
Power Ring (Part 3)

Doomsday smiles in response "Before we start, know this, my life goal and the morality of your organization go completely against each other, meaning that one of us is going to die.

What doomsday didn't expect, was that the Guardian was as entertained as he was. Suddenly he was hit by a blast from the Guardian. So great was the Guardian power that each one was like unto a living power battery. The energy streaming from that one Guardian slammed into the monster with the force of a dozen hurricanes.

But in the blink of an eye, Doomsday regained its footing and returned the Guardian's attack. For what seemed an eternity, the two stood transfixed upon that remote mountain top. So terrible was the force of Doomsday's will that the Guardians actually began to falter!

As the fight went on the Guardian that was fighting with Doomsday was contacted by the other ones.

"Brother draw upon our energies."

"No...The creature is somehow adapting to my power...Perhaps even feeding on it! If it becomes able to resist us all, the very universe could be forfeit."

"Then withdraw! We will deal with the creature once the power ring's charge is exhausted."

"I Dare not retreat! It could still destroy the citadel: He responded all the while sweating. "Perhaps absorb all the power of the central battery, No the creature must be stopped now. There is but one way." Then by sheer force of will, the Guardian released the totality of his energies. In that single blinding instant, Doomsday lost his power ring as it turned into ashes and the mountain ceased to exist in the huge explosion that took place.

Long before the heat of the explosion had fully dissipated the guardians made a solemn pilgrimage to the site. Shielded from the radiation, they and the surviving members of the corps gathered in silence to pay respect for the one who had sacrificed his power, his very life, to save them all from the monster.

This was where the story was supposed to end but sadly for them, the Guardian's sacrifice had not destroyed Doomsday. Though none realized it at that time the explosion had torn a hole in space itself through which the monster had been hurled it had been broken and bloodied but still it lived. Unconscious, his body was crossing space.

As he did so the symbol on his belt was flashing and light-years away there was a spaceship with the sole purpose of tracking doomsday down while destroying anything that got in her way.


In the edge of the universe

At present, a huge war was taking place on a random planet.

"Run, run away she is coming."

"Who is coming?" A new soldier asks.

"Goddamn it. Soldier, didn't you hear me, retreat."


" What are you laughing about?" the commander asks one of his soldiers that suddenly kneel on the ground out of nowhere

Hanging his head down low the soldier answered him in a shaky voice. "She is already here."

Who the new recruit asked, But nobody had to answer him as the tank that was next to him was cut apart by a laser, looking toward the origin of it he saw her. She was dressed in grey armor, with a white cape.

After she appears the clear sky was cover by Huge spaceships

After a strange sound, her voice resounded through every radio on the battlefield "Last warning, Submit or be taking care of the brutal way."

"What..what do we do."

Upon the huge show of force, the commander had one word in mind, retreat. But before he could say anything his second in command could up to him. "Sir they said to retreat."

"God Damn.."Boom If they receive orders Ashasoi forces had also heard them and with those ten years of experience conquering other planets they had no remorse to start their attack as it wasn't uncommon for a world to overestimate themself and fight against them but usually if you eradicate around 30% or more of their civilization they going to submit and at the present, it was only the second country they attack. If they don't give up they just kill everyone and take the planet over.


A Few Days Later

In the Command room of the Spaceship.

"Ms. They finally give up."

"That was expected JR. What brought you here?"

"My dad, He…"

"Has he passed away?" She asks with a hint of sadness in her voice as she turns around and looks toward him.


Walking to him she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Remember his will and believe will live through you. You will continue his legacy."

"But what is his legacy!" He said furiously.

"You are asking about Lord Doomsday again."

"Yes, we blindly follow him, traveling the universe and conquering the universe. while you said it's all in the name of Doomsday and clearly you are the one in charge.

In a sudden movement that was so fast that Bertron Jr. couldn't even react. Ashaosi grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up with her glowing red but before she could say anything a ground of people suddenly ran in the room.

Not even paying attention to the current situation as it was well known that She had some anger issues. "Ms. We got a problem."


"We got a revolt in sector 1."

"Sector 1, Sector 1, Hahaha those crazy sons of a bitch finally did it. The Khunds right?"

"Yes, they are the ones that leading it."

Dropping Jr. on the ground, she turns around and proceeds to walk out the room." I have been waiting for them."

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