
Lookism: The Dealer

reincarnated in lookism. (The story is a Manager Kim X Lookism)

firebeast200000 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Change of Plans and Cheongliang

At a small public place, five individuals were taking turns playing table pool.

"Aghhh, this game sucks."

A rageful shout was heard from one of the five, as he broke the billiard stick in half.

"Hahaha, Joon you absolutely suck" Junho laughed

"Yeah, Junho is right, even I'm not that bad" Jam-gwi said with a sleepy tone

"Guys, give Joon a break" Dongmin said with a smirk as Joon face showed a smile that expresses 'thank you', but as the next words followed, his face ashen "After all, being small isn't an easy thing, his hands can't hold the billiard stick properly."

"You guys, you keep bringing the same shit up. I'm not small" Joon was angry as veins could be seen sprouting on his face.

"Calm down Joon, after all, the Boss agrees too, don't you boss?" Dongmin said

Ryu nodded

"Boss, not you too" Joon expressed with a heartbroken expression seeing Ryu agree with them.

Ryu's phone rang. He stopped playing his turn seeing it was Samuel who called.

"You guys continue without me" he said as he strode towards a window

"Yeah Samuel, what is it?"

"Boss, there seems to be a situation occuring with the Kings."


"Some of the Kings left from their territories and headed towards Cheonliang. It seemed they will be caught up with each other."

"Which Kings?"

"King of Ansan, King of Daegu, King of Incheon, King of Suwon and King of Seoul. It seems a situation occured for the King of Cheonliang that made the Kings gather together. Boss, I suggest taking this opportunity for the boys to send their guys to take their territories, and while doing that why don't we strike the Kings while they are gathered."

'Samuels right, why did I think of waiting if this is the perfect opportunity to take down five of the kings.' Ryu thought


"Hahahaha, Dongmin that was a good one, didn't know you had it in you." Junho couldn't stop laughing at what Dongmin said about Joon.

Dongmin snickered as he was taking his turn.

"Guys, if you keep going at it Joon might pop a vein" Jam-gwi said while yawning as he saw Joon with his head down shaking.

"Who the hell is making all this noise" The door to the place was opened to reveal a blond haired man, slightly above average build in a white tank top, jeans, and with piercings, following him was a group.

"Oi, you bastard keep your mouth shut" the blond said to Junho who was laughing as he walked towards him, but "Shortie move out the way" he said to Joon as he placed his hand on top of his hair which made the group behind him laugh.

Joon who heard this, who was already on the verge of losing it because of Dongmin and Junho has officially lost it

"Hey,  I said mov-"

The blond didn't get to finish his sentence as a half billiard stick pierced his throat making it's way through the back of his neck, instantly killing him as he laid on the ground with blood flowing out.

Time stood still for the group that followed the blond as they took time to register what just happened.


"H-he killed him"

Panic spread onto the group, this was the first time they encountered such violence.


The person who was at the front of the group pointed at Joon while shaking.

The person also didn't get to finish his sentence as a kick to the side of the face instantly snapped his neck in a 360 spin with the force sending him crashing to a wall, head first, splitting it open.

"You fuckers think you're funny?"

Joon asked as he jumped on another, placing his leg on top of his head driving it down full force to the ground creating a massive creator as his head was sunken with blood oozing out.

"So why aren't you laughing now? Huh!" Joon said as veins covered his entire face.

Dashing towards the other who's face was pale as he soiled his pants.

Driving the other billiard half from the bottom of his mouth piercing the tongue, following a knee to the bottom of the billiard half, driving it through the roof of his mouth to his brain as blood sprayed, leaving him spasming on the floor.

The group mortified as they couldn't talk or move, the scene they just witnessed was something that left them paralyzed in fear as they felt a cold hand gripping their heart.

With Joon directing his gaze towards them the feeling intensified.

"Don't worry" Joon gave a huge smile "You won't be able to smile after I am done with you"

"This idiot, he made a huge mess" Jam-gwi face palmed his face after looking at the bodies and blood all over the place

"If Joon didn't do anything, I would have literally made more of a mess than him for what that shit said to me."  Junho looked at the blond who was dead.

"Well, at least it became easy to solve situations like that." Dongmin said while aiming his shot.

"Okay everyone" Ryu walked towards them, he put the phone in his pocket as he finished two calls "Change of plans, we're striking the Kings early. I just got a call from Samuel that the Kings are going to gather at Cheongliang, tell your guys to take over the territories. Joon takes over Deagu, Junho takes over Ansan, Jam-gwi takes over Incheol, Dongmin takes over Suwon. Samuel will meet us there as his guys take over Seoul" Ryu walked to the door avoiding the blood and bodies that Joon made "And I already called the chief police to send someone to clean this mess up while I was at it, now everyone, let's go."

"Yes boss"


In Cheongliang

"...James Lee. You'll have to take responsibility for messing with the first generation."

A red and black short hair what he seems to be 17 years old, can be seen surrounded by five individuals who they seem to be around 20 years old.

James looking at them as he thought of testing their strength, but..

"Ugh, this place smells like rotted dead bodies."

A voice stopped James and the five people surrounding him from moving.

They looked towards the entrance from where the voice came from as they saw six individuals approaching.

To see a black haired, brown eyes in a long sleeve shirt and black jeans as he covered his nose. A bald guy in tank top and jeans holding a hammer. A red hair in a red hoody and sports pants. A half black and blue hair, yellow eyes in bikers outfit with a long bat on his shoulder. Another with business hairstyle in business suit, and glasses. And a slick back black hair with few strings left out in all white, track top with short sleeved shirt underneath, pants,  and shades with a silver chain around his neck.

'Who are they?' Was the thought of everyone present.

