
Lord of dead logic

I got reincarnated into a fantasy world. Where people don't seem to find anything wrong with my words. Hey shopkeeper can you give me some potatoes for free? Why? Because I am hungry. That makes sense here you go. What would happen now let us go on an adventure to find out.

Chuckleswamy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Milo's death

Nothing unusual happened in the next few days.

Nothing unusual according to the villagers that is.

Rohan on the other hand had started with his investigations of his peculiar ability.

He went to as many villagers as he could and tried talking to them one by one.

Some of them failed badly where he was on the verge to get a beating, but most of them gave him a great surprise.

"So, I can pretty much tell how my ability works. If you can even call it an ability"

"I have already experimented on the villagers, so I think I should be ready now"

He goes to the hut next door.

'Tak, tak, tak'

"Uncle Agnes are you inside."


"Rohan what is it?"

"Uncle Agnes can I come in?"

"Yes, please do..."

After getting in and seeing Betty was not around, Rohan directly gets to the point.

"Uncle Agnes I need your help."

"Hmm what for little Rohan?" asks Agnes.

"I need your help to capture Milo."

"What? don't you know he has bandits backing him?"

"I know uncle but I still think we should capture him."

"Why?" asked Agnes again.

'This is it...' Rohan mutters before speaking.

"Because Milo is a very bad guy and he wants to harm the village."

"Hmm... you are right, that does make sense but..."

before he could complete his sentence Rohan continues.

"And we will make sure to not let the bandits know about it."



Milo was sitting in his room, looking at something with a greedy smile on his face 'soon the village will be destroyed and then... he he he'

He enjoys himself with his selfish thoughts before finally putting the item in the box and getting out of his hut.

The first thing he does after getting out of the hut is move to the forest.

And of course, he was being followed by Rohan.

While he was experimenting with his abilities Rohan always kept an eye on Milo. The villagers would never talk to Milo and would just move away and curse at him whenever they saw him. Milo would just look at them with contempt and do his own work. The same work that he would do every day.

Milo would go deep into the forest and dig a hole in a particular area.

Rohan found this habit of his because Milo never missed a single day of doing it. Even though villagers would not pay attention to Milo because of their bias against him. Rohan was different, he knew this bastard was up for no good. Along with that, Rohan also found that for some reason, the beasts would suddenly disappear whenever Milo entered the forest. He never faced a single beast in all these days.

Today, as Milo entered deep into the forest, he was suddenly stuck with a big stick from behind a tree. Before he could get his balance from the first attack he was attacked again, and again and again, again and again.

"It seems Agnes was really holding back"

"Uncle Agnes please stop we can't kill him just yet."

Agnes stops hitting Milo who was already out of consciousness.

He looks at Rohan and nods.

They tie Milo up before waking him up.

slap, slap, "wake up you bastard?"

Rohan slaps him a few times before he finally regains consciousness.

"You... how dare you hit me; I will have the bandit leader kill..."

Slap, slap, slap

With another three slaps Milo does not dare to continue his words.

"Listen up you bastard, if you want to live just tell us what we want or we will kill you right here" Rohan tries to threaten him.

"Go to hell you can't kill me; nobody can kill me"



'Why didn't he trust my words?'

'It's pretty clear we can kill him here. Then why does he not believe my words?'


'He does not fear death? But how could that be?'

A person like Milo should be the first one to lose his shit on the face of death, then why doesn't he fear death?

'If that's the case then'

"Uncle Agnes let's kill him."

"What?" Agnes looks at him clearly surprised.

The plan was to capture Milo and get information about the bandits from him.

But suddenly Rohan wants to kill Milo.

Rohan says "Uncle Milo, you heard him, he won't tell us anything about the bandits so it's better that we kill him. And I want to kill the person who backstabbed my father."

As if those words ignited a flame in Agnes' heart he nods heavily.

'There is no change…' while he was talking, Rohan had his full attention on Milo's expression and from what he saw one thing was clear.

'He is not afraid of death'

With that he takes out a knife that he had 'borrowed' from one of the villagers and decisively stabs Milo before he could respond.



Before the two of them could respond, a screech came out of Milo's body and a dark flame appeared that burned his body, turning it into nothingness.

Both Rohan and Agnes' were shocked when they saw this scene.

What the hell just happened.

My sincere thanks to all those readers who have added this story into their collections. I will continue to work harder in order to make it a wonderful story. Thank you.

Chuckleswamycreators' thoughts