
Lookism: The Fan-Fic

A boy reincarnated into the webnovel Lookism with a peak human body, and a status board.

Blankio · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Beginning

Name: Joshua Park

Age: 16

Condition: Peak


Muay Thai (Lvl Max)

Taekwondo (Lvl Max)

Kyokushin Karate (Lvl Max)

Aikido (Lvl Max)

Boxing (Lvl Max)

Dirty Boxing (Lvl Max)

Kickboxing (Lvl Max)

MMA (Lvl Max)

CCQ (Lvl Max)

Judo (Lvl Max)

Kung Fu (Lvl Max)

Iron Body (Lvl 10) (Restricted due to World Level)

Iron Fist (Lvl 10) (Restricted due to World Level)

Iron Lungs (Lvl 10) (Restricted due to World Level)

Iron Balls (Lvl Max) (Restriction lifted to protect the family jewels of host) (Warning: Do not ask the training needed to max this out. Host is very sensitive about this.)

Peak Immune System (Innate) (Max)

Perfect Eyes (Innate) (Max)

Animal Instinct (Lvl Max)

Instant Reaction (Lvl Max)

Supernatural Flexibility (Lvl Max)

Supernatural Senses (Lvl 10) (Restricted due to World Level)

Copy (Mastery)

Wild Dog (Beginner) (Progression Locked Due To World Level) (Warning: Do not force host to use this skill. This skill is a culmination of Ultra Instinct and the wild instincts of an animal. Casualties are certain when use of this skill is forced.)

Ultra Instinct (Mastery) (Locked Until Conditions Met) (Condition: ???) (Warning: Practice constraint with use of this skill. Even perfect bodies have limits. The realm beyond perfection is not meant for the body to reach.)

Path: Perfection

(Auxiliary Chapter Coming After This Chapter) (Also for all my readers who like my Journey To Omnipotence Fic, I will be deleting the chapters, removing worlds from the synopsis, and restarting the story.)

(Did you know students in Seoul can spend from 12-16 hours in school every day?)


[J High]


[11:52 A.M]

"Joshua Park?"


I was currently sitting in the fashion department's homeroom. I didn't read Lookism, but I recognized the main character, Daniel Park's, second body. My friends liked this Webtoon and talked about it a lot in the group chat so I saw his face before. I also knew his fat, sloppy, silverback ape-built original body was sleeping like the pig it is at home. But I also knew his original body had almost as much talent as his second one did, if not more. And trust me. He was going to recognize and reach his true potential. If Gun didn't find him and beat it into him, then I would.

"Alright, attendance is done. Now let's begin the lesson."

Well, duty calls.

[Sometime Later]


"You're dismissed."

The teacher for the fashion department announced to our class. Not really sure why because we all can hear.

"Joshua, come on it's time for lunch. I'll show you to the cafeteria."

Oh, no. The groupies. Well, I should have known being in a world named Lookism with good lucks would bring this. I don't particularly hate attention from women, because I am a straight, teenage male. But they're like fucking mosquitoes in this world. The one who asked me to go to lunch was a sexy girl named Zoe Park. Kind of tall, with long legs, a big bust, nice figure overall. If only she wasn't annoying and useless apart from her body.

"Okay, let's go. Daniel, you should come with us."

"Huh?..Uh- Okay."

Daniel who probably wasn't used to being included in things answered with a stutter. Then here came groupie 2. Yui Kim. Same as Zoe to be honest, just way more fake.

"Do you guys mind if I join?"

You can tell just by knowing what type of world you're in that the outgoing, nice girl act she pulls is completely fraudulent. She's constantly vacillating between her real personality, and her fake personality every day. I wonder if she ever gets exhausted.

"No, we don't mind Zoe. Please, join."

I replied back nonchalantly. I didn't really care. I know what type of girl she is and won't fall for it. Plus, she was more focused on Daniel than me so she wouldn't be bothering me.

(Joshua looks like the book's cover, but without the bionic arm, and the school's uniform on, and he has the bandana but no pet on his shoulder. He also has the tats.)

We got our food and sat down at the table and began eating. Well, Daniel and I did, but Zoe and Yui found it the time to ask questions.

"So, Joshua, what do you do during your free time?"

Zoe asked me with a curious and disarming smile on her face.

I, being my nonchalant self, decided to respond with the best response I could give...the truth.

"I manage 9,685 hooligans, and run the biggest delivery service in Seoul. I run it through an app I created named Ubre."

"....Tehe. You're really funny! What do you really do?"

I was taken aback by how she really didn't believe what I said. So I looked around at Daniel, and Yui, and neither one of them showed signs of belief either.

"Uhhh...I like karaoke I guess."

I actually did, I was a pretty good singer.

"Really? We should all go after school someday!"

This time Yui said something. She was probably trying to use this as an opportunity to spend time with Daniel. I must give it to her, she's pretty clever when it comes to manipulating situations to get with boys.

"Ohhhh, good thinking Yui! We definitely should do that. What about tomorrow? It's a Friday."

Oh lord Zoe, you have assisted her with taking the only 10/10 boy in this school you could actually convince to date you just because of his innocence from being bullied and treated like the fat pig he is all his life, on a date. By the way, I don't really have anything against fat people. Just fat people who waist all their latent talent away under food and laziness. Like Daniel.

"What do you guys think?"

