
Lord Frieza incarnate in Gensokyo

-=| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story |=- Synopsis : A playboy weeb from our world, that doesn't know anything about Touhou, gets Frieza-sama powers and the appearance of Killua Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter, then gets isekai-ed to Touhou Project world. Note: From chapter 36, 'High school DxD' will be initiated. Read According To Your Status : _If you KNOW what Touhou is > In case you find incorrect information in the story, it’s not like I didn’t know about it and was making things, but I've deliberately changed it to fits my story or it can be the characters themselves didn't know about it, it’s not like they have a freakish wiki about their world or anything. You might also found new characters or additional information about the world itself. _If you DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > The MC himself doesn't know a damn about it, so there is no information requirement to read this story. _If you KNOW who Frieza is > Come here buddy, you’ve found what you're looking for ( ° ͜ʖ °), but you JUST have to endure until chapter 10 and you'll get what you want. (─‿‿─) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is > …Just type his freakish name in google, but i’ve made sure to explain everything about him in the story, so you don’t need to read his wiki page, just marvel at our Lord Frieza in Youtube and come back here :D. _If you KNOW who Frieza is and you also KNOW what Touhou is > Read this, i’m confident in my work ;) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is and you also DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > Well, give me your damn brain, you’re basically gonna read a new novel. _If you KNOW or DON’T KNOW who Killua Zoldyck is > It doesn't matter, you only need to see his image on the thumbnail(He's the kid in front of frieza.) or google image, and you're good to go. -=| DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE CHARACTERS APPEARANCES IN GOOGLE. |=- /* Search someting Like this : ('name of the character' Touhou) */ And you should find official or fanmade illustrations of that character. -= AUTHOR COMMENTS =- So, I've just got this idea in my mind for a while now, and decided to write it out. I've accumulated chapters and edited everything to get a good foundation before publishing this. HOWEVER, if this will continue or not... it all depends on you guys. I'm basically a lazy person by default, so if I don't see any comments, review etc... I won't write anything. IN OTHER WORDS, you're the ones who will get me to write new chapters, and I wish you good luck in that, if you want a hint... then you should start by having at least 10 comments in every chapter and with reviews of course. And I promise that I will read every single comment, so you don’t have to worry about that... after all, that’s my only entertainment in writing this story. *Wink* English is not my mother language, in fact it's so far from it and considering that i know 4 other languages, which means it's 6 languages in total, thus i can't help confusing beetween them, so spare me the grammar, vocabulary etc... but it's definitely readable, i try my best here, you know? if you can read this Synopsis then you will be able to read my story, this, i can at least guarantee it for you. Also, if you're a kid or don't like swearing words, you should probably avoid my book =] . And finally, if you want to try this book, then you have to absolutely at least read the Foundation Volume before you decide anything about the story, the Foundation Volume is basically the first 10 chapters of the book, they are constructed in a way that... well, you'll find the answer in chapter 10. If you didn't read them and still leave my book, then you are just ignoring a good story (;一_一) Anyway, Enjoy.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 9

Gensokyo - The Scarlet Devil Throne Hall

Somewhere in the middle of The Scarlet Devil Mansion... there exists the Lord room or The Scarlet Devil Throne Hall.

This is the hall that the current Scarlet family's lord, Remilia Scarlet, meets her honored guests, holds formal appointments or simply when she wants to direct her staff and the residents of her house when necessary.

This hall, never mind it's furniture, even the quality of the floor will make almost every human in the world marvel at its exquisite and finely traced glossy marble.

That was just how noble and majestic this hall was compared to the rest of the house.

And in the middle-back of the hall, there was a magnificent throne that you can reach after you walk over the long, crimson silk-carpet, and the stairs just above it.

Currently the throne is empty, and no one can be seen in the hall.

However, suddenly something came through the entrance of the hall.

*Flap* *Flap*

It was a small and black creature.

*Flap* *Flap*

If you look closely, you would know that it was a bat.

*Flap* *Flap*

The small bat flew directly to the throne.

*Flap* *Flap* *Flap*

And as soon as it reached it, it suddenly changed its direction and flew up high towards the ceiling.

*Flap* *Flap*

As it was nearing a huge circular window near the ceiling... there, a silhouette was hovering just a few centimeters from it.

*Flap* *Flap*

As it was dark, it's impossible to notice it from the floor level.

*Flap* *Flap*

And after the bat gets close enough...


Finally, we can see the identity of that silhouette.

*Flap* *Flap*

It was a girl,

But she's not just any girl, she's the very master of this noble mansion and the current head of the Scarlet Family, Remilia Scarlet.

*Flap* *Flap*

Her height however is "short" and is of a child not having reached the age of 13.


