
Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks

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The climax of the Imperial Crisis is getting closer and closer (July-September, 1920

Candidates of August Democracy]

The Pan-Russian National Union (Всероссийский национальный союз / Vserossiyskiy Natsional'nyy Soyuz) was dissolved, this considerably reversed the balance of power in the democratic politics of the Russian Empire for the elections of 1920.

Because de-facto, there was no extremely powerful right-wing party to seek election to the State Duma government.

In their place were other of the old traditional parties, and of course, new parties:

* Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Российская социал-демократическая рабочая партия, Rossiyskaya sotsial-demokraticheskaya rabochaya partiya) or RSDLP.

* Constitutional Democratic Party (Конституционно-демократическая партия, Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaya partiya).

* Union of September (Союз сентября, Soyuz sentyabrya) / Septembrist Party (Сентябрьская партия, Sentyabr'skaya partiya).

* Trudoviks (Трудова́я гру́ппа, Trudovaya gruppa).

And various other parties, especially of the 'center' and of the left, such as the International Workers Party of Russia (Mezhdunarodnoy Rabochey Partii Rossii), led by Trotsky and the old SRs.

The RSDLP, the largest party on the Russian left, proposed a government led by Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) as Premier of the State Duma.

Not only this, but there was also the fact that there was an alliance with Alexander Kerensky's Trudoviks. Which made them undoubtedly the strongest candidate for victory in the 1920 elections.

* For the Deputy Premier of the State Duma, the RSDLP proposed Lev Borisovich Kamenev, Stalin's de-facto 'right hand' and leader of the party's Social Democratic factions, after Zinoviev's overthrow.

The Trudoviks, although de-facto allied with Stalin's and Kamenev's RSDLP, still proposed Alexander Kerensky as a possible Premier of the State Duma.

It was mostly a technicality, just in case the Trudoviks got more votes than the RSLDP ... Which didn't happen, for many reasons (among them, the RSDLP was simply much bigger).

The Septembristas (classical liberal leaning and center-right), politicians from the old progressive Stolypin bloc, nominated Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov as Premier to the State Duma.

On numerous occasions Guchkov, leader of the Septembristas, had been nominated as Deputy Premier. This was officially his first candidacy for his Premier.

* The September candidate for Deputy Premier was Mikhail Vladimirovich Rodzianko, a conservative figure of Ukrainian origin.

The Constitutional Democratic Party (Конституционно-демократическая партия, Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaya partiya) or better known as Kadets / K-D, tried to take the post of the Pan-Russian National Union.

But they couldn't, simply lacking such strong and popular leadership as Skobelev's.

Yet they were still one of the most voted right-wing oppositions to the RSDLP, nominating Georgy Evgenievich Lvov as Premier (and kniaz Nikolai Dmitrievich Golitsyn as Deputy Premier).

Numerous minor right-wing parties, generally only regionally biased, supported various candidates such as Pyotr Nikolaevich Balashov (old Skobelev Deputy Premier), Alexander Kolchak, Pavlo Skoropadskyi, Aleksei Maksimovich Kaledin and others.

Among the leftist opposition to Stalin's RSDLP, was in particular the International Workers Party of Russia (Mezhdunarodnoy Rabochey Partii Rossii), led by Lev Trotsky (who was a candidate for Premier).

* Interestingly, Trotsky's MRPR was one of the first Russian parties to propose a woman to the highest political echelons. Nominating Maria Aleksandrovna Spiridonova as Deputy Premier.

A disunited right that could not present a single candidate suffered seriously in these elections, while the leftist opposition to the RSDLP was not very great (they lacked popular support or the means to combat the great RSLDP, which brought together a large number of elements).

It was not to be expected that there were figures who were seriously opposed to the apparent course that the elections were to follow, a victory for the RSDLP.

Although there could be opposition to the next election, Tsar Nicholas II and did not see much of a problem with the majority of candidates present.

The August candidacies, for the most part, followed the laws already established in the Russian Empire.

Of course, several cliques within the government already knew that things were not as good as they appeared, the ideological struggle between the left and the right was increasing in the Russian Empire.


[Political Campaigns of September-October]

After the August nominations, September arrived, and as required by law, the Premiership candidates and their parties had to present political programs that they promised for the next five years.

Still, with the Pan-Russian National Union destroyed after the death of Mikhail Skobelev, the electoral situation of the Russian Empire in 1920 was considerably different from previous elections.

The previous elections of the Russian Empire (1905, 1910 and 1915) were defined by groups of the center and right, which included liberals, reformists and various right-wing groups (conservatives, Russian pan-Slavists, nationalists, Black Hundreds, Greens and others).

Not only this, but other notable actors in Russian politics were also lacking, such as Pyotr Stolypin (57 years old at the time), who, after losing in previous elections, gave way to other candidates.

In past elections, the Russian left simply had not gotten the numbers to dominate and form a government, forcing them into an oppositional position within the national government (especially when the governments were right-wing).

In 1920 on the other hand, the right wing was extremely divided into various political groups, without a unifying leader. As a consequence, the votes were diluted between various parties and candidates, with really different programs (some more moderate and others too extreme or impossible).

The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP, Российская социал-демократическая рабочая партия / Rossiyskaya sotsial-demokraticheskaya rabochaya partiya) was the biggest left-wing candidate for the November elections and was undoubtedly the heavyweight party in 1920.

To further support the strength of the RSDLP, the RSDLP leaders managed to form a successful alliance with the Trudovik leadership of Alexander Kerensky (who was promised a ministerial position).

This RSDLP-Trudovik coalition naturally proposed a left-leaning program, developed mainly by Stalin.

