
Ruined date

[The novel will not be mainly focused on the Looksim characters rather it would be more about Noah and Suzan and also about him trying to achieve his goals]


"Ah, this bath is so refreshing!" I said in a delightful tone as I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.

I hadn't had a good bath like this since two months of joining that underworld event so I was delighted to have such a good bath.

Of course, I was curious as to how I got into this kid's body but it wasn't that strange to me since I saw similar situations in some web novels.

The world also seemed similar to a popular comic I once read, it was named Lookism.

"Ah, overthinking isn't going to help anyway" I mumbled as I got out of the tub and made my way outside but I couldn't help but stop and look in the mirror.

This boy was insanely handsome and well-built, he had tattoos on his chest and arms.

Although my past body was also good-looking but if compared to this I was completely average.

I made my way to my wardrobe and wore some casual clothes and socks.



"Uh, Brother Noah I was wondering if you would like to eat out with me" I heard the voice of Suzan my little sister.

She sounded a bit hesitant and nervous, I could only guess that her real brother wasn't that open.

"Yeah why not," I replied putting on the pair socks.

"R-Really? I'll wait for you downstairs then!" The excitement in her voice was clear as she hurried downstairs, I couldn't help but smile at her behavior.

After wearing the socks I put on my slippers and spray some perfume before heading downstairs.

"I'm ready," I said with my hands pocketed, it was a habit for me in my past life but it seemed I was still familiar with it.

We went outside and locked the door with a key, she then slid in her left arm and locked it with mine before we both walked.

"So Suzan how has school been for you these past few days" I decided to break the silence.

"Well, thanks to you it has been going pretty well I don't get bullied anymore," She said with an honest smile.

I was confused since I didn't have such a memory but I decided to forget it.

Finally, we had reached a restaurant, we had taken seats outside and had ordered so we only had to wait.

"I really am happy that you could join me Since you're always too busy all the time," She said, her voice soft and her smile warm.

"It's no problem..." I replied with a smile, using my eyes I then surveyed the place.

It was okay and the umbrella that shaded us was big and looked sturdy.

The only problem was that thugs were walking around this province making it feel a bit unsafe.

After some time, we were served our food and we dug in almost immediately.

"Hm, this is nice!" Suzan complimented her as she stuffed her mouth with more of her pasta.

'Something seems wrong' I thought inwardly as I slowly ate, I noticed that we were being stared at by some thugs and their movements were a bit weird.

I then decided to eat quickly so we could leave.

"Ha... The food was really delicious" Suzan said as we both stood up, I had already paid in advance so there was no need to wait.

"Ah big brother, I was wondering if we could get some snacks," Suzan asked with a pleading face making me chuckle.

"Yeah let's do that" I replied as she smiled before locking her arms with mine.

We reached a convenience store and had headed inside.

We just walked past the counter and headed toward the snack array.

"Oh, I want a lot of chips!" Suzan said picking more than ten large pack chips from the array.

She then moved on to get some biscuits and drinks after she was done with the snack-picking we went to pay for what we had bought at the counter.

"That'll be 60,000 Won" Upon hearing her I took out my card and paid before we then left.

"Today was really fun," She said in a joyful tone with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah-" I replied but stopped what I was about to say because we were suddenly approached by a group of thugs.

They were the exact ones that I saw back at the restaurant, I didn't expect them to follow us.

"Hey Suzan, Is this your boyfriend?" A black-haired girl in the group questioned making them laugh.

"N-no" She stuttered facing the floor, her body seemed to be shivering.

I took notice of this and immediately frowned, it pained me to see Suzan like that.

"W-what do you want" Suzan summoned her courage and asked but her body still shivered slightly.

"Stupid bitch!" The black-haired girl said attempting to slap Suzan but I caught it.

"Don't you dare!" I warned with a look of anger on my face.