She has red eyes, short light-blue hair and a light-pink mob cap with a red ribbon decorated with white stripes. She wears a light-pink dress with a red ribbon on both sleeves, a large red ribbon behind her waist with white stripes and a necklace featuring a Caduceus-like centerpiece. She also has a pair of large black bat-like wings on her back with a wingspan wider than her height.

*Flap* *Flap*

And she's also currently leisurely drinking a glass of crimson wine using one hand, while the other hand is folded behind her lower back, all the while staring through the window to the crimson sky.

*Flap* *Flap* *Tap*



The moment the bat reached her, he immediately went to her shoulder as he landed skillfully before turning to her, while Remilia was unfazed, as she continued to sip on her wine.




As the two remained in that position for a few minutes.

"...I see, so Sakuya has lost."

*Tzz* *Tzz*

As soon as Ramilia said that, the bat slowly dissipated into black particles, before it disappeared completely.


She then took another sip as if nothing happened, before a satisfied smile adored her face.

"It seems everything went as planned."


She slowly took another sip, before speaking again.

"...Let's hope that she will open up to others even a little after this."

And just as she was about to take another sip…

*Step* *Step* *Step*

*Step* *Step* *Step*

She heard two people's footsteps from the entrance.

*Stir* *Stir*


In response, she lowered her hand, and began to slowly stir the liquid in it, as she said amused.

"Now, I just need to lose like a proper Villain... but I can enjoy this for a little, can't I?"

*Step* *Step* *Step*

*Step* *Step* *Step*

"Woah-ze, look at this place, Reimu-ze."

"Be quiet, stupid Marisa."


As she heard their voice, her smile turned into a smirk and continued to sip her wine.


As she took her last sip, she placed the glass near the window, before she turned around and said.

"Let the dance begin."

*Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz* *Tzz*

As soon as those words left her mouth, the entire hall was filled with crimson danmaku balls and the place was immediately lit.


"...so you've finally shown yourself, Remilia Scarlet."

"Aha! If it isn't the Hakurai Maiden, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Remilia bowed elegantly as she lifted the sides of her dress.

"S-So you're the one called Remi-ze."

"From your hospitality... I take it you wouldn't obediently remove the Mist?"

"Haha, Isn't it obvious? That Mist will consume all Gensokyo, and it will eventually become mine."

"Damn it-ze!"

"Sigh, fine then, i'll just exterminate you and be done with this."

"..." "Smirk"


After that, Reimu and Marisa managed to defeat Remilia Scarlet and successfully force her to remove the Mist, but they didn't know that the Vampire had predicted this long before the Incident had even started, and that all of them were just playing into her hands since the beginning.

Well… except a certain boy, and just like Reimu and Marisa, she also doesn't know about it yet.


Gensokyo - The Scarlet Devil Mansion Guest Hall

-= MC's Point of View =-


"Alright, this is far enough."

I said as I found myself hovering in a spacious and nicely furnished hall-like room.

'Sigh, I lost myself right there...'

I thought as I grimaced inwardly.

But how could they have treated her like that? She just wants to play, you know? Why not let a little girl play around?

And I was just starting to enjoy it too...


While I was talking to myself, Flandre that was in my arms, suddenly hugged me.

"thank... you..."


See? She's just a cute little girl that wants to play around, they just wouldn't leave her alone and treated her like a damn monster.

*Hugs tightly*

"*Sniff* *Hic*"

"...it's okay now, Flandre..."

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

'Fuck them all! they made her cry! maybe I should kill them after all?!'

*Rumble* *Rumble*

I thought enraged as I began patting her head.

'Calm down! Damn it! Why am I releasing Ki while holding a little girl?!'

"*Sniff* *Sniff*"

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

"There, There..."

'Besides, what if they were her only family or something?'

Sigh, I just got Isekai-ed and the next day I'm already thinking about killing people? I guess that lunatic memories are really something...i must be aware about this from now on, those memories have really affected me somehow.

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

"Flandre, it's okay now."

I said gently as I continued to pat her.

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

"That's right! Let's continue, i'll play with you however much you want!"


"Hmm? What is it Flandre?"

"No… I want to stay like this… *Sniff*"

"...I see."

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

'I don't know what's going on in her family, but I can't ignore this, not letting her play is tolerable… but locking her underground? Sorry, but I don't like it, this BIG Bro doesn't like that shit, NOT AT ALL.'

But, what should i do? What if I interfere and make it worse for her? Should I just go back home and take her back with me now? But isn't that abduction?

'If it's for her well being, I don't give a damn about 'abduction', I'll just mesh any poor souls that came after me.'