In addition to the points already explained in previous elections and previous congresses, on the one hand there was the "The society for which the RSLDP and the Russian people strive" and "Russian People's Democracy", old concepts already presented before and a novel concept.

Concepts based on Russian culture, which did not completely reject Western trends, but still adapted to Russian conditions.

The plan to achieve these objectives was the implementation of the New 'First Five-Year Plan' of 1920-1925 (as it had been proposed in September-October 1920). Which took into account the post-Great Depression Moscow economic miracle and other new situations.

But there were also some particular additions to the leftist alliance.

The Trudoviks and RSDLP added policies in favor of the continuation of the Covenant of Nations, economic-diplomatic cooperation with other countries (in particular the European Socialist Union and the Emirate of Ha'il) and the increase of public services within the Russian Empire ( especially with regard to health, population needs, what favors demographic growth, etc).

Socio-culturally speaking, the RSDLP and the Trudoviks did not propose autonomy (not explicitly, or an autonomy that mimicked Finland or a federal model of foreign countries) but did have diverse minorities and women active in politics, being generally pro-equality among the various peoples of Russia regardless of religion, culture or sex.

The group was especially a mass movement among leftists, mainly young people (teenagers up to 20s) and adults (between 30 and 40 years old especially, still with some more older people).

The incredibly broad nature of the RSLDP (which had in previous years absorbed parties throughout the Russian Empire) gave them a strong popularity, and it was the closest thing to a party that truly offered opportunities to non-Russians in the long run. .

The right-wing parties, as mentioned, offered a diversity of platforms, some of a moderate tendency and others much more extreme.

Balashov for example offered to recover part of the policies of Stolypin and Skobelev, while others proposed the need for greater anti-communism in the Russian Empire, pro-war policies, return of power to the monarchy, etc.

The Septembristas for their part, offered a program of a liberal and moderate nature, simply maintaining the status quo and rescuing some of the old policies of Premier Stolypin.

Without pleasing the left or the right, the Septembrists did not go too far, and were unable to form an alliance with any chance of success.

The same happened to the Kadets, who tried to appeal to the conservative right, and while they were able to get more votes, it was not enough for their Duma campaigns to give them a national victory.

Trotsky and Spiridonova on the other hand spoke of the 'Second Stage of the Russian Democratic Transformation', attacking the Stalin-led RSLDP rather than the Russian right.

In the opinion of the International Workers Party of Russia, they would bring a kind of cultural revolution to Russia, which after changes in the nature of government, would bring the fuel for a socio-cultural change.

Trotsky only had little success among leftist parties not affiliated with Stalin and among some moderate rightist parties. His ideas, unlike Stalin, failed to fully capture the population.



Once again, the Directorate of National Salvation of Admiral Alexander Kolchak is meeting in southern Ucreania, on the great estate of Pavlo Skoropadskyi.

There were many personalities associated with the nobility, the military, the great capitals and the right wing of the Russian Empire (and curiously some anti-Stalinist leftists):

Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak himself, Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel nicknamed the Black Baron (one of Kolchak's main allies, practically the right hand man), Yakov Aleksandrovich Slashchov, Pavlo Skoropadskyi the 'Hetman' (Kolchak's left hand), Nestor Makhno nicknamed ' Father Makhno ', Nikolai N. Yudenich, Grigory Mikhaylovich Semyonov, Pavel Rafalovich Bermondt-Avalov, Pyotr Vasilievich Vologodsky, Nikolai Vasilyevich Tchaikovsky, Sergey Leonidovich Markov, Lavr Georgiyevich Kornilov, Pyotr Vasilievich Vologodsky (mason and statesman), Nikolai Vasilyevich Tchaikovsky, Vladimir Mitrofanovich Purishkevich, Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov el Conde Sumarokov-Elston, Mikhail Vasilyevich Alekseev, Aleksei Maksimovich Kaledin, Vasily Tchernetzov, Alexander Petrovich Perkhurov, Dmitry Leonidovich Horvat, Vladimir Oskarovich Kappel and finally Sergei Nikolaievich Wojciechowski.

Among many other nobles and capitalists from various parts of the Russian Empire.

"The results in the polls are not announcing anything good." Makhno announces, approaching the Directorate leaders fearfully after the main course.

"Let's see that." Skoropadskyi announces taking the documents from Makhno, who backs down a bit.

Attempts by right-wing militants to obtain information had been successful. The Stalinists and Trudoviks were leading the way in several polls before the elections.

"How should we respond?" Wrangel asks Admiral Kolchak.

"It is clear that we must prepare for the approaching storm, my companions. In November, we must march on the capitals of the empire to abolish the Duma and crush the socialist threat." Kolchak announces.

The Directorate soon welcomed the Admiral's announcement. It was time to save the Russian Empire and end the threat to their way of life and ideals.

"Perfect, then we all know our role in this play." Sloropadskyi toasts alongside Kolchak, Wrangel and others. The main targets were Petrograd and Moscow, but of course other cities and potential points of rebellion also had to be dealt with.

After dinner, Kornilov was smoking together with Markov.

"Are you completely sure about this?" Kornilov asks curiously.

"Of course ... Don't tell me you're going to back down after such a long time." Markov exclaims with concern.

"No, I won't ... But no plan survives the collision with the enemy, you and I know that very well. My friend." Kornilov exclaims, shaking Markov's hand.

Maybe for one last time.

Kornilov was loyal to the Russia of Nicholas II, Markov believed the same, but supported the idea of a coup led by Kolchak against the democratic elections of the Russian Empire.

Breaking this friendship would be painful for Markov, who was a double agent, tasked with sending part of the Directorate troops to Moscow (while Markov and others were in the Baltic).