"To think the Kings are that stupid leaving their territories wide open, and here I thought the ones with the brains had any, I overestimated you" Ryu lighted a cigarette as he briefly eyed Jinchang at the word brains as he looked back at them "Or should I say former Kings."

To that, the kings widened their eyes including James.

"Who are you? And what do you mean by former Kings?" Jinchang asked Ryu with a serious gaze.

"Who am I is not important, and what I mean, it's simple, your territories are now occupied by me" Ryu said

"Don't joke around, how could you have occupied the territories in this short amount of time and it's not something so simple to do." Jinchang retorted

"Well, my guys are quick to move and what you mean by it won't be easy, is it because of your loyal subordinates in command and their strength? Then sorry to break it to you, in our camp having strength is survival and situations like these are easy to solve, just state the rules, resist and die, don't resist and live, so it was quick and easy" Ryu said with an expressionless face as he eyed every king as their face had an angry expression "But i'll tell you guys good news and bad news, the good news is you got a hefty amount of loyal subordinates who didn't betray you, but the bad news" Ryu puffed out smoke as he continued "They were all killed, and because of that the rest under them turned their face on you in seconds."

"Now boys, go introduce yourselves." Ryu told his men as they approached the Kings

"You're the former king of Daegu huh, the name's Joon, it's new King" Joon approached Gongseop with a mocking smile as Gongseop had an angry glare "And man you look stupid with those ears"

"Taesoo ma, right? I'm Junho the king of Ansan" Junho walked to Taesoo who's eyes twitched hearing the last part, while spinning his hammer "I heard you're good with your fists, so" Throwing the hammer aside as he continued with a huge smile "Should we put it to the test?"

"Man I want to sleep" Jam-gwi wiped away the tears because of how sleepy he is as he waved his hands towards "I'm Jam-gwi King of Incheon, nice to meet you Jaegyeon Na. By the way, my hair is better."

"You must bs Sedoku, the names Dongmin King of Suwon, you're forehead is your weapon they say." Dongmin strode as he had his bat on his shoulder "Let's see if your forehead stays intact after I'm done with you."

"The name's Samuel, King of Seoul, nice to meet you former Seoul's snake, Jinchang."  Adjusting his glasses as he looked at Jinchang who had a serious yet angry face.

As each found their opponents.

"And you" Ryu approached James "Why don't we take a seat"

James narrowed his eyes, he felt it, this man Infront of him is dangerous, he needed to leave, it won't be good if he caught up in a fight considering the damage his body got against Seongji.

"Well, you seem to be mistaken" James slightly smiled "I am not apart of the kings and my business here is finished." he said, as he tries to cross Ryu to leave, But..

"Are you sure you don't want  to take a seat?" Ryu said as he gave a side glance to James who was about to cross him

This time James stopped because if he just slightly felt this man was dangerous before, now it's different.

He could clearly feel the danger and pressure this man next to him released as his gaze fell on him, his body trembled slightly.

'Am I trembling?' James couldn't control his body from trembling as it was an instinctual response towards Ryu.

'Even Infront of that man, my body didn't react like this.' James for the first time his body experienced this foreign feeling as even Infront of the man who was considered the legendary Fist didn't give him.

'But, looking at this person he doesn't seem he wants to fight.' James took a breath as he thought.

"Fine then" James said as he followed Ryu to sit on the porch.

"So who are you?" James asked

"The name's Ryu." As he lit a cigarette taking a puff.

"This is your doing I assume." Ryu turned to his side at the distance looking at Seonji yuk the king of Cheonliang who was half conscious sitting against the wall.

Seeing Ryu looking towards Seonji he nodded

"You're the so called shaman of this place aren't you." Ryu turned his head back to the old man who was trying to walk away, the old man halted his steps as he nodded towards Ryu shakenly.

"To think you would have the Yamazaki clan at your back" smoking as he said "If the Yamazaki head was still alive, he wouldn't have let this slide you know?"

Hearing that, both James and Shinmyung widened their eyes

'The Yamazaki head is dead?' Both thought, as some moment, at the same time, looked at Ryu as a sudden realization hit them 'They heard that the Yamazaki head left the clan for business saying he will come back, but some years passed and never came back, they thought he just went somewhere but never assumed he's dead. Could it be that he...'

Shinmyung shook his head, there was no way a kid can achieve something like that.

But James is different "Did you kill him?" He asked, he was certain this guy knows something even if he wasn't the one who killed him.

"Hmm, straightforward aren't you?" Ryu side glanced James "Yeah I killed him, even though he was one piece of work that gave me some trouble."

James hearing that, even though he was prepared for that answer was shocked after all the Yamazaki head was..

"Y-you brat, do you have any idea what you're saying" Shinmyung shouted

James could understand the old guy's outburst, after all the Yamazaki head is the one who gave trouble to the legendary Fist Gapryong Kim, while beating the third in command Jin young Park, and for someone completely unknown to say he killed him was unbelievable.

Ryu didn't say anything as he continued smoking.

'Even though it's hard to believe, but I don't see he's lying.' James thought as he looked at Ryu with wariness.

"Stop thinking about it and just watch the show" Ryu said

James looked at the fight that's occuring


Joon vs Gongseop Ji

Joon kicked Gongseop as he had his guard up with a serious expression clearly showing the kick had no effect. Joon followed with a kick to the side of his face with a faster speed which Gongseop dodged as he dashed having in an instant his fist already Infront Joon's face which made Joon frowned in surprise, he clearly wasn't expecting this type of speed, in a matter of seconds Joon quickly shifted his center of gravity

The impact of Gongseop's fist almost sent Joon to the ground but Joon had his elbow against the fist, using it's force, he twisted his body backwards mid fall striking Gongseop with his leg to back of his head smashing him face first into the ground.

