
The After Party

10 pm

After too many drinks and continuous dancing Val decides its time to get Helga home.

''Come Helga let's get you home' Val says while putting Helga's right arm around her neck to keep her upright and supported for the long walk home.

''We should get a taxi'' Ekwin suggests

''No a taxi won't let us in with Helga's state we just have to bear the walk'' Val replies while leading Helga to the door while Helga's head is swaying side to side highly intoxicated from all the alcohol she's had tonight.

As Mike opens the door while holding Helgas left arm the cold chill made them all shiver but never effected Helga, outside Ekwin takes his coat off and tries to place it around Helga. ''take off her heels it may help with speed'' Sasha says while untying one of Helga's heels and with that Mike takes off her other heel passing it Sasha to carry.

Brushing past people who are laughing and giving disgusted looks they manage to get down a few streets.''I'm.. not ddone yet'' Helga mumbles as she perks her head up realizing where she is, ''Yes you are Helga, christ you can't even stand'' Ekwin replies holding one of her legs as Sasha holds the other one, they found it easier to just carry her instead of trying to get her to walk.

Getting to the apartment Mike searches Helga's bag for her keys, ''Got them'' he says while unlocking the door and grabbing Helga to get her in her flat. ''Someone should stay with her so she doesn't choke on her own..'' Sasha was saying ''Yeah too much detail'' Ekwin said while walking out the bedroom. ''You wimp, you really need to get over that fear'' Val said nudging him, 'I'll stay with her tonight,'' she said taking her coat off and finding a spare blanket so she can sleep on the floor next to Helga's bed. ''Why not just sleep in the same bed, least then if she wakes up and stuff you there,'' Mike said making Val see commonsense and went with it.

As Ewin, Sasha and Mike leave, Val locks the door pulls all the curtains to and grabs a glass of water for Helga to drink, remembering what Helga said of someone sending her roses and stalking her Val checks out the windows that no one is there, seeing no one she climbs into bed beside Helga who was groaning and mumbling words she couldn't understand and switches the light off.

''Good night trouble''