
Lord Of A World: I Have A Group Chat As My Cheat!!

Alaric embarks on a journey to the realm of Lords, where everyone possesses the potential to ascend to godhood. However, this lofty goal proves challenging for Alaric, a mere traveler in this unfamiliar world. Unlike the native, who possess innate talents after awakening, Alaric lacks such abilities. Despite this, he manages to awaken as a Lord, albeit without any inherent talents. But determined to pursue his dream of becoming great at the risk of his life, Alaric's fortunes take a turn when his long-awaited cheat finally manifests! ...... For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 37: Opening Up New Territories!

Territorial deed order?

It was actually brushed out! ?

Alaric was a little surprised.

As a lord, of course, it is impossible to only have a territory in the Void Source Realm.

Heading to the Endless Continent, all maps can be occupied.

After occupying it, you can permanently retain the entrance and exit connecting this resource point to the Source Realm territory, and you can enter and leave here at any time.

In this way, the map quota of the Territory Gate will not be occupied. Normally, when the Territory Gate is opened, only four maps can be searched.

Once it is refreshed without occupying it, the next time you want to enter this map, you can only rely on your luck.

After occupying those maps on the Endless Continent as your own territory.

Depending on the map, you can also get certain additional gains every day.

Most importantly, that area will be considered your own territory.

Soldiers can be stationed there.

Buildings can be placed outside.

It is equivalent to a small stronghold on the endless continent.

In the later stage, you can even directly occupy large areas of land on the endless continent.

Not just developing into a stronghold, but directly developing into a town, a big city, or even a dynasty!

The forces developed on the Endless Continent are truly used to strive for hegemony.

The territory on the Void Source World is the last base camp, the core of the lord, and their last hope.

Of course, as a new lord, Alaric didn't think so far ahead.

For him, occupying the map of the Cemetery of Sighs.

Mainly because it is suitable for his demon slayer team to hunt monsters for leveling.

Having one more fixed spot to spawn monsters is just a convenience for him.

"Exactly, Shinobu, you have just arrived, and your level is still level one."

"Your abilities can also be used and should have great effect in the Cemetery of Sighs. Come join us to farm monsters and upgrade!"

Alaric invited.

Of course, this is actually an order.

As his heroic unit, Shinobu agreed without any hesitation.


Due to the special circumstances triggered, Alaric also had to go to the map of Endless Continent in person.

This was his first time setting foot on the Endless Continent.

His first impression.

It's just vast.

Unlike the territory in the Void Source Realm.

At a glance, there is a chaotic void at the end.

If it wasn't an emergency, he would be happy to spend some time here enjoying the beautiful scenery.

The three led by the soldiers walk to the depths of the cemetery, to an abandoned manor full of skeletons.

The order to refresh the territory contract is suspended in mid-air not far ahead.

Territory Contract Order, a special prop similar to a parchment.

They exist in every map in Endless Continent, and the number varies depending on the size of the map.

The probability of refreshing the territorial contract order is extremely low, and the difficulty of refreshing it is extremely troublesome.

You need to keep spawning monsters on this map, killing more elites, killing more bosses, and even killing the map boss here to have a chance of appearing.

But the location where it appears is not dropped by killing, but appears randomly at any location on the map after meeting the conditions.

Even after it appears, there is no prompt, and you don't know whether you have obtained the contract after swiping so many monsters.

So you can only rely on pure luck.

Occasionally, it will be refreshed in some places that are not suitable as territories.

For example, under the sea, at the bottom of a lake, high in the sky, on the edge of a cliff, inside a volcano, or some strange places.

In that case, even if you encounter it, you won't be able to capture it.

All they can do is wait for the territorial contract order to disappear, and then try their luck elsewhere.

But this time, the territory contract order appeared in a pretty good position.

This is a large manor. Although it has been abandoned, with a little construction, it can become glorious again.

"Haha, Shuna-chan, you have done a great job!"

Excited, Alaric waved his hand and slapped the pink-haired girl's buttocks, eliciting a cry.

If it weren't for the other person, she would have screamed.

However, Shinobu stood nearby, which made her feel embarrassed and could only glare at Alaric angrily.

This man, ever since he found her sensitive spot, has always found excuses to touch her, wanting to see her embarrassed.

Humph, Keqing-chan is right, he is a big perverted scumbag!

Alaric didn't pay attention to Shuna's eyes.

Of course, if he knows the girl's inner thoughts, he will definitely be more excited and a 'fight' might ensue.

Anyway, Alaric reaches out to trigger this suspended parchment.

[Congratulations on discovering the territorial deed of the Cemetery of Sighs. Do you want to occupy it? ]

[Tip: During the occupation process, all units on the map will be targeted, and a flood of attacks will be formed to continuously attack this place! ]

"Get ready for all parts!"

"The Great Oni Swordsman is the main force and needs to withstand the impact of all enemies."

"The Oni Fire User will provide stable output in the rear, while paying attention to the battlefield and providing timely assistance to the front line."

"The Demon Slayer Soldier will hide on the side. You have extra lethality against the enemies. So come out at the critical moment!"

"Shinobu, your level is still low now. Try to find some ordinary monsters to bring your level up later. Don't rush ahead in the early stages."

"Shuna, you are already level 16, and you will take the lead in this battle."

Obtaining a Deed of Occupation Order is a lengthy process.

So before confirming, Alaric first arranged all parties.

His level is only 12 now, but his command value is already 37 points.

There are a total of 370 soldiers under his command.

It's not a large scale, but for a new lord, it's definitely starting to take shape.

200 elite Great Oni Swordsman, 70 insect user demon slayer soldiers, and 100 Oni fire users.

More than 70% of them are already at level 15, and the rest are all at level 10 or above.

After all, soldier unit upgrades are relatively simple.

Soldiers rely more on numbers than individual strength.

However, Alaric's soldiers are not weak in individual strength. After all, they are all equipped with powerful skills and equipment.

After they are ready.

Alaric started to occupy the contract.

Bind the contract to the heart of the source world in his own source world territory through his power as a lord.

Let this contract gradually bear his mark!



The light bloomed and the contract was officially signed.

"The grand project of opening up new territories and expanding our territory starts from the land beneath our feet! Kill them!"

At the same time, the entire Cemetery of Sighs seemed to be shaking a bit.

Then the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling came out.

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty cemetery monsters spawned a hundred meters away, charging towards them.

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