"Speed and endurance huh"

Not giving him time to stand up, he soccer kicked his side making Gongseop groane from the pain due to not being able to tighten his muscles to tank the hit. He rolled onto the ground as he regained his footing with blood coming out of the corner of his mouth.

"Even if you have speed and endurance I am still faster and stronger"

Joon quickly followed a mid air spinning kick aimed at the face, Gongseop raised his arms to block but the kick at the last second changed direction hitting his side of his ribs breaking them.

"Ughh" Gongseop felt his ribs broken as he thought 'H-how, his kick was straight, how did he change his trajectory with that form when in midair.'

"Surprised? Well I can't blame you, after all my flexibility and center of gravity are far from normal."

Joon said as he walked towards Gongseop who was covering his broken side.

"So no matter how hard you try" Joon in an instant appeared Infront of Gongseop as he instinctively put his guard up as a barrage of kicks landed non stop "The outcome won't change"

'He got even faster' Gongseop widened his eyes with Joon's kicks connected overwhelming him with speed that he can't match leaving him no room to counter, he struggled to keep up, his guard barely able to withstand the hits. Gritting his teeth against the pain, 'Am I going to lose?' he thought.

Soon Gongseop's endurance reached its limits and his guard faltered. Joon seeing that laughed, "Well, it was a boring fight. You did your worst. For that, let me show you something."

Joon leaped into the air, executing two front flips, he twisted his body with impossible flexibility in a ninety degrees angle as one of his leg outstretched to the point where his foot is next to his head as he is aiming for an axe kick, brining his leg down with the momentum and weight he built by the flips as shockwaves followed due to the speed it's going at, as in a flash his leg appeared on top of Gongseop's head, for a finishing blow. "Don't die, idiot" he sneered.

But before Joon's kick could land, inches away from Gongseop's head, as unknown to him. Gongseop face had a determined look as the already dim blue light in his eyes became even more vibrant flaring from its sides.

Joon's kick was going to hit, but missed. His eyes widened. 'Missed? No, his spe-' Joon didn't get to finish his thoughts as a fist was already in front of his face exceeding what his body could react to. Gongseop had sidestepped Joon's kick, leaving an afterimage launching his 'Gongseop Counter' with  his fist closing in instantly on Joon's surprised expression.

The fist landed on Joon's face smashing him to the ground creating a massive pit.

Letting out a relieved sigh, Gongseop looked at Joon who seemed to be unconscious on the floor.

"Heh" Looking at Joon with a smile "I think the new king isn't all that much" he turned around wanting to help the Kings but stopped

"You cocky fucker, what did you just say?"

Gongseop looked back to see Joon getting back up as he had blood dripping from his forehead going down to the side of his face.

"Isn't that much?" Veins started appearing on Joon's face "Did some improvements in your speed and a clean hit make you think you've done something?" Reaching his hand behind his back grabbing a num chuck  "I am gonna make sure to send you back crying to your Buddha, you shit." Walking towards Gongseop as he's spinning his num chuck.

'A num chuk' Gongseop surprised when he saw Joon take out a num chuk 'Is this guy a weapon user?'

Gongseop took his boxing guard stance as he looked serious this time because maybe Joon is a weapon user rather than a hand to hand fighter. That means one thing 'This guy might be more dangerous when using a weapon'

'I have a feeling that if I don't finish this fight now, I'll lose' Thinking while looking at Joon who was approaching 'When he's in range I'll strike with everything I have aiming for one clean hit'.

'Now' seeing Joon in range, using his speed to the limits, dashed, leaving a crack from his outburst under his legs, arriving instantly Infront of him aiming his fist at his chin. But..

Joon at the last second struck Gongseop's wrist with his num chuck as his charging fist shifted to the left passing by Joon's cheek.

Gongseop was shocked at what occured

"What, surprised?" Joon seeing his expression laughed

Gongseop wanted to take his distance

"You're fast but when these babies are in my hands"

In an instant, Gongseop didn't register what happened as he felt his whole body was hit but didn't feel anything until after 5 second, immense pain flowed through his entire body as he unconsciously fell backwards on his back.

"I am beyond fast."

'My body, I can't move' Gongseop thought as he was looking at the sky, struggling to get up.

His arms were broken, his legs are bruised just a bit more and they would have as well broke.

"But I can't say I am not surprised, your hardness is something else" Joon looked at Gongseop who was slowly losing conscious "Any other they would have died. So go to sleep"

At that Gongseop lost complete conscious.


Junho vs Taesoo Ma

"Heh, do you think you can win" Junho laughed "The style you're using follows one pattern which makes your every move is predictable"

"Well why don't you come and try" Taesoo replied with a stoic expression his right fist clenched, while the other hand remained tucked in his pocket, a symbol of his beliefs.

"Well don't cry when you lose" Junho said as he dashed aiming to grab Taesoo

'A grappler?' Taesoo thought as he launched his fist against Junho. 'It's over' Taesoo thought as he was about to get a clean hit. But..

"You thought wrong"

Junho dashed downwards dodging the punch as he grabbed Taesoo by his legs lifting him up smashing him onto the the ground creating a crater.

Taesoo was about to get up but Junho locked his arms with a vice hold with one hand as he got on top.

"As I said," Junho has his arm in a punching position as he said "Having one attack pattern is not good at all"

Punching Taesoo repeatedly as a pit formed behind his head

"Heh" Blood covered Junho knuckles as he mocked Taesoo who seemed to give up resistance"I overestimated you, I thought you're strong but you might just be one of the weakest out of the kings"

"So " Junho was about to land his last punch

Taesoo was able to free his one hand from his hold.

