping their future. Amidst this transformed landscape stood a young man named Xiao Yang, a victim of the chaos that had laid waste to his world. He embarked on an enigmatic quest, which, upon its completion, granted him access to a system. This system presented him with peculiar tasks, instrumental in his ascent towards greater strength and proficiency. However, one fateful day, Xiao received a disconcerting notification:[WARNING: YOUR SOUL POINTS ARE DEPLETING] [TO REPLENISH POINTS, CONSUME A HUMAN SOUL] [-1 SOUL POINT PER HOUR UNTIL A SOUL IS CONSUMED]

Quiet_max · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Soul Points

A teenage boy with spiky brown hair sprinted through the school hallway, determination etched across his face.

"Hey, watch it, d*ckhead," someone yelled.

"Out of the way, loser," another voice taunted.

Xiao kept bumping into people along the way, each collision accompanied by a barrage of curses.

Yet, Xiao paid it no mind; his thoughts consumed by something else entirely.

Breathless, he dashed into his dorm room, collapsing onto his bed.

The room was a compact space, just enough for two beds and a small closet.

Xiao's roommate was seldom present, avoiding association with the school's supposed 'loser'.

This didn't faze Xiao; solitude was often his preference.

[Daily Task Status: 1/3]

[Run 10km: Completed]

[Reward: 5 exp + 1 attribute point][Exp 5/100]

Without dwelling on the notifications, Xiao reached for a small cube-like device, checking the messages he'd missed.

The Cube served as the ubiquitous mobile device in this world.

( Hey Xiao, where's the delivery?)

( You know how angry I get when you arrive late?!)

( Seems you didn't learn your lesson from last time )

(I'll make sure I kill you when I find you ).

As he read Liu's texts, Xiao's palm grew damp, a testament to his anxiety.

He had a mission, a task that required him to retrieve a package from the Arc Two of the Mutant Academy for Liu.

The Academy had been divided into three Arcs to accommodate aspiring mutants worldwide.

Xiao was in Arc One, a mere 30-minute journey from the others.

'What am I going to do? Liu is probably out looking for me,' Xiao thought, sweat cascading down his face like a waterfall.

'If I delay any longer, the situation will worsen. I'll have to face him and explain. He'll believe me, right?' Xiao reassured himself, rushing out of his dorm room once more.


In the abandoned chamber where the metallic doll lay, Mei continued to puzzle over recent events.

'If he truly completed the level, then the powers must have transferred to him,' Mei mused, curiosity etched on her features.

'I have to find him and ask him.'


Xiao raced to the rooftop, their customary meeting spot, but found it deserted.

'Where could he be?' Xiao descended and scoured the area he believed they might be, but to no avail.

Finally, he reached the football pitch.

A training session was underway; students crowded the sidelines, chanting one name.

Liu! Liu! Liu!

Pushing through, Xiao eventually stood before the figure he'd sought.

Liu paused, turning to meet Xiao's gaze.

Xiao's heart pounded; their eyes locked.

'Is he going to punish me here in front of all these people?' Xiao feared, feeling an inexorable pull towards Liu.

It was Liu's Platinum 4 Telekinesis, a mere illusion of a grip.

"Well, well, look who finally decided to join us," Liu's smile lacked sincerity.

"What does Liu want with that dude?" a female student inquired.

"Don't know. Check it out. It's the guy with no skill slot," another girl pointed at Xiao's waist.

"I guess he's in deep sh*t."Xiao felt warmth spread down his legs as fear took hold.

Last time, he'd only been late, and he'd endured a brutal beating. What awaited him now after three days?



Mid-stammer, a punch struck his face, blood spilling from his mouth.

Xiao crumpled, clutching his throbbing cheek.

The watching students made no move to intervene or summon help.They laughed and gossiped instead.

"Pick him up, boys. I'm not done with him," Liu directed, and two hefty friends complied, holding Xiao in place.

'Liu won't show any mercy. He's going to kill me right here and now. I have to defend myself,' Xiao thought desperately,

'System, how do I use an ability?'Ajax, seeing Draco's fist heading toward him, waited for the system's response: 'Time Freeze, Activate!'

[Time Freeze Activated]In an instant, time stood still.

Liu's fist hung inches from his face, the students frozen as if turned to stone.

Xiao had only seconds.

Freeing his arms, he launched a counterpunch at Liu's face.


The strike landed, pushing Liu back.

[Time Freeze Deactivated]

The crowd marveled at Xiao's sudden burst of speed and reflexes.

"One second he was held down, and the next he's free and throwing punches," a student remarked.

"Did you see that speed?" another added.

"Of course, and he doesn't even have a skill slot," a third replied in astonishment.

Liu, now recovered, approached Xiao.

"First, you ignored my task. Second, you didn't report back. Now you've hit me. You're finished, Xiao Yang!" Liu seethed.

He drew his arm back for another strike.


Mid-swing, a figure intercepted, catching Liu's fist.

The newcomer, with tousled white hair and a sturdy build, was like a heartthrob from a high school movie.

His name was Sun Sage.Still gripping Liu's hand, Sun's grip tightened.


A sickening snap echoed as Liu cried out in pain.

"Are we done here?" Sun inquired, his voice dripping with confidence.

Liu wasted no time in fleeing once Sun released his grip.

"Are you okay, mate?" Sun asked Ajax, genuine concern etched on his face.

Xiao nodded, then hastened back to his dorm, unwilling to be seen alongside Sun.

He feared the contrast in looks would be too stark.

As Xiao approached his dorm, a notification window materialized.

[You displayed courage and stood your ground, even though victory was uncertain.]

[Here's something to lift your spirits.][A new ability has been unlocked.]

[Super Fast Healing: Description - User can regenerate and heal critical injuries. Requires -2 soul points per use.]

[Reward for your bravery: 50 exp][Your soul points are running low.]

[You need to consume a soul to restore points.]

[-2 soul points per hour if not consumed.]