
Lord Of Hunters - Hunter X Hunter

Axel wakes up in the world of Hunter x Hunter; he was an avid reader of the series and always wanted to be a hunter and Nen user himself. With a system and an ability, he wants to create his own destiny. For Support and Early Chapters, Check out my patreon page. www.patreon.com/Adenlia - My original book Journey of the Mystic: Sands of Destiny https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C5TZN29Y

Adenlia · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Chapter 114 - Protect Us

Axel and the group entered the forest, and he activated his En ability to protect the group from any potential danger. The forest was dense with tall trees that were intertwined with vines and moss. The leaves of the trees had a deep green hue, and the forest floor was covered in a thick layer of leaves and branches.

As they walked deeper into the forest, they could hear the chirping of various birds. The forest was home to a wide variety of bird species, and the air was filled with their beautiful melodies. They could see colorful parrots, toucans, and hummingbirds flying around the trees, and some birds were even perched on branches, observing the group as they walked.

The forest was also home to some predators, and Axel kept his En active to make sure they were not caught off guard. They could see large, cat-like creatures with sharp teeth and claws lurking in the shadows. Some monkeys were also swinging from tree to tree, and they could hear the sounds of their playful chatter.

Overall, the forest was a beautiful and vibrant ecosystem with a diverse range of flora and fauna. Axel and the group continued to walk, enjoying the sights and sounds of the forest while remaining alert to any potential danger. Axel turns to Navi as they make their way through the dense forest of Dorian Island. "Navi, have you heard of the Phymen and Fleck creatures that are said to inhabit this island?" he asks.

Navi nods and says, "Yes, Phymen is a human-sized praying mantis with sharp claws and a powerful ability to control Nen. It's said to be one of the most dangerous creatures on this island. Fleck, on the other hand, is a relatively unknown creature. It's said to be elusive and rarely seen; it is said to be a small but fast creature."

Axel nods, taking in the information. "We need to be careful then," he says, tightening his grip on his weapon. "I'll make sure to keep using En to protect the group as we make our way through the island."

Navi nodded as the team went on. Ely did not forget to use her abilities on the ground and in the trees.

Her ability Watcher works some sort of camera; she touches a solid ground and then places a small, invisible eye on the ground she touched.

After being placed, Ely is able to watch everything from her Watcher eye because she focused on these kinds of abilities. She has reached her limit of placing Watcher eyes more than one hundred times with great tactical use of the Watcher ability.

The things would be too much easier; it would not be to be expected that to search and have control of a place via Watcher Eyes.

In all cases, she is a valuable asset.

"So, Axel, I am wondering how you were able to improve this quickly. The last time I saw you, your energy felt ten times weaker, and now, you are most likely stronger than me and capable of beating me."

Axel just chuckled and said nothing for two seconds before finding something to say.

"You know, Ekail, I cannot talk about my secrets. But you can be sure that it was not easy."

Ekail nodded and said nothing more. It does not make any sense to keep looking through to the secrets of Axel, as it is not something good at all.

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