
Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Author: MrNine
Ongoing · 299.6K Views
  • 108 Chs
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What is Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Read ‘Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters’ Online for Free, written by the author MrNine, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Is that Goku?""Looks like I can successfully transform my power into Goku and also summon him. Awesome!""Oh, I can also...


"Is that Goku?" "Looks like I can successfully transform my power into Goku and also summon him. Awesome!" "Oh, I can also summon and copy the power of Naruto and Luffy too. Damn boy!" "Shit it's hard to control the power of the one-punch man!" "You are already in my genjutsu." "Detroit Smash!!!!" "I am the heavenly red dragon emperor." "All according to my plan." "Wake up to reality." "Ban------kai!" "This world shall know pain." "You can call me, King of the Pirates."

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DEVIL EXORCIST // devilman dans blue exorcist // VERSION FRANÇAISE

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안녕하세요 미프진약국에 오신것을 환영합니다 우선 저희 제품을 선택해주셔서 감사합니다 저희 미프진약국에서 판매하는 미프진은 미국 FDA에서 인증받은 제품이므로 안심하고 사용해도 됩니다 정품미프진 구입방법 https://dsk69.com 클(릭) 본사이트는 #미프진 총 대리점 입니다 영국,프랑스,독일,카나다,일본,한국등 국가로 배송하고 있습니다   미프진약국주소 dsk6구.com 정품미프진가격 미프진약국주소 dsk6구.com 정품미프진가격 미프진약국주소 dsk6구.com 정품미프진가격 미프진약국주소 dsk6구.com 정품미프진가격 미프진약국주소 dsk6구.com 정품미프진가격 미프진약국주소 dsk6구.com 정품미프진가격   #미프진약국 #정품미프진 #미프진판매 #미프진판매사이트 #정품미프진판매사이트 #원치않는임신 #임신초기낙태 #낙태할수있는방법 #약으로낙태 #낙태해주는병원 #먹는낙태약 #미프진구매 #미프진처방가격 #낙태약 #임신8주 #약물낙태 #임신8주약물낙태비용 #낙태알약 #낙태알약구입방법 약물낙태비용 #임신6주 #임신6주자연유산 #자연유산방법 #미프진복용 #미프진복용시기 #낙태약구매방법 #미프진온라인약국 #임신초기안전한낙태방법 #약물낙태 #약물낙태후기 #낙태약유산되는법 #유산되는법 #아기지울수있는약 #아기지우는비용 #임신중절수술병원 #임신3주낙태 #임신3주낙태후기 #낙태약구입할수있는곳 #미프진복용후기 #임신초기중절 #임신초기중절가격 #미프진으로낙태 #미프진낙태 #서울시용산구낙태병원 #낙태병원 #약물낙태시기 #낙태약가격 #낙태수술비용 #임신초기낙태수술비용 #낙태알약 #낙태효과 #낙태알약낙태효과 #미프진약국낙태알약 #낙태알약구입법 #낙태수술 #낙태수술후기 #미프진약국주소 #정품미프진가격

DaoistCTopdV · Urban
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Rubber Human in MHA

An orphan saves the lives of some children but gets killed in the process, as an act of pity towards him, one of the gods of the universe decides to have him reincarnate with two wishes. "I want to have the powers of the Gomu Gomu no mi!!" "We have a few problems with that wish but I can make it work" Follow the adventures of Tomomi Mizushima as she lives as she pleases in the world of MHA that surprisingly, has a lot more than what she bargained for. "Is it bad that I died before Wano ended?" Author's Note : This Fanfic is written how I think a reincarnation of this type would work, extremely slow and with a lot of slice-of-life elements before the events of the manga. Coupled with my interest in the exploration of the MHA world and my own obsession with the powers of rubber, it will take a long time before canon (I guess around chapter 40-ish). Also, this is technically my second time writing something and sticking with it for more than 20 chapters, so bear with the early chapters being small or badly written, I'll try to improve. Lastly, I am more of a One piece fan than an MHA fan but I'll try to make it as faithfully as possible to the source material (The MC hasn't read One piece past the middle of the third act of Wano, and 4th season of MHA) ---Warnings--- [Crossposting between Scribblehub and Webnovel] [I'm not very good at English so bear with me] [I don't own My Hero Academia or One piece, those works belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Eichiro Oda respectively] [No Harem]

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Volume 1


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