[Romanov and Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen]

As expected, there was not much trouble for the Romanian royal family (Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen) to travel to the Russian Empire around the first weeks of July 1920.

Romania was bordered by Russian Bessarabia, and the country had been part of the Russosphere for years (and now Romania was also a member of the Covenant of Nations).

The subject of course was the discussions that would take place at said meeting, formally and informally.

The main issue of course was the increasingly high interest of a marriage between the children of the European monarchs (Ferdinand I of Romania and Nicholas II of Russia).

Inter-dynastic marriage was no longer a big deal, Russian diplomacy was no longer directed by family relationships, and was generally pragmatic.

But still it was good to maintain relations with the monarchies of other countries of the Russosphere-Covenant, especially with Romania, whose monarchy suffered serious problems (compared to the monarchies of the Slavic countries in the Balkans, for now at least they were stable).

And a further demonstration of union between the Romanovs and the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen could be positive for the stability of Romania in the medium term.

Not only was there of course an important economic point for the stability of the Romanian monarchy, but there was also an important nationalist-symbolic element that had been damaged in recent times after the peasant revolts (which eliminated a considerable part of the Romanian population and cost territories important).

So a little cooperation between the royal dynasties plus the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church (which de-facto led the Orthodox world after the liberation of Tsargrad) would go a long way.

Despite all these benefits, there were also the personal aspects of the children of the monarchs that helped to think about whether to seal the deal or not (since despite the fact that certain freedoms were allowed, in Russia and Romania consent was still needed for marriages of close members of the royal family).

* Prince Nicholas of Romania was not a politician, he was more interested in his professional career in the navy and a quiet life (where he could smoke a lot), than in active roles on state fronts.

And this was curiously what attracted Maria to the Romanian prince, since she precisely liked to be in front of every situation. And a much more active husband would be problematic for her.

Nicholas didn't have much trouble getting into a 'relationship' with her, although she wasn't exactly very warm, nor was she very cold.

* Princess Maria of Romania soon liked Empress Elena, they both had an educated and charitable nature, plus Maria seemed willing to learn about the local Russian culture.

She was good and Cyril seemed willing to please her (Cyril always being a more reactive than active person).

This situation practically sealed the idea of marriage between the children of both monarchs, planned for a few years in the future (the marriage of Maria and Nicholas being in 1922 and the marriage of Cyril and Maria of Romania for 1925).

While some children of the monarchs thought about marriages, others only thought about parties.

Crown Prince Carol of Romania and Grand Duke Mikhail (Tsar Nicholas II's second son) got along extremely well, sharing a similar nature, one obsessed with alcohol, partying, and women.

And it is this nature that precisely unleashed the downfall of Carol of Romania and Mikhail of Russia, due to their inability to focus on various issues (especially those relevant to members so close to the rulers of their countries).

In Russia, Prince Carol soon found himself in an affair with Countess Alexandra Constantinovna von Zarnekau, a Russian-Georgian noblewoman (daughter of Duke Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg, an old member of the court of Tsar Nicholas II, and Princess Agrippina Japaridze, Countess von Zarnekau).

Alexandra von Zarnekau was a hospital administrator during WW2 times and had a decent reputation, but the problem is that she was of a lesser scale in the nobility and was divorced.

Worse still, Carol ignored her father's wishes and married her without her permission (with Mikhail Romanov as her godfather, it should be said ...), so he was breaking taboos and laws of time and her country.

A crisis broke out in Romania, with King Ferdinand expelling his son Carol from the country and taking away his succession rights to the throne (including removing Prince Carol's name from various parts of the Kingdom of Romania).

It was clear then that the need for Nicholas and his marriage to Maria of Russia became even greater.

The reputation of the monarchy was damaged somewhat by this, but Carol enjoyed it more as well, dedicating herself to a Bohemian life with his wife in Warsaw (Russian Empire).


Maria and Cyril watched from a distance, cautious.

It was the first time Cyril and Maria had watched Nicholas II at something ... so disappointed, not upset, but disappointed. Especially with Mikhail, after he increased his antics with Carol of Rumania.

"It bothers me the decisions you make under these bad influences." Tsar Nicholas II indicates to his second son, nearby Empress Elena, who tries to be a mediating influence.

But the damage was done, and the Grand Duke left Moscow that day to go to Warsaw.

"Nicholas, please bring him back." The empress exclaims with a weak point for her second son.

"If he doesn't want to come back, let him go." Tsar Nicholas II ends, attempting to return to his duties.

"But Nicholas, he's being too risky, we have to stop him." The empress exclaims once more, the rumors about certain behaviors of the Grand Duke were not very positive.

Especially a growing alcoholism and reckless driving.

"He is already over 20 years old. He is old enough to make his own decisions, and he should be mature enough to accept the consequences of his actions." Tsar Nicholas II states, his word on this matter is final.

Although the empress couldn't help visiting her son from time to time.

Meanwhile, Maria was quite happy, with Mikhail out of the way, it was time to continue with her ambitious plans.

"Maybe the Carol thing went too far." Cyril indicates with concern.

"Do you feel guilty?" Maria asks indifferently, similar to her father, she is reading the newspaper.

"No, let's see ... I don't really care, but now that Nicholas is on his way to being heir to Romania ... is this not hurting us more than helping?" Cyril exclaims.

"You calm down, I already know what will happen." The Grand Duchess exclaims confidently, a quasi-natural trait also inherited from her father and her paternal grandfather.



July 1, the crisis between the Commons and the Lords continues to intensify under the rule of King-Emperor Edward VIII and Prime Minister Louis Alexander Mountbatten.

Several members of the Commons and the opposition resign, or suffer attacks at the hands of militants of the All-British Party (effectively led by Winston Churchill, his young disciple Oswald Mosley, and the Social Aristocracy).

Advances in the industrialization of the Emirate of Ha'il, especially in coastal areas / near the country's water (useful ports for the transportation of goods, services or people, or where there may be a higher population density), particular areas with resources such as oil and its centers of power (Ha'il, Cairo, etc)

Another Constitutional reform in the Empire of Brazil gives greater powers to the constitutional government, effectively Dom Pedro III (still praised as a war hero by many after the unification of the majority of Brazil, despite his failures in some aspects) becomes rather a symbolic figure or figurehead for the Brazilian government.

While this is positive in many respects, it has negative effects as well.

The new parliament does not want Brazil's civil wars to repeat itself, therefore it progressively begins to attack what it sees as a threat to the status quo and the monarchy.

Among these attack targets are old figures from Republican Brazil, various elements of the old Republic of the United States of Brazil, and certain ideological groups such as the Socialists.

Which does not end totally well, the anti-imperial guerrilla groups continue to exist (working especially in rural-natural environments with difficult access) and become progressively problematic as the 20th century progresses (until reaching its high point in 1937).

July 3, the Imperial Federation similar to the Russian Empire and Red Europe, advances in its plans to build political-economic-military unions in its bloc (sphere of influence).

Of course a bloc dominated by the British pound and the British Empire, accessed only by the 'Aryan' countries (such as Norway, Sweden, the Prussian Republic of Germany or pro-British Greece).

In this block the colonial empires of those involved (mainly the British colonies and the Norwegian Kongo) have no voice or vote.

Lightning causes 18 deaths and more than 100 injuries in the accident of three streetcars near Pittston, Pennsylvania, United States.

Sports fans returning to Scranton from the Caledonian Club's annual games against Pittston at 7:30 p.m. suffered a crash that brought down a telegraph pole adjacent to the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley rail line, just as the main tram approached. Moments later, the second tram crashed into the rear of the first and then "a third car swooped down on the second."

A very strange accident.

July 6, the socio-political problems in Denmark intensify.

The country is 'between three worlds', effectively at the meeting point between Russian influence (with its economic-political closeness to the country), British (the Social Aristocracy in Scandinavia and East Germany) and communist (West Germany and the rest). of Red Europe).

The central government must then maintain a neutral policy and manage through the international politics of the three mentioned blocks. Tipping the scales too far could end in a bad situation for Denmark ...

July 7, trade relations between the United States and large British corporations continue to relax.

July 8, in the government of the United States, the National Republicans-Democrats again vote against women's suffrage (in opposition to the more feminist positions of reformists and socialists).

July 10, trade restrictions for large companies in the United States continue to weaken in the Ford administration.

During this, businesses directly or indirectly related to Ford himself and the elite of the National Republican Party increase considerably.

In the process, in just 4 years of Ford administration, in the State of Michigan alone, more than 400,000 acres (roughly a little over 1,619 square kilometers) of forest land are converted by the Ford administration in industrial-urban land by the state planning construction.

While the design and money is largely owned-gived by the federal-state government, construction is generally done by private companies-workers (contracted by the feds).

* In the following months, America's dependence on oil and coal increased considerably as a result of Ford's mega-projects and his support for industries such as the automotive industry.

'Glinda of Oz' is published, the fourteenth and last in the series of books created by L. Frank Baum (we must clarify that the Glinda of Oz book is published 14 months after Baum's death).

July 11, several British politicians affiliated with the right and far right, such as Winston Churchill, begin to show support for the Polish movements in exile.

Although they only give 'support' (for now it is more verbiage than material support) to Poles opposed to Russia (and not to the Prussian Republic of Germany, which is recently increasing its list of crimes against Poles).

The number of Russians and other traditional peoples of the Russian Empire continues to increase in East Prussia, effectively creating more and more possible opposition to German separatism.

The People's Republic of Paris approves major renovations in the city of Paris, exchanging parts of the imperial legacy left behind by Napoleon III's Second French Empire and offspring.

The same is true of several of the cities of the Boulangerist period, such as the 'Imperial Villa'.

Many old palaces are converted into hotels, museums or state stores, which are much more economically productive than palaces for the upper classes.

July 12, Japanese-American businessman George Shima (nicknamed "The Potato King") and president of the Japan Association of America, testifies before the Immigration Committee of the California House of Representatives for the state to legalize marriages mixed between Japanese and Americans.

"There may be objections now, but a hundred years from now we will see it as correct." (Said George Shima in testifying to him).

It didn't do much for conservative parts of California or the United States. Race mixing and interracial relationships continued to be part of a negative taboo among many white Americans for quite some time.

July 13, the British opposition in the Imperial Federation (more specifically in the Home Islands) begins to collect what in the future will become a militant force (mainly of civil origin) of 1.6 million people.

Unfortunately this huge militant force opposed to the growing British dictatorial trend, is doomed to failure ...

The All-British Party of Churchill and associates will gather for the future Imperial Crisis around 2.7 million militants in the south of England. This without counting the armed forces in favor of Edward VIII or associates.

July 14, Faisal al-Hashemi becomes a special delegate of the Covenant of Nations (more specifically the Russian Empire and Syria) to the Emirate of Ha'il.

Through this Russia allows Faisal a certain position of 'power', while keeping him away from real politics in Syria (preventing him from becoming President or Monarch of Syria) and using him as useful for bilateral talks between him. Covenant and Ha'il.

July 15, the Free Republic of Germany begins to produce more than 1.1 million tons of coal per month as its economy recovers and the economic plans developed by the government are taking place.

As a result of this important production, German industry in Red Europe continues to become a very important asset for the bloc, a trend that, despite future wars (such as World War 3), continued for most of the 20th century (competing with France).

Chile and Peru-Bolivia conduct bilateral deals with the Imperial Federation, which helps British corporations in the region and the British Empire's economy (by exploiting the human and natural resources of South America).

Officially Chile and Peru-Bolivia are not going to join the British bloc, but de-facto function as a part of it due to the British influence in those countries.

July 16, important advances in public radiotelephony services, as these are built in Russia, Red Europe, the Imperial Federation and parts of the United States of America.

July 19, the second congress of the Communist International (Comintern) in Red Europe, leads to the creation of the "Twenty-One Conditions" for the affiliation of communist parties to the Comintern.

This is a decision with enormous consequences for the international communist movement in future decades, since while there are parties that took part, others did not and in the future communist parties from other regions would separate from the Comintern.

The 21 conditions, which have remained almost unchanged since 1943, remain the basis for communist parties affiliated with the communist movement in Europe.

(OOC: I am not going to call ITL European communism 'Eurocommunism' by the way).

Construction begins on the largest and most powerful wireless station in Red Europe, in the city of Bordeaux (People's Republic of France).

This station has the ability to send messages over long distances with eight antenna towers, each 200 meters high.

July 22, religious movements arise in the Emirate of Ha'il that try to get the Emir of Ha'il to accept the title of Caliph of the Muslim world, after the fall and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire (and as a consequence, the position of Caliph ).

However, the government of the Emirate of Ha'il is neutral to this position of resurrecting the Caliphate.

July 24, the Communist Party of Algeria, the Communist Party of Morocco, the Communist Party of Tunisia and the Communist Party of Libya are created, as the first African communist parties affiliated to the Comintern.

This is part of the support of Red Europe (particularly France and Italy) towards the natives in opposition to British-Italian colonialism in North Africa.

July 26, The term 'Ponzi scheme' is created when The Boston Post prints the first in a series of investigative reports exposing the fraudulent investment plan of Charles Ponzi (the "Securities Exchange Company").

July 29, the Imperial Parliament rejects the bill 'Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1920', which would allow women to participate in a jury trial in the Imperial Federation.

July 30, America's needs for coal and oil increase dramatically, and the supply is in jeopardy (2 days from running out of coal for the railroads) unless the Ford administration does something.

Marking an important economic problem.

The Ford administration's solution is to threaten the United Mine Workers of America (saying that by not ending the strike that endangers the coal supply, the UMWA would lose the recognition of the federal government) and other capitalist economic measures (increased privatization and freedoms). for private companies, increase the import and printing of money, etc).

The UMWA stops, but anyway the Ford administration begins to threaten unions more and more.

July 31, the People's Republic of France approves measures to support larger families, seeking to increase fertility to at least 2.5 children per woman.

The militants opposed to the Social Aristocracy suffer a break, liberals and conservatives (among others such as the Social Democrats) are opposed to the communists and socialists of North England, who also formed an important opposition to the growing British dictatorial tendency.

As a result of this, the last great Communists and Socialists abandon the struggle in the Home Islands and go to other parts of Red Europe to wait for the best moment. In particular the Socialist Republic of Ireland.

There (Red Ireland) the new Communist Parties of Wales, England and Scotland are founded, which will be important later.

August 1, the British, unable to capitalize so effectively on religious differences between Hindus and Muslims in northern India, begin to support Dravidian paramilitary groups against leftists and other separatist movements.

In essence giving a certain favor to the inhabitants of the south of the Indian subcontinent, so that they fight against the North Indians.

As a result, British rule over the southern Raj manages to maintain itself for a longer time, although the guerrilla warfare in northern regions continues alongside the third Anglo-Afghan war.

India's independence from European imperialism is long and tedious, only achieved between the mid-1930s and the early 1940s.

The New York State Institute for the Study of Malignant Diseases announces free radio treatment for cancer victims.

This occurs in the context where radio was fashionable and was used as a material in numerous products in many parts of the world, especially in the United States and the Imperial Federation (among other aligned countries).

August 2, despite the fact that the S-CPUSA is not affiliated with the Comintern, tensions within the US continue and the Ford administration's attacks on leftists intensify.

Attorney William Bross Lloyd (a Chicago attorney and financial backer of the S-CPUSA) and 19 other communists are charged with sedition against the United States, receiving a single jury sentence of 1 to 5 years in prison.

The first international meeting of the 'Universal Negro Improvement Association' (UNIA) takes place in New York, United States.

Here Marcus Mosiah Garvey Sr (activist of Jamaican origin) delivers a speech in favor of the Back-to-Africa Movement, which proclaims a belief that Afro-descendants will return to the African continent.

UNIA had its greatest strength in 1920, but obviously the Back to Africa Movement never had much luck or success and Garvey Sr's ideas collided with other Afro-descendants such as W.E.B. Du Bois.

August 4, to increase nationalist rhetoric throughout the United States, in addition to increasing the cult of the Founding Fathers, the administration of President Ford announces "Pilgrim's Day."

Celebrating on December 21, the arrival of the Mayflower ship to America (counting that it is the 300th anniversary of that historical event in 1920).

August 7, James M. Cox, the Democratic Party presidential candidate, officially begins his national campaign for the presidency in his native Ohio.

Cox proposed a less pro-British foreign policy than Ford and more internationalist, trying to bring the United States more and more to the stage of the active international great powers.

And he proposed major moderate economic-political reforms that "would control unregulated capitalism and the socialist threat."

Despite this, Cox had trouble confronting states that targeted the far right (National Republican) and the far left (S-CPUSA).

August 9, important political march in Mexico City led by Pancho Villa and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, where the influence of the Mexican Communist Party in Mexican society and its opposition to capitalism-imperialism is reinforced.

