
Helga Von Schafer

Helga Von is a 18-year-old girl studying Biology at University of York. She was always intrigued by how viruses are made and what they do to our bodies when infected, she studied hard and never stopped even on food breaks.

Helga doesn't have a lot of friends not like others she sees weekly groups of them pilling on one table squished to be there in front attention loud and careless, Sasha, Mike, Val, and Ekwin was only the friends Helga has and she is happy with them, Helga, Mike, Val, and Sasha have known each other since kindergarten was Ekwin is new ti the friendship from starting university from an embarrassing newcomer dropping all his course work and tripping over it Helga and her friends laughed at him and helped him get up and get his course work back and since that day Ekwin was part of the pack.

Time 15:00pm

''So Val what you doing tonight'' Mike asks while putting all his work in his backpack, ''fancy going to the pub with me and Ekwin its students discount at Weatherspoons.

''as all Wednesday's puffball'' Val replies jokingly ''Me and Helga were thinking of just a girls night in if Sasha is up for it too'' she says while unlocking her phone to text Sasha to see if she's up for it.

''Well, good luck you know what Sushi is like'' Mike replies giving her the hint of it may not happen. ''She's always saying no these days, I don't know what is wrong with her, I ask if she's ok and to let her know that she hasn't hanged with us for a while but she just replies ''I will soon just busy'','' with a sigh Mike heads to the door ''anyway you know where we will be, getting WASTED!!'', Mike and Ekwin high five each other and walk out the door.

''SEE YA LATER BUM BUDDIES'' Helga yells ''come on Val lets try and find Sash,'' Helga says picking up her bag and walking to exit the classroom with Val following while texting.

Do you want to come with me and Helga to mine for a women-only night? xx

''I just texted her'' Val replies putting her phone in her pocket ''Let's get out of here we spend all week in here and I'm getting sick of it'' she then says her mood changing.

''Sure, we won't be here forever you know just some more courses then we are done'' Helga says trying to lighten the mood.

Val's message tone begins to ring ''that must be Sash'' Val says hurrying to see what the reply is ''I hope she said yes'' she says

Er sure I guess, I cannot be too late though. Meet you outside. Xx - Sash

''YES!! She's coming'' Val shouts ''let's go she's waiting outside.''

Hey peabrain Sash has said yes so your wrong again. XX - Val to Mikey

WOW the loner has popped out and said hello, don't get too excited she may change her mind or won't too late. Have a fun womanly bleh thing.Xx - Mikey to Val

Thanks, enjoy your bromance. xx

''Watch out!'' Helga shouts grabbing Val ''you really need to stop texting and walking, you nearly walked in a wall'' she laughs

''I'm fine, anyway, have you heard the train station is on lockdown there was a fight and the tiles and ceiling have come down even a pillar-like wtf who can know a pillar down.'' Val says astonished

''What? a concrete pillar, now that's some tuff shit there.'' Helga replies thinking how and who could do that.

walking to the exit Helga and Val see Sasha waiting, pacing up and down. ''Hey Sash'' Val shouts while walking to her side

''Hey you two long time isn't it'' Sasha replies with a quick smile

''Come on let's get to yours Val and get it started we need a catch up'' Helga replies wanting to hurry up from the cold crisp wind blowing a strong gust to there warm cheeks.

20:30 pm

''Well that was fun but sorry for being the party pooper but I must get going,'' Helga says while finishing the last of her cherryade.

''it's only gone half eight'' Val says hoping to carry on alot later ''please stay a little longer please.'' trying her hardest Val blinks her eyelids in an attempt of puppy eyes with her bottom lip sticking out.

Chuckling Helga puts on her coat ''Nice try Val but I must go and see my grandma and grandad I usually be at there on Wednesdays.'' she replies

''But here nearly completed all the Bridget Jones movie series'' Val replies sighing

''Another time ok'' Helga replies opening the front door to the corridor hall ''See you tomorrow you two, bye''.

''Bye'' ''Bye'' Sasha and Val say together

''Well doesn't stop us now does it'' Sasha says changing sitting position as Val presses the play button.

Time Skip

''Hello Grandma, hello Grandad'' Helga says while stepping into her grandparent's home. Taking her shoes and coat off smelling home cooking while she walks into the living room.

''My sweet Helga, how was today'' her grandad Fritz asks with a smile on his aged face

''It was good, I was just as Vals for a girls night in I just come from there to see you and grandma,'' she says while giving a hug and a peck on the cheek.

'' you silly girl you shouldn't of left just to see us, you should have stayed,'' Fritz says with his slight German accent what is fading away slowly from the years of living in the UK.

''No I wanted to leave it just gets too much'' she replies brushing her fingers through her hair ''I just want my time now'' Helga replies getting comfy on the sofa ''So I shouldn't belong tonight''

''No worry I'm just glad to see you even though you shouldn't have tired yourself coming down at this time, I insist to ring you a taxi back to your flat'' Fritz replies while taking a sip of his coffee.

Looking around Helga spots a photo at the far back of photo frames ''Hey gramps'' she says while picking up the photo ''I never seen this one before'' looking at the photo she sees a youngish guy in a white coat with two more by his side ''who are these people?'' she asks passing the photo to her grandad.

Fritz looks at the photo squinting to be able to see clearly when he sees it he sighs and places the photo on his lap slowly and slowly looks to Helga ''I thought when the time will be when I have to explain this photo'' he replies quietly. ''This will be very long and difficult for you to understand'' he says seeing Helga's response of confusion as she slowly sits down anxious to hear it.

''Gramps you always said to never hide anything, it's bad and evil to keep secrets,'' Helga says ''I know I just wanted to keep this in the past'' Fritz replies wiping his face with his hand. ''well here goes...''

Time Skip

Helga arrives at her flat confused, shocked and angry at the secret her own grandad her own blood has kept away from her, going to the kitchen she pulls out a gin glass and grabs the gin bottle and pours a double with lemonade into it, downing it in one she pours another and goes and sits on her sofa.

''So my grandad isn't as innocent he said he was'' she says to herself kicking her shoes off and takes another swig of her drink ''how could he do this'' she says feeling anger rise in her veins ''a German SS soldier in Das Reich Division, ha he fled before the war ended to be here with fake ID's'' she says taking multiple swigs of gin and lemonade ''who cares he was just a soldier that is is, he is innocent'' she says her mind reassuring her that it isn't as bad as it sounds, placing the empty glass down Helga takes off her clothes heads for a cold shower and straight to bed. ''I'm not gonna think of this now'' she says to herself getting the thoughts to calm down.

Hey guys I hope you enjoying the first part of this story. This is all new to me.

How is it going so far? If there is anything you want to say just comment below.

I hope I am keeping my Amino friends happy by making this story especially Revive.

MirandaHelga96creators' thoughts