
Lookism [Masterpiece]

A guy gets reincarnated into Lookism as Daniel Park, come and read how he will throw hands with anyone cause he isn't the pussy the protagonist was. An Au Lookism fanfiction, so some minor things might be different but the essence is that. the protagonist will change the plot for sure so you can even suggest something. Don't expect the Mc to be always serious! he wants to enjoy his life. tags: No: Smut, yuri, yaoi, weak mc, simp, system. Yes: Action, fast growth to overpowered, romance? Yes but realistic! Good read.

Kqro · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 19: Daniel vs Gun

I have wrote three Patreon advanced chapters and i will upload one more when i return at home so it's the perfect moment to subscribe!!

I want to thank Mohmad Alamour for the Patreon subscription!! 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉 Thank you!

Patreon: Kqro's works

Good read!


"You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you."

- Brian Tracy


(Author Pov:)

The moment Daniel took off the weights he felt his body feeling light like a feather, it's been weeks since he has been continuously increasing the weights, only taking them off to shower or shit.

He felt his body reinvigorating, taking a deep breath he looked at Gun with seriousness, he didn't like how this mf picked him up like a child, so he decided that he will, make him pay.

He stepped on the ground and his perception got pushed to the max, the birds on the air, the insects around, the flies near a dump and Crystal near the car... All of them slowed down to a level where they seemed frozen in time.

'Incredible how this world bodies work, amazing.' with a simple push he left an after image behind, the image was so vivid that Crystal who was looking from the car saw two Daniels appear, one stopped in time while the other in the air with a fist inches from the face of her bodyguard.

Daniel looked at Gun with a face of utter seriousness, he needs to give his all to not die here today, his position was the same that Saitama had while giving the first serious punch at Cosmic Garou.

Gun eyes widened and slowly moved and followed Daniel body, the fist connected distorting his face and the air around, ripples mover all over his head, and with a strength miles higher than the previous hits, Daniel brought Gun face on the ground.


A three meter crater formed from the impact, Gun brain slammed on the skull while his eyes faltered for a moment causing him to close them, his face contorting in pain while Daniel spun from his position and kicked again.

Gun being the experienced man that he was, grabbed the ground and moved away, narrowly dodging the second attack, Daniel used the power from his kick to propulse himself towards Gun.

The White Ghost didn't back up and used Kyokushin karate, and puched, meeting the fist of the masterpiece.


A metallic sound seemed to make it's presence know, since the two have really high hard fists, the clash stayed on a stalemate for a second but with a crazy smile Gun applied more force and pushed Daniel away, who used that exact moment to grab Gun hand and flip him up.

Gun found himself on the air again and a kick landed on his side making his body fly and slam on the wall, greatly damaging it, Daniel landed and looked at Gun who walked out from the rubble with a smile.

His head bleeding but his smile even more visible: "Gahaha! Amazing, you are really a talent." He shot towards Daniel and using Kyokushin karate, he unleashed multiple punches.

Daniel took a deep breath and copied Gun perfectly and meet his punches, the two entered on a flurry of attacks with the intention of damaging the other, Gun landed a punch towards Daniel's face and taking one himself.

But the two didn't stop and continued, Daniel weaved while deflecting five punches and landed an uppercut on Gun chin making his smile morph into a grunt.

Then Daniel with speed and precise movement used an acupuncture technique to stop Gun body temporary by pressing key parts.

Gun body stopped mid attack, his eyes widening and before he could regain control Daniel lowered his body on the right while his right hand took a sword form, just like the former King of Seoul, and with speed and precision, he moved his body and slashed Gun's torso.

The suit got cut along with the skin, a massive slash scar appeared from the left top towards the right body, the power and speed of the attack made Gun's body raise from the ground momentarily and Daniel kicked his chest making him fly again.

But this time Gun Regained his bodily control and moved it, he placed his feet on the fall and jumped from it, speeding towards the tired Daniel like a bullet.

Gun laughed loudly while grabbing Daniel's face and slamming him on the ground, he then begun to hammer his face with blows on blows.

"Gahaha, THIS IS ALL YOU CAN DO!? IT'S NOT ENOUGH." Even with all the attacks Daniel landed on Gun, his body was extremely strong and Daniel strength was still not at that level, Gun was still not serious with Daniel.

Gun stopped while looking at the passed out Daniel with his face all bloodied up: "I guess you're still not at that level, a pity.. but you're good enough, better than that Johan kid."

He was ready to get up but then Daniel eyes moved and opened, Gun looked at them and his face stood there in daze for a micro second, He recognized those eyes, so with pure instinct his body moved itself, and before Daniel could fully enter in that state, Gun punched his face with enough strength to knock him out for good.

Gun face was serious, he looked at the passed out Daniel and narrowed his eyes. "You have it too.. who are you.." He got up and looked at Crystal, He then walked away and looked at Daniel: 'We will meet again.'

He then entered inside the car and drived away, meanwhile Duke and Jinho ran towards the scene, when Daniel walked away from them, the two talked for a minute and then walked away.

Only after some time that they heard loud sound of a battle near Daniel that they looked at each other and ran towards the location, arriving just after Gun left.

The two looked at how badly messed up Daniel was and widened their eyes in shock: "H-how?!" Duke asked while Jinho immediately checked Daniel body and signed in relief, he was just sleeping.

Jinho looked at the area, destroyed walls and floor, debris and dust everywhere: "So this is the result of a battle at his level.." he pondered and helped Daniel up.

The duo took the mad dog to an hospital.


(The next Day)

The festival begun and while everyone was having their fun on a nearby hospital, a patient was currently inside a room, his face and body was all bandaged up while he was sleeping.

Suddenly his eyes opened and he looked frantically around.


End of the chapter

Author Out!

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