In the future, many Mexican communities were a center for leftist groups and support for revolutionary or anti-imperialist causes for the Americas and other continents.

In terms of foreign policy, the Free Republic of Mexico is 'cordial' to the USA, but state institutions denounce the USA and the Imperial Federation (which they see as similar countries) repeatedly.

August 10, the United States continues to worsen its relations with Red Europe, beginning to break diplomatic and economic relations with these countries.

The United States refuses to recognize the small socialist countries (Luxembourg, Andorra, etc.) for being established 'outside the will of the people' and places economic embargoes on the large socialist countries such as France, Germany, Iberia or Italy.

De-facto, the United States stops recognizing Red Europe, at this tense point between socialism and American capitalism.

August 12, tensions between the Peloponnesian dictatorship and the forces of northern Greece increase considerably.

Various 'voluntary loyalists' make some moves in the Greek civil war, favoring a return to the monarchy and opposing democracy and leftism.

They are not very successful, but it is clear that Greece continues to be a powder keg and a point of conflict between ideological-political blocs in Europe, which will be problematic later on.

The biggest problem of the Peloponnesian dictatorship and the British is that a great action in Greece would most likely involve the intervention of the Russian Empire or other international actors.

August 13, various groups of Balkan communists try to create their "Little Comintern" or Little Communist International.

However, the Balkan instability means that the attempts are not very successful.

Despite this, the idea of the project will be resurrected years later.

August 19, in the Prussian Republic of Germany the authorities suffer a Polish uprising on their part of Silesia.

The result is that the authorities send numerous soldiers against the Poles, crushing the uprising.

And then proceeding to carry out numerous crimes against the local population (imprisonment of political prisoners, limitation of freedoms, abuse of authority, etc).

August 20, major American investors continue to gain political power as they give more than $ 15,000,000 in donations to political candidates within the American state apparatus.

Especially supporting the National Republican Party, reaching as high as the support of private capitalists for President Ford. Similar to the past, Wall Street supported the rise of Democratic President Champ Clark.

The reformist democrats of James M. Cox and the socialist-communists of Eugene V. Debs denounce this, but is only a common point between them and nothing more.

August 23, the Union of Iberian Socialist Republics advances in cultural changes.

After passing laws that increase the protection of animals (such as the prohibition of bullfighting), the Spanish communists launch campaigns against racism and sexism.

In this way, supporting the increase in the female presence in the political, social and economic life of the Iberian Peninsula. In addition to trying to attack racism and historical crimes against minorities such as Jews and Rome (still very commonly called gypsies).

August 27, the centrist and conservative Democrats are worrying that the socialist-communists are obviously taking a lot of political position away from the traditional parties.

As a result, support for an alliance with the 'Fordists' (National Republican Party) begins to become a popular idea among several of the Democrats, who see the socialists as the biggest threat.

September 1, the big monopolies (especially the railroads) obtain notable financial subsidies during these months in the Ford administration, after the general strikes of unions and workers in the United States of America.

September 2, corporal punishment and flogging become a common punishment for prisoners in British concentration camps.

Prisoners who ended up in these camps throughout the numerous wars (Third Anglo-Afghan War, fight against Indian separatists and the like) and purges (prisoners from the colonies, political prisoners, members of the opposition, etc.) of the Imperial Federation .

September 3, there is the merger of the five largest chemical companies in the United States of America, Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation (merger of the General Chemical Company led by William H. Nichols, Barrett Company, National Analine and Chemical, Solvay Process Company and Semet-Solvay Company).

Under the Ford administration, Allied Chemical could grow to be one of the largest American monopolies, dominating especially the chemical sector of course.

In the future Allied Chemical or simply 'Allied Corp.' expands to aerospace, automotive, oil and gas industries.

A remarkable advance in science fiction, when the film 'Algol' (Something: Tragedy) opens at the Union Theater in the city of Bonn, Free Republic of Germany.


The Algol story follows Robert Herne, a coal mine worker and initially simply friends with the co-star, Maria Obal (later Robert's wife). While working, Herme meets an alien, an inhabitant of the planet Algol.

The alien gives Herme the prototype of a machine that can produce virtually unlimited energy for most of humanity.

Herne and associated workers start to use the machine to facilitate the hard work that was to provide energy resources, but they soon find the opposition of the dominant capitalist classes (who do not want to lose the economic monopoly on traditional resources).

Over the next 20 years a massive war breaks out between the accumulators of resources and capital against the workers, led by Herne and Obal, now married.

In this future, Herne and Obal's eldest son, Reginald, betrays his parents with the intention of obtaining the secrets of the machine for himself and dominating in the upper echelons of the future world government.

In the attempted coup, Reginald and Robert die, with the machine destroyed, but the forces of the world oligarchies are also defeated. Obal and her youngest son and Robert understand that the machine was not completely necessary to end humanity's problems, as the world rebuilds.

Finally humanity discovers how to create its own machine to produce almost-unlimited energy and leaps to the stars, visiting the international community and the planet of Algol.


Algol was considered lost for a long time, but was completely rediscovered in 2010, and is one of the earliest examples of science fiction films in the world in general and in socialist countries.

(OOC: Algol modification: Tragödie der Macht, a Weimar Republic film that was released on September 3, 1920).

September 4, Morrison's Cafeteria opens its first store in Mobile, Alabama. Morrison's is known for being a chain of restaurants, which pioneered the quick service cafeteria style restaurant.

September 6, the first documented attack of domestic violence involving the use of sulfuric acid occurs in South Asia, when in the British Raj, Ali Mohammed Farag threw sulfuric acid in the face of Abdullah Mohammed Jabli.

