
Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks

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Star_Maker4 · Book&Literature
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Unity at last (July-September, 1915).


On July 14, 1915, the New Great War is coming to an end on several fronts, and one has just 'ended', for the moment.

The Arab front ends with the final unification of the central part of the Arabian peninsula by the Emirate of Jabal Shammar (led by the House of Rasheed).

This gives an important situation in the region:

* Qatar, the Trucial States, Oman and Yemen are under the influence of the Imperial Federation / British Empire.

* Jordan and Palestine are unified by Abdullah bin Al-Hussein.

* Central Arabia, as we already mentioned, is in the hands of the Emirate of Jabal Shammar.

* The north of the region (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq's and Kuwait) are within the Russosphere.

After unification, conflicts between the British protectorates in the south and pro-Allied Arab tribes end, leading the Arab front to another stalemate (although in July at least, the New Great War officially continues).

The Emir Saud bin Abdulaziz declares the Emirate of Ha'il (sometimes also called the Kingdom of Ha'il), named after the capital of the Emirate of Jabal Shammar, the city of Ha'il.

City known for being the home of Hatim al-Tai (حاتم الطائي, Hatim of the Tayy tribe), father of Adi ibn Hatim, who was a companion of the prophet Muhammad.

The unification marks a very important event in the history of Arabia and the Arabs, with the important centralization of a new state in the peninsula.

Emir Saud bin Abdulazis is still very young (16-17 years old), when he is at the head of this new country, and it seems the beginning of a long and prosperous reign.

It is with this unification that Abdullah bin Al-Hussein approaches the young Emir, proposing the unification of both countries (Emirate of Ha'il and the territory of Jordan-Palestine).

This would mean that a single Arab-Muslim state would possess Mecca, Medina and the Holy Land. A very tempting offer.

In return Abdullah bin Al-Hussein asked for an important position as regional monarch in Palestine-Jordan, subordinate to Saud bin Abdulazis, but with some autonomy (and of course, influence ...).

The discussions between Abdullah bin Al-Hussein and Saud bin Abdulazis at the moment come to nothing, but the Russian Empire remains skeptical of this too generous proposal of pan-Arab unification (and for now the Russian Empire has a LOT of influence within the Emirate of Ha'il).



[Diplomacy in Anatolia]

The Russian Empire sent delegates to the Turkish Socialist Republic, led by Mustafa Kemal, Secretary General of the Turkish Communist Party (Türkiye Komünist Partisi / TKP).

De-facto, the country was isolated by all possible means.

Russia dominated the Black Sea and the Straits, blocking any contact by sea. And the Russosphere (Republic of Cilicia and the State of Ionia) dominated the land borders, preventing the Republic of Turkey from having access to the Mediterranean Sea, the Middle East or other strategic positions.

Basically Socialist Turkey was surrounded by all possible means.

But Nicholas II was not interested in crushing Mustafa Kemal's Socialist Republic of Turkey, indeed, Socialist Turkey was useful to the Russian Empire.

Socialist Turkey was frowned upon by Ionia and the Republic of Cilicia, as it went directly against many of the ideals of both countries. Cilician democracy and Ionian nationalism.

A Socialist Turkey would prevent the unification of the Turkish states (as long as there were no weaknesses in the Russosphere), and therefore Anatolia would not escape the clutches of the Russian Empire.

The deal proposed by the Russian Empire of Nicholas II and Mikhail Skobelev was simple, Russia recognized Mustafa Kemal's Turkey and left him alone.

They could even trade.

Instead, Mustafa Kemal left Russia and the Russosphere alone, recognizing that Socialist Turkey would have no ambitions in non-socialist Anatolia.

Mustafa Kemal accepted, since the recognition of Russia implied trade through the straits, which would allow the Socialist Republic of Turkey to trade with the other European socialist countries.

Also, the Turkish Socialist Republic did not have the strength to fight the Russian Empire, so it was better to focus on the inside and not on the outside.

Russia went to focus on other matters, while Mustafa Kemal focused on the Turkish Socialist Republic. He started a process of social, cultural and economic transformation in the country, with the domination of Kemalism.

Eventually, Mustafa Kemal would be known as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, father of the Turks.

A nickname that comes from the Turkish Socialist Republic's cult of personality to Mustafa Kemal and his legacy.


