
Gift From The Unknown

Pondering from her bedroom to the living room Helga goes through her contacts and puts Mike, Sasha, Ekwin, and Val in a group chat.

Has anyone of you played a prank on me? If so please stop it, it has truly shit me up so you little prank has worked. Xx - Sent to all

*Minutes later *

Wasn't us we are still at Weatherspoons whats 30 minutes away from you. Xx -Mike

We all been here since the afternoon. Xx-Sasha

Yup. Xx-Val

Also agree. Xx-Ekwin

Anyway, why would we want to prank you? It never comes into our heads.. but thanks for the idea ;). Xx-Mike

Strange...Nevermind then it must be a neighbour pulling a prank then. Have fun. Xx-Helga

'If it isn't then it has to be someone who has a room here' Helga says to herself 'But why prank me? With a rose?' as she sits down the group chat starts up again.

We will, but why would someone you don't know prank you just for the fun of it? Xx-Sasha

I don't know. Xx-Helga

Perhaps they're bored. Xx-Ekwin

Maybe. Xx-Helga

Wait what was the prank? Xx-Val

'Do I tell them everything? Could the guy is the mask be a prank?' Helga thinks 'Nah I'll just tell the rose part... no tell-all' as she argues to herself she sees that her friends are waiting by texting ''Hello?''

Well, I don't know if it could be linked but.. Xx-Helga

But? Xx-All

When i was walking back from my mums after dinner I decided to walk the old underground as its quicker even though it is kinda creepy..-Helga

Go on tell. Xx-Mike

There was this guy I don't know if it was a guy it could have been a she but it was hanging in the shadows I stopped really spooked ready to run and he or she came out of the shadows..-Helga

Creepy what else? Xx-Val

This is the creepy part it was wearing a bodysuit tight fit and gas mask... I presumed they was going to a fancy dress or something but it's not even Halloween yet... -Helga

WTF! Xx-Ekwin

I asked he or she if they can move as they were creeping me out they did so i fast-walked past them, I got home doing my homework then I ordered pizza all was fine watched This Morning on catch up..-Helga

This is something out of a horror film. Xx-Sasha

Then I heard a really big knock twice on my door to see who it was no one was there.. Now this is the creepy part after I finished my homework I went to shut the curtains and the guy in the mask was there standing in the rain staring straight at me...-Helga

Creeper alert. Xx-Mike

Stalker more like. Xx-Val

Now could this be linked as I said i ordered pizza and watched This Morning on catch up to then have a knock on my door for no one to be there..-Helga

And? Xx-Sasha

And I looked down when I opened the door to find one single red rose layed near my door on the floor. Xx-Helga

That's some creepy shit. Xx-Mike

No shit sherlock. Xx-Helga

I don't think a neighbour would do that. Xx-Sasha

Me neither. Xx-Helga

Well, all we can say is keep an eye out if that creeper is there again and call the police. Xx-Ekwin

Ok, guys, I will. Xx-Helga

Should you really be sleeping there alone? Especially tonight? Xx-Mike

I will be alright if anything happens I'll contact the police then you guys. Keep this group chat ok. Xx-Helga

Ok, becareful we all love you. Xx-Val

Love you all bye .Xx-Helga

After finishing the chat Helga put her phone on charge and gets ready for bed, ''I wonder'' she says and quickly rushes to her curtains slowly opening them to check if the masked guy was there. ''No sign thank god'' in relife Helga walks to her bed switching the lights off as she switches the kitchen light and closes her bedroom door a shadow from the outside appears a guy standing outside her window balcony.