
Lord Commander Of the Night Watch

summary: Edgar wakes up to find himself in the north of Westeros, and is captured for stealing food, before being sent to the wall. A translated work of the Chinese novel The king of the desperate Great Wall at 69xinshu.com I do not claim ownership of novel, I’ll only be translating the last volume since I found it terrible the rest I’ll just be posting here. you also don’t have to send points or such thinks, this is completely free, if you can’t find the link let me know.

Magnar · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

chapter 16

The noise in the hall quickly stopped. Under everyone's gaze, the Duke of Winterfell escorted the queen into the hall first.

  Iger once heard a saying before traveling through time: The crew of Game of Thrones has limited funds and cannot afford to hire actors with good looks, age and acting skills, so they can only settle for the second best and put acting skills first. The result of this is that many characters in the TV series are uglier or much older than they should be, but some supporting characters are shockingly beautiful... The queen in front of her confirmed this statement. She is much younger and more beautiful than in the TV series, and He doesn't have the gloomy and vicious look that makes him look like a villain at first glance. The jewel-encrusted crown sparkled against her long golden hair, and the emeralds inlaid on it matched perfectly with her bright blue eyes. With an innocent smile on her face, she just walked into the door without looking back, not even looking at the Northern Guardian beside her. If you don't know who he is, who would have thought of the vicious heart underneath this beautiful face?

  Followed closely by the King, he walked into the banquet hall with Lady Stark, who was also much younger than the screen, on his arm. He does indeed have a red face and a long beard, but he is much taller than what the traveler remembers, and he is a fat man.

  Then there are a bunch of children from the Stark and Baratheon families... They all look different from the original show, and Egger has no power and no intention to distinguish them one by one. While everyone was looking at the entrants, he finally found time to eat the fish on the table. For the obsidian dagger that saved his life, he had not eaten properly for a long time except for the night watch. There is no meat food outside the canteen.

  The two brothers of the Lannister family followed the children in. Jaime Lannister was really tall and handsome, and he looked more like anyone else in his bright red silk gown, jet black high boots and long black satin cloak. The king, and the little dwarf beside him... If there is anyone in this world who can be recognized by Egger without any scenes, costumes, or coats of arms, it is Tyrion Lannister. Not because of how striking his appearance was, but because he was a dwarf.

  This is probably the most worthy person to be friends with in the entire Game of Thrones story. If you get in touch with him, maybe you can use... no, use his connections and power to leave the Night's Watch without escaping?

  Suddenly an idea flashed in Egg's mind, but how could he talk to a Lannister as a soldier of the Night's Watch? He was lost in thought as he watched the Lannister brothers pass by and walk towards the high platform in the VIP area.

  The last of the great nobles to enter the scene were Benyan Stark and Theon Greyjoy, the "adopted son" of the Duke of Winterfell. After the two people took their seats under the watch of everyone, everyone toasted to each other and congratulated each other, and then the dinner officially began.

  Jon and the young attendants still wanted to hear Egg tell the story of the wildlings he encountered while patrolling, but Egg had lost his mind: "I've almost finished telling my story. What about you, tell your story. I'll come to Weiss." I haven't been to the south of the Neck yet. Who can introduce me to the life of southerners?"


  It's a little better to stay with these unscrupulous young people - after a few glasses of wine , they became acquaintances with each other. Under the influence of alcohol, a squire belonging to the Lannister family soon began to brag about the adventures of himself and the knights he served... Under the table, the illegitimate direwolf happily gnawed the food thrown by everyone on the table. Give it meat and bones; on the stage, Jon Snow listened with interest to the stories of war, hunting and affair from other young men. Egger, who was only dressed in black, had already drifted to other places.

  "Jon, how was your evening?" A familiar voice sounded beside him. Benjen Stark left his seat and came here to find his neglected illegitimate nephew.

  "Very good." Jon replied happily, "Uncle, I heard from Egger that the Night's Watch is very short of manpower right now? When you set out, take me with you." He

  was talking about his passion with a widow outside King's Landing. The attendant of the story stopped and made room for the visitor to sit. Benjen Stark sat on the bench and took the wine glass from Jon's hand: "Summer red," he said slowly after taking a sip, "there is nothing as sweet as this wine. Jon, what are you doing today?" How many drinks did you have late?"

  "I'm not drunk."

