
Long Live, the Queen! (R18) (Under Editing)

[MATURE CONTENT] Enter the world of Lila Elara Forbes Montgrave, a rose with thorns, shaped by tragedy and reborn with vengeance. Betrayed by her lover and given a second shot at life, she uses her beauty as a weapon in a deadly game of love, hate, and power. But as her past and present meet, will she reshape her fate or succumb to the darkness within? Warning: Viewers discretion is advised. Read at your own risk.

jelomaine · History
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23 Chs

Eyes Open

All Lila could perceive was darkness enveloping her senses. "Is this what they call heaven?" she pondered aloud, her voice echoing in the void. "Did I truly ascend to heaven?"

The darkness persisted, impenetrable and all-consuming. "Or perhaps this is hell?" she mused, her words tinged with uncertainty.

Despite her inquiries, there was no response, no sign of clarity in the abyss.

"The traitor has been killed! Hurray to the Southern Empire Azro. Hurray to the Crown Prince, our savior!" The cries of the people echoed through the streets, celebrating the downfall of the alleged traitors.

"Montgrave, the traitors!" someone shouted amid the celebration.

"Long Live to the Crown Prince!" echoed another voice, joining the chorus of joyous cries.

Lila couldn't believe her ears as Mateo spewed his hateful words. "I'm happy she's gone. She's dull and arrogant. And did you see her awful clothes? Though, I could've toyed with her a bit. She's attractive, but who'd marry her? Too immature. I doubt she knows how to please a man," he smirked, in contrast to his angelic look, he's spitting demon's word.

His cruel words made Lila seethe with anger. "Piece of shit!" she muttered under her breath, her fists clenched in frustration.

But before she could dwell on Mateo's despicable behavior, chaos erupted around them. "An invader! Quick, hide the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess!" a guard shouted urgently, the panic in his voice cutting through the air.

"The Northern Empire Ezra is invading!" another voice cried out, sending a chill down Lila's spine.

As the realization dawned on her, Lila felt a sense of grim satisfaction. "Look how quick karma is!" she thought bitterly, her gaze fixed on Mateo as the Northern Empire's forces descended upon them.

The fall of the Southern Empire Azro came swiftly at the hands of the Crown Prince Axel Carlisle of the Northern Empire, Ezra. At just twenty-five years old, he led a successful invasion that brought Azro to its knees.

With Mateo meeting his end at Axel's sword, Lila couldn't help but feel a sense of grim irony. "I wish I could replay this in my head. I would give everything to see this again. Is this what happened after I got killed?" she pondered, the truth of her existence as a ghost sinking in.

Before Lila made her decision to leave, she returned to her home.

"I ask the mighty heaven. Dear God, please protect my child. If ever my child will be hurt in this world. I beg of you to please turn back time and give my child back to me," The Grand Duke of Montgrave, Lila's father helplessly prayed.

Witnessing the Grand Duchess bleeding profusely, her father screamed, "Agatha!"

As Lila entered the room, she felt a rush of emotions flood over her. "Mother... Father..."

"Lila, my sweet child. Wake up," Noah, her father's voice called out to her.

Opening her eyes, Lila recognized the familiar tone. "Father, I just had a crazy dream," she said, embracing him tightly.

"Huh? What kind of dream?" her father inquired.

However, as Lila glanced at the mirror beside her bed, she realized the truth. 'Wait... it wasn't a dream,' she murmured to herself. 'I'm back to my eighteen-year-old self. I was twenty-two when I got killed by Mateo, the Crown Prince of the Southern Empire Azro.'

With determination burning in her heart, Lila vowed, 'Four years from now, that will happen. I cannot allow that! No one will ever harm my family. How dare that bastard!'

"Are you alright? Wake up now and keep your eyes open," Lila's father worriedly asked, his concern evident in his voice.

"Father, can I not marry the Crown Prince?" Lila carefully asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Let's write a letter," he suggested, his tone indicating a willingness to consider her request.

"Instead, I want to marry Axel Carlisle, the Crown Prince of the Northern Empire Ezra," Lila quickly interjected, her determination clear in her voice.

"What?" Dumbfounded, her father stood from his seat, clearly taken aback by her unexpected declaration.

