
Longinus In a Fantasy world

A Cold Blooded Assasin gets a new life as the 5th Prince of Beowulf Kingdom With 2 Longinus and a System. Can a Cold Blooded Assasin In a modern world survive in a world where strength and money is the power _______________________________________________ This is my first work and English is not my language so please bear with me, over time my english will get better. Just enjoy this if the fan-fic has any problems please drop a review I'll try to improve it. as for the chapter release I have online classes so maybe I'll only post on Saturday and Sunday who knows.

AVeryHotDog · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Training & Towards The Silverwulf City

(Author-kun here you must be curious why he didn't use his Library of heavens path for his swordsmanship well that's because he needs to get close to his brother before going to the south border because he needs allies especially his brother.)

Entering his room he sat on the corner of his bed while staring at the air. Why?, well because he got a-.


<Daily Quest: Get Strong>

<Do a 0 / 50 Push-up

0 / 50 Sit-Ups

0 / 50 Squats

0 / 2KM Run

<It will Increase as you grow strong>


<Quest: Train your swordsmanship along with your brother.>

<Level Up your Swordsmanship from lvl(2/100) to lvl(20/100)>

<Penalty: None>


"Hmm Since I have free time let's check my Library of Heavens Path." Magnus said before closing his eyes and focused, seconds later he opened his eyes to see a endless Library with a computer.

Walking towards the computer He searched

*Swordsmanship* Typing it down Thousands of books flew towards him and then stopped,

*Combine* the books then merged with one another forming a huge book in front of him.

(Celestial Supreme Swordsmanship)

-A swordsmanship Combined with all kinds of swords style in the multiverse named Celestial Supreme Swordsmanship.

Flaw: 0

"Integrate." the book then melt and merged towards Magnus's Body, after a second The sound of the system rang on his brain.

<Congatulations You've got

-Celestial Supreme Swordsmanship- (1/???)

"What the? What's '???', does it mean it's unmeasurable?" Magnus said while doing a Thinking pose. After a while he shrugged it off

and focus on what his doing next.

"Well then let's check Innoval clear I want to check something" Getting out of Library Of Heavens Path, he then focused on his Small pocket universe Innoval Clear. Opening his eyes what met him is an endless grass, trees, and mountains. "Woah, Cool! Yosh Let's see if this works" Finishing his sentence he Imagine a Small rat in front of him, A rat then appeared in front of him. Seeing the rat He controlled the weather and strucked it with 300 million volts of lightning. crashing the lightning onto the ground with a flash.



<Congratulation you killed a rat +0.01 EXP>

"Oh god that's overkill, atleast my that confirms my theory" Magnus said after seing a Huge crater that fits a 2 story building. Reading the system notification, He grinned while brushing his hands on each other.

30 Mins later

<Congratulation You level up to lvl 6>

"Welp That's it for now don't want my brother waiting for me outside to practice Swordsmanship." Going outside the castle and going to the garden. Reaching the garden, what greets him is his brother with 2 wooden swords probably the other one is for me.

"You're finally here Magnus! Let's start here's your 'stick' Now strike me with all you've got" Egon grinned and stared at his little brother Magnus waiting for his strike.

Magnus, Catching his 'stick', he spread his legs, left leg in front while right leg in the back both of his tiny hands holding his 'stick' forward he prepared his stance before running forward his brother Egon. Meanwhile Egon seeing his little brother striking his abdomen, parried his strike before giving out his own strike.

Magnus, seeing his brother Egon striking his wooden sword down to his head, He bring up both of his tiny hands holding the sword to parried his brother's strike.


'Strong!' Magnus thought painfully after he parried his brother Egon's Strike before stepping back, Looking at his arms which became numb, prepared his stance again but before he can dash off he heard his brother spoke to him, "Okay Magnus I've seen enough, From now on I'll teach you swordsmanship in this 2 weeks,

Give me 50 Push ups 50 Sit ups 50 Squats and run around the castle until I say stop. GO!" hearing his brother, he follows as he says before doing push ups to sit ups to squats and then running.

30 Mins later

"Ok thats enough" Egon said with a bright face, after seeing his little brother's prowess.

Hearing his brother he stops before running towards his brother.

"Now swing your sword 1,000 times from now on this will be our training routine. after swinging your sword, rest then take a bath and go to sleep." Egon said before stepping back to watch his brother swing down his wooden sword.

30 minutes later

Inside his bedroom, Magnus can be seen catching his breath before taking a rest.

"My brother is cruel!!!" he yelled before going to the bathroom. after taking a bath he lied on his bed before dozing off to sleep.

2 weeks later

Currenly outside the castle 3 royal medieval carriage can be seen with hundreds of soldiers. Inside the middle carriage, Magnus can be seen staring blankly at the air before sighing.

"Well atleast in this 2 weeks I've grown strong enough that I can fought toe to toe with a C-Rank adventurer. Status."


Name: Magnus Von Beowulf

Age: 10 Years Old

Occupation: None

Title: 5th Prince of Beowulf Kingdom, Sword Prodigy, Magic Genius.