'Hmm, he managed to get his hand out?' Junho was surprised because this hold was able to bend steel. But he smiled as soon as he saw Taesoo clench his fist

"Do you think you ca-"

'U-Ugh' Junho went wide eyed as  felt immense pain from the left side of his ribs as he was sent rolling to his right.

'This guy...' He clutched his side, he looked at Taesoo who was standing up. 'From such a small angle, where he couldn't generate much recoil, he was able to send this much force from his fist.''

"You talk a lot" Taesoo approached Junho who was clutching his side with his stoic face.

"Tch, you fucker" Junho looked at Taesoo who seemed to look down on him "Don't get cocky."

"Ok, let's do it you're style then" Junho said

Taesoo landed a fist on Junho face but his eyes widened momentarily as he saw Junho take it.

"You think I only have strength?"Junho said with a smile as Taesoo's fist was on his face "What I excel the most in is Endurance."

Junho landed a punch of his own as Taesoo took two steps back.

'His endurance is higher than that monk' Taesoo thought as Junho was able to take his fist without a problem. 'But..' clenching his fist while his face was expressionless.

"Let's have some fun" Junho gave a wide smile

Time passed as the two were trading blows since Junho decided to abandon his wrestling techniques in favor of a head-on confrontation, but to his dismay, Taesoo overwhelmed him.

'Fuck, I was wrong' Junho gritting his teeth as he was trading blows with Taesoo 'This guy, my body even with my endurance isn't able to completely tank his fists at all'

When it comes to endurance, Junho is confident. He can take blows while being unguarded without a problem, even weapons weren't effective against him. But the guy Infront of him, his fist is dangerous, every hit he lands sends shockwaves through his body with the pain intensifying, he knew his fists are different, but to be this different, he never expected it.

While the two continued trading blows, in the midst of it. Junho decided to change his approach.

He dashed, dodging Taesoo's punch, and quickly moved behind him, wrapping his arms around Taesoo's torso in a tight lock. The sudden change of confrontation caught Taesoo off guard.

"You're not bad" Junho said as he lifted Taesoo off the ground "But this needs to end"

Junho drove Taesoo down with a suplex to his right side, creating a pit in the ground with small debris flying out. Without losing momentum, Junho rolled, regaining his footing with Taesoo still in his grip, lifting him up again and slammed him down on his left side, getting a grunt of pain from Taesoo.

Junho rolled once more, maintaining his hold, but this time he crouched slightly, preparing for a final move. Using the momentum from his legs, he leapt into the air, holding Taesoo as he executed a backflip. The combined force of the jump, the rotation of the backflip, and the weight of both into a devastating suplex to the ground forming a massive crater.

"Heh" Junho sneered as he looked at the laid down Taesoo "I admit you were strong but that's how far you'll go"

"So, ho-"

He was cut off as he saw the supposedly unconscious Taesoo rose to his feet, his right fist clenched tightly while the other, broken as it was tucked in his pocket. Blood dripped from his face. His eyes were flaring with red sparks and faint fades of purple representing his strength and beliefs.

Junho thoughts raced as he stared at Taesoo in disbelief 'How is he still able to stand up after that'.

"Just this much won't be enough to take me down." Taesoo said as he approached Junho.

'This is getting dangerous' Junho thought as he looked at Taesoo who was approaching 'This guy, I don't think I can win against him with anything normal."

"To think you would be able to get up after that, not bad" Junho said with his usual wide smile "But I'm not so easy myself"

Taking a stance, he had his arms raised and wide open, anybody who sees that will think he is full of openings, but Taesoo thought otherwise, he could tell this was no normal stance, but he didn't care as he kept approaching.

'One hit, I just need one hit to end it' both thought as they were in each other's range.

Junho taking a deep breath as he clenched both his fists with veins popping out along his arms.

Taesoo was focused, as he was ready to instantly land his punch

Dashing at each other, Taesoo had his punch Infront of Junho face, while Junho closed his arms as in an instant both fists were aimed each on the side of his ribs.

A loud shockwave sounded as both of their attacks simultaneously striked each other. The impact sounded like a gunshot as Junho was slammed to the ground, his body bouncing off the ground 'His strength....increased?' he thought as he was on the ground half conscious. Taesoo on the other hand was completely losing conscious, the strike of Junho sent shockwaves through his ribs impacting his lungs cutting his airflow as pain intensified throughout his upper body with blood pouring out of his mouth as he laid on the ground.


"Are you just going to stand there?" Jam-gwi asked, stifling a yawn as he watched Jaegyeon.

Jaegyeon approached Jam-gwi, but Jam-gwi still seemed half asleep and unprepared for any potential attack.

"I'm leaving," Jaegyeon announced, walking past Jam-gwi, who looked surprised. "I've already finished my business here."

"You're not concerned about your territory?" Jam-gwi asked, turning to face Jaegyeon's departing figure.

"Incheon? I couldn't care less about that place," Jaegyeon replied while scoffing.

"And your subordinates?" Jam-gwi asked.

"I couldn't care less about them either. They're just waiting for an opportunity to kill me." Jaegyeon stated, pausing to glance back at Jam-gwi. "And I'm not foolish enough to stick around."

'What an odd guy' Jam-gwi thought as he watched Jaegyeon leave.

Jam-gwi had anticipated a confrontation between them, but Jaegyeon's indifference towards his territory and the Kings was unexpected. As someone who was labeled as a king of the first generation, Jaegyeon should have had some pride, but it seemed he didn't care about that at all.

"Well, at least I won't have to deal with any trouble." Jam-gwi remarked, turning his attention back to the occuring fights.