"But, my child. Getting married with the prince of the Northern Empire Ezra will be deemed as a—" he began, his voice trailing off as Lila interrupted him.

"Father, I will say this again. I do not want to be married to Mateo," Lila hastily reiterated, her resolve unwavering.

"If that's what you want. I'll do anything in my power," he said, a hint of pride in his smile as he looked at his daughter.

This was the first time Lila disobeyed her "duty," but she knew it was a decision she had to make for herself.


The letters arrived, and Lila knew the rejection she expected from the Crown Prince would come with it.

News spread like wildfire: the Crown Prince of the Southern Empire Azro, Mateo, had impregnated a commoner. Rumors swirled, tarnishing his reputation across the kingdom.

"He's a cheater."

"Ugh, my heart goes to Lady Lila Elara of Montgrave. She must've been devastated."

Despite the chaos, Lila felt an unexpected sense of joy.

In four years, the invasion between the Northern Empire Ezra and the Southern Empire Azro would take place.

Gripping her pen, Lila listed her plans for this newfound opportunity in life. Protecting her family from Mateo's harm was paramount.

"Marry the Crown Prince Axel Carlisle of the Northern Empire Ezra," she muttered, knowing the difficulty of the task.

Suddenly, a knock interrupted her thoughts. Lila glanced at the door to see her mother, holding a letter.

"You got a letter from the Empress of the Northern Empire, Ezra," her mother announced, confusion evident on her face.

Taking the letter, Lila's hands trembled as she read its contents.

Dear My Lady,

I am pleased to hear that you are interested in being a candidate for the title of the Crown Princess. Out of all of the candidates, you stood out. If you have time, please come visit the Northern Empire, Ezra. I would be pleased to meet you.

With much love,


"Mother, I am going to the Northern Empire, Ezra," Lila declared.

"What do you mean?" her mother questioned, bewildered.

"I'm going to be the Crown Princess of the Northern Empire, Ezra," Lila replied calmly.

"Agatha, let our child do whatever she wants," her father interjected, stepping in to diffuse the tension.

"Noah, she━" Lila's mother protested.

"Honey, let us not make the same mistake our families have done." Noah said while gently touching Agatha's shoulders.

An arranged marriage had united her parents, but amidst it, a mutual respect lingered. Despite the absence of a fairytale romance, Lila sensed their underlying care for each other.

"Annie, get my things packed," Lila commanded, determined to seize this opportunity for a new beginning.


"I will not get married. Mother, I am too young for marriage," Axel asserted, his voice tinged with frustration.

"You are the Crown Prince of the Northern Empire Ezra. Bearing a child is a must!" Lamaine, the Empress of the Northern Empire Ezra screamed, her tone sharp with urgency.

"I'm already getting headaches from the tabloid about the girls that you've been sleeping with. You cannot have an illegitimate child with a commoner!" Lamaine continued, her words filled with disdain.

"Ah, this must be the Crown Prince of the Southern Empire Azro. Mother, I swear. I will never bring such dishonor to our empire," Axel declared as he donned his robe, his head throbbing from the previous night's revelry.

"You reek of alcohol. Take a bath, cut your hair, and get changed. You will meet your Crown Princess," Lamaine instructed before exiting the room.

As Raul, his butler, announced that the bath was ready, Axel proceeded to cleanse himself. Once done, his wardrobe awaited, meticulously organized by his loyal servant.

Dressed in black pants, Axel had a white shirt placed upon him by Raul. Just as he was ready to leave, the servant informed him of the Empress' request for lunch.

Arriving at the dining room, Axel's mother beamed at his appearance. "Look how gorgeous you look. You look exactly like your father," she exclaimed joyfully.

"Mother, what do you want?" Axel inquired, his tone edged with impatience.

"For you to get married," Lamaine responded calmly, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Before Axel could protest further, the servant announced the arrival of Lila Elara of Montgrave. As the young woman entered, Axel braced himself for what was to come.

"I, Lila Elara of Montgrave of the Southern Empire Azro, greet your royal highness, the Empress and the Crown Prince of the Northern Empire Ezra." 

Clean up the aisle 2, he's here! As we delve into the second chapter, we continue to follow Lila's journey. Your time spent reading is greatly appreciated!

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