
Long Live His Majesty

!!Warning: explicit descriptions of blood.!! "For the greater good; I shall sacrifice even my life." Cailina Yvonne Grandis, one of the high-ranking Imperial Nobles and the favored one of the Divine, becomes the Crown's venom. Her duty: to put the Monarch's wishes before herself. The life she knew was shattered by the unforeseen events she experienced in the capital. Where nobles and commoners were worlds apart. The circumstances forced her heart to grow cold. Now, she isn't afraid to lose anything. In her heart, she has long decided that whoever opposes the throne shall meet his demise. Cailina treads in the darkness, her hands stained with the blood of the Empire's enemies, and she will not stop until Elior, the Crown Prince, becomes the Emperor. ••• We all have something we wish to protect, and we will not hesitate to see shield it with our hearts. Duty. Desire. Person. ••• Will Cailina continue her path of misery? Or will she abandon everything to follow her heart's desire? Perhaps being the favored one of the Heavens would be her end. "On your knees, His Majesty traverses thy way." ••• This is a story of a villain and a slow burn romance. Thank you for moonwastaken for the amazing cover!

EGGNOG · Fantasy
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147 Chs


Little Mate

You were under the night sky

The wind blows softly,

Seeing you filled with love and not lies

It made my heart fly

Oh little mate

I hope that you will stay

Before everything's late

I will say,

I love you

I stood beside the Crown Prince, above the eyes of both the common and noble. His Highness signaled me to lean closer, "Lady Cailina, the matter has been dragged for more than it should."

I bowed and softly said, "I apologize, Your Highness. The nobles of the Lycaon Kingdom are protesting outside thus delaying the verdict."

The Crown Prince showed a disdained look, "It doesn't matter. They're just a bunch of dogs who knows how to bark without action. This was supposed to be my joyous event and those vermins decide to ruin it"

"Quell your anger, Your Highness. I will inform the Head Judge about the ruckus outside." As I retreated, a hand clasped mine.

"Wait." His Highness looked at me with a pleading look, "Don't rush my sister, it's alright. We can wait."

I laughed inside my heart. His fear of his beloved sister never changed.

I nodded and resumed my position behind him. After a brief silence, His Highness spoke, "If you agreed to marry me when we were young, you will be sitting next to me and not standing behind me." He sighed in defeat.

I chuckled, "Your Highness knows how to jest. I am honored to serve behind you."

"Yes, the depressing part of that is I'll never be able to hold you at night."

I felt my lip twitched at his outrageous remark, "The walls and floors have eyes and ear Your Highness. Do you wish to ruin my reputation?" If that certain someone heard this, I guarantee that life forces will dance on the floor.

He laughed loudly causing the hall to silence, "It's just a thought of mine that I accidentally spilled. I apologize now so that I will keep my head." Yes, the only person that can make this high above the heavens Prince is none other than him. It's been a year since I last saw that person. I do wish he is living just fine.

Seeing that His Highness can no longer wait, I signaled a few guards to fetch the main performer for tonight's event in which they signaled back that everything was settled. "Your Highness, the verdict has been decided."

He flashed his signature smile and stood, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I declare the commencement of this wonderful gathering!"

Everyone rose their glasses and cheered. The once silent hall was filled with praises and adorations. No one is unaware of what this event's purpose. After what it seems an endless chattering, one of my confidants handed me the scroll containing the verdict. I respectfully handed it to His Highness in which he received with full smiles.

"Good, good!" He opened the scroll and announced its contents, "By the Gods and Goddesses' guidance..."

As His Highness happily read, I felt my heart being stabbed by thousands of knives. My eyes began to feel warm as I tried to refrain from blinking. It seems that clouds felt my suffering and they slowly covered the stars with rain. The sound of each droplet never hindered the loud and clear voice of His Highness.

After announcing the verdict, the knights entered with a man cuffs on his arms and ankles. A collar as thick as a man's palm was placed tightly on his neck. A pitiful sight of someone who was deemed to the hero of the wolves.

The sky today was like the first time we met, the tears of the heavens washed away the emotions I have in my heart. I tried to change your fate, our fate, but in reality, I never did anything. All my choices lead to this moment. Seeing you kneeling in front of me, eyes that were once bright and full of hope. I apologize for making you like this.

You were my family.

My brother.

My lover.

My punishment.

If there is a next life, run away as far as you can. Let's not meet again.