Dongmin vs Sedoku

Sedoku was shocked as he felt pain from his forehead. To know his forehead was his weapon as it was easy for him to tank and deflect any attacks from fists to kicks and weapons. But..

"Hahah, are you an idiot. Charging at my attack head on like that." Dongmin laughed

"If you actually think you can tank my bat think again" Dongmin sneered "Let me tell you, it's not about the weapon, it's about the user."

Dongmin dashed striking Sedoku forehead again, driving him into the ground.

"Huh, you're this weak?" Dongmin asked mockingly, looking at Sedoku who was slowly shakingly getting up "What a waste of time you were"

"Don't be too arrogant" Sedoku was furious. Since becoming a king he has never been underestimated like he is being now.

"Arrogant?" Dongmin laughed, his smile widened with squinted eyes as he looked at the charging Sedoku "I think you need a wake up call"

As Sedoku head was inches away from Dongmin, the unexpected happened . Using the tip of the bat, Dongmin redirected Sedoku's head downward propelling his body to the ground.

'What, how did h-' Sedoku thought with widened eyes but was cut off by a bat connecting to the back of his head, driving his face into the ground. In the midst of Sedoku's fall, Dongmin did a 360 degree side spin striking the back of Sedoku's head leveraging both his own momentum and Sedoku's falling motion in his strike.The impact cratered the ground beneath them, sending a shockwave through the air.

"That got to hurt, am I right?" Dongmin sneered, crouching beside the dazed Sedoku. "Out of all the fighting skills there is, you chose this shitty move. You're this weak, and I can't imagine the ones who lost to you. Hey, are you listening" He poked the seemingly unconscious Sedoku "Don't tell m-"

A hand shot up, grabbing Dongmin by the collar "Don't underestimate me" Came a muffled voice due to Sedoku's face against the ground.

"Huh" Dongmin frowned smiling "Can't hear you when you're kissing the ground."

"I said" Sedoku said as he pulled Dongmin closer as he lifted his head aiming to strike him with the back of his skull "Don't underestimate me "

Dongmin smile widened further as he simply struck  the incoming attack with the back of his bat stopping Sedoku's attack.

Standing up as he kicked Sedoku's face sending him back.

"Shouldn't underestimate you?" Approaching Sedoku laughing "What's there to expect from someone as weak as you."

Sedoku rose to his feet, blood was dripping from his forehead to his face that has an enraged expression as he charged at Dongmin, who dodged and countered each attack.

"What's this, are you gonna cry?" Dongmin mocked.

Sedoku kept charging at Dongmin, leading with his forehead, gritting his teeth in frustration and pain as Dongmin dodged and countered each attack with ease.

"Stop hiding!" Sedoku shouted angrily, his eyes filled with rage as he looked at Dongmin's mocking expression.

"Are you sure?" Dongmin said, standing his ground. As Sedoku neared, Dongmin vanished from his sight 'Where did he-'

Sedoku's thoughts were abruptly cut off as Dongmin executed a spinning slide tackle, sending him falling. Mid-spin, Dongmin grabbed his bat with both hands and aimed it at Sedoku's forehead which was inches away from the ground.

"Home..." Dongmin shouted as he struck Sedoku's forehead, sending him flying and leaving his head buzzing. "Run!"

But Dongmin wasn't finished. Leaping into the air, he swung his bat with both hands, smashing it into Sedoku's face mid air sending him to the ground. The impact was devastating, forming a large creator beneath him. Sedoku laid there, his face bloodied and deformed, defeated.

"Man you're such a waste." Dongmin mocked as stood over the unconscious Sedoku.


Samuel vs Jinchang Kwak

Wind and shockwaves rippled through the air as Jinchang attacked with his hand in the form of a blade at Samuel, who deftly dodged each strike.

"It seems you knew that some of us gathered together at Cheonliang," Jinchang said, his attacks relentless. "Are you aiming to take down the first generation?"

Jinchang was skeptical. These people had appeared suddenly, claiming territories. They were able to track his and their movements so effectively. It made him wonder if there were spies in his and the others' territories.

"Asking irrelevant questions," Samuel replied, still dodging effortlessly.

"It seems you won't say anything." Jinchang's face turned serious. "Then there is no need to talk."

'I have to end this quickly,' Jinchang thought, preparing to use all his strength and speed.

He dashed forward, leaving two deep footprints behind, his hand-blade aimed at Samuel's neck. But Samuel leaned backward, dodging the attack as it whipped through the air, followed by a shockwave. Jinchang immediately followed with another strike aimed at Samuel's face, but Samuel, still leaning backward, moved his body to the right while sidestepping. Jinchang's attack landed on the ground, creating a pit.

'He's quick and agile.' Jinchang thought, watching Samuel evade his every move.

"You're fast, but.." Jinchang, spinning and aiming his left hand for another blow at Samuel's neck. Samuel was about to dodge, but Jinchang stepped on his foot, pinning him in place. "This fight ends here." Jinchang declared as his hand closed in on Samuel's neck. But...

Jinchang's eyes widened in shock as his attack was not dodged but blocked. Samuel had stopped it with just a finger pressing against his elbow.

'W-what?' He couldn't believe his eyes as his attack was blocked like that.

"Aren't you overestimating yourself?" Samuel asked as he gripped Jinchang's arm.

'Wait, why can't I feel my arm?' Jinchang thought, trying to pull his arm away but realizing he couldn't move or feel it.

"I don't think you realize this, but this was never considered a figh.," Samuel said, looking at Jinchang.

"You!" Jinchang was angry, how could he not understand Samuel's meaning? He quickly struck with his right hand, aiming for Samuel's throat.

