
Long Live The Moon Queen

Amalia Rovincii isn't a normal girl. She is the crown princess of Tonovia and she was born with powers. The powers to control minds just by a look and destroy anything and everything with the touch of her finger. Her parents were horrified by the curse bestood on their daughter and decided it was the best for their reputation and kingdom that they hid her from the world. Rumors spread about why the princess was never seen and Amalia always felt like an outcast having to wear a dark veil to cover her face when she was out of her room. Underneath that veil, she grew to be the most beautiful girl in her kingdom, not that many people would get to see. The only person that made Amalia feel like she was loved was her older brother, Alexander. He adored his little sister and always made her feel like she wasn't a monster. When her brother dies trying to protect Amalia, she's brought into a depression and her parents despise her even more. Because her brother was supposed to take the crown once he became of age, she is forced to become the next heir to the crown of Tonovia. Everything changes for Amalia when she finally shows her warmer self to the first person that made her laugh since her brother passed, a troublemaking prince from a neighboring country, Prince Tristan.

JaydaWilliams · Fantasy
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Queen Liliana screams once more from the pain of her labor as she pushes out her newborn daughter. The cries of her and King Eric's newborn daughter fills the halls of the castle. The handmaid hands the queen her baby and she looks down at her daughter with a smile. King Eric rushes into the bedroom and to his wife's side as she holds their child.

"Our darling Amalia. She's perfect." The queen says caressing her face.

The king looks down at his daughter in awe before leaning down and kissing her forehead. The smile quickly fades away from the queen's face as she looks at the mark appearing right above her baby's heart.

A black waxing crescent moon symbol finishes forming on Amalia's chest. Her parents look at each other with concern and hand their daughter to the handmaids. The cries of baby Amalia filled the castle as she was taken to the nursery to be bathed and nurtured.

Later that night, the queen and king panicked about the news of their unnatural newborn getting out.

"She has the markings of darkness. We must not let this get out throughout the kingdom. It will be our downfall." Liliana says nervous pacing back and forth as her husband sat thinking on his throne.

"No one will find out. We will keep her away from the public, no one in the kingdom is to see her face. We'll tell the kingdom she died at childbirth. She must stay in the castle, none of the servants shall speak a word of the princess, if they do they will be thrown in prison. No one is to look into the eyes of the princess for their safety." Eric says standing and holding his wife's shoulders reassuring her of what they'll do.

Liliana thinks of an idea that gives the princess a little bit of freedom to roam the palace. "I will have her wear a veil. She is only allowed to roam free about the palace if she wears the veil to shield her face. Darling, we won't be ruined." She says joyfully as she hugs her husband.

"I will have Simon round up the household servants and fill them in on the new rules regarding the princess," Eric says to his wife before turning towards the entrance, "Simon!".

Their most loyal servant, Simon, rushes into the throne room bowing before the king and queen. "Yes, your majesty?"

"I need you to have all the servants report here for a briefing of the palace rules."

Simon looks a little nervous. "Yes sir. Right away." He says before running off to collect the servants.

About 10 minutes later, every last servant is standing inside the throne room as Eric and Liliana command them of their silence about their terrible upbringing of a child. They struck the fear of imprisonment inside every last person in that room that day. Causing all the servants to keep quiet about the princess.

Because the princess was so powerful and considered dangerous, her parents had her nursery moved to the farthest room in the castle with a giant wooden door. In that room, the princess grew older, and in grace and beauty. She learned to control her powers and learned more about them every passing day in that room.

That moon symbol on her chest held great power within her. She indeed wore a veil to hide her face whilst she roamed the palace. No servant would dare look at her in fear of the threat made by her parents. The only person that showed Amalia any love, was her older brother, Alexander. He made her laugh and feel like she didn't have to hide.

Their favorite place to meet was the rose garden where Amalia felt the safest. Alexander adored his little sister, he swore to her he'd always protect her and he's kept that promise ever since. For 16 years, Amalia has grown to be the most powerful being in the kingdom. With all that power she fears what she could do to people because she's getting stronger. Every year on her birthday, all Amalia ever wished for was to go outside the palace.

See the kingdom and all its beauty and people. On her 16th birthday, she decided to sneak out of the palace and explore the kingdom. She took one of the maid's outfits to get past the guards. She wore a hat to make it seem a bit more normal. But because no one has ever seen her face, she wouldn't get recognized. Luckily for her, she made it out of the palace and went into town without any troubles.

Amalia saw things she couldn't possibly imagine. She saw children playing in the street, women walking around in fashionable dresses, and men drinking. She even bought a small glass bird necklace. As she was leaving the cart of jewels, she sees a drunken man gets thrown out of the pub by two other men.