  "I didn't say you were drunk." Benyan put down his glass, looked at where his brother was, then looked back at Jon carefully, "Honestly Tell me, the Great Wall really needs young people like you right now."

  Jon raised his chin proudly: "I am a better swordsman than anyone else I trained with, and Hullen also said that my riding skills are among the best in the city."

  "Not bad."

  "Then you agreed?" Jon suddenly became excited, "As long as you tell Father, he will definitely agree. I know he will."

  Benyan turned to look at Egg, who shrugged. ——This is not what he did to tease the young man. So the Chief Ranger looked back at his nephew's face again: "Jon, for a boy, the Wall is a very difficult place." "

  I'm almost an adult," Jon defended, "I will be ten next name day. Five years old, and Maester Luwin said that bastards grow up faster than other children."

  "That's true." Bunyan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, picked up the wine glass, filled himself with wine from a nearby flagon, and took a deep sip.

  "Daeron Targaryen was only fourteen years old when he conquered Dorne."

  "That battle lasted a whole summer." Benyan shook his head: "The young king you mentioned died in order to capture Dorne. Ten thousand people, and later fifty thousand more died trying to defend it. Someone should have told him that war is no child's play." He took another sip of wine and wiped his mouth, "Besides, Daeron Targaryen 18 He died young at the age of 18. You won't forget this part, right?"

  "I haven't forgotten." Jon's face turned rosy, whether it was due to alcohol or blood. He puffed up his chest and raised his head to make himself look taller, " Uncle, I have already thought about it, I want to join the Night Watch."

  The table became quiet. Indeed, many young people were yearning for the stories of patrols beyond the wall and battles with savages told by Egger, but they made their decision immediately. This is the only one who decided to join the Night Watch... The attendants may not be of high origin, but most of them are the legal heirs and heirs of their respective families. They are not like a certain person who, as he grows older, becomes more and more incompatible with his brothers. Everywhere to go.

  Benyan smiled: "Jon, I'm afraid you don't know. The Night's Watch is a group that regards death as home. We have no family ties and will never have children. We treat responsibility as our wives and honor as our concubines."

  " As honorable as a bastard," Jon said, "I'm ready to swear my oath to join."

  "You are only a fourteen-year-old child," Bunyan was unmoved. "Before you come into contact with women, I'm afraid you can't imagine the price you will pay." "

  I don't care about women!" Everyone can see that. , Jon's anger surged upwards, and he felt insulted.

  "If you knew, you would probably care." Bunyan still looked like a kind elder. "My child, if you knew the consequences of swearing this oath, you wouldn't be so eager to join. "

  I'm not your child!"

  "It's a pity that you are not my child." The chief ranger stood up and patted Jon on the shoulder, "Come to me after you have given birth to two or three illegitimate children outside. , and see what you think when the time comes."

  "I will never give birth to an illegitimate child outside!" Benjen Stark may be mature enough, but he grew up in a family with a loving father and a filial son, and respectful brothers and sisters. After all, he had never experienced the feeling of being an illegitimate child. There was fire in the young man's eyes, and he said every word like a poisonous oath: "Never!"

  Not only this table, but also the people at the next table fell silent. Everyone stared at Jon. The illegitimate boy felt tears filling his eyes, and finally he stood up.

  "Forgive me for leaving first." The young man said with the last bit of dignity, and then ran away like a whirlwind before tears fell. On the way out, he bumped into a waitress and knocked over a bottle of wine. The four seats suddenly burst into laughter. Jon shook off the kind hand of a yellow-robed attendant sitting next to him and ran out without looking back. Bai Ling followed closely behind and slipped into the low night.


  Iger almost hid his face and sighed. He racked his brains to get rid of his identity as a night watchman, but a certain middle school boy sharpened his head and tried to get in. Benjen's kind reminder was obvious enough, and the First Ranger wanted to tell Jon: Join the Night's Watch and you'll have nothing but honor. But not only did the young man not understand, he thought his uncle was questioning and humiliating him.

  Calling you "囧" and "you don't understand anything" is really not unfair to you at all, Iger thought with some humor. But suddenly, he suddenly remembered something and stood up: "I'll go see him."

"Don't worry about him, let him calm down." Benjamin Stark waved his hand, but soon changed his mind. Idea: "Forget it...that's fine, go and have a look, don't let him hurt himself."