

The Next Day

Watching her move Kroenen kept himself hidden holding on to another rose, seeing her get changed made him plan what he can do to her body to make her perfect in his eyes.

While he was watching Helga decided on a red dress long enough but letting her ankles show and a nice pair of low heels to give that much more glamour, today was a dance event at the York Hall that is created for a charity event.

Swing dancing, modern-day dancing, etc is being held there all day and Helga and her friends decide to go early as Mike says ''A good chance to get drunk early,''

Come to York Hall for our once a year dance event!!

Starts 10:30 am - 11pm

Saturday 1st Feb

All money goes to a good cause.

As Helga reads the leaflet she puts on the last things to finish her luck. Putting her gold with Shappire earrings in and drawing her red lipstick on her pink perky lips she is finished. ''Last thing'' she says while grabbing her favorite Perfume Sensuous from Estee Lauder, spraying a few puffs on her neck and behind her ears, she is ready for the energetic day.

I'm ready, I'll meet you guys outside the hall. Xx-Helga

Putting on her faux beige fur coat and her clutch bag Helga steps outside and locks her door, steadily walking downstairs her phone beeps and makes a bell sound notifying her someone has messaged her back in the group chat, finally downstairs she opens her bag and reads the message.

We all are too heading now meet you soon. Xx-Sasha

Smiling Helga is proud of how organized her friends are lately normally Ekwin or Val is the last still getting ready or better yet forgetting something important like passes to get in so all of them have to make the tiring trackback to theirs to find them.

'I hope they have everything' she says to herself while replying back,

Good, I've just left and now walking there we all should meet up at the same time unless someone... has forgotten something. Xx-Helga

Hahaha very funny and no we have everything. Xx-Val

See you soon. Xx-Sasha

Whilst Helga was walking Kroenen was behind her watching where she was going 'this is new' he says to himself 'normally she be revising or going to her family' holding onto the red rose Kroenen needs to make sure she receives this before she meets with her friends 'thats if she is meeting them' he says in his mind panicking that she may be going on a date 'I won't let any man be near my angel..never'. Looking at where she is turning he plans to where he can drop it without her getting scared.

After a 20 minute walk Kroenen finds his chance Helga is outside hardly anyone was arriving at this so-called event as Helga was looking at her phone typing, Kroenen makes a dash and drops the flower on the dip of her foot carefully balancing and quietly runs into the shadows.

I have arrived. Xx-Helga

We are round the corner see you in a second. Xx-Mike

And with that, the whole group arrived appearing from the corner of the house as Helga put her phone back in her bag she takes one step feeling a Thorne scrape her skin, ''Ouch'' she says while looking down, 'the red rose' shocked Helga waves the gang over and bends down to pick the flower up.

''Look guys another one'' she says holding it with the note saying ''For you my angel''

''you sure your not winding us up?'' Mike says not believing it, ''I'm sure I just..'' Helga starts confused on why she didn't see anyone place it there nor feel it. Looking around Helga's face becomes white as a sheet ''I think something is more serious is happening not just a funny prank'' she says nervously

''I think we should cancel today'' Sasha says pulling Helga into a hug ''we can't we are ready and we can't let something stupid ruin the while day'' Ekwin says flailing his arms in annoyance ''and having a stalker is just a stupid thing then Ekwin have you ever seen the true stories of what happened to people who let one ruin their life?'' Val says snapping back at his stupid answer.

''Look guys I'm fine I don't want to cause arguments nor to ruin a day out, let's get inside I'll be alright after a few drinks'' Helga says looking directly at a worrying Sasha ''I promise''

''If you say so, let's get in'' Mike replies turning around and going in with Val, Ekwin, and Sasha following suit, Helga follows in behind them clutching on the flower she makes her last search of who might be doing this, as she quickly glances as a metal fence she sees him, 'The gas mask guy' frozen Helga rushes in.

''Drinks first dance later'' was the only sentence she could get out as she rushes to the bar.

'She saw me' Kroenen says holding onto a metal bar 'I'll see you soon Meine Liebe' he says to himself knowing if he could have mind control he would radio that straight to Helga.