
Lookism: No Limits

Born without talent, only to wake up as a talented one.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 22

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Lohan thought the situation would be much worse when he came face to face with Goo Kim.

But in the end, it turned out to be the complete opposite of what was expected.

As he walked back to his house, he couldn't help but think about the offer he had received.

"Become my friend and I'll do you a favor! Money? Status? You'll have it in the palm of your hand... Well, if you deserve it."

He found this kind of proposal strange and didn't respond immediately, after all, what was it supposed to mean? To work for him? Become his pupil?

Lohan didn't know, and frankly, he didn't even want to. Even if Gun himself asked Lohan to become his student, he would still refuse.

He didn't like the idea of being under the wing of either of them, or working for the organization that allowed the four major crews to exist. 

If the Hostel was already at such a low level, he couldn't imagine how far the rest of the groups could go.

That's why, faced with this proposal, he preferred to remain silent. Even though it could have put him at risk, he still did it. 

Fortunately, Goo didn't seem to want an answer straight away.

"Hey, you don't have to give me an answer now! I'll give you time to think!"

Lohan was relieved by this, and didn't wait long to disappear from the place as he said goodbye to the blond. 

There were a few matters that needed his attention, and these related to little Eli Jang.

He would be lying if he said he hadn't become attached to the boy. Over the last few weeks, he had felt like a real big brother, and that made him very happy. The boy, although quiet, was pleasant to be around.

And realizing that he would soon be back in his life as a copy of Eli Jang, forced to commit crimes in order to survive or to please Olly Wang, Lohan couldn't help but feel angry.

But even though he was extremely keen to beat Olly up, he knew he was no match for someone of his level.

Olly was possibly equal to, or even superior to, Johan, which said a lot about his abilities. 

If Lohan decided to face him at his current level, the fight wouldn't last 30 seconds.

Even though in his mind he had years of training, his body was far from being able to utilize so much experience.

He needed training, or he would just be wasting the potential he had been given when he arrived in this world.

He felt depressed about doing this, but he would have to keep little Eli waiting for a while.

He just hoped the boy would stay strong until then.


Climbing the stairs leading to his apartment, Lohan frowned as he saw the door wide open, giving him a full view of his messy living room.

"Son of a bitch."

Entering the house, his eyes wandered over its graffitied walls and dirt everywhere, his expression filling with fury when he found the kitchen completely overturned.

"Olly Wang." Murmuring with a venomous tone, the boy's eyes emitted a deadly glint the instant he put his hands on one of his pots, which was now in pieces. "I'll split your head open like a bloody watermelon."


When he was taken to juvenile prison, Logan was thirsty for blood. Not only had he been beaten up twice by the same guy, but he had also been reported to the police.

In the end, he got a few months in jail. It was great that because he was young, his sentence ended up being considerably reduced.

But that didn't make him any less angry. Just imagining Lohan's face made him boil with rage.

But he decided to relax. He knew that time would pass slowly if he thought about it too much, so he just decided to go with the flow.

He only had to beat up the members of his cell to impose his authority, so that he could have a peaceful stay in that place.

He didn't mind the fights between the so-called cell "leaders", and just kept his distance from everyone. Logan, although rough, wasn't a complete idiot. He was well aware that if he played by the rules, he could even have his sentence reduced or even be pardoned altogether.


It was a shame that there were some idiots who wanted to annoy him so much.

"Hey, pig. Looks like you became a cell leader the moment you walked in." 

Turning around, Logan raised an eyebrow to see what appeared to be a man of medium height wearing a blue jumpsuit, its numbering marked in red.

'Murder, then?' Logan vaguely remembered what the colors of the uniform numbers meant, so he quickly realized why that man was there. 'I'll just ignore him. I don't want to get a sticker.'


"Hey, are you ignoring me? You've got balls, don't you?"

Logan blinked a few times when he felt something hit him on the back of the head, his expression softening as he simply stood up, his height of almost two meters towering over the prisoner who was trying to get his attention.

"Hey, did you just slap me?" Logan asked with serenity in his tone, something that made the prisoner sneer.

"What if I did? What are you going to do?"


But, taking the prisoner by surprise, he didn't even react when a fist hit him squarely in the face, his head being smashed against the floor in a scene that shocked most of the people in the cafeteria.

"That's what I'm going to do, you piece of shit." Retracting his fist, Logan stomped on the prisoner's face a few times, before turning around and sitting down again. "In that place..."

With most of the people in the place completely ignoring the scene, since they didn't want to annoy the newcomer who had been able to take down an assassin with a single attack, Logan was able to look around without being disturbed. And he could say with complete certainty...

"There are only losers."

His eyes landed on what looked like a boy playing with his own food, his main feature being missing teeth and messy hair.

Logan raised an eyebrow when the boy returned his gaze, their eyes meeting in what could be the beginning of a romance in most generic romance stories.

"And strangers."

Looking away, Logan returned his attention to his own plate, completely ignoring when the guards suddenly rushed towards the knocked-out prisoner.

"Who did this?" One of the guards asked, but Logan didn't worry too much about that, after all, his show of strength should be more than enough for no one to snitch on him.

"It was him."


But, hearing someone's voice, Logan realized that just showing strength wasn't enough to make him sit on the throne of that place, because turning around, he clearly saw that strange boy from before pointing in his direction.

"Son of a bitch."