"Slow." Samuel said, seeing Jinchang's attack. As it was inches away from his throat, Samuel's fingers darted out, striking three precise points along Jinchang's arm. Jinchang's movement stuttered, confusion flashing in his eyes as his arm suddenly went numb. Samuel capitalized on this moment, delivering a powerful palm strike to Jinchang's stomach. The force of the blow lifted Jinchang off the ground, blood spilling from his mouth. While still off his feet, Samuel grabbed Jinchang's leg and smashed him into the ground with a loud crash creating a crater.

Samuel then moved to stomp on Jinchang's chest, but surprisingly, Jinchang managed to block the attack with both arms crossed. Samuel paused, surprised. "Not bad, you were able to move your arms. But do you think forcibly moving them is a smart thing to do?"

Jinchang's suit sleeves were stained with blood, veins bulging and bursting due to the strain of forcibly moving his arms from the blockages Samuel had created. "I commend you. Struggling even though you know it's futile...your pride is impressive," Samuel said, acknowledging Jinchang's resilience. "You have potential."

Keeping his leg pressed against Jinchang's arms, Samuel continued, "Why don't you join my camp? You could still be ruling over Seoul."

Jinchang, surprised, kept his expression stoic. "Join you? I've never lived with a bent knee." he replied.

"I see. It's a pity." Samuel said, reaching into his suit pocket. "You could have been my right hand, but your pride doesn't allow it." He pulled out a gun fitted with a silencer and aimed it at Jinchang's head who widened his eyes due to the weapon that was pulled out.

"I thought you were smart, but only a fool chooses pride over his life. So, this is goodbye, Seoul's snake." Samuel declared.

Jinchang closed his eyes, bracing for the end. But seconds passed, and nothing happened. He opened his eyes to see Samuel putting the gun back into his suit pocket.

"I almost forgot that I shouldn't kill you. Eliminating you would disrupt the plans, but..." Samuel glanced at James in the distance, who was watching the fights. "The boss said someone else would eventually take care of you and the others. So, for now..." Samuel struck a precise finger at Jinchang's temple, rendering him unconscious. "Rest."

"Well, it seems they're done" Ryu said.

'They were able to take the kings down' James next to Ryu observed with a serious expression as he just saw the fall of the kings.

'And' He looked at Ryu. 'Someone has them as his subordinates.'


James could only describe these people as dangerous. They were able to take down the first generation kings and claim their territories. And not just that, they were under someone. He could tell the kings together were dangerous, but they came together momentarily. These guys are above the kings but they're permanently together while having someone rule over them.

'I don't know where these people came from' James standing up as he was about to leave 'But, I need to go back and make some adjustments to my plans.'

"Leaving already?" Ryu asked

"Well, I think I saw enough surprises for today" James said as he walked towards the exit

"Are you sure you want to leave" Taking a puff of smoke as he looked at James who was leaving "James Lee"

James hearing that stopped his tracks

"You, how do you know my name?" James turned around as he narrowed his eyes at Ryu.

"Who wouldn't know James Lee" Ryu replied as he stood up taking his last puff of smoke before throwing his cigarette on the gound. "But first" Turning his gaze to the old shaman.

"I need to take care of something"

Shinmyung seeing Ryu looking towards him trembled.

"Y-you what are you doing" He said as he looked at Ryu who was approaching

"James Lee, what are you doing" the shaman shouted as he looked at James "Protect me"

James just remained silent.

"D-dammit," Shinmyung took a step back. "Wait, I can give you anything you want. If you want this terr-"


Ryu didn't let him finish. He dug his hand under the shaman's skin, ripping his face apart, blood flowing everywhere, followed by shrill screams.

"You see, disrespecting me is not good at all," Ryu said, looking at the shaman who was screaming and covering his faceless head with his hands as he rolled on the ground. "But shouting at me is even worse, and it came from an old man at that."

"So, don't think you'll receive a painless death."

Ryu kicked the old man, sending him smashing against the wall, blood overflowing from his mouth as his screams turned into gurgles.

Grabbing him by the hair, Ryu ripped his tongue out, further intensifying the old man's distorted screams.

Ryu then placed one hand on top of his head and the other under his chin.

Applying just the right amount of force, he shattered all the old man's teeth, blood spraying from his mouth.

Letting him go, the old man spasmed in agony, his screams reduced to gurgles from the blood.

This was a pain beyond imagination, something only those who experienced it could understand what the old man is going through.

Ryu brought his foot down at the center of the old man's chest, breaking his ribcage. He kept stomping until the old man was dead and his chest was completely caved in, his upper organs entirely squashed.

"Now then" Ryu who turned his head towards James who had his eyes wide "As I was saying, who wouldn't know James Lee if he killed that guy"

'That man, he's completely crazy' James thought as he witnessed this gruesome scene 'He's like him, No. He's crazier than him. And..'

"What do you mean by that" James looked at Ryu with a serious expression hearing the last part

"What, didn't you kill Gapryong?" Ryu said

'How, I am sure that the evidence is cleared, how does he know something about that' James thought

"Don't worry" Ryu walked towards James "There is no need to report something that trivial"

Stopping Infront of James while he looked down  to match his eyes as he towered over him.

"So show me what you got"

James thought if he should fight or run.

"Don't think about running after all you don't have an option" Ryu cut James thoughts as he continued "But if you think you do, try it, even if I don't want to kill you, don't think you can run without losing a limb"

James threw his thoughts aside as he started to get serious

'If that's the case, then why don't I take the opportunity to verify his strength'

James aimed his leg at Ryu's face with a speed faster than sound.

His kick landed, shockwaves rippling from the impact. 'A clean hit,' he thought, but a second later, his eyes widened in shock.

He saw Ryu's expressionless face, unaffected by the kick. The only change was that Ryu's shades had been knocked off, revealing his eyes.

'W-what the...' James stared at Ryu's eyes, startled. Instead of normal eyes, Ryu's sclera were completely black, with irises that seemed to glow a faint, sinister red and pupils that are black. 'His eyes are even worse than Gun's.'

"Is that it?" Ryu asked, noticing James's startled expression..

'He took that without even guarding' James thought. He knew his own strength and speed, yet he hadn't managed to hurt the person in front of him.


James pushed his speed and strength to their limits, seemingly teleporting around Ryu and unleashing a barrage of kicks at his vital areas. But…

In the midst of James's attacks, Ryu caught his leg, immobilizing him mid-air, wielding him like a sword.

'H-how?' James was shocked.

You can swing a person and smash them to the ground, but lifting someone mid-air by their leg and immobilizing them, strength doesn't explain this.

While being held mid-air, James, using his tremendous flexibility, launched his other leg towards Ryu's head, but it had no effect.

'This gu-'

James didn't finish his thought as Ryu threw him to the ground, creating a crater.

'T-this strength' James gritted his teeth from the pain as he slowly stood up, looking at Ryu. 'Even that man...'

"That's not it" Ryu said as he watched James struggled to get back up. "I don't understand how you managed to participate in killing Gapryong with this strength."

"Yeah, I know you didn't kill Gapryong on your own," He continued, seeing James's surprised expression. "But your current speed and strength seemed to have been obtained during your fight with the King of Cheongliang. So, before, you didn't have that strength and speed when dealing with Gapryong. Even if the other person who helped you was strong, two wouldn't be enough to kill him."

"So, it seems Gapryong was affected by that for you to be able to kill him."

"What are you referring to by that?" James asked, confused.

"Well, I guess somewhere in the fight against Gapryong, you must've noticed something wrong with him. Am I right?"

'Something wro-' James widened his eyes in realization.


Under the night sky, three people stood, two surrounding one. Craters were formed everywhere.

'What a monster' thought one of the two, a red and black haired kid with bruises and a broken arm, panting.

The other had an insane smile, covered in blood.

The person in front of them was also bruised and bloodied, but seems to be is a better condition.

"Gitae, be careful. Don't attack rashly" the red and black haired kid warned the other. He was tall, with slicked back black hair, wearing a black bikers jacket with nothing underneath, showing his upper body, jeans and westarn boots. He held a blood drenched axe and was panting.

"Huh, James, don't tell me what to do," Gitae replied angrily, then looked at the man in front of him with a huge smile. "This guy's mine."

"I'm not telling you what to do" James said, giving Gitae a side glance and looking at the man before them. "After all, who we're dealing with is none other than your father, Gapryong Kim. Even though he looks like he's lost his touch, we need to be careful, or…" James narrowed his eyes at Gapryong, who stood with a stoic expression, with faint purple glows in his eyes. "One wrong move, and we'll die."

"Gitae" Gapryong said stoically, "I didn't expect you would try to kill me."

"Hah" Gitae frowned, annoyed. "Old man, being my father doesn't change the fact that you are my enemy." His frown turned into a mocking smile. "Or do you think we should exchange hugs and be lovey-dovey? That's fucking disgusting."

"I see" Gapryong looked at Gitae with disappointment. "Then" he approached James and Gitae, his eyes glowing purple, "You and your friend should be prepar-"

"Ugh," Gapryong halted, his face contorting in pain as he clutched his abdomen. 'Tch, why now?'

'Hmm,' James looked at Gapryong in confusion. 'He's hurt?'

"Hah," Gitae laughed. "Old man, it seems not only have you lost your touch, but your body isn't like it used to be."

'Is he really injured because of us?' James was suspicious. 'Even if we successfully landed our attacks, for him to be this affected…'

Even though Gapryong wasn't what he used to be, he shouldn't be acting like this.

"James, what are you waiting for? Let's kill him!"

James's thoughts were cut off by Gitae's shout.

"Okay, just be careful."

Both lunged at Gapryong, continuing their fight.

*Flashback End*

'I had my suspicions during the fight back then,' James thought, his head down. 'After that, we were able to overwhelm him as each of Gapryong's attacks got weaker and weaker.'

'I knew something was clearly wrong with him, as our fight went on. He was weakening at an extremely fast rate, which wasn't normal.' James slowly raised his head, looking at Ryu's eyes. 'It's all because of him.'

"Judging by your expression, it seems I'm right. The reason you were able to kill him is because of that," Ryu said.

"By that, you mean…"

"The injury I gave Gapryong back then took effect during your fight with him" Ryu continued for James.

'I can't believe it' James thought, looking at Ryu with a solemn gaze. 'There was someone this dangerous out there. First, he said he killed the Yamazaki head, and now he claims he injured Gapryong Kim.'

Who's Gapryong Kim?

'The legendary Fist of the Zero Generation,' James thought. 'Not anyone could give him a fatal injury that permanently leaves a mark.'

James didn't know what to think anymore. He only knew that the man named Ryu in front of him was not just dangerous but extremely dangerous.

"Who really are you?" James asked. He needed to know this man's purpose.

"What kind of question is that?" Ryu looked at James with a mocking expression. "I am just a guy who likes money and power. Nothing more, nothing less."

"You can go. I am not in the mood to play anymore," Ryu said, lighting a cigarette.

'It's better to leave now,' James thought. 'The red paper can wait.'

"Sir, Shinmyung Cheon, are you okay?"

"We came here because there was a ruckus."

At the front of the exit, shouts erupted as a group of people arrived, weapons in hand.

"We came to protect you!"


The shouting momentarily decreased as they fell completely silent, looking at the unidentifiable body on the ground in the distance. But it was recognizable to them.

"S-sir Shinmyung?"


"You bastards killed our savior!"

"Everyone, let's avenge Sir Shinmyung!"

After seeing the body of their savior dead, they were furious.

"Let's kill these bast-"

The one at the front didn't get to finish his sentence as a hammer came crashing down on his head, smashing it onto the floor and completely crushing it, with small chunks of brains flying out.

"Who the fuck let their crazy old geezer out of the house?" An angry yet annoyed voice came from a bald guy as he placed his dripping blood hammer on his shoulder.

The whole group, who had been shouting a second ago, went dead silent, seeing what just occurred in front of them.


Another was cut off mid-sentence as a bat came crashing down on his head, splitting it in half with blood spraying everywhere, leaving him dead on the ground.

"Junho, I didn't expect you'd lose."

"Shut it, Dongmin. I didn't lose and I'm not in the mood."

"Oi, ajusis" Dongmin approached the group with a nasty grin. "Are you ready to experience hell?"

"I'm pretty pissed off right now," Junho said with a furious expression. "At least you came in time. I needed someone to take my anger out on."

With that, both Dongmin and Junho went on a massacre, with screams echoing through the area.

'Turns out he's not the only one who's crazy,. James thought as he watched from the roof.

Taking one last look at Ryu, he left.

"Boss, everything's finished." Samuel approached Ryu.

"Boss, what do we do with this place? Do we claim it?" Joon asked, his nunchucks around his neck.

"This place can be added, but only after we tightly secure the new territories," Ryu replied as he smoked.

'But since we're here,' Ryu thought as he looked at the house.

"Where's Jam-gwi?"

"Right here, boss," Jam-gwi approached.

"You two," Ryu looked at both Joon and Jam-gwi.

"Yes, boss?"

"Search the whole house and find me a red paper."

"A red paper?" Joon asked.

"Yes, a red paper. You'll know it when you see it."

"Okay, boss."

"Boss, what's the red paper?" Samuel asked.

"You'll understand once they bring it."

After a few minutes of searching, Joon came out of the house with a red paper in his hand.

"Boss I fount it, but I can't read it. It's in Japanese."

"I'll take care of it." Samuel took the paper from Joon and looked at its contents.

"It seems to be information on illegal activities, and the hand stamp appears to authenticate it. Any holder of this paper, other than its owner, can use it as a weapon against him." Samuel said after studying the paper.

"Keep it," Ryu said, taking his last puff. "It might come in handy in the future."

"You guys had some fun?"

"Yeah, boss." Dongmin and Junho said, walking side by side, their weapons dripping with blood.

"These old geezers were really annoying with all their shouting."

In front of the exit, there were piles of bodies with limbs and organs all over the floor, blood everywhere. The scene looked like hell.

"Okay, our business here is finished. Let's leave."

With that, Ryu and the group left Cheonliang.


In a room where a bunch of trophies and medals are on the shelves and floor, James was sitting on a chair while bandaging his arm as he was lost in thought.

'First the unexpected was Seongji, he was strong, if I didn't go to Cheonliang I would never think that there would be someone like him. But' James stoic expression changed into a serious one as his thoughts turned 'That man Ryu. He toyed with me, even if I were to be at top condition, the situation won't change, my attacks were ineffective whatsoever, and his strength...'

"What a terrible look you're in."

A voice cut James thoughts from a figure who was leaning on the door frame. He was in all white, a golden chain tied to his pants, short black hair, and black sclera with white pupil and ires. Who seemed to be 16 years old.

"It seems you didn't find the red paper, if Charles Choi sent me I would have taken care of it myself." Gun smirked as he continued "And you went to test them but got yourself beat, are you really James Lee who killed the Legend fist, Gapryong Kim?"

"Taken care of it yourself, huh?" James looked at Gun with a stoic expression

'You wouldn't make it past Seongji, and your personality will get you killed by that guy' James thought, looking at Gun 'And not to mention him and his subordinates are completely crazy, I even almost lost my composure of how gruesome their actions were.'

"Be careful with your mouth, Gun." James said as he was putting on his school suit "That's a case that should never be revealed, and taking down that monster wasn't by myself." Turning his head and giving a side glance to Gun "And an unexpected third party was involved at Cheonliang."

"A third party?" Gun said with surprise

"Yeah, a third party more dangerous than the former Kings."

"Former Kings?" Gun was confused

"Their territories are now claimed by the third party and what's more, they got defeated." James said with a stoic expression

"So who were they?" Gun asked as he got interested.

"I don't know who they are, but one thing I know." His expression became serious while he thought of them as he had his back to Gun "They pose a threat."

"So I have to make some small adjustments to our plans. But first" Turning his head as he gave a side glance to Gun "We'll first have to take down the former first generation kings, even if they lost they will still be active, and they might act together, them being united together, even momentarily, felt dangerous."

"But, not right now. I need to build my body to the goal I set. After that, let's get into hunting the former kings." He said while walking towards Gun.

"Goo and I could help with your training."

"It's fine i got the feels of it. After taking care of the former kings I'll get the help of that man and the others to deal with the third party."

"Who do you mean by that man?"

"The one who fits to be the King of Seoul."

Leaving behind Gun, James contemplated 'The new kings are esteemed to be above the former ones, but some of them are a threat. But Dealing with them should be manageable.'

James is confident, with his potential he will be able to defeat the former and new kings.

'However, the real problem lies in their leader, Ryu. He's on a different level alltogether. Yet, every problem has a solution. Even after my training, I doubt I can handle him alone. But with their help, taking care of him shouldn't be too difficult.'