
Lord Frieza incarnate in Gensokyo

-=| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story |=- Synopsis : A playboy weeb from our world, that doesn't know anything about Touhou, gets Frieza-sama powers and the appearance of Killua Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter, then gets isekai-ed to Touhou Project world. Note: From chapter 36, 'High school DxD' will be initiated. Read According To Your Status : _If you KNOW what Touhou is > In case you find incorrect information in the story, it’s not like I didn’t know about it and was making things, but I've deliberately changed it to fits my story or it can be the characters themselves didn't know about it, it’s not like they have a freakish wiki about their world or anything. You might also found new characters or additional information about the world itself. _If you DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > The MC himself doesn't know a damn about it, so there is no information requirement to read this story. _If you KNOW who Frieza is > Come here buddy, you’ve found what you're looking for ( ° ͜ʖ °), but you JUST have to endure until chapter 10 and you'll get what you want. (─‿‿─) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is > …Just type his freakish name in google, but i’ve made sure to explain everything about him in the story, so you don’t need to read his wiki page, just marvel at our Lord Frieza in Youtube and come back here :D. _If you KNOW who Frieza is and you also KNOW what Touhou is > Read this, i’m confident in my work ;) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is and you also DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > Well, give me your damn brain, you’re basically gonna read a new novel. _If you KNOW or DON’T KNOW who Killua Zoldyck is > It doesn't matter, you only need to see his image on the thumbnail(He's the kid in front of frieza.) or google image, and you're good to go. -=| DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE CHARACTERS APPEARANCES IN GOOGLE. |=- /* Search someting Like this : ('name of the character' Touhou) */ And you should find official or fanmade illustrations of that character. -= AUTHOR COMMENTS =- So, I've just got this idea in my mind for a while now, and decided to write it out. I've accumulated chapters and edited everything to get a good foundation before publishing this. HOWEVER, if this will continue or not... it all depends on you guys. I'm basically a lazy person by default, so if I don't see any comments, review etc... I won't write anything. IN OTHER WORDS, you're the ones who will get me to write new chapters, and I wish you good luck in that, if you want a hint... then you should start by having at least 10 comments in every chapter and with reviews of course. And I promise that I will read every single comment, so you don’t have to worry about that... after all, that’s my only entertainment in writing this story. *Wink* English is not my mother language, in fact it's so far from it and considering that i know 4 other languages, which means it's 6 languages in total, thus i can't help confusing beetween them, so spare me the grammar, vocabulary etc... but it's definitely readable, i try my best here, you know? if you can read this Synopsis then you will be able to read my story, this, i can at least guarantee it for you. Also, if you're a kid or don't like swearing words, you should probably avoid my book =] . And finally, if you want to try this book, then you have to absolutely at least read the Foundation Volume before you decide anything about the story, the Foundation Volume is basically the first 10 chapters of the book, they are constructed in a way that... well, you'll find the answer in chapter 10. If you didn't read them and still leave my book, then you are just ignoring a good story (;一_一) Anyway, Enjoy.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 57

Gensokyo - Flower Paradise

Yuuka Kazami, a powerful youkai known for her mastery over flowers and her enigmatic aura, finds her residence in a place of unparalleled beauty within the mystical realm of Gensokyo. Deep within the heart of the vibrant and ever-changing Flower Paradise, lies a hidden sanctuary that is the abode of Yuuka Kazami.

The Flower Paradise, an ethereal realm that exists as a manifestation of Yuuka's immense power and connection to nature, is a breathtaking expanse where flowers of every hue and species flourish in radiant abundance. As one steps into this enchanting domain, they are immediately immersed in a kaleidoscope of colors and intoxicating fragrances that permeate the air. Petals dance gracefully on gentle breezes, creating a mesmerizing symphony of delicate movements.