[Democracy of August]

By the Grace of God, Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsar Augustus (Caesar Augustus). Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar (King) of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Tauric Chersonesus, Tsar of Georgia, Tsar of Alyáska. Lord of Pskov, and Grand Prince of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and Finland. Prince of Estonia, Livonia, Courland and Semigalia, Samogitia, Bielostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugor, Perm, Vyatka, Bogar and others. Sovereign and Grand Prince of Nizhni Novgorod, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Jaroslavl, Beloozero, Udoria, Obdoria, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislav, and Ruler of all the Severian country. Sovereign and Lord of Iveria, Kartalinia, the Kabardian lands and Armenian province. Hereditary Sovereign and Possessor of the Circassian and Mountain Princes and of others. Sovereign of Turkestan, Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, and Oldenburg, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth.

*Honorary chieftain of the native americans of Alyáska.

With all these titles behind him, Tsar Nicholas II proceeded to give space to the August candidacies, for the general elections of the Russian Empire (1915).

The first of many Russian elections under Nicholas II, and a very important election.

The New Great War continued (although it was obvious that it was coming to an end) and Russia had lost Tsar Alexander III, so it was obvious that a stage of transformation would occur in the Russian Empire.

The major parties of the Russian Empire proceeded to present their candidates for the position of Premier of the State Duma of the Russian Empire.

Among these great parties were the traditional parties of the time:

* Pan-Russian National Union (Всероссийский национальный союз / Vserossiyskiy Natsional'nyy Soyuz). With small groups and factions inside (the Black Hundreds, the Greens, pan-Slavists, Balashov, etc).

* Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Российская социал-демократическая рабочая партия, Rossiyskaya sotsial-demokraticheskaya rabochaya partiya) or RSDLP. The great party of the Russian left.

* Constitutional Democratic Party (Конституционно-демократическая партия, Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaya partiya).

* Union of September (Союз сентября, Soyuz sentyabrya) / Septembrist Party (Сентябрьская партия, Sentyabr'skaya partiya).

* Trudoviks (Трудова́я гру́ппа, Trudovaya gruppa).

The VNS (Pan-Russian National Union) and K-D (Constitutional Democratic Party) parties once again proposed a coalition government, led by Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev (72 years old at the time of the elections).

* The candidate for Deputy Premier was Pyotr Nikolaevich Balashov (44 years old at the time of the elections).

The candidacy was supported by Kadet's leader, Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov.

The RSDLP candidate for the position of Premier was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (36 years old), also known as Iosif V. Stalin.

Behind this candidacy were the dominant factions of the RSDLP, the absorbed regional parties and the allied factions of the Stalinists.

* The candidate for Deputy Premier would be Lev Borisovich Kamenev (32 years old), one of the leaders of the old RSDLP Troika.

The progressives and Septembrists (Union of September), among others who made up the Progressive Bloc, once again proposed Interior Minister Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin (52 years ols) for a second term as Premier.

It would be the last election where Stolypin ran.

* Stolypin's Deputy Premier candidate in 1915 was once again Septembrist leader Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov (52 years old at the time of the election).

The Trudoviks changed their proposal from last year, and nominated deputy and lawyer Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky (34 years old) as a candidate for Premier.

Among many other small party candidacies, which were not very successful on the large national scale of the Russian Empire.

There were clear and important changes within the political parties and relationships.

* The Stolypin-Guchkov Progressive Bloc had lost a lot of ground.

* The leadership of the RSDLP had leaned in favor of Stalin in alliance with Kamenev (who had been able to eliminate the leadership of Zinoviev, who now only dominated the RSDLP factions around St. Petersburg and its surroundings).

** In addition, the RSDLP had now integrated many regional parties and had become an important collective government party.

* Kerensky became dominant in the Trudoviks, and there were talks of a possible coalition with Stalin's RSDLP.


[September Campaigns]

As indicated by the reform of June 30, 1910, in September-October the political campaigns of the various candidates for Premier of the Russian Empire (an immense country with more than 200 million inhabitants) took place.

The elections of 1915 already demonstrated that there were important changes in the national politics of the Russian Empire, and that they wanted the Russians for their future.

The 1915 elections were a close battle between the political right and the left.

It was in the last stages of the Second World War (New Great War), Mikhail Skobelev was old (close to the time limit to be Premier) and there were doubts about WHO was the one indicated for the reconstruction-transformation of the Russian Empire in the period post-war.

*Stolypin-Progressive (Septembrist-coalition) political program: Former Premier Pyotr Stolypin presented a modified version of his traditional Byzantine Eagle policy, this time focused on restructuring the Russian economy for the post-war period.

There would be many veterans or families of veterans who needed pensions or aid, demobilize the armed forces, decrease the measures of the war economy, etc.

Stolypin had certain successes because he was an experienced candidate, and also did not belong to ideological extremes like Skobelev or Stalin.

But he simply was not able to attract a large number of masses, which would cost him the elections (the last in which he participated).

* VNS political program:The Pan-Russian National Union suffered terrible blows in the campaign of September 1915, due to the fight between different internal factions of the party. Why did this happen?

