

The Next Morning

As Helga wakes up she suddenly feels sick and a pounding headache, putting her hands to her face she climbs out of bed turning around she sees Val still asleep, as soon as she stand up fully a sudden rush of sickness starts climbing upwards, rushing to the bathroom Helga manages to reach the toilet and lift the lid up just in time.

Hearing retching Val wakes up seeing Helga is not there, moving the covers and grabbing the water she walks to the bathroom seeing Helga's facing downwards in the toilet, ''good night huh' Val says chuckling while placing the water on the sink, as Helga finishes being sick she hold up her hand and hold out a middle finger.

Sitting on the sofa Val waits while flicking through her Facebook feed.

Helga manages to walk to the kitchen her hair in knots and looking like shes the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons. Grabbing some bread she puts them in the toaster ''Thank you for staying over'' she says making Val look to her direction ''It's ok its what friends are for and precides you would do the same to me'' she replies smiling.

The Afternoon

Helga recovers through drinking mugs and mugs of coffee and antioxidant foods managed to tame her wild hair she decides fresh air will help. ''I'll go and see gramps''

As she puts her coat on and grabs her keys she steps out the door looking down 'No rose..thank god' she says to herself relieved.

Time Skip

''You look pale sweety'' Helga's Grandma says placing the back of her hand on Helga's forehead, ''I'm ok Gran just too many drinks last night'' Helga replies ''oh dear'' was the only thing her grandma said while heading back to the kitchen to make a pot of tea and a mug of coffee for Frtiz.

''Hi gramps'' Helga says walking to him to give him a kiss on the cheek and a hug, '' my dear How have you been?'' Fritz asks while holding her hand, ''I'm ok, just too many drinks so I'm kinda suffering'' she says giving a slight laugh while her grandad laughed at the situation.

While having a few drinks and biscuits Helga takes a quick glance outside and see her stalker outside sitting on a brick wall over the road, nearly dropping her drink she tries and hide her scream, ''What's up? has something happened?'' Fritz asks while placing his hand on her arm. ''Gramps for a few days now I have a stalker, he's been following me and dropping roses at my door or anywhere I am,'' Helga says still staring at the gas mask guy.

''Explain to me what he looks like and why haven't you called the police?'' Fritz says, while Helga moves her head to face her grandad. ''If I do he'll disappear, he wears a gas mask, remembering she took a photo she showed it to her grandad.

As she shows the photo to her grandad, he clutches onto his walking stick and the colour from his face fades, ''I..'' he says nervously ''Is he still there?'' Fritz says trying to stand up, ''Yes gramps right there'' she points ''that's strange he hasn't even moved'' she says confused in why he has stayed.

''I cannot believe my eyes'' Fritz starts to say ''that's Karl Ruprecht Kroenen a German Scientist, he was mad you know, but damn well good at his job'' he says while leaning on his walking stick. ''He was a doctor and a good friend of mine during the war, he then became obsessed with this idea of never dying, and he joined the Thule Society. '' as Fritz explains he walks to a locked draw he grabs the key and opens it. ''He if I am sure is surgically addicted, he operated on himself.'' grabbing onto photos oh himself and Kroenen before and after Kroenen's addiction he shows them to Helga, as she looks at she cannot believe what she is hearing.

''I thought he was dead'' Fritz said ''Someone told me and where his grave was'', ''I cannot believe my eyes'' he says astonished then suddenly his heart starts to race...


Munich 1939

''Ah Fritz the very man'' Kroenen says while patting Fritz back ''You heard about this Thule Society?'' he asks while brushing his blonde hair away from his face.

''Ja'' was the only word Fritz could say he knew where this conversation was going.

''Why not join me, I will sure miss my Pal.'' Kroenen replies ''precides I can now focus on our new technology'', ''I am going to operate on myself and be the undying''

''Now that is nonsense comrade'' Fritz said worryingly

''It nothing of nonsense it can be done, it has been done'' Kroenen says cheerfully

''Haven't you done enough on your body Karl'' Fritz replies patting Kroenen's back indication the scars he has. ''Not enough I want it, in fact, I need it, its..its a buzz and I enjoy it.'' Kroenen replies clutching his fists together to feel how good it is to feel pain, and yet he is the one who can control it. ''If you say so I wish for the best'' Fritz replies feeling sick of the thought.

''Perhaps that deal you made, do you remember?'' Kroenen says making Fritz jump ''I remember and the deal is still on'' Fritz was confident it will never happen.

In fact, Fritz was totally wrong. His deal was sealed.

*End of Flashback*

''The bastard made it happen, he's.... he's done it'' Fritz said ''It was real'' stumbling back to his seat he knew the deal is now on and he cannot back down, it was normal for soldiers to deal if they have grandchildren or know who to let them be together to keep the Furher happy by keeping the Aryan race pure.

''Helga you must believe me'' Fritz starts pleading ''It is out of my hands'' as his voice begins to crack tears start to fall down his cheeks ''I know you won't understand, not yet but when I was young I made a deal with Karl to give him one of my grandaughters and you are the only one'' he says shaking ''I don't understand'' Helga replies nervously ''your telling me you know him and about a deal to do with me'' she says putting her fingers through her hair. ''Yes, you two will be a couple, its a deal my sweetheart I cannot back out, I never thought it would happen I was certain it would fail'' Fritz tries to explain.

''How could you do this, to me!'' Helga shouts ''Please my dear, it was the Furher's wish'' Fritz says quietly not able to lookup ''Its not the war no more Gramps'' she replies ''I know, but a deal is a deal'' he says ''You may hate me, but I will tell you he is a nice guy under all the masks and scars'' Fritz says ''Oh and I should care what a freaks personality is like'' Helga replies sarcastically. ''You know what I can hear no more, I've got to go'' Helga says while grabbing her coat, ''He will know now that I have told, that's why he is outside'' Fritz says ''well go to him and tell him it's OFF or I will'' Helga says opening the front door moving her arm gesturing her grandad to go outside.

''I cannot tell him that its no more'' Fritz whispers while Helga is motioning him towards the figure waiting outside, as they get closer Fritz feels a lump in his throat. ''Well Creep my grandad has something to say'' Helga says with her back straight up as she watches the gas-masked guy who's name is Karl stand up and move his head slightly side to side like a snake waiting to bite. ''Well say it Gramps'' she says nudging him ''tell him!''

''I... I can't'' Fritz only could say ''I'm sorry'' with that Fritz makes his way over the road heading back to be inside to stand next to his wife 'I now it be another explanation to be done' he says to himself, as he puts on foot inside he hears his granddaughter, '' my grandad wants to say the deal is off, you hear me off, so leave me alone'' as she said that Helga starts to walk away, suddenly Kroenen turned his head to look at his friend, as Fritz stares back at him he moves his shoulders and arms in a I have no idea gesture and with that Kroenen leaves and follows Helga.

''Please forgive me'' Fritz says while shutting the door to see an angry look on his wife ''I can explain'' he says