Zoe asked with her eyes beaming with expectance. While I would love to go to a karaoke place after school tomorrow with 2 beautiful groupies and one of the physically strongest people in the world, I have a business meeting to attend with Workers, so I can't. That's right, me and Workers will potentially have a partnership for the delivery of products to their first affiliate, a plastic surgery hospital. They apparently need someone more reliable for the delivery of products.

"I can't I'm busy tomorrow. Some business things."

Zoe was completely bummed out after that one. Yui also looked a little bummed, but she looked at Daniel full of hope.

"What about you, Daniel?"

"Huh? What? Oh! Uh- Yeah I'd love to go. But wouldn't it be inappropriate for us to go alone? After all I'm a guy and it's only you two girls."

Yui and Zoe blushed after hearing that, but seemed thoughtful at the idea.

"It should be fine, but if you feel that way we could always ask someone else to go."

Yui answered the question after a little bit of thought.


Fuck. I got distracted and missed my whole lunch. Welp, time to show off one of my greatest techniques ever. I never thought the world would see it.

Gluttonous Path: Vacuum of Hell

In approximately 2.892 seconds, every drop of food left on my plate was gone and I was walking back to class while rubbing my belly in delight. J High had a wonderful chef. The absence of footsteps I was expecting to be behind me caused me to glance back. I saw all 3 of them with their jaws dropped staring at my plate. It was completely clean of any food. I just shrugged and kept walking to class.

[Next Day]

I was walking down the hallway and noticed a crowd outside of the fashion department's classroom. I walked up to the nearest side character and asked them what was going on.

"Zack and Daniel are going to fight. Apparently, Daniel pissed Zack off. He's completely finished now."

Interesting. A previous boxing star, ruined by his own best friend Johan Seong, vs a behemoth with no skills and only instinct. How do I know about Zack's past you may ask? Well, he was collateral to be honest. I was only researching Johan and the other big crews pasts and he was connected to Johan so I researched him to see if he was a weakness I could capitalize on. Just in case Johan was stronger than me. I also know about Johan's mother and her sickness. I refuse to bring her into this though. I have a line I don't cross. Sick, old, and children are off limits.

Anyways, I got through the crowd and into the classroom to see something that didn't surprise me. Daniel was dodging every blow Zack was throwing his way. Zack seemed to be getting frustrated. I wasn't surprised. I would be too if some random nobody came and showed me up in front of half the school, and my crush. I found out Mira was his crush through my research also. She was also Johan and Zack's best friend. I imagine they fought for her love and attention at times.

As I got distracted for half a second, I saw a flash of determination enter Daniel's eyes. I was now intrigued by what he was going to do. He instinctually slipped under a straight from Zack, and launched his own attack. An uppercut. Right to the solar plexus. And Zack folded, all the air leaving his lungs. Daniel won the fight.

"Wow. Impressive."

Daniel turned towards me as I said that.


"I didn't know you were such a ferocious guy Daniel, you seemed so timid yesterday. Ohhh? Are you secretly a fighter looking for a challenge here?"

I had an idea. Why not tease Daniel, and at the same time get myself a fight? I needed to warm up before the Workers meetup anyway.

"Huh? No! I swear it's not what it looks like, it was self-defense."

"Now, now, Daniel. There's no need to be embarrassed. I am also the same way. So why not fight me?"

I kept up the teasing, and dropped my bag to the floor and started stretching.

"Wait, no, I don't want to fight you. I swear, it was self-defense."

"Ara, ara, such a humble person. You're also caring too. Don't worry it won't be a fight. It will be a spar. Alright, I'm done stretching. I'm going to start on 1, okay?"

"Wait, let's talk about this."


"Joshua I don't want to fight you!"



"1. Here I come!"

I exclaimed with a toothy grin on my face. And then I took off towards him.

[Daniels POV]

Wait, where did he go?

Suddenly, I felt a itch on the back of my neck and turned my head, and I felt a fist impact my jaw and forcefully turn my head back the other way.

I immediately blacked out.

I woke up in my other body, and sat up immediately. But half a second later collapsed again.

"Ah, ah, ahhh. Can't go to sleep now Danny boy, you're in the middle of a spar."

I woke up to Joshua, crouched over me with his hand up in the air.

"Oh, you're up now. Stand up."

I immediately pushed him off me and stood up and got on guard. He backflipped using the force of my push, and landed a few feet away.

"Oh? You're ready now?"

He taunted me and tilted his head as he said those words.

"Alright, here I come, this time I won't wake you up, so try to put up a fight."

Immediately, he disappeared once more. I got that itch in the back of my neck again but decided to just jump forward instead of turning. Once I landed, I immediately turned around and saw him advancing toward me again. His left leg lifted up off the ground and flew towards the side of my head at insane speeds. I barely got my arm up in time, but all of a sudden his leg swerved over my arm, and his foot impacted the top of my head. My neck almost snapped from the force behind his kick. I immediately dropped down to my knees, but before my knees hit the floor he grabbed my head, and kneed me in my face. As I started to fly back, he grabbed me by my collar, and I all of a sudden was above him. Before I knew it I was staring up at the ceiling with incredible pain in my back, and no air in my lungs. My eyes started to get heavy, and all I could hear was one word.


Then the sweet embrace of sleep reached me.

[Joshua POV]

He tried to sleep again so I slapped him awake.

"No sleeping in school. The teachers coming."

I turned towards all the shocked and fearful faces, and blinked like a deer in headlights with the most innocent face ever.

"What? Did I do something?"