
Last fight

'This guy won't just go down' A large man with big muscles and white thought as he kept the distance between him and his opponent.

He had bruise marks all over his body and a broken nose but his opponent was much worse than him.

His opponent had black hair and an average height with an average build, he had injuries and bruises more serious than the white-haired man.

He had a swollen eye, a broken nose, and some bruises and cuts which let out some blood.

Still, he was standing keeping up his guard, it seemed his stamina was infinite as he blocked the incoming attacks from the large man.

All this was happening in an octagon surrounded by cages, one would have thought it was a legal match but outside the cages were people wearing masks that only covered their eyes.

They were currently in an underworld fight that was held by an unknown sponsor but the cash prize was something that attracted Jacob.

He was a former MMA fighter but his career was destroyed after he was found out for using drugs during a match after a doping test was done.

His hard work to reach his current state crumbled and he became a shell of his former self.

To begin with, he had no talent for the sport, no power behind his punches, no speed nothing.

The only thing he had was the brain the rest were all trash skills that any ordinary person could achieve but he still trained or gave up for even a moment.

His hard work yielded fruits but he cut down the tree that bore fruits with his own hands.

Back to the fight, Jacob was trying his best to keep up with the rapid attacks coming from Harmlet the white-haired man but his weight class was much different than his.

"Woah, that Jacob guy it seems he's going to surprise us again"

"When I saw him at first I thought he was some joke but now I can't help but think he could win"

"I knew he was good at first!"

"I may just date him after this, he can be my pretty pet~"

The spectators began whispering amongst themselves and Harmlet couldn't help but get annoyed.

He was winning but the spectators were saying that his opponent had a chance of winning making him annoyed and forget his rational thinking as he suddenly struck at Jacob.

Jacob in response dodges the attack and performs a backkick at the stomach of Harmelt causing him to grunt in pain.

Using all his might Jacob then struck at the exposed face of Harmlet causing him to move back and hold his nose in pain trying to stop blood from spurting out.

"It seems Jacob is about to give us another surprise here, Harmlet who had barely been damaged throughout this entire contest is how on his knees!" The commentator announced causing the onlookers to cheer making Harmlet more frustrated.

He then rushed towards Jacob and attempted an attack but he dodged, he suddenly smiled as Jacob's eyes widened in realization it was a fake!


Jacob staggered as blood dripped out of his mouth, nose, and eardrums, he needed medical attention but he knew that he had to win before he thought about that.

Gritting his teeth Jacob moved towards Harmlet with inhuman speed, he then grabbed his head and hit it with his knees.

Jacob knew there wasn't real strength behind his attack nevertheless he never stopped as he rushed Harmlet from all angles with a punch and a kick to the back of his leg.

Jacob then went for a straight punch hoping to end the fight but his view suddenly turned he didn't know what had happened until he met himself on the floor.

"That was a clean hit by Harmlet, it swept him off his feet. He's not showing any sign of getting back up will he be okay?" The commentator spoke with uncertainty in his voice as suspense filled the air.


"Damn, that stung"

"Is this how Jacob goes out?"

"Shit, that was a clean strike, I thought he died since his neck bent abnormally"

"This can't be how you go down, stand up!"

"We spent money on you, you dipshit!"

The spectators who were solidly at the back of Jacob now had wavering thoughts as he lay on the floor blood gushing out of his wounds.

'Stand up you bitch, this can't be it!' Jacob thought to himself as he tried to stand up but his body refused to respond to him.

'This can't be my limit!' Suddenly a blue light shined in his eyes as he stood up from the floor, gathering all the last bits of strength he had he performed a straight punch to the face of Harmlet knocking him out instantly.

'I-I won...' Jacob thought as his body slowly fell to the floor.

"J-Jacob won" The commentator announced causing all the spectators to scream in joy, some broadcasting some currently there.

All celebrated for Jacob but the screams hated as the champion was unmoving, medicals then rushed into to cage to check the state of Jacob but it seemed they were too late.

Jacob and Harmlet we're both dead!



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