
Looking After a Battle God With Hundreds of Billions in Supplies

After transmigrating, Su Ying, Major General of the End Times War Troops, became a b*tch who conspired with a jerk to murder her husband. As soon as she transmigrated, she found herself stuck with two children and a handicapped husband who could end her life at any moment. Su Ying waved her hand dismissively. This was a piece of cake compared to the injuries she had dealt with on the battlefield. She had even suffered from not having food or water whilst being hunted down. This was a walk in a park. Su Ying had her own space for resources. She had meat in one hand and alcohol in the other. She'd kill every assassin who came her way. Not only was she able to heal her handicapped husband, but she also managed to raise her children well. She built a house and farmland around it. She eventually established her own civilization and empire. She was the queen of her own nation. Once her husband fully recovered, she helped him by clearing his name and getting back everything that belonged to him in Shangjing. She then tossed divorce papers on the table so that they could part ways and enjoy their own lives away from each other. He clenched his jaw. "Try getting a divorce if you dare!" Her two children wrapped their arms around her legs. "Mommy, don't you want your babies anymore?" Su Ying placed one hand on her forehead. Fine, I'll take them all!

Ting Chan · History
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673 Chs

Do You Also Want Her Kiss

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"Jiang Yang, go with Uncle He to see if there's any firewood and bring some back to start a fire."

Jiang Yang helped Xiao Jin down from the carriage and nodded. He then went up the mountain with He Shouyi.

Su Ying carried the children out of the carriage and checked the young man's condition. His high fever hadn't subsided, so she entered her interspace while he was still unconscious to get some anti-inflammatory medicine.

"Madam, let me take care of Cheng Ming." The old woman walked to the side of the carriage and said.

Su Ying quickly hid the syringe and turned around. "Sure. His condition is getting better. You don't have to worry too much."

Mrs. Jiang nodded her head gratefully. "Thank you, Madam."

Su Ying jumped off the carriage. She had been eating dry food for the past few days and couldn't take it anymore. She took some old rice from her bag and planned to use it to make some meat porridge.

The owner of the rice shop gave her the old rice because she had bought out the rice shop, leaving only a bag of old rice that wasn't of the best quality. The owner was happy to give it to her. Although the old rice did not taste as good, it was still much better than coarse grain.

Mama Zhao looked after the three children. Zhang Cuiniang and Bai Shuang put the rice in the pot. Then took out dried meat from the bag, tore it open little by little, and threw it into the pot.

"It's been raining for days, and the firewood is wet. I don't know if you can use it."

On the other side, He Shouyi and Jiang Yang returned with firewood.

Su Ying looked at the firewood. They had picked drier ones but were still wet to the touch. She could only try.

Xiao Jin took out a lighter Su Ying had bought in the county town and lit a small piece of dry grass. He then placed it under a relatively dry branch. After a few tries, the firewood was roasted dry, and the fire slowly started.

Su Ying couldn't wait to grab a fire gun from her interspace. She really didn't have such patience.

After the fire started, Jiang Yang used branches to make two tripods and placed the pot on them.

While waiting for the porridge to cook, Su Ying wanted to go to the back of the mountain to take a look. Although people had probably searched the entire mountain, some things might still be left. Every little would help.

"Mother, where are you going?"

Su Ying stood up, and Ling followed suit.

Since Su Ying appeared like a God of War, Ling had become exceptionally dependent on her. If Xiao Jin had not insisted that she sit in the carriage, she would have stuck to Su Ying the entire way.

"Mother will go to the mountain to catch a rabbit to roast for Ling, OK?"

Ling blinked her big, sparkling eyes. Although she really wanted to go with her, she was afraid she would only be a hindrance. She said obediently: "Alright. Ling will be good and wait for mother to return. Mother, you must be careful."

Su Ying couldn't help but hug her and kiss her hard on the cheek. "I will be careful. Be good and wait for me to come back."

The kiss dumbfounded Ling. She looked at Su Ying in a daze and could not return to her senses.

Just now, her mother kissed her...

Wow! She was so happy!

"Mother, Ling will be good."

Su Ying nodded and placed her on the ground. "I'm off."

Ling looked longingly at Su Ying's back as she left. She turned around and saw Ji looking at her as if she was a traitor. Ling lowered her head guiltily and hid behind Xiao Jin.

But when she thought of Su Ying's kiss, she couldn't help but say happily: "Father, mother just kissed me." She looked a little smug and even extended her little face in front of Xiao Jin to show him.

Xiao Jin had never seen his daughter so happy before. She was more pleased than when she had gotten anything she wanted in the past.

However, Ji was unhappy because Su Ying only said she would catch rabbits for Ling and not for him. Hmph! He didn't want her kisses!

Ji's bowed his head, but he suddenly raised it and hugged Xiao Jin. His eyes, which were precisely the same as Xiao Jin's, were filled with grievance.

"What's wrong with little Ji?"

Ji hugged Xiao Jin's neck and puffed up his little face. "Father, do you also want her kiss?"

Xiao Jin was speechless.

"If you don't say anything, it means you do! Hmph, I don't care!"

Su Ying didn't know that her kiss would make a jealous little man.

She didn't just go into the mountains to search for food but also to enter her interspace to see if she could find anything that could be exchanged for money in this era. There were limited living supplies in her interspace. Besides a large number of medical supplies, she had a variety of survival and powerful weapons. The rest of the things were of a pitifully small quantity, as they were all plundered from her previous victories.

She needed money to buy more supplies, but she couldn't think of anything in her interspace that wouldn't scare people.

Su Ying entered the interspace and stood in front of rows of guns and grenades. For the first time, she felt that these weapons were useless.

After looking around, Su Ying gave up on the idea of searching here. She could only use the scanner to scan the mountain to see if she could find any valuable medicinal herbs.

After she came out of the space, Su Ying used the scanner and started searching.

The scanner did not react at first, but slowly, a small red dot appeared on the screen.

Su Ying followed the sign and found a few familiar leaves on a hidden cliff.

Su Ying squatted down and took out the scanner. Soon, the system beeped. "A hundred-year-old wild ginseng has been found."

"So this is ginseng. This thing is worth a lot of money." She took out her tools and carefully dug out the ginseng.

The ginseng was about the size of her palm and had many long roots. The system had explained that ginseng roots were valuable.

She carefully kept the ginseng and continued to scan the mountain.

Not long after, she discovered a giant python.

The python was coiled on the edge of a burrow, and when it saw someone approaching, it slowly stretched its body. Its fiery red tongue flickered as it stared coldly in Su Ying's direction.

Su Ying's first reaction upon seeing the python was to wonder if it was edible.

She couldn't be bothered to investigate and wanted to catch it first.

The python seemed to have sensed danger, slowly lifting its body higher than Su Ying.

Su Ying took out the tranquilizer gun and aimed it at the python.

The python fell limply to the ground.

When Su Ying was about to pick it up, she realized that there were a lot of ginseng leaves next to it!

Good Lord! No wonder the python coiled here and didn't leave. It was guarding the ginseng nest.

Hahaha! Cool!