He lays on the ground in pain as the other men laugh. Amalia goes over to the man and bends down. "Sir? Are you okay?" she asks, placing a hand on his back. The man groans and out of nowhere, one of the men from before comes over.

"Hey, little lady! Why don't you just scurry on to your master's home to clean? We don't need a little mouse interfering with men's business." He says pulling Amalia away from the man.

"Get your hands off me fool! That man needs help." She says pushing the man off her.

He gets upset and suddenly smacks Amalia across her face making her fall on the ground and hold her cheek. "You stupid bitch. You should know to hold your tongue when speaking to a man." He says before spitting at her.

Amalia feels angry and her powers begin to overcome her. She looks up at the man with her glowing orange eyes. The man looks nervous and shocked at Amalia before he begins to feel the worst pain imaginable. Amalia stands to her feet as the man groans in pain. People begin to scream at the sight of Amalia. Her hair is levitating as she lifts her hands, black mist vaporizing from them.

The man is now on his knees holding his head as he feels a thousand needles puncturing his brain. Amalia stops his pain and she forces him to look up at her. She bends lower to the man and touches both sides of his face with her hands.

"Rot in hell, asshole." She whispers to the man as he begins to scream in agony before turning into dust.

Women scream and children run away as the men draw their weapons to kill Amalia. As Amalia prepares to defend herself, palace horses come into the town. Alexander gets off his horse and runs in front of Amalia.

"Stop!" He yells at the men pointing guns and swords while standing in between his little sister and the group of angry civilians.

The men lower their weapons and Alexander releases a deep breath before staring into the eyes of his baby sister. "Amalia. Please, stop. This isn't who you are," He pleads to his sister.

Amalia takes control over her powers once again and calms down before hugging her brother tightly. He rubs her hair before escorting her over to the horses. One of the men steps out from behind the others with tears in his eyes. "You witch! You killed my friend!" He yells before raising his gun and pulling the trigger twice aiming it at Amalia.

"No!" Alexander yells before stepping in front of his sister causing her heart to shatter into a million pieces. Suddenly, time begins to move slowly as Amalia watches her brother slowly fall to the ground in front of her.

Amalia screams in horror at the body of the only person that truly loved her fell limp. She crashed to the ground, tears streaming down her face as the guards took down the man. Amalia held her brother's head in her lap as she wept and screamed. "Alex! Please wake up! Don't leave me. I'm so sorry. Alex, wake up." She said trembling.

Amalia stayed like that for 10 minutes before the guards collected Alexander's body and took the two back to the palace. Amalia stood behind her parents with such sadness as they viewed the body of their dead child. Liliana turned around to her daughter and slapped her hard causing Amalia to fall to the ground weeping.

"You are nothing but a disgrace! A mistake! Demon! We should have burned you when you were born!" The angered queen yelled with tears in her eyes as her husband held her back. "This is your guilt to live with. You killed my son. May you rot in hell." She says before storming out of the room.

Amalia stayed on the ground holding her cheek as she looked up at her father with tears. Eric turned around and looked disappointed at her before speaking. "You are being exiled to the north tower of the castle. You will not see nor be seen by anyone. You will not speak nor be spoken to by anyone. You will stay in that tower for as long as I rule. If I get any word that you've been out of that tower, I will have your head. Today is the day I lost my only child. Let that stay in your mind as you suffer from the thought of Alexander's death."

Amalia cowers in fear at the idea of being even more exiled and trapped than she was before. Eric calls for the guards to collect her and they drag Amalia to the north tower.

Once locked away in the tower connected to the rest of the castle by a giant wooden door with no handle on the other side, Amalia looks around and sees the smallest skylight above her letting the dimmest light into the cold stone-walled tower.

Through that entire traumatic event, Amalia went through, she couldn't muster up a word. It was as if she was in shock at the death of her brother. The memory of Alexander's body falling to the ground replays over in her mind repeatedly, causing her to go into a depression for the next 3 years.

Though Amalia stayed in that tower, she continued to grow in grace and beauty. She became stronger and learned to control and conceal her powers. As the years passed, the people of Tonovia named Amalia, "The Moon Blood Witch", and soon after the incident, The Moon Blood Witch became nothing but a rumor.

Amalia had exactly what the king forced upon her, no interactions with anyone, banished into an exile where she was left to be alone with her thoughts. That was until today, the 19th birthday of Amalia Reyna Ronvincii, Unknown Princess of Tonovia...

I hope you all enjoy reading 'Long Live The Moon Queen'! I love you all so much and thank you for coming to read it. <3

Enjoy reading and have a blessed day luvs!

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