Very simple, due to the New Great War. Each faction had different objectives about the peace treaty and the post-war reconstruction of the Russian Empire.

Not even Mikhail Skobelev could solve much, and the cracks in the VNS were showing.

Skobelev came up with a simple program, to continue the economic unification between Russia and the Slavic countries of the Balkans, and a 'successful' peace for the Russian Empire.

The problem was that Skobelev was never an economist, so his post-war promises were vague or null, which dealt severe blows to the success of the VNS.

* RSDLP political program: Iosif V. Stalin established the 'First Five-Year Plan', for the post-war reconstruction of the Russian Empire, as part of his September campaign.

The first five-year plan proposed by Stalin's RSDLP with reconstruction and development measures for various sectors of the Russian Empire's economy and society (with the possibility of its newly occupied territories and the development of established pro-Russian states in Asia).

We could say that they were a kind of campaign promises, these were the economic objectives for which the RSDLP government was going to fight to achieve.

This measure would be very important, since Russia would be emerging from the war economy and the Great Depression.

The idea was quite popular, as a five-year plan fitted in with a five-year term of office. Later parties of Russian democracy would create their own Five Year Plans for their September campaigns (these plans would be what the parties set out to build and achieve in the economy of the Russian Empire).

* Even though the title was 'Five-Year Plan', it was said that the government could finish it in 4 years, if the war still did not end in the first year of the RSDLP government.

In mentioning the social aspects of the First Five-Year Plan, we must remember the already established eight-petal flower policy of the Stalinist RSDLP.

"The society for which the RSLDP and the Russian people strive".

* A developed economy, with modern productive forces and progressive and appropriate production relations.

* A strong country, with a society of wealthy people, popular democracy, justice (rule of law) and civilization.

* Popular organization for the citizens of the country in the labor-economic, social-cultural and political life.

* A deep cultural development, associated with the national identities of Russia.

* Prosperous and positive living conditions for the population in the development of the country.

* Rule of law, run by the elected government of the people.

* Cooperative relations with the rest of the countries around the world (specially the Russosphere).

* Equality and unity for the different ethnic groups within Russia, based on mutual respect and help.

The strength of the RSDLP consisted not only of Russians who believed in the party, but also of dozens of ethnic groups from the Russian Empire who supported the party.



July 1, the skirmishes between Russian Namibia and British South Africa end.

July 2, the German-American anarchist Eric Muenter places a timed three-stick dynamite bomb in the chamber of the United States Senate.

The bomb denoted before midnight, no victims. Muenter was able to enter because Washington D.C. is still badly damaged by the New Great War.

In reality, Muenter's objective was not to assassinate anyone, but to protest against the continuation of the New Great War.

July 3, the anatist Eric Muenter is arrested in New York after trying to take the Morgan family hostage.

J.P. Morgan Jr suffers minor injuries (two shots from Muenter), but survives.

July 4, several terrorist groups of Mexican citizens are created in the southern United States. The intention of these terrorists, bandits or revolutionaries, was the separation of the southern states from the United States.

July 5, Eric Muenter commits suicide in police custody.

July 6, several troublesome Poles, led by Edward Rydz-Śmigły, leave the Russian Empire for the United Kingdom (Imperial Federation).

This group intends to promote the independence of Poland from the Russian Empire, reaching out to the British and the Social Aristocracy.

July 14, the Emirate of Jabal Shammar successfully unifies the center of the Arab peninsula.

July 21, several problems with strikers in New Jersey, United States.

July 22, 1915, the Empire of Brazil led by Dom Pedro III of Brazil, finally unifies most of the original Brazilian territory (the Federation of Rio Grande do Sul remains independent), definitively defeating the Republic of the United States of Brazil.

This supposes a Great Withdrawal of the forces of the London-Berlin Axis towards Peru-Bolivia and Chile, where the forces of the Allied Bloc have not been able to defeat the Axis forces.

The Brazilian unification is an important milestone for Emperor Pedro III, after a long division of the Empire of Brazil ...

But the country is still in danger for various reasons.

Poverty, widespread destruction, lack of infrastructure, socio-economic-political inequality. The Empire is unified at enormous cost, and wounds will take decades to heal.

Unification is perhaps only a brief period of calm until a new time of trouble.

Nicholas II sends part of the Russian navy to the Federation of Rio Grande do Sul, with Russian and local troops defending the country's border.

July 27, civil problems return to Haiti (Hispaniola territory) after political purges in the region.

The US Marines once again restore order to the territory of Hispaniola (similar to Panama, Hispaniola is a territory associated with the US, that is, a colony in everything, except in name).

July 29, several Mexican rebels cause trouble in Cameron County, Texas.

The Social Revolutionaries in Ireland continue to be successful in their mission of liberating the island of Ireland from the rule of the Imperial Federation.

August 3, a unit of 30 Texas Rangers (with the support of federal troops and deputy sheriffs) participates in a shootout with the owner of a ranch, the Mexican-American Aniceto Pizana.

Pizana had been accused by a neighboring rancher of supporting border raiders who had been attacking border towns ... There was really no evidence.

Pizana managed to escape unscathed, leaving a soldier dead and three others wounded.

August 6, the United States reinforces its military presence in the United Mexican States after several border assassinations by Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in the southern United States.

Unfortunately, the United Mexican States remains quite unstable.

People simply reject the Felix Diaz government and the American presence, some citizens of northern Mexico escape to Socialist Mexico or simply cause problems in the United Mexican States and the USA.

August 7, astronomer Grigory Neujmin discovered the now know minor planet 916 America at the Simeiz Observatory (in Simeiz, Russian Empire).

August 10, various weather problems in the Caribbean, including hurricane season.

August 11, several non-communist writers and artists escape from the Socialist Republic of Turkey, fearing repression due to their criticism of the country's socialist regime.

August 30, success of several anti-socialist purges in the Free Republic of Mexico (led by Pancho Villa and Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

August 31, the Aceh State Museum is created in the Sultanate of Aceh, protectorate of the Russian Empire.

September 1, Japanese political instability continues, several unions of manufacturing and essential services (electricity) go on strike.

September 2, the Imperial Federation creates many Internment camps for its New Great War prisoners, political prisoners, and other rebels.

Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka and the Isle of Man become major prisoner sites for the Imperial Federation, we speak of over 69,000 prisoners and over 10,000 new jobs as guards.

September 3, the "Seditionistas", the Mexican terrorist-revolutionaries who try to separate the south from the United States, are officially created.

Of course, at this point, achieving this is either quite impossible or extremely unlikely.

* [Zimmerwald Conference]

September 5, 1915, an important milestone is created, in Socialist Switzerland delegates from all the socialist countries of Europe meet (and a Turkish socialist delegation joins later on September 8).

The Free Republic of Germany, the People's Republic of France, the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy, the Union of Iberian Socialist Republics, Flanders, Andorra, Luzemburgo and Switzerland meet in Zimmerwald to carry out processes of economic, military and political integration.

The city of Zimmerwald becomes the seat of the signing of the First Treaty of Zimmerwald, which leads to the creation of the European Defense Community and Customs Union.

The first steps towards a mutual defensive alliance and the creation of joint economic policies, for a greater unification of the socialist countries of Europe.

Both for diplomacy, trade, military, political and many other matters.

To prevent these unions from becoming too centralized in the most powerful countries, the Socialists honor the city of Zimmerwald and Switzerland with the creation of the first supranational bodies in that city.

In the first place, an International Council was created, where the countries could discuss precisely how to continue the union and its legislative-economic policies.

There is also the creation of a direct communication line between the countries involved, and important economic reserves of the socialist countries in Switzerland (in the future this would be very helpful to the socialists).

An important first step towards peace and unity in Western-Central Europe.

*There was a turkish delegation, but they didn't firm the First Treaty of Zimmerwald.


September 10, the European Financial Commission is created, between the Imperial Federation, the Prussian Republic of Germany, Sweden and Norway.

Following its own integration process, similar to Red Europe and the Russosphere.

September 11, the Industrial Exhibition of the Governance of Korea is held, which demonstrates the important industrial-economic advances of the governance of Korea in the Russian Empire.

September 15, Chen Duxiu begins publishing New Youth magazine (La Juenesse) in Shanghai, Republic of China.

In the magazine, Chen Duxiu (later important) begins to advocate for improvements in China's democracy (more similar to Western democracies and socialist Europe).

* [The beginning of the end] *

September 19, finally the Allied Bloc and the London-Berlin Axis enter into final discussions to end the New Great War.

It is clear that the final treaty, signed in January 1916, will not be a treaty proper, but an armistice until the next great war (World War III).

The Imperial Federation lost in Arabia and Brazil, but they managed to keep Chile, Peru and Bolivia (taking Gran Colombia and Free Mexico out of allied influence).

They conquered large portions of Africa, overthrowing the Second French Empire, and held some positions in Europe.

The Allied Bloc achieved many goals, but ultimately they were unable to bring down the entirety of the Imperial Federation ...

It is a sad time for the world, but in a sense, peace is near.


September 25, the Imperial Federation creates the State Council, an assistant body to the political domination of the Social Aristocracy in the government of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

It will be used by later governments to finally put an end to the more democratic traits that remained in the Imperial Federation.