Within this paradise of botanical wonder, Yuuka's dwelling reveals itself as a sanctuary befitting a youkai of her stature. The residence appears as an ethereal manor that seamlessly blends into the natural landscape. Its architecture, adorned with intricate floral motifs and adorned with climbing vines, harmonizes with the vibrant surroundings, as if the very essence of nature has been woven into the structure itself.

Entering Yuuka's abode is like stepping into a botanical wonderland. The interior is a testament to the union of elegance and nature, with sprawling gardens that extend indoors, housing a rich variety of exotic and mystical blooms. Delicate orchids, resplendent roses, vibrant lilies, and rare species known only to the realm of Gensokyo adorn every corner, their vibrant colors casting a vibrant aura throughout the space.

Sunlight filters through the windows, casting enchanting patterns upon the floors and walls, while the gentle sound of trickling water from hidden fountains adds a serene ambiance. The air is permeated with the intoxicating scent of flowers, creating an atmosphere that is both invigorating and soothing to the senses.

As one explores deeper into Yuuka's dwelling, they may come across hidden alcoves and secret gardens, each housing their own unique species of flowers. These secluded pockets of botanical splendor serve as places of meditation and reflection, where one can bask in the tranquility and magnificence of nature's creations.

In the heart of the residence lies Yuuka's personal sanctuary, a chamber known as the Chamber of Blossoms. This ethereal space is adorned with enchanting tapestries depicting the cycle of life and the ever-changing beauty of flowers. Here, Yuuka finds solace and draws upon the boundless energy of the Flower Paradise to strengthen her connection with the natural world and harness her extraordinary powers.

Surrounding the abode, the Flower Paradise extends far and wide, offering a sanctuary for a vast array of magical and rare flora. The landscape is an ever-shifting tapestry of blooming meadows, sprawling fields of wildflowers, and serene groves, all meticulously tended by Yuuka herself. Every step reveals new wonders and surprises, as the paradise transforms with the changing seasons, ensuring a continuous display of nature's splendor.

In this haven of botanical marvels, Yuuka Kazami reigns as the supreme guardian and caretaker, her presence intertwined with every petal and every bud. Visitors to this enchanting realm are greeted by the mesmerizing beauty of the Flower Paradise and the enigmatic aura of Yuuka herself, an experience that lingers in their memories as a testament to the limitless power and enduring allure of nature's blossoms.

Even in the depths of winter, the Flower Paradise remains a sight to behold within the realm of Gensokyo. As snow blankets the landscape, transforming the scenery into a glistening wonderland, the residence of Yuuka Kazami radiates an ethereal beauty that defies the chill in the air.

Within the sanctuary of Yuuka's dwelling, the ambiance takes on a unique charm during the winter months. The interior is adorned with delicate icicles that hang from the eaves, casting shimmering reflections as sunlight filters through frost-kissed windows. The scent of evergreen and pine lingers, bringing a touch of woodland freshness to the air.


In this particular moment, Yuuka Kazami sat within her mansion, her expression filled with a rare display of anger. The usually serene and enchanting atmosphere of the Flower Paradise seemed momentarily disrupted by her intense emotions. Her smooth, long green and emerald hair cascaded around her feathered wings like a regal crown, framing her enraged expression.


Standing behind Yuuka, unmoving and statuesque, was a woman with an air of icy elegance. Her presence exuded an aura of calm authority, contrasting with the tempestuous atmosphere surrounding Yuuka. Her long, flowing hair, white but with a hint of pale purple, added to her ethereal appearance. She seemed to embody the embodiment of winter itself, radiating a sense of cool detachment.

The mansion itself appeared as a reflection of the turmoil within Yuuka's heart. The once vibrant and blossoming interior now carried an undercurrent of tension. The delicate icicles that adorned the eaves seemed sharper, as if mirroring the anger within. The usually warm sunlight filtered through the frosted windows, casting an ethereal glow that highlighted the icicles and created an atmosphere tinged with a sense of foreboding.

