
Entrance Exam

After visiting his maternal grandmother at the hospital, the boy left for Osaka without even meeting his father or his other siblings. When Fuyumi reported to Enji, he flared up in anger for a second, "he dares to look down on me, the Endeavor?" before calming down as Fuyumi said, "he decided to join U.A. high school, next year."

"I guess he decided not to be a coward like his mother, after all," Enji commented after hearing that the boy will move to Musutafu city starting from next year and hoped his wife will also do the same.

Fuyumi swallowed the words "it's because of All Might," as she feared it would raise his anger further because everyone in the family knew that Shoto was a fan of All Might and regards him as his idol despite getting trained harshly. According to Enji, Shoto's existence itself is a tool to surpass All Might.

10 months later, Osaka, Mayo residence.

Hattori Mayo, elder brother of Rei Todoriki, spoke while reading the invitation, "Hiro kun, you sure, you want to reject the recommendation?"

"Yes, I don't need the chance that man provided me. I will participate in the general entrance exam and prove my abilities," The 15-year-old boy replied while looking at him seriously.

A couple of weeks later, Hiro was standing outside of their house along with his uncle. Rei then said, "I'll come with you to send you off at the Airport."

Hiro then replied, "C'mon mom, I'm not going to Europe or something. It's just a city near Tokyo. It's hardly two hours away by plane. Moreover, I'll visit you once every month," then, as Rei is about to tear up, "fine, every week, Ok? Now, send me off with a smile," Hiro consoled while hugging her.

Then, she said, "go and become a great Hero like your grandfather. If possible..."

"I'll look after my younger brother at school. Don't worry about it," as Hiro reassured her, she apologized, "I'm sorry that..."

Hiro interrupted her, "don't. That man is the one who should apologize, not you." After a while, both of them left the Airport and this time, after landing, Hiro directly went to the hotel in Musutafu city without meeting the steward of Todoroki family who was supposed to pick him up.

The next day, he stood before U.A. High school and entered the building along with everyone else. As he sat down on an empty seat inside a dark environment large auditorium filled with seats, voice Hero, the Present Mic appeared and started explaining the rules.

Then, after that, everyone gathered at different battle centers designated for each group for the practical test of the entrance exam. While Bakugo and others designated to battle center A Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, and others designated for battle center B, Hiro, and others designated to battle center C.

As soon as the gates opened, students rushed into the battle arena and started looking for robotic villains to destroy as many as they can to rack up the points within the allotted 10 minutes. The teachers were observing the battle arenas in the monitors and discussing the possible candidates.

The principal, Nezu spoke, "it's first come, first served. The examinees have not been informed of the number of villains or their locations. They have a limited amount of time in such a vast area. They have to draw out the villains from there. They need information gathering ability, mobility, calm minded at all times and of course, combat ability is a must. Only those who use these four abilities well can gather points quickly and come on top."

Then, a teacher spoke while looking at the monitors, "doesn't this year look promising. In addition to those recommended candidates. This freezing kid from the battle center C and this explosion kid from battle center A seem exceptional, what are their names?"

"Katsuki Bakugo and Hiroto Todoroki," Nezu replied as he kept on staring at the monitor that is showing Hiro's movements. While everyone was wondering the same thing, All Might asked, "Todoroki? Is he related to Endeavor?"

"It's his son, exactly. Older twin of Shoto Todoroki," Nezu replied which surprised everyone sitting in the room.

Then, one of the teachers spoke, "now that I think about it, I remember a rumor that Endeavor's wife gave birth to twins, while the younger one was born healthy, the older twin was born dead."

"C'mon, don't kid around, how are they, twins? They don't look alike at all", a staff of U.A. spoke earning a glare from Nezu and shut his mouth.

All Might then asked, "so, is he the sixth recommendation candidate?"

"Yes, although for some reason, this hidden son of Enji didn't attend the recommendation exam and took the general examination instead. I already did a background check on him. It seems he and his mother were living with her brother at Osaka for the past thirteen years. I think they have family issues. There have been reports that Hiroto even assisted Pro Heroes to catch a few D-rank Villains, a few times in the past."

Meanwhile, Hiro was freezing every Villain robot he saw while moving fast by sliding on the Ice road he made before him and also saving a few in the process. After the eighth minute passed, the Faculty members press the "Yakuri Switch" and released the Gigantic Villain robots to create a desperate situation among the examinees and wanted to check whether they will face them like a true Hero or just run away as they were only worth zero points.

Hiro who saw the Giant Villain robot mumbled, "no matter the size, in the end, it's just a brainless, no intelligence robot and doesn't know how to dodge. That means..." Hiro put his hands on the ground and froze his surroundings including the buildings around and the Giant robot. After freezing it, Hiro left the place and started to look for the point robots leaving a few examinees in shock who saw it from a safe distance.

Meanwhile, in battle center B, as Uraraka was trapped under the rubble, Filled with adrenaline, Midoriya conjures the power of One For All and uses it to leap high into the air and deliver a powerful smash to destroy the giant robot and made everyone awe seeing his raw strength. As the teachers praised his self-sacrifice, All Might nodded with a smile and thought, "I'm right to choose him as my successor, after all."

A week later, Hiro received an envelope from the school. As he opened the letter, Hiro was taken aback to see a holographic projection of a short man who appears to be a possible combination of several different animals, including a dog, a mouse, and a bear, which would make him a chimera.

"hmm, hello, my name is Nezu, the principal of the U.A. High school. We are delighted to inform you that you passed the entrance test with flying colors. The school term starts on the first week of April, please report to the school before then. Goodbye."

Hiro was shocked to see that weird little creature was the principal of the number one academy in the country.

Meanwhile, at Todoroki Abode, "Shoto, your brother will soon be going to join the U.A. Getting along with him is fine but you need to be ahead of him at all times. Don't forget what your goal is," Enji Todoroki alias Endeavor spoke to Shoto who was staring at him blankly without any expression.

"He's just an Ice user and I have Fire and Ice quirks, my starting point itself is way ahead of him. He's just another pebble on the road I'm walking. As far as I have concerned, he's only the son of you and his mom, not my brother," Shoto replied with no change in his expression as if what is he saying is natural.

After Shoto walked away from there, Enji mumbled, "I wonder about that. After all, he was personally trained by those two cowards and yet powerful Ice quirk users." Then, he looked at the news from a few years ago in the Tablet. The headline says, "a massive outbreak of prisoners in Osaka was stopped by a 10-year-old boy?" Enji saw a picture below it containing several low-level prisoners frozen.

As the first week of April arrived, Hiro left the hotel and took a cab to the school. After reaching it, he went through the 1st year block and started looking for his class. As he stood in front of a huge door that says, 1A, Hiro pushed the door aside and entered the classroom.