
Lonely Hearts Club

Marlowe had been alone for three years now. She had no one to rely on but herself and no one to trust. Life wasn’t always like this. Once she was happy, safe and warm with her family but that was torn from her tragically. Would she continue her lonely life in the dark or would she be safe and happy once more?

Lost_yoshi · LGBT+
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2 Chs

So It Begins...

Four days passed far faster than Marlowe was prepared for. How can you pack away sixteen years in four days? Marlowe shook her head. There was no point in thinking like this. She had to gather her belongings and meet the cab that would take her to her aunt's home. Taking one last look at her room, Marlowe felt her eyes begin to tear up. She sniffed and turned away, making her way down to the front door where Mr. Liev was waiting for her.

"Are you ready, Miss Anderson?" Mr. Liev took the girl in. With dark bags thick under her eyes and her eyes puffy and red, the poor girl looked a wreck. Mr. Liev reaches out and pulled the girl into a rare hug. "Miss An-no. Marlowe. I have always been a friend of your parents. If you need anything please, don't hesitate to ask. I am...I wish that there was more that I could do for you." Marlowe sniffled, sure that if she still had them there would be tears running down her cheeks. The usually grim faced man had always been a staple in her life and now he was the last link to her parents.

Gently pulling back from the man, Marlowe accepted the held out handkerchief and gently wiped her eyes. She took a breath and gathered herself before meeting the man's eyes. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."


Anaïse Álvarez was a proud woman. She had worked hard for everything in her life, practically clawing her way up to position she now held. Anaïse was the owner and manager of her own successful brand, happily married to high school sweetheart and had three lovely children of her own and another on the way. Her one regret was her estranged sister. They had not spoken since her little sister ran off to marry that odd American. Something Anderson. That was over sixteen years ago and now her sister's daughter was coming to live with her. What could she expect from the child? She would take after her arrogant father, no doubt.

Anaïse sighed. No matter. As long as the girl proved that she could contribute to the family than she would be allowed to stay. She would not ask for much but the girl must be willing to work. The Álvarez household had no room for lazy freeloaders. There were mouths to feed and another on the way. Everyone pulled their weight in the Álvarez home. A light knock on the door alerted Anaïse to the arrival of their new resident. Standing carefully, the older woman placed a gentle hand on her distended abdomen and walked calmly to the door. She was not prepared for the sight that greeted her.

Even with dark circles and red puffy eyes there was no mistaking the girl in front of her.

"¡Ay! ¡Qué susto! Maricelita! I-is that really you?" That dark hair, those warm dark eyes. There was no mistaking it. This was her sister. Dear sweet Maricela has returned out of the blue. "¡Adelante! It is good to see you! We have much to discuss." The woman pulled the girl into the house not once giving her the chance to speak.

How was Marlowe going to tell her aunt that not only was she not her mother but that Maricela Anderson was dead?