
What Makes You Beautiful

*Helga POV*

Later on that evening I find myself being treated like a princess. Food on the table always what I like, films, books, etc given to be and gifts that Karl has made for me even though they are quirky clockwork things.

Sitting listening to the grandfather clock tick away I became in a trance thinking of what my grandad said to me and yet I am here kidnapped by a man who must be in his 100s by now. Holding the clockwork bracelet Kral made me in my hands I suddenly hear my phone ring making me snap out of the weird trance that was clouding over me. Getting up I suddenly see Val calling with 100s of messages left throughout the day, 'how did I not hear them?' I ask myself. Just before I answer I look up to see Karl staring at me waiting for me to make a decision. I answer the call to hear Val yelling down the phone in worry,

''Where are you? Why are you not answering any of us?'' Val begins not letting me reply, ''I have been to your house its clearly your not there, where are you?'' Val asks finally giving me a chance to reply, but what do I say? I've been kidnapped? with a long pause of the phone, I stare at Karl who is twiddling a tool between his fingers. ''I've been busy sorry I'll be home later tonight'' I reply ''I just wanted a day to myself to be honest, reconnect to myself'' I then say hearing Mike in the background. ''So why not just give one minute to just look at your messages? We have well we are worried about you.'' Val replies, ''I'm sorry ut's just been one of them days I'm sorry'' I reply not knowing what to say. ''It's fine we all want to come to see you tonight so what time at yours?'' Val asks, 'SHIT' I say to myself, ''erm... 7 tonight?'' I say unsurely, ''sure see you then'' Val replies and hangs up. Looking at Karl I know by any person would want to know what that conversation was about, ''Erm I need to be home alone tonight'' I say to Karl while scratching the back of my neck seeing Karl write something I know if he's a control freak kidnapper he will say no.

Sure Mein Liebe want me to walk you back? I will come for you at 10 pm If you like?

'huh' my mind went blank seeing that he said yes when I was expecting a no, I cannot compute that, that just happened. ''er sure I guess'' I reply as I look at my phone for the time knowing all these clocks will have the correct time on them, '4 pm' just a few hours then I can go' I say to myself sitting back down thinking what I can do till then.

*Kroenen POV*

As I finish off the last bits of my mask I get up and make some tea for my angel before she has to go home. 'how can I trust that she'll come back?' I say to myself as I place the loose german tea leaves in the teapot as I wait for the pan to boil the water. 'trust' I say back to myself but I soon feel like my clockwork heart skipped a beat, trust has never been my best security not now I am like this.

As the pan becomes to a boil I turn the gas off and pour the boiling water into the teapot and place the cone china cups and teapot on the tray, picking it up and make my way to the woman I love.

''She'll never love you'' My inner self says to myself but I choose to ignore it as I filter the tea into the cup, seeing Helga smile as I hand her the hot drink I hear ask something to me, ''What makes me beautiful to you?'' placing the tray on the countertop neck to my small detailed clocks I stare at her before making my way to my notepad. ''Where do I start?'' I say to myself hovering the pen over the paper.

What makes you beautiful is your eyes, facial features. Can I just say just you is what makes you beautiful to me.

I walk and hand her the note, seeing her shiny blue eyes skim through the paper I see a small yet short smile appear on her lips before disappearing hoping I never saw it. ''Thanks, I guess'' Helga replies as she takes a sip of tea. ''Soon my angel you will love me and be in my arms'' I say to myself.

**Time Skip**


It was 10 pm the time Karl said he'll pick me up, getting rid of reluctant friends was harder than expected but if she has the be on the good side of her kidnapper she'll have to stick to what time has been said. Sitting on her sofa with more clothes packed in a bag she hears a knock on the door, quickly answering she sees Karl standing there in his normal clothes, bodysuit with a clockwork chest plate, a knife strapped on his left arm and blades hovering on the sides of his belt, and a tightly fitted mask. I suddenly see he is holding a dozen of red roses, ''for me?'' I ask astonished at how big they are, I see Karl nod yes and hand them to me. ''Thank you'' I reply while taking a sniff of the sweet scent.

Locking the door with Karl guiding her down the stairs and corridor they make their way back to the underground what is now Helga's new home. But without knowing Mike was making his back to hers and sees her walking with roses in her hands and a weird mysterious guy Helga's side.

**Short Time Skip**

Back at Kroenen's Lair Helga places the roses into a vase while Karl puts a hot water bottle in the bed making sure it is warm enough for his lover to have a good night's sleep.

''Where do you sleep?'' Helga asks not knowing why she has asked that, as she asks Karl points to the chair and shows with his hands that throughout the night he will be either making things or fixing things. ''Do you sleep at all?'' Helga asks feeling a little weirded out.

I sleep when I can

Was the reply Helga got as she gets herself into bed feeling the warmth creep up from her feet and upwards.


***Helga POV***

Tossing and turning in bed from a nightmare I feel the cold sweep over me, seeing a dim light I see the seat where Karl was said to be sitting empty. Panic of being alone here tears through me ''KARL'' I yell quickly sitting up on the bed as soon as I could shout his name again I see him quickly dash towards me. With my heart pounding I was glad to see that he was still here, ''where.... where did you go?'' I ask while out of breath from panic. Feeling Karl place his hand on my forehead he ushers me to lay back down. ''Please Karl don't leave again please'' I beg beginning to feel week in a place predators could easily get me. I didn't realize but when I was saying that I grabbed his right arm and yet not let go.

''Please'' I say once more letting go and stare into his mask feeling his hand brush against my cheek and turn to leave, suddenly I feel unsafe again and get out of bed ignoring my nightdress sleeves dropping down nearly exposing my breasts as I quickly make my way to Karl. ''Karl I can't sleep'' I try and make it convincing feeling myself shiver I see him stare at me as he gets back up and guides me back to bed, ''No Karl please'' I begin to say ''either get your chair and sit here or I am staying awake'' I say seeing Karl tilt his head at me 'think I just hover stepped my mark' I say to myself as I watch him quickly write something on the notepad.

My Liebe your nightmare will not come back, I will be just where I am I won't move that's my promise.

I read the message but even though my mind was happy with that my heart sunk and the sudden feel panic was arising again, taking a deep breath I watch Karl sit back down and point that he'll be there when I wake up, laying back down I lay on my left side facing away, closing my eyes I try and drift off while hearing Karl in the distance placing metal on his table.


for a good 50 minutes I was tossing and turning with the feeling and unsafe arising again even though hearing Karl still doing things at the table I could not cope it was either he comes to me or I sleep on the floor next to me, I don't know why but I am starting to feel a lot safer with Karl at arm's length. 'what's happening to me? Only a day in and I suddenly become his lapdog.' I say to myself as I begin to sit up and I hear Karl stop what he was doing and look at me. ''Karl I can't sleep please move here'' I beg again staring back at him as I get back out of bed and walk back towards him but Karl gets up and makes his way to me. We meet both ways and as I look up into his mask lenses I wonder what facial expression he is having right now. I suddenly feel his hands take hold of my shoulders and guide me back to bed once more but this time I was not having it, standing next to the bed I place my hand on his chest plate what made Karl stop everything and look at my hand. ''Karl please share the bed it is a king-size, I just want to feel safe'' I beg as I quickly move to the other side of the bed and wait to see what Karl will do.

A few minutes went by with me staring at Karl before he decided his answer, placing his knife and blades on the table next to him he takes off his boots, my heart skipped a beat thinking we was taking his whole clothes off but... nope only his boots. Getting in and laying on his back I suddenly feel that he is feeling awkward just like me but for me, I now feel safer knowing he is right next to me than being over there. ''Thank you'' I say staring at him in the dimly lit room I see Karl turn his masked face to look at me and I guess that his reply was ''no problem''.

***The Next Morning***

As I wake up I feel an arm wrapped around me and gloved fingers feeling through my hair, liking the sensation I pretend I was still asleep, after a few minutes of Karl playing with my hair he stops, I soon feel his cold mask brush against my cheek and disappear with this arm what was tightly wrapped around me disappear also. Turning around I see Karl laying facing me with a finger pointing out smiling I knew he was going to poke me ''you knew I was wake'' I say chokingly seeing Karl nod his head for a yes in response, ''hmmmfph'' I made a noise while moving to face him. ''Thank you for that I slept better knowing you were there'' I say as I stare into his lens I know he will have to get up to reply so I grab his arm ''you don't need to reply just yet'' I say again seeing Karl look at my hand holding his arm.

''But first'' I begin shuffling closer to Karl and seeing him move away I move closer to the point my body reacted before I could think of what I was doing and laid my head onto his cold chest plate hearing a ticking beat I lay there for a few minutes as Karl just lays on his back slowly creeping his arm around me.

''Let's just have a lazy day'' I say as I slowly shut my eyes again.


Has Kroenen tampered with the food and drinks he's been giving Helga? a love potion? Or is this Helga slowly falling for him?

MirandaHelga96creators' thoughts