*Looks around*

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

While I looked around, I could see a garden to the outside of the hall.


*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

I then hovered slowly towards it, while I kept on patting her.



I landed in it's entrance, and searched for a good spot.

"This is a good place."

I found a Cherry blossom tree in a slightly elevated area inside the garden.


I looked towards Flandre, I found her still hugging me tightly, and didn't plan to release me any time soon.

*Step* *Step* *Step* *Drop*

I approached the Tree and sat beside it as my back was facing it.



As soon as I relaxed against the tree, Flandre snuggled closer to me.

She is currently burying her face in my chest while sitting over my lap and tightly clutching in my clothes.

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

I just let her do what she wanted as I watched the crimson sky.

'This is not bad once in a while… to just relax in nature like this.'

I thought as I smiled and closed my eyes to the good feeling.

Hahaha, of course not down there, I'm not into underaged girls, that shit is bad news, you know?.

To be a proud playboy, there is an absolute rule that you should follow no matter what, and that is : Strike ONLY legal females.

And i'd rather commit suicide than to take advantage of a distressed little girl, so you better SHUT UP you little shit.

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

I then just kept on patting her as I relaxed against the Tree.

'I'll wait until she calms down and releases me before I take any actions to help her, I think that's the best option for my current situation.'

I thought as I tried to sleep.

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

Yes I 'Tried', because I haven't slept for a fucking 70 years now.

How did I even fall asleep back when I was just a Human?

'Damn it! I completely forgot the feeling...'

The easiest way is when you're tired right? But, with this body… Yeah, even if I wiped out the Milky way, I don't think I'll even sweat from it…

What should i do?... I can't meditate in every fucking night!

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

Well, if i can't sleep, then I'll just chill for the time being...

-= Time Skip : 1 hour =-

*Step* *Step* *Step*

*Step* *Step* *Step*

So yeah, I've been chilling out under the tree for one hour now.

Just a few minutes ago, Flandre finally calmed down, and we're currently holding hands while walking in the garden together.

She's been silent the entire time, and her face seems red? Is it because she rubs it against my chest for too long?

Now that i think about it… she's really the same height as me, I'm not used to the fact that i'm a boy yet.

My body is 13 years old, but my mind is 70(Frieza memories) + 22(My original memories on Earth) = 92 years old.

But it doesn't matter, if it's just appearances, I still have the transformations.

Besides, my current Form is the smallest one of them all.

'I can't wait to transform to my second Form, it's the tallest and the most buffed one of all my Forms.' *Smirk*

How would mokou react to it? to my macho mode.

"Man, I can't wait..."

I blurted out unintentionally.


"Hmm? Oh yeah Flandre, why were you locked underground? If you have any problems, please tell me now."

"W-What? Ah, that..."

Why is she flustered? Her face became redder with every minute since she released me, is she embarrassed that i'm holding her hands?

'She's just a little girl after all, if you ignore the wings...'

"I-I'm not locked there, it's just..."

"Not locked? Then why are you staying there? Isn't it lonely over there?"


In response, she looked down sadly.

"If it's your family, then i'll punish them for you, you know? They shouldn't have treated you like that."

"Eh? n-no! Onee-sama isn't wrong, It's just..."

I don't understand, why is she protecting them now? Is she afraid of them?

'No, I don't think so, she's fairly strong herself, she can obliterate the entire building if she wanted to...'

"Flandre, i don't know what's going on, but you can always count on me, you know? If you ever need my help, I'll come from the end of the universe to assist you."

When she heard me, she held my hand tightly and looked at me.



But before she continued, the Red Mist in the sky suddenly began to dissipate.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

"It's gone..."


Now that the Red Mist is completely gone, only the normal Mist was there.

And as soon as it was gone...



I flinched, and widened my eyes in shock.

"Killua? What's wrong?"

Flandre asked me with a worried tone.

"F-Flandre, it seems my job here is done, so I have to go now."

I panicked as I looked at her.

"Eh? NO! Don't leave!"

*Hugs tightly*

She threw a tantrum and hugged me tightly again.

"Flandre, i really have to go now."


*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

"Don't worry Flandre... I'll come again tomorrow, okay?"


*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

"I swear, tomorrow i'll definitely visit you again."


*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*



She finally released me with a reluctant expression.

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

I continued to pat her a few times, before I retracted my hands and floated in the air.

"Y-You definitely have to to come tomorrow, If you didn't come... I-I'll be angry!"

She looked down and pouted(threatened) with puffed cheeks as she tightened her fists.

"Hahaha, fine, I'll definitely visit you tomorrow."

I replied as I began hovering slowly away from her position.


Then suddenly vanished from there.
