
Family Secrets

Next Day

Helga wakes up groggy with a headache from overthinking and researching her grandad's division and made her agree that it was only war and a division her grandad had to fight in.

Getting up she checks her phone,

Morning my munchkin, do you want to have dinner at home? It will be good to see my hard-working daughter again. Love mum Xx

Morning mum, and sure shall I say 1 pm? xx

Helga replies back to her mum ''what a good day this is going to be yesterday I find out that my grandad is more than he said he was, and now my mum wants a catch up'' she says to herself ''Mum must have heard about last night, grandad must have rung her about the situation.'' she says ''or does she even know?'' Helga says to herself while getting her makeup and about to walk out the door.


''Damn phone!!'' Helga shouts annoyed answering the phone ''Hello?''

''Good morning my darest grandaughter'' a voice says over the phone ''Oh good morning Grandad what's wrong?'' Helga asks as she's never had him call her mobile before.

''I just wanted to check up on you from last night'' Fritz begins to say ''grandad I'm fine..'' Helga starts but cut off ''I know it's a lot to take in, I want to say I apologize for not letting you know sooner and from keeping it a secret.'' he says sounding upset '' I hope you can forgive your dear old grandad'' Helga hears her grandad crying ''Grandad it's fine I understand and yes it is a lot to take in but it hasn't made me think anything different from you'' she replies feeling her heart being torn she has never liked seeing or hearing her grandad be upset.''Thank you for accepting but can I ask one thing'' Fritz says ''sure anything'' she replies hoping its not something bad. ''Please don't tell anyone else, not yet not even your mother, you see only your father knew about it'' he started to say ''look grandad I will but I cannot keep it quiet for the rest of my life it is not fair for my mum'' Helga says trying not to sound annoyed while exiting the building heading to college ''Thank you and I promise I will tell your mother one day, I have to go have a good day love you.'' Fritz says ''love you too gramps, bye'' Helga replies then hanging up.

Time skip

After having dinner with her mum Helga makes her way home it's getting dark and she decides to take a cut through into to the underground train station, as Helga walks she knows a cut through which means crossing the opposite of the track into old corridors (if you can call them that) what was built many years ago what was the old underground for trains.

Halfway through walking, she felt a presence but she knows others take this route if they dared not to be caught by security. Carrying on she puts her headphones into her ears but before she put the left one in she stops a figure in front of her was standing still, Helga's heart started to race and suddenly it started to move, her eyes focused she sees the figure appear out of the dark wearing what looks like a gas mask and a bodysuit tightly worn around the figure. 'OMG!' she says to herself feeling her heart pound in her chest and feeling like its sinking to her stomach, she as ready to run.

'Don't be stupid' she says to herself 'It's only a guy going to a fancy dress party'' she reassures herself while her eyes fixed to the guy in front of her slowly swaying side to side and his head moving slightly to the side, Helga decides to take a few steps forward and that did nothing he was still standing there 'get over yourself' her mind was telling her.

''Excuse me I need to be that way'' Helga says ''If you don't mind moving please, you're kinda freaking me out'' she then says and suddenly he moved to the right back into the shadows and Helga found that its the right time to move, as she went past quickly by fast walking she says thank you and makes her way out of the underground.


Hey noodle what you up to? XX -Ekwin

jumping at the sudden sound Helga calmed herself and looked at her phone

Hey Shitface I'm making my way home, why? Xx

Keeping her phone in her hand she rejoins work leaving time crowds getting bumped by passersby.

Alright then was wondering if you want to meet us at Weatherspoons all of us are here. Xx

No, I'm alright thank you, I'd like to have some time to myself and focus on my homework I have to do. Thank you for the offer though maybe next time. Xx

Pressing the button at the crossing Helga feels happy 'for once I've said no even with all of them are meeting up, I can finally have my quiet time.' she says to herself.

No worries see you Monday. Xx-Ekwin

18:40 pm

With her homework laid out on the table and piano music playing in the background, Helga gets onto finishing her homework.

First question: What is a pathogen?

''Ha easy'' she says ''its a microorganism that causes disease,'' she says while writing it down.

Second question: Are Bacteria and viruses different?

''Yes, they are different. Bacteria are much larger and are living cells whereas a virus is an infectious particle. Bacteria can be treated using antibiotics but viruses can't.

As Helga starts one page outside the same guy wearing a gas mask and bodysuit is standing outside in the rain, staring at her as she hasn't closed her curtains.

21:00 pm

Helga finally finished seeing the time she decides to order a pizza, after phoning up she closes her curtains but stops. Her heart begins to pound in her chest.

'The same guy' she says staring at the guy with a mask, standing still she quickly shuts the curtains 'I must be overthinking it' she says and suddenly.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Someone is knocking at the door slowly she approaches and looks through the spy hole.

''Pizza delivery'' a guy says on the opposite the door ''oh thank god' Helga says opening the door and paying the guys ''enjoy'' he says while walking off Helga suddenly shuts the door and locks it and walks to her sofa.

Switching on the TV Helga decides to watch catch up of This Morning while eating her food. Relaxed and forgotten about what she saw today she wasn't expecting another knock on the door.


This time much louder than before, jumping up Helga slowly and quietly as she can walk to the door and looks through the spy hole. 'No one is there' she says seeing no one on the opposite the door.

Putting her ear to the door she hears no footsteps so she decides to unlock the door and open it, looking down the corridor seeing no one she was about to close till she sees a red rose laying on the floor, 'what is this?' she says to herself 'I have no admires' Helga picks up the flower and shuts the door making sure she locks it again.

Putting the rose on her kitchen top she starts to think who could be playing a prank on her.