Despite the winter backdrop, the gardens of the Flower Paradise retained their beauty. The snow-covered landscape enhanced the enchantment of the flowers that lay dormant beneath the frozen ground. Delicate snowflakes danced through the air, falling gently upon the silent petals, as if attempting to soothe the turmoil that permeated the surroundings.

Within the Chamber of Blossoms, where tranquility and serenity usually prevailed, an air of tension hung thick. The tapestries on the walls depicted scenes of frozen landscapes and flowers trapped in ice, a stark representation of Yuuka's current emotional state. The very essence of winter seemed to permeate the chamber, amplifying the weight of the situation.

The cold, white-haired woman standing behind Yuuka remained as still as a statue, her presence offering a silent support that contrasted with the storm brewing within her mistress. She emanated an air of wisdom and strength, a calming presence in the midst of the chaos. Her eyes, cool and piercing, observed the unfolding events with a measured gaze, ready to offer guidance if needed.

As the winter evening descended upon the Flower Paradise, the skies darkened, and the stars sparkled above, providing a delicate backdrop to the unfolding drama. The moon cast its pale glow, illuminating the snow-covered gardens and accentuating the tension that filled the air.

Within the confines of Yuuka's mansion, the clash between her enraged expression and the unwavering composure of the cold woman behind her created an intriguing juxtaposition. It was a moment frozen in time, where the inner turmoil of a youkai clashed with the serene beauty of her domain.

In the Flower Paradise, amidst the stillness of winter, the storm within Yuuka Kazami's heart raged, its impact felt in every corner of her majestic abode. The mansion stood as a testament to the complexities and depths of the youkai residing within, its very essence reflecting the intricate tapestry of emotions and power that resided within its walls.


With a trembling hand, Yuuka Kazami held a crumpled piece of paper, which had been silently handed to her by the woman standing behind her. Her eyes scanned its contents with an intensity that mirrored the flames of her anger. The words on the page seemed to fuel her fury, deepening the creases on her forehead and causing her grip to tighten.

The paper trembled in her hand as she read aloud, her voice filled with a mixture of frustration and disbelief. The words echoed through the grand chamber, bouncing off the elegant tapestries and icy walls. The cold, white-haired woman behind her remained motionless, her statuesque figure a stark contrast to Yuuka's seething presence.

The mansion seemed to shudder under the weight of Yuuka's anger, the icy tendrils of winter that encased the windows seeming to crack and splinter. The air itself held a frigid chill, as if the very essence of the Flower Paradise responded to its mistress's turbulent emotions.

Yuuka's eyes, usually filled with a mysterious calm, now burned with a fiery determination. Her gaze flickered from the paper to the woman behind her, her mind racing with plans and strategies. The usually vibrant and colorful interior of the mansion took on a muted tone, as if the brightness of the flowers had dimmed in sympathy with their mistress's mood.

Outside, the Flower Paradise lay still under its snowy blanket, the flowers slumbering in their frozen beds. The once lively meadows were transformed into a tranquil white expanse, their beauty held captive by the wintry grip. But even in the midst of this frozen silence, there was an underlying sense of anticipation, as if nature itself awaited the outcome of Yuuka's wrath.

As the echoes of Yuuka's voice faded, the silence returned, broken only by the crackling of the fire in the hearth. The cold woman behind her remained steadfast, her expression unreadable. She was like a sentinel, observing the unfolding drama with an unwavering resolve, ready to offer guidance or support when needed.

With a sigh, Yuuka crumpled the paper in her hand and cast it aside. The tension in the room seemed to dissipate slightly, replaced by a newfound determination. Her gaze turned towards the icy window, where the moonlight painted a silver path on the snow-covered grounds.

In that moment, the Flower Paradise held its breath, as if aware of the storm brewing within its mistress. The winter night stretched before Yuuka, its beauty and serenity contrasting with the turmoil within her heart. The stage was set, and the Flower Paradise awaited the unfolding of Yuuka Kazami's next move, her emotions intertwining with the delicate dance of winter's embrace.