Level: 17 (69/170)

(Every Level up +1 stats and 5 Stat Points)

Stat Points: 70

Strength: 21 (Average adult: 10

Average Adventurer: 15)

Agility: 22 (Avrg Adult: 10

Avrg Adventurer: 15-20)

Durability: 20 (Avrg Adult: 10

Avrg Adventurer: 15)

Charm: 29 (Avrg Human: 10

" Elf: 20

" Dwarf: 8

" Demi-Human: 15

" Demon: 1-5(Max)

Intelligence: 31 (Avrg Human: 10

" Elf: 20

" Dwarf: 20

" Demi-Human: 10

" Demon: 1-10(Max)

Magic: 21 (Avrg Human: 1-100

" Elf: 20-100

" Dwarf: 10-20

" Demi-Human: 1-50

" Demon: 1-60

Vitality: 26 (Avrg Human: 1-80

" Elf: 1-300

" Dwarf: 1-70

" Demi-Human: 1-90

" Demon: 1-150


-Sword Mastery:[33-100]

-Celestial Supreme Swordsmanship:[3-???]

-Eidetic Memory

-Zenith Tempest:[22-100]

•Weather Manipulation








-Innoval Clear:[10-100]

-Dagger Mastery:[25-100]

-Footwork Mastery:[15-100]

-Cooking Mastery:[3-100]

-Pain Endurance:[10-100]

-Magic Control:[13-100]

-Mana Thread:[8-100]

-Alert Senses:[24-100]

-Eagle Eye:[7-100]

-Magic Enchant:[17-100]

-Mana Reinforce:[10-100]


Rare Dagger x1

Broken Dagger x1

Empty Bottle(Previously EXP Bottle)

"In just 2 weeks I've grown strong already to the point I manage to hit Egon 2 times in his serious mode." Said Magnus while smiling, yes his goal for training with his brother is to get close to him as out of all his siblings he's the only one who cares about me and besides he's the crown prince right now he's a good ally and suitable to be a king out of all my siblings, but he was interrupted by a Male voice "We're off Prince Magnus","O-Oh yeah thanks for the reminder Emmanuel." Yup that male voice belongs to Emmanuel One of the greatest Commander of Beowulf Kingdom. Right now he is escorting me to south border Silverwulf City, accordin to the information I've gathered the south border is known as 'Bandit's Lair' so that's why father sent oje of the greatest Commander.

On our way, we encounter some bandits but due to me and Commander Emman we fend off the bandits on the way, that's right I 'persuade' Emman to let me in the fight, currently I've won the supports of my army due to my swordsmanship. 'I haven't shown my zenith tempest yet so currently they only knew me for my swordsmanship', well that's good since I can use Zenith Tempest as a Trump Card in case some enemy attacks me although I can escape using Innoval Clear but where's my pride as the Goddess's Serviceman and as a Man.

The Carriage suddenly stops shaking me out of my thoughts, I suddenly hear Emman's Voice "It's the Kingpins Bandits!" hearing his sentence I suddenly remembered about my information gathering 'Currently Kingpins Bandits Are the third largest Bandits in Humans and Elves Continent' bringing me out of thoughts I stepped outside, and what greets me is hundreds of armed bandits they even have a magician.

"Prince Magnus Please step aside this is more dangerous than the other bandits you've fought" Yelled Emman in the frontlines.

"Ooohhhh what do we have here a Prince In Beowulf kingdom It sure is my lucky day I'm sure my boss will reward me handsomely after this kekeke" said the bandit with a huge scar in his left eye down to his chin with a missing ear and jewels attached in his body. 'Looks like that guy is the leader, oh well at least this time I can go out cause the bandits we've fought yesterday and earlier are far smaller and weaker than this' thought Magnus with a sigh while his eyes are closed.

"Kekeke Looks like your prince is scared that he can't open his eyes, don't worry boy I'll make sure you die swiftly and painlessly. Get ready Boys!!" Says the leader with an ugly smug in his face.

Meanwhile, Emman is boosting the morale of his soldiers "Don't listen to this filthy bandits Let's kill them all!! FOR THE PRINCE!!"

"FOR THE PRINCE!" Yelled the soldiers boosting their morale before marching towards the bandits but before they could take another step.


"KHAHHKK" following the sound they look towards the leader who has a sword pierced through his chest killing him, they were dazed for a moment before getting out of it due to hearing a voice who seems to be the one who killed the leader.

"Dissapointing, It seems this guy is all talk without skills" Turning their head to the source of the voice they were shocked to see none other than Magnus Von Beowulf himself. The bandits seeing their leader killed stepback out of fear but there's one guys who seems to be out of luck today, "Bastard!" he sheathed his sword going for a strike in the head but before he can continue a red line can be seen in his neck, before anyone can gather their thoughts about what happened the bandit's head fall off decapitating the poor bandit while blood can be seen gushing out of his neck.




After a while the bandits seems to be out of their thoughts and dropped their weapons then run.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel seeing this chance yelled on his soldier who seems to be on their thoughts, "What are you waiting for? CHARGE!!"

Shaking off their thought they followed his orders and starts slaughtering the bandits some even fought back but it seems to be futile due to large numbers of soldiers.

Seeing as they can handle themselves especially Emmanuel who seems to be showing why he is one of the greatest commanders, Killing bandits left and right. Magnus then went back to his carriage before dozing off.

(Heya Author-Kun here As always please point out the errors I'll check and fix it. And the next chapter is gonna be about this world example

ranks, kingdoms, and about his system and the void if you have any questions comment down below I'll answer it in the next chapter😋 bye-bye)


Word Count: 1834🥳🥳