
Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks

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Star_Maker4 · Book&Literature
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A new year, a new era (January-March, 1915).

The government of Tsar Nicholas II]

The death of Tsar Alexander III and the rise of Tsar Nicholas II supposed important changes, it is true that the conditions of Russia had not changed (for now). After all, it was only the first months of Nicholas's rule.

But the important thing is that Tsar Nicholas II was different from his father, different in many ways.

This would eventually mean changes in how the Russian state was administered and the direction the Russian Empire was aiming for in its national and international politics.

The Russian government at the time of the rise of Nicholas II was composed of the following:

Tsar: Nicholas II (Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov).

Tsesarevich: Nicholas Nikolaevich Romanov.

Duma: Second (II) Duma.

Premier of the State Duma: Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev.

Deputy Premier of the State Duma: Pyotr Nikolaevich Balashov.

Minister of War: Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev.

Minister of the Interior: Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin.

Minister of the Navy: Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov.

*Deputy Minister of the Navy: Stepan Makarov.

Ministry of the Imperial Court: Vladimir Borisovich Frederiks (Adolf Andreas Voldemar Friedricks / Adolf Andreas Woldemar Freedericksz).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Mikhail Nikolaevich Girs.

Ministry of Finance, Trade and Industry:

Ministry of Public Education, Technology and Culture: Pyotr Mikhailovich von-Kaufman (von-Kaufman-Turkestan).

Ministry of Justice: Ivan Grigorievich Scheglovitov.

But right now, a renewal, fresh blood was needed. In many areas this natural process of renewal was needed and would happen inevitably, in the military, civil-political, bureaucratic, diplomatic, economic, etc.

The old guards of Alexander III's reign were aging (for example Premier Skobelev would be 75 years old in 1918). Which wasn't inherently bad, but it was still obvious that replacements had to be arriving.

Historical personalities are momentary, structures (the bureaucracy, the armed forces, political parties, among others) are generally much more durable over time.

A very clear example is the monarchy itself, Tsar Alexander III was a great monarch, but he was not the first or the last Tsar, the institution of the monarchy was before he was born and continued after he died.

So Tsar Nicholas II and his allies, especially KGB director Iosif V. Stalin, prepared for the eventual shift in Russia's political and socio-economic realities.

The New Great War had already shown promising personalities, such as Mikhail Tukhachevsky or others.

Also Tsar Nicholas II and his allies had to find and recruit other people, who would emerge especially in the final years of the 1910s and the decade of the 1920s.

Meanwhile, the more conservative-right wing extremists of the old government of Tsar Alexander III and the Skobelev Premiership, still felt somewhat threatened and worried about the future of Russia, but did not make any movements for the time being.

The future renewal that looked closer and closer under Tsar Nicholas II.

But some push was still needed for these negative views to evolve into much more militant measures or serious opposition to the new Tsar and his allies.

"Every nationalist is haunted by the belief that the past can be altered."


Tsar Nicholas II was in his new office, still mostly intact (compared to what Tsar Alexander III had left behind). The Tsar read various reports, which at first seem unimportant.

One of these detailed the entry of a young Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov into the army of the Russian Empire between December 1 and 5, 1914.

"Greetings." Iosif V. Stalin, one of the directors of the KGB, greets entering the office of Tsar Nicholas II.

"Greetings." The tsar exclaims politely. "What is the situation?".

"Mostly fine. I still have some doubts about some elements of your decisions, but with proper vigilance we should be able to keep these elements in check." Stalin calmly mentions.

"And for that I have you and Dzerzhinsky." The tsar indicates. "After Skobelev, it is difficult to know that he will pass with the elements of the extreme right in the Russian Empire, so it is better to keep our allies close, and the troublemakers as well."

Stalin begins to pass a series of papers.

"We are going to have a meeting with Kerensky, Mannerheim, and some others soon." Stalin successfully advertises in his tasks.


* Iosif Stalin and Felix Dzerzhinsky ('Iron Felix'), while it is true that they were socialists, they had elements in common with patriotic positions of the Russian Empire. Like some of the directors of the secret services, they had cooperated with Nicholas II before (when he was Tsesarevich Nicholas).

* Mannerheim was one of the first to join Tsar Nicholas II's circle of trust, as Governor General of Finland, he was an important and necessary addition (better yet, he was trustworthy and loyal).

* Alexander Kerensy, a fairly popular Trudovik (from the moderate socialist faction), a useful soft hand for the purposes of a collective government and good with the law.

This was only part of Tsar Nicholas II's circle of trust, a start of a new guard for a new collective government, successor to that of Tsar Alexander III.

Socialist, nationalist and moderate elements, Tsar Nicholas II put aside a few prejudices, as long as the elements associated with him did not make much scandal and were useful.

Because it was obvious that there were more important priorities, such as the Imperial Federation or the worst legacies of the Alexandrian period in Russia.