This practice spread to parts of Asia after 1920, and was quite popular until major reform successes in several states, which targeted precisely domestic violence and sexism.

September 7, the Italian socialist government begins to invest more in how it would be possible to develop more resistant technology-architecture against earthquakes, which have many times hit the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy.

September 14, "Man— Woman— Marriage" an American film directed by Allen Holubar, set a production record when work injury reports were filed by 160 film extras (who had been hurt while participating in the movie's elaborate battle scene near Chatsworth, California ).

September 16, 38 people in New York City were killed and more than 200 injured when a bomb exploded at the corner of Wall Street and Broad Street at 12:01 pm.

Who planted the bomb is a mystery, since it had been placed inside a horse-drawn cart. Open car parked on Wall Street, in front of a United States Treasury building and in front of the J.P Morgan building.

The bomb filled with shrapnel, which added damage to injuries to people and nearby property.

The incident becomes a remarkable and mysterious case of violence in the United States of this time.

(OOC: This actually happened OTL).

September 17, in his presidential campaign, Democratic candidate James M. Cox pledged, if elected, to work with the leaders of the United States states to exclude Asians and other unwanted minorities from settling in the country:

"If a state does not want its lands to come into the possession of the Easterners or other peoples, it can expect, keeping up with the Democratic principle, the genuine cooperation of the national government in drawing up a plan in which it excludes the non-white settlers."

-James M. Cox, Democratic candidate.

This advocates the old Solid South segregationists, who have lost TOO MUCH ground, and of course the racists of many other states in the United States.

(OOC: He actually said something like this trying to win votes in California, but Cox only wanted to exclude the Japanese people.)

September 21, the fight between socialists and liberal-conservatives in New York intensifies, with again N-Republicans and Democrats attacking members of the S-CPUSA.

Birth of Kim Yong-ju, younger brother of Korean-Russian politician Kim Il-sung (Yong-ju being a politician in his own right at times).

September 24, death of Peter Carl Fabergé, manufacturer of Fabergé jewelry, known for its production of luxury products, which were popular among the upper classes of Russia and exported to other countries.

September 25, with the US government not giving much help to veterans of the post-WW2 US forces, the Disabled American Veterans is created.

The Disabled American Veterans is an organization founded at a national caucus in Cincinnati, Ohio, by Judge Robert Marx, a veteran wounded during this war conflict.

Later this organization becomes the Disabled American Veterans of the World Wars.

Between September 27 and 29, the railroads where the US presidential candidates (Debs, Ford and Cox) traveled suffer accidents. No one dies or is particularly injured, but it is a curious fact.

September 30, Thomas Edison 'reveals' in an American Magazine article that he was working on a device to communicate with the dead.

"I am proceeding on the theory that, in the very nature of things, the degree of material or physical power possessed by those in the next life must be extremely slight and that, therefore, any instrument designed to communicate with us must be superdelicate— as fine and responsive as human ingenuity can make it. For my part, I am inclined to believe that our personality hereafter will be able to affect matter. "

-Said by Edison in his interview with reporter B. C. Forbes.



[Twenty-One Conditions]

1-All propaganda and agitation must have a truly communist character, corresponding to the program and decisions of the Communist International.

All party press organs must be led by reliable communists who have demonstrated their devotion to the cause of the proletariat.

The dictatorship of the proletariat must not be treated simply as an ordinary formula learned by heart.

The propaganda for this must be carried out in such a way that its need is understandable for each simple worker, each working woman, each soldier and peasant from the facts of their daily lives, which must be systematically observed by our press and used every day. .

The periodical and other press and all publishing institutions of the party must be subordinate to the party leadership, regardless of whether, at any given time, the party as a whole is legal or illegal. Publishers must not be allowed to abuse their independence and apply policies that do not fully correspond with party policies.

Wherever members of the Comintern can be admitted, it is necessary to mark not only the bourgeoisie but also its aides (the reformists of every hue) in a systematic and ruthless way.

2-Any organization that wishes to join the Comintern and the international communist movement must regularly and methodically remove reformists and centrists from all responsible positions in the labor movement (party organizations, editorial boards, unions, parliamentary factions, cooperatives, local government).

Such reformist-centrists must be replaced with proven communists, without undue concern for the fact that (particularly at first) the ordinary workers of the masses will replace the "experienced" opportunists.

3- In almost all the countries of Europe and America, the class struggle is entering the phase of civil war.

Under such conditions, the Communists cannot rely on bourgeois legality. They have an obligation to establish a parallel organizational apparatus that, at the decisive moment, can help the party to fulfill its duty to the revolution.

In all countries where a state of siege or emergency laws deprive communists of the opportunity to carry out all their work legally, it is absolutely necessary to combine legal and illegal activity (guerrilla movements and the like).

4- The duty to propagate communist ideas includes the special obligation to carry out forceful and systematic propaganda in the army.

Where this agitation is interrupted by emergency laws of the bourgeoisie and capitalism, it must be continued illegally.

Refusing to do such work would amount to a betrayal of revolutionary duty and would be incompatible with membership in the Comintern.

5-Systematic and methodical agitation is necessary in the field.

The working class will not be able to win if it does not have the support of the rural proletariat and at least a part of the poorer peasants, and if it does not ensure the neutrality of at least a part of the rest of the rural population through its policies.

Communist work in the fields is assuming enormous importance right now.

It should be carried out primarily with the help of revolutionary communist workers in the city and the countryside, or who have connections to the countryside.

Refusing to carry out this work, or entrusting it to unreliable and semi-reformist hands, is equivalent to giving up the proletarian revolution.

6-Each party that wants to belong to the Comintern has the obligation to unmask not only open social-chauvinism, but also the insincerity and hypocrisy of socio-pacifism.

To show the workers in a systematic way that, without the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism, no international arbitration tribunal, no agreement on arms limitation, no "democratic" reorganization of national and international society, will be able to prevent new imperialist wars.

7-The parties that wish to belong to the Comintern have the obligation to recognize the need for a total break with reformism and 'centrist' politics, defusing this break among the broadest possible circles of their militants.

A coherent communist policy is impossible without this.

The Comintern cannot tolerate a situation in which notorious opportunists, such as the old Turati or Kautsky, etc., have the right to impersonate members of the Comintern and the international communist movement.

This could only lead to the Comintern turning into something very similar to the wreck of the Second International.

8-A particularly marked and clear attitude on the question of the colonies and oppressed nations is necessary on the part of the communist parties of those countries whose bourgeoisies are in possession of colonies and oppress other nations.

Every party that wishes to belong to the Comintern has the obligation to expose the evasions of its 'own' imperialists in the colonies, to support every liberation movement in the colonies not only with words but with deeds.

To demand that their imperialist compatriots be expelled from the colonies, to cultivate in the hearts of the workers of their own country a truly fraternal relationship with the working populations of the colonies and the oppressed nations, and to carry out systematic propaganda among the troops of their own country against any oppression of the colonial peoples.

9- Any party that wishes to belong to the Comintern must systematically and persistently develop communist activities within the unions, the workers 'and company committees, the consumer cooperatives and other mass workers' organizations.

Within these organizations it is necessary to organize communist cells that the unions, etc. will win. for the cause of communism. But it can only truly happen through incessant and persistent work.

In their daily work, the cells have the obligation to expose everywhere the treachery of the social patriots and the vacillations of the "centrists". Communist cells must be completely subordinate to the party as a whole.

10- Every party belonging to the Comintern has the obligation to wage and actively participate in a tenacious struggle against the 'yellow' trade union organizations and other revisionist groups.

Supporting labor organizations affiliated with the Comintern.

11- Communist parties that wish to belong to the Comintern have the obligation to review the personal composition of their parliamentary factions.

Effectively removing all unreliable elements and subordinating these factions to the party leadership, not only in words but also in deeds.

Ask every communist member of parliament to subordinate all his activity to the interests of truly revolutionary propaganda and agitation.

12- The parties belonging to the Communist International must be built on the basis of democratic centralism.

The communist parties can only do their duty if they are organized in the most centralist way possible. There is an iron discipline within it, where the center of the party, sustained by the trust of the party's membership, is endowed with the fullest rights and authority and the most far-reaching powers.

13- The communist parties of those countries in which the communists can legally carry out their work must from time to time carry out purges (re-registrations) of the membership of their party organizations.

In this way, systematically cleansing the communist parties of elements belonging to the petty-bourgeoisie.

14- Every party that wishes to belong to the Comintern has the obligation to offer unconditional support to each project for the construction of socialism within the international scene.

Providing critical support to those countries that suffer from the plague of imperialism.

The communist parties must carry out a clear propaganda to avoid the transport of war material to the enemies of the socialist countries.

They must also carry out legal or illegal propaganda, with all the means at their disposal, in favor of the workers' republics.

15-The parties that have still preserved their old social democratic programs have the obligation to change those programs as soon as possible.

Elaborating a new communist program, which corresponds to the particular conditions of each country and in accordance with the decisions of the Comintern.

16- All the decisions of the Congresses of the Comintern and the Executive Committee of the Comintern, are binding for the parties affiliated to the Comintern (unless valid appeals are made to the pertinent organisms).

The Comintern must be built in a much more centralist way than in the case of the Second International.

Except that the material conditions of the affiliated communist movements make it impossible.

17- All parties affiliated with the Comintern must change their names.

It must bear the name of the 'Communist Party' of this or that country (Section of the Communist International).

The question of the name is not a formal one, but a very political question of great importance.

Socialism has declared war on the entire bourgeois world and on all revisionist parties (yellow social democrats, reformists-centrists and others), which have betrayed the flag of the working class.

18- All the main press organs of the parties in each country have the duty to print all the important official documents of the Comintern.

19-All parties that belong to the Communist International or have submitted an application for membership have the duty to convene an extraordinary congress as soon as possible.

This to verify all these conditions.

All party centers must ensure that the decisions of the Comintern and its meetings are known to all their local organizations.

20- Those parties that now wish to join the Comintern (but have not yet radically modified their previous tactics) before joining, must ensure that no less than two-thirds of the central committee and all of its most important central institutions are integrated. of comrades.

Comrades who spoke out unambiguously in public in favor of the party's entry into the Comintern and in favor of international communism.

* Valid exceptions can be allowed with appeals to Comintern bodies.

21- Those members of the Communist Party who fundamentally reject the conditions and theses established by the Comintern, or who practice high forms of revisionism, will be expelled from the party.

In essence, by creating the 21 conditions (agreed by the Communist Parties of Italy, Iberia, France, Germany, Ireland, and others), Red Europe brought affiliated Communist parties under the leadership-influence of the Comintern.

Where at that time, Red Europe was effectively the leader of the world socialist movement.

While it would help maintain, in theory, a loyal communist movement, it was also an obvious recipe for disaster for the left in the future.

Large left-leaning parties such as the RSDLP of Russia and the S-CPUSA of the United States would not enter, and in the future the Comintern would be divided by the conflicting interests of socialist countries outside Europe (or even just oustide Western European camp).

The 21 demands changed in the years after 1943, but remained only relevant to European communism and communist parties closely affiliated with Europe (such as parties in North Africa).