
Long Live, the Queen! (R18) (Under Editing)

[MATURE CONTENT] Enter the world of Lila Elara Forbes Montgrave, a rose with thorns, shaped by tragedy and reborn with vengeance. Betrayed by her lover and given a second shot at life, she uses her beauty as a weapon in a deadly game of love, hate, and power. But as her past and present meet, will she reshape her fate or succumb to the darkness within? Warning: Viewers discretion is advised. Read at your own risk.

jelomaine · History
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23 Chs

Arrows of Trust

After a intense conversation, Axel is left with a lingering sense of unease and uncertainty, still haunted by the shadows of past betrayals and their lingering impact on his trust and emotions.

As Axel left Lila's chamber, he summoned his trusted butler, Raul, who had served the royal family with unwavering loyalty for years. Raul was a man of few words but possessed a keen intellect and an ability to uncover truths hidden from plain sight.

"Raul," Axel began, his voice low and measured, "I need you to investigate Lila Elara of Montgrave more thoroughly. I cannot afford to be blindsided again."

Raul nodded, understanding the weight of Axel's request. "Of course, Your Highness. I will gather all the information we need."

Axel's gaze hardened. "I can't bring myself to trust so easily, Raul. I've been betrayed before. Make sure you leave no stone unturned."

Raul bowed deeply. "Consider it done, Your Highness. I will report back with my findings as soon as possible."

As Raul departed to carry out his orders, Axel found himself staring into the distance, his mind racing. Lila's words echoed in his ears, promising loyalty and a shared resolve to fight against their enemies. Yet, the scars of past deceptions were slow to heal.

"If you betray me, I'll kill you." Lila's fierce declaration had left a mark. Axel knew he needed allies, but trust was a luxury he could scarcely afford.

With a heavy sigh, Axel resolved to stay vigilant. He couldn't let his guard down—not even for a moment. The stakes were too high, and both their lives were on the line.

As the night grew darker, Axel steeled himself for the challenges ahead. He would uncover the truth about Lila, and together, they would confront their enemies. But until then, he would remain cautious, ever wary of the treacherous path they walked.


The next morning dawned with a fresh sense of tension and anticipation. As Lila made her way to the dining hall, she couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of the previous night's conversation with Axel. His revelation about the Empress and Heather still weighed heavily on her mind.

The dining hall buzzed with subdued conversation as the royal family and their guests gathered for lunch. The Emperor, Atticus, sat at the head of the long table, his imposing presence casting a shadow over the proceedings. Axel and Lila exchanged brief glances, a silent understanding passing between them.

As the meal progressed, the Emperor finally spoke, his voice commanding attention. "I hope everyone is enjoying the meal. I have planned an activity for us this afternoon."

Lila looked up, intrigued. The Emperor's eyes sparkled with a mix of challenge and amusement. "We will be holding an archery competition in the royal gardens. I trust that everyone will participate."

Axel leaned over to Lila, a playful smirk on his lips. "I hope you're good with a bow, Lila. Wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone."

Lila shot him a sarcastic smile. "Oh, don't worry about me, Your Highness. I'm more than capable. Just make sure you don't miss the target and hit someone by accident."

Across the table, Heather's gaze flickered towards them, her expression unreadable. Mateo, seated beside her, seemed more interested in Lila than the Emperor's announcement.

As they finished lunch and made their way to the gardens, the tension between the various parties was palpable. The archery range was set up with multiple targets, and attendants were preparing bows and arrows for the participants.

The Emperor stood at the center, his presence commanding respect. "The rules are simple. Each participant will take turns shooting at the target. The one with the most accurate shots will be declared the winner."

Lila picked up a bow, testing its weight in her hands. Axel stood beside her, adjusting the string on his own bow.

Axel stood beside Lila, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Here, let me show you a few tricks," he said, positioning himself behind her. He wrapped his arms around her, adjusting her stance. "You need to relax your shoulders and align your shot."

Lila smirked. "Oh, I see. Like this?" She mimicked his earlier guidance with exaggerated precision, drawing the bowstring back and releasing an arrow that struck the target dead center.

Axel blinked, clearly surprised by her skill. "Impressive," he muttered.

As the competition began, the archers took their turns. Heather, pretending to be gracious and composed, shot her arrows with surprising accuracy. Mateo's arrogance was evident in his confident stance, though his shots were not as precise as he had hoped.

When it was Lila's turn, she stepped forward with calm determination. She drew the bowstring back, her eyes fixed on the target. As she released the arrow, it flew straight and true, hitting the bullseye. A murmur of approval rippled through the spectators.

Axel followed, his shots equally impressive. He glanced at Lila with a smirk. "Not bad, Montgrave. But the competition isn't over yet."

Lila rolled her eyes. "Try to keep up,"

It's Axel's turn again, a bit flustered, he drew his bow and aimed. However, his shot went wide, missing the target. Lila laughed softly and stepped up beside him. "Need a hand, Your Highness?"

Axel sighed, handing her the bow. "Alright, show me how it's done, Montgrave."

Lila took the bow, standing close to him as she guided his stance. "Relax your shoulders, align your shot," she repeated, her tone playful. "Just like you taught me."

Axel couldn't help but chuckle. "You're a quick learner."

"And you're a terrible student," Lila shot back, grinning.

As the archery contest continued, the rivalry and camaraderie between Axel and Lila grew more apparent. They exchanged playful jabs and shared moments of genuine connection, their shared determination to face the threats against them strengthening their bond.

The competition ended with Axel and Lila emerging as the top contenders. The Emperor, clearly pleased with their performance, announced, "It seems we have two excellent archers among us. Well done, both of you."

Heather's gaze remained cold, and Mateo's frustration was barely concealed.

I'm back! I recently had a busy period with final exams, but I've finally wrapped them up and I'm back to writing and sharing new content with you all.

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