**Resume: Killua, Creator of a Dimensional World**


Designed and constructed a highly advanced machine capable of transcending space and time, establishing a parallel dimension alongside the existing world.


A highly advanced and exceptional alien being possessing extensive knowledge and abilities, dedicated to the creation of a new dimension at the Earth's core. Successfully developed an extraordinary machine that defies the laws of the universe and harnessed a sustainable energy source to power it. Cultivated a flourishing ecosystem, humanoid intelligences, and diverse mutated organisms within the newly formed dimension. Implemented magical stones, dungeons, and item drops to enhance the civilization of the humanoid inhabitants. Introduced conflicts between humans and demons, leading to wars and technological advancements. Established an army of automatons to maintain balance and avert self-destruction. Inspired the worship and growth of Heavenly Gods and Demon Gods among the humanoid population.


- Profound understanding of extraterrestrial knowledge

- Expertise in dimensional engineering

- Proficient telekinesis

- Mastery in creating and manipulating life forms

- Strategic planning and problem-solving capabilities

- Proficiency in eldritch magic and arcane technology

- Development of magical stones and dungeons

- Creation and management of automatons


- 500 years: Conceived and constructed the groundbreaking machine that transcends space and time.

- 900 years: Compact a hypergiant star to harness as the power source for the machine.

- 1000 years: Formed a rudimentary planetary ecosystem.

- 700 years: Constructed an antimatter tower and conducted experiments with living organisms.

- 1000 years: Successfully created humanoid intelligent creature.

- 50,000 years: Created a fully-functional advanced global ecosystem that is self-sustaining and serves as a hub of life.

- 100,000 years: Established The Administrators, an automaton army.

- 500,000 years: Fostered the growth of Gods and Goddesses within the humanoid population.

- Ongoing: Continuously observe and guide the world's development while undertaking future projects.


Self-taught with a comprehensive understanding of advanced extraterrestrial knowledge, continuously learning through meticulous observation and ceaseless experimentation.

**Personal Attributes:**

- Innovative and ambitious thinker

- Patient and meticulous planner

- Strategic and adaptable leader

- Passionate about fostering development and progress within the created world

- Emotionally detached and impartial observer


- Exploring the potential of created beings, observing the advancement of humanoid creatures, and contemplating future projects.

- Gensokyo.

**Friendly Relationships.**

- Fujiwara no Mokou: [ Human ] - Girlfriend

- Yukari Yakumo: [ Youkai ] - Acquaintance

- Flandre Scarlet: [ Vampire ] - Friend

- Marisa Kirisame: [ Human ] - Acquaintance

- Remilia Scarlet: [ Vampire ] - Acquaintance

- Hong Meiling: [ Human ] - Acquaintance

- Keine Kamishirasawa: [ Hybrid - Youkai / Animal ] - Acquaintance

- Ran Yakumo: [ Shikigami - Youkai Fox ] - Acquaintance

- Chen: [ Bakeneko ] - Acquaintance

**Neutral Relationships.**

- Shinki: [ True Goddess ] - Mating Partner

- Patchouli Knowledge [ Witch - Knowledge Avatar ] - Acquaintance

- Kasen Ibaraki [ Oni - Hermit ] - Acquaintance

- Rinnosuke Morichika: [ Hybrid - Youkai / Human ] - Acquaintance

**Hostile Relationships.**

- Sakuya Izayoi: [ Human ] - Arrogant Maid

- Reimu Hakurei: [ Human ] - Annoying Brat

- Aya Shameimaru: [ Crow Tengu ] - Vermin

- Okina Matara: [ Goddess ] - Punching Bag

- Cirno: [ Ice Fairy ] - Courting Death

**Domestic Or Tamed Animals / Pets.**

- Ophis: [ Dragon God - Infinity Avatar ]

**Official Relationships / Successors.**

- Yuuka Kazami: [ Youkai ] - Esteemed Mistress

Note: This resume might be incomplete and is an interpretation based on the limited historical data available from the Creator.

