
You're With Me Now

*Kroenen POV*

Carrying Helga in my arms while walking in the dark trying not to stir her I feel her steady slow breaths of deep sleep as her hands gently hold onto my bodysuit like it's a blanket.

Going through passageways where nobody will go through at this time of night I make my way into the old railway underground where my lair is, with the fire still burning I gently place my love on my bed and wrap the blanket over her frame. ''Your here with me now Mein Liebe'' I say in my mind moving the loose strands of hair what was laying on her forehead.

I move back to my chair and carry on fixing my old mask as I wait for my angel to wake up from her dreamy sleep.

*Helga POV*

Moving my legs I feel the blankets move with me as I slowly begin to wake up, as my eyes blink as the light was blinding me I hear clocks ticking and a smell that is not my house smell. Sitting up alert that I am not at home I look around, my heart pounding in my chest I was ready to fight or run as far as I can. As I panic I set eyes on.....

''YOU!'' I yell as I quickly get out of his bed and stand on my feet, slowly moving sideways to make sure I can get a good run ahead if he tries to do anything. As soon as I shouted his masked head shot up and stared at me, he didn't even start to get up. As I watch him I see him pull a notepad out and he starts writing ''why me?'' I say quietly even though I really wanted to shout it ur loud so he can hear me over these damn clocks.

The masked man holds up a piece of paper, ''throw it I cannot see it'' I say making him shake his head as no for a response. Taking a deep breath I move closer to see but not close enough so he can grab me.

My name is Karl Rupchret Kroenen,

you must of heard of me when you went to see your Opa. I am your protector as you are my angel. I will do anything that makes you happy.

As I finish reading the note he has written I suddenly understand remembering Grandad saying about this deal. ''What makes me happy huh'' I reply, ''what will make me happy is if you leave me alone'' I suddenly say, and with that Karl shakes his head and writes on the piece of paper again quickly this time.

I'm sorry Mein Liebe but leaving is forbidden.

With that I scream quickly looking around for an exit route, I hear a chair move, I don't dare look back as I start running I found the exit but my feet couldn't catch up with my body as I soon feel arms grab hold of me and pull me back onto his body. ''Please'' I cry out trying to get out of his grasp ''please'' I beg again as he pulls me back onto the bed. I soon feel the worst is yet to come and I bite down onto his arm with no luck he didn't lose his grip on me. ''Don't do this please'' I beg as he pins me onto the bed.

It didn't take long for me to lose my strength as I stare into the eyes of the mask who was pinning me down waiting for me to be like this, as soon as I stopped trying he let go and quickly wrote on his pad again,

That's my angel I will not harm you please believe me. I will make you feel special, loved, and all the things you have lacked on.

Reading the note I realize I will not get out of this, I nod my head as I watch Karl bing a tray of hot tea to me, I take a cup and start drinking it. 'sweet just how I like it' I say to myself as I take sips of the hot sweetness hitting my lips.