
Gone Mental

Living as a loner is not as bad as you think it is! Even he, Zhao Yang is one of those so called loner.

When he was eating his favorite food, there is no one who would ask to share it with them. Yes, even though it could be lonely some times, as long as you have smartphone, everything is not that bad like everyone thought.

Like any other male, he is a fan of Anime and Novels, his everyday lives revolve around reading novel or watching anime, his principles is that studying is a waste of time and energy.

That was actually bullshit, he's not studying because his memorization is just that good. Tell it to him just once and he will remember it for a whole week straight.

Zhao Yang is the so called a genius with high IQ and EQ, but because of this, he find it hard to get along with the other students.

Hence he became a loner, But he enjoyed this kind of live because there will be no one who will bother him, well except those delinquent who asked for money and stuff…

Like in his current situation, he is now being surrounded by six delinquents in a dark alley behind the school.

Zhao Yang could be considered as a handsome man, if not for his messy hair, big and thick glasses and the dark circle around his eyes that made him looking like a panda.

Now that he is surrounded and being forced to give them money, his white face is now as pale as a dead corpse.

"Ding… the Loner God System has issued a quest: don't give in and fight back until the delinquent leave."

"Quest time limit: none."

"Successfully completing the quest will result in you formally opening the Loner God System and gaining 2 Lottery chance and 200 Loner Points as a starting gift. Failing the quest will make you disowned by your family and you will lives as a beggar all your life!"


"Fuck your sister!!"

A transparent blue screen like that of a game interface and a mechanical voice of a woman appeared in front of his eyes and inside of his head.

Zhao Yang was at first bewildered, but then he was so angry that he let out a curse out of anger when he heard what the mechanical voice telling him to do.

However, his cursing was perceived as him telling the six delinquent to fuck their sister and him, refusing to hand over his money to them.

"Bastard, you dare to curse at us huh?! You got big guts you creep!!"

The boss of the delinquent then grabbed Zhao Yang collar and punched his face really hard. Zhao Yang then fell to the ground on his butt, after experiencing this kind of situation in the past, Zhao Yang could only curl his body and protected his little brother and his head.

It would be a disaster if one of those delicate part were to be damaged!!

Either becoming an idiot or becoming infertile… This two choice is so terrifying that he will do anything to protect both of them.

"What the hell you little shit! Hurry up and give your damn money!"

One of the delinquent who kicked him like a mad dog said while out of breath.

"Tsk… We will waste our time and energy, just search his pocked and bag. This loser is just a piece of garbage anyway!"

The one with a blond hair, Gao Xu said while trying to take Zhao Yang bag from his back. Although this one looked dangerous, but strangely enough he is the only one who didn't kick Zhao Yang.

His calm and bored expression looked at Zhao Yang with pity even just for a second.

But even so, Zhao Yang was feeling really complicated and angry! Not to the delinquent who beat him up, but to the damn transparent blue screen in front of him!

Even if he closed his eyes, the screen didn't disappear and keep appearing like a leech attached to one skin.

In fact, Zhao Yang has been reading the word on the blue screen over and over again, trying to find out just what kind of situation he was in.

However, he was left speechless and furious the more he read the word written in it!

"Mother heaven, have I just gone mental!?" Zhao Yang whispered under his breath. Looking at the transparent blue screen again made him even more distressed.

He was still in a daze and curled up on the ground like a little turtle when he felt that his bag was opened from his back.

He then remembered that he should not give up till the end or he'll be a beggar all his live. Honestly, Zhao yang felt that it was bullshit and wanted to ignore it, but his heart is telling him it would be a bad idea to ignore it.

Hence, Zhao Yang sprung up to his feet and gather all of his energy into his right hand and punched toward Gao Xu with all of his might!

All of the delinquent looked at him in a daze as if they were looking at a strange occurrence in front of them.

Zhao Yang then took this chance to look if his things were gone and before they realized that he fought back, Zhao Yang kicked the boss of the delinquent with his right leg and made a run out of the encirclement.

"MotherFu*** you are dead! YOU ARE DEAD, YOU SHIT HEAD!!!"

The shout of the delinquent boss was ignored by Zhao Yang as he keep running away from them. He could hear several footstep of the delinquent trying to chase him on his back.

He was really in deep shit today, not only he has gone mental, he just punched and kicked his arch nemesis called delinquent…

"Come back here, you little shit!!"

The shout from his back was like a bark of a dog that is running chasing after him. To Zhao Yang, it is stupid for one to ask him to stop running and be bitten by the dog! Only idiot would do that!

"Ding…. [Warning]: If you don't stop running and fought back or get beaten until they leave you alone. The Loner God will be angry and will force the system to make you into a beggar!"

Hearing the mechanical voice and the new additional transparent screen in front of him made him almost have a heart attack from anger!

"I really have gone mental…"

As of now, tears were falling from Zhao Yang like a water fall, he was crying out of fright and confusion.

Who wouldn't want to cry after being told to fight a bunch of delinquent or get beaten by them!?

"Ding… [Warning]: This is the second warning for the candidate system user. If you don't stop, you will be killed by accident in a remote place and will be buried somewhere and will not be found."

Zhao Yang expression became pale from fright as he stopped on his track and looked at the transparent screen to make sure that he didn't hear wrong.

"Just what the hell is this fucking shiiitttt - !!!"

His shout however, earned him a punch to the back of his head by one of the delinquent that were chasing him.

In truth, Zhao Yang was scared shitless by this delinquents, but he sure don't want to gamble with his life. So he just stood there and trying to fend off the delinquents by shouting and swinging his arm and kicking his leg toward the 4 delinquents!

LonerGod is depressed, so he made this because he want to let out his frustration!!

RageBloodcreators' thoughts