
The Start Of Something New

As Helga walked she hurried her pace trying to shove the follower behind her, turning sharply, walking into crowds of people, and even crossing a busy road without a crossing. 'Why doesn't he get the hint' she says to herself while tucking her hands in her pockets.

Getting nearer and nearer to her home Helga stops in a dark cold park no one was around. 'Why am I stopping' she says to herself as her body takes over her mind. Hearing no footsteps behind her she thinks she lost him but to make sure she turns around trying to get her eyes to focus from the dark mixed with dim street lights, she sees him standing just 300 yards away from her stopped in his track, with no movement.

''What are you doing?' she asks as she starts to shake from the cold, Kroenen makes his head tilt slightly, 'Why are you following me?' she asks watching him move his head side to side then he suddenly takes a step forward and with the Helga takes a step back, ''Don't get any closer, I'm warning you,'' she yells making Kroenen stop.

''Can you at least talk?'' Helga says feeling a deep chill hit her spine while staring at him and yet he never replied ''Ok'' she says taking two steps forward ''How about we play a game'' she says hoping he may be fooled. Kroenen tilts his head so Helga takes that as a yes. ''You turn around count to 100 and find me, easy game hide and seek.'' Helga says 'How will a Nazi be fooled by a stupid child game?' Helga's inner self says as she watched Kroenen turn around taking that he was already counting Helga makes a move quickly walking out the park to her home. The best would be going to either Val's or Sasha's but the group is out tonight so Helga had to be home. Quickly going down the Alley Helga gets into her home she immediately blocks the front door by putting a chair in an angle under the doorknob and using other bulky furniture, she quickly closes her curtains. Dimming the sidelights Helga makes herself a cup of tea. 'He must have fallen for it' her inner self says 'but he knows our home' her inner self again making Helga panic.


As Kroenen turned round he knew the game 'Hide and Seek' and he was not going to play ball, pretending to look like he was playing he waited till Helga's footsteps sounded faded, Kroenen quickly turned around and headed onto the grass quickly following her. 'I am surprised she hasn't turned round to check' he says to himself. Immediately knowing she is heading for home, Kroenen knows a short cut he takes a turn into a dark alley just two before arriving at Helga's safe heaven.

As Kroenen climbs he peaks in through the window to see a chair blocking the front door, 'silly girl' Kroenen says to himself and he was sure if he had lips he would have a smile on his face. Moving to her bedroom window he decided to wait and make her think he did lose her in a stupid game.

***Time Skip***

It was time, Kroenen thought, seeing all the lights off he knew she will be in bed. Moving to the kitchen window, Kroenen tries to push the window up but it's locked 'No problem' he thought and moved to the living room window, 'locked, what a clever Fraulein' his inner self says, using his tonfa blade he uses it to slide into the crack and suddenly hearing a noise he unlocked the lock for the window.

Opening it up quietly he climbs in and stands in the dark getting his bearing before slowly walking to the door he must guess leads to her bedroom. At the door, he listens and his question has been answered, he heard her slightly snoring. Opening the door, Kroenen creeps in and finally stops inches away from Helga.

'it's time mein Schatz' as soon as Helga moved in her sleep, Kroenen gently picked her up wrapped in her quilt and headed to the window.

If whats his doesn't come to him, he will go and get what's his.