Disclaimer: Once again, this resume is presented with the understanding that it may not encompass all relevant information and is subject to interpretation based on the available historical data provided by the Creator.


"A mighty Dragon God being a mere pet?" The incredulous words she had come across in the papers resonated within her mind, haunting her thoughts like relentless echoes. Yet, rather than succumbing to disbelief, this startling revelation ignited an intense fire of determination within her. Rising from her seat, Yuuka exuded an otherworldly aura, an ethereal presence born from the formidable concentration of life force within her being. Her commanding presence demanded the undivided attention of the room. Standing steadfastly behind her, a stoic figure noticed her resolve, their icy purple gaze fixed upon Yuuka, silently conveying a profound understanding.

Leaving the crumpled paper behind, Yuuka approached the window, her breath forming a mist upon the icy glass. She traced her fingers along the frost-kissed surface, as if seeking solace in the cool touch of winter. Outside, the moon cast a gentle glow upon the snow-covered grounds, transforming the Flower Paradise into a shimmering wonderland.

"Mistress…" Yuuka Kazami whispered, her voice barely audible as her thoughts turned to her next course of action. The turmoil within her heart began to align with the serene beauty of her surroundings. She had spent countless years tending to her beloved Flower Paradise, nurturing the vibrant blooms and enchanting melodies that resonated within. However, there was an undeniable longing within her, a thirst for exploration and discovery beyond the boundaries of her domain.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Yuuka turned away from the window, her gaze once again falling upon the cold woman who stood faithfully behind her.



Their eyes, equally emotionless and frigid, devoid of life, locked in a wordless connection, forging an unspoken bond between them.


Author notes:

Killua's Forms Reveal:

- First Form: Killua Zoldyck - [ Hunter x Hunter ]

- Second Form: Yujiro Hanma - [ Baki ]

- Third Form: Xenomorph - [ Xenopedia ]

- True Form: Satoru Gojo - [ Jujutsu Kaisen ]

- Golden Form: Gilgamesh's Original Mythic - [ TYPE-MOON - Fate/EXTRA CCC ]

- Black Form: –

- ??: –

Normal Ki Power Levels for Killua's Forms:

Please note that the following assessment is solely based on Power Levels and does not take into account any additional factors such as abilities, mastery, or the utilization of Ki subtype energies like mana for magical purposes.

- Average Human: 10

- First Form—--: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

- Second Form-: 2,264,150,940,000,000,000,000,000

- Third Form—-: 2,999,999,995,500,000,000,000,000

- True Form—--: 249,999,999,625,000,000,000,000,000

- Golden Form-: 27,604,166,622,500,000,000,000,000,000

- Black Form—-: 8,446,874,990,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

- ??: ERROR

- First/Second/Third/True/Golden/Black Forms (Suppressed): Can reach absolute zero, rendering it undetectable in all of existence

- First/Second/Third/True/Golden/Black Forms (Heavily Suppressed): Start generating Anti-Ki, it poses a risk of multiverse annihilation and existence collapse, with a power level below 0

A Googol is 1 followed by one hundred zeros:




Then there is the Googolplex. It is 1 followed by Googol zeros. I can't even write down the number, because there is not enough matter in the universe to form all the zeros:

10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, ... (Googol number of Zeros)

And a Googolplexian is a 1 followed by Googolplex zeros.

When Killua enters any of his First/Second/Third/True/Golden/Black Forms and fully unleashes his God Ki and Hakai Energy simultaneously with utmost seriousness, his Power Levels soar beyond the scope of Googolplexian. This unparalleled might presents a perilous hazard to the entirety of existence, endangering everything except the Root of Existence and a few unknown beings, which remains unaffected.