After the formation of this circle, the meetings and communication between them became easier.

Especially in a period where various issues of Russian democracy were discussed and how the government could change in a short period of time.

"We still have to keep some elements in the Far East and our Chinese sphere under surveillance. More specifically Roman Fyodorovich von Ungern-Sternberg and Grigory Mikhaylovich Semyonov, there are certain worrying trends between them ...". Dzerzhinsky reports, passing information about the two.

"What about Pyotr Efimovich Shchetinkin and Damdin Sükhbaatar?" Tsar Nicholas II questions.

"Sükhbaatar seems like a good asset to deal with the situation in Mongolia, should the Bogd Lama or tribal allies want to betray us." Mannerheim indicates.

"Shchetinkin doesn't seem too important, but that's no reason to dismiss it completely." Stalin and Kerensky argue.

"Very well." Tsar Nicholas II affirms as he and his circle go over various papers and arguments during the discussion.

(OOC: We will see Rokossovsky in April 1915, probably).


[Russian democracy: Road to the elections of 1915]

1915 was a curious year for various reasons, including within all this the first months of the armistice, giving the countries and their inhabitants a break from the New Great War.

It was noted that war activity was slowing down, economies were heading to 'normalize' (up to a point) and changes in international tides could soon be seen (quite possibly a definitive peace was approaching).

But despite all these good signs, countries still had their guards high, and would eventually prepare for a new world war.

When the time was right.

In this context, the government of Tsar Nicholas II and Premier Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev faced an important decision, which would happen with Russian democracy during this period.

It was a decision with important national and international consequences.

A change within the government could mean serious changes in the New Great War, which was not yet finished.

There could be foreign interference in the elections or there could be unexpected consequences of canceling the elections, among many other possibilities.

Some of Russia's allies were concerned that such a change could lead Russia out of the war early, but the Russian diplomatic service guaranteed that for the time being there would be no abrupt change in the Russian disposition towards the New Great War.

The central government in Moscow finally decided that, similar to the American case, they would hold the elections in time for November 1915.

Hoping this won't ruin many plans.

It was obvious that many citizens capable of voting would not be able to participate due to being on the front lines and other situations, but in any case the central government was optimistic for the moment.

If the New Great War continued, it was certainly possible that the coalition of the Pan-Russian National Union and the Kadets would win again (a result of nationalism and war).

But it could also be the opposite, if there were certain unexpected surprises and inconveniences in the pre-election periods.

The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party aims to be a strong competition against the Russian right in the 1915 elections.


[Armed forces]

It is true that the armed forces of the Russian Empire stumbled occasionally, especially in parts of the Brusilov Offensive.

But in reality the New Great War was an enormous experience and an important event for the improvement of the armed forces and their reforms.

In the future, the Russian Empire hoped to be much more prepared.

In a very important step, the Russian armed forces gained important experience and data for the future, in a war against several fully industrialized powers (although with internal problems that affected the performance of said enemies ... not that Russia is complaining about this ).

There was a new pile of promising and competent officers gaining experience and prominence within the state machine, the various logistical, civil and military plans of the Russian Empire had been tested as they might turn out, and various experiments had been successful.

* The aircraft carriers of the Imperial Navy had made their first important steps successfully, although there was still work to be done.

* The Air Force of the Russian Empire was very successful in new designs and improvements during this period of the New Great War.

During 1914 and the first months of 1915, the Fedorov Avtomat (FA) 1911 successfully became one more standard weapon of the Russian army.

Which resulted in significant advantages in the weeks leading up to the Christmas truce, military exports, and the various post-truce skirmishes.

A new generation of mechanized units had been successfully realized, and now Russia was targeting one of the most developed Medved / mechanized units in the world for the early 1920s.

With all the heavy and light industry (cars) associated with these important projects.

(OOC: We are approaching T34, slowly but surely).

Also during this period of Russian participation in the New Great War, interesting developments began such as investment in modern parachutes and other potentially useful inventions for the armed forces.

Both for the army, the navy and of course the air force.

Everything was going smoothly in terms of development and logistics, which was a good sign, the country was healthy, as far as possible.

The morale of the armed forces had been somewhat damaged after the major setbacks in Europe, but by the end of the day most of the strategic objectives of the Russian Empire were complete.

China had been incapacitated in the short and medium term, Germany was divided and in a weak position, and the Eastern Mediterranean had been secured for the time being.

All cause for celebration, at least for the minor soldiers and officers. The officers of the General Staff and those more ambitious understood that the next peace would decide the world order for a few decades, before the conflict restarted.

Some were excited and many others were horrified by this idea.

The truth is that sometimes, there are few options.


Not talking about the practical results of the actions of the armed forces and technology, the defensive points of the war had proved quite successful for the Russian forces.

After the end of the Brusilov Offensive, with joint efforts in Hungary and Slovakia plus the logistics of the Russian Empire, a solid (figurative) wall had been built between the Russian lines and their enemies.

Victory at strategic points in the naval war also helped of course.

There were certain trench warfare scenarios, which were somewhat annoying, but the Russian army had already successfully developed methods to deal with these trenches (under General Aleksey Brusilov).

The point is that indeed, the Russian Empire had for the most part guaranteed a successful defense of its allies and its territory.

Although we can say that this was not only good logistics, technology and armies, the truth is that the geography and conditions of the war also helped a lot.

Either way, the defensive parts of the war were also an experience from which the Russian Empire had to learn.

It would be difficult to know whether in the next war, Russian territory would be successfully invaded or not ...


[Tripartite treaty of Siam, Russia and Japan]

On January 18, 1915, the Russian Empire, Thailand and the Empire of Japan made a tripartite agreement to resolve the situation in Laos during the New Great War and the post-war period.

The New Great War had successfully seen the fall of the German Empire and several of its colonial positions, in this process Japan had conquered Vietnam and occupied Laos (promised to Thailand in previous treaties), while Thailand had only been able to successfully occupy Cambodia.

In the treaty with 21 articles, it was accepted that Cambodia would be part of the small sphere of influence of Thailand, while Vietnam belonged to the Empire of Japan.

Laos, however, would become a mutual condominium of both powers, guarded by the Russian Empire. Nominally Laos was within the Thai sphere, but both Thailand and Russia and Japan were entitled to troops and economic concessions in the country.

Russia and Japan did not make many moves in the region (Japan had to focus on Vietnam and Russia in many other regions), but Thailand (under the rule of King Rama VI / Vajiravudh), largely ignored Laos despite certain complaints from the Empire Russian. Thailand focused more on Cambodia.

Which would have consequences later for the region.

In exchange for such a treaty, the Russian Empire also increased its bilateral ties with Japan, Japanese investment in South Korea and parts of Russian Manchuria increased successfully.

Bilateral relations were being restored, and there was a good chance that Japan would receive new economic treaties with the Russosphere in the new northern states of China.

The treaty in many ways would be a failure for various consequences in the Indochina region, but it was also a success in others.

Such as the growth of Japan-Thailand-Russia ties and relations, the future Russian influence in Indochina against other countries, etc.


[Russosphere and Middle East: Infestation]

Very early in March of 1915, the Russian Empire must divert food resources towards the Middle East to support its allies.

A locust infestation invaded Palestine, Syria, Druzia and Greater Lebanon, including areas around those countries. What supposed an important destruction of the local vegetation.

This was the worst locust infestation the region had seen in decades, since the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

The locusts destroyed between 10% and 15% of cereals (wheat and barley, winter harvest), and around 60% and 100% of various fruit and vegetable crops (summer and autumn harvests).

If the situation continues without foreign intervention, we would see a notable increase in the price of flour and potatoes, while the region would have difficulties to trade sugar and oil.

The Russian Empire intervened immediately to prevent this humanitarian crisis and its consequences in the Russosphere and beyond. Food and other resources were sent to help combat rising prices, lobsters, and local food-agricultural problems.

This was obviously not only because of the bilateral treaties between the Russosphere countries, but it was also an important strategic move for Russia's position in the Middle East, beyond the Russosphere.

Through these shipments of resources, Russia solidified the position of its Arab allies in the New Great War and also gained a position as a reliable and useful partner for the future.

Everyone was winning in a sense, local humanitarian crises were avoided, political allies solidified their positions and influence, and the Russian Empire gained contacts, reputation, and kept the Russosphere in good shape.

Despite the effort, the locust infestation continued until October 1915, which would imply a constant investment in the region until 1916 when the situation would become more normal.

Right now, Russian capital helped mobilize the oil and sugar industries in the northern Middle East.

It helped a lot that Russia was one of the largest food exporters in Europe and the world, so a lot of livestock (meat) and agricultural products (fruits, vegetables, cereals) were exported towards the resolution of the crisis at this time.

* Even in the 1940s, paperwork and other issues could delay humanitarian aid to countries in need by a week or more. Which can be quite dangerous for the affected countries back then.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, Mikhail Nikolaevich Girs, along with other members of the Russian state (Tsar Nicholas II, Premier Mikhail Skobelev, other parts of the council of ministers and secret services, etc.), were meeting with various delegates of the Middle East, talking about the large locust infestation south of the Russosphere in the region.

"Understood. We will dispatch a supply of food and other humanitarian aid as soon as we finish the paperwork." Girs responded promptly to the delegates, but it was not a good response in the Tsar's opinion.

"We will send humanitarian aid as soon as possible, the paperwork goes later." Tsar Nicholas II orders immediately.

"As you wish, we will start shipping soon. We have to change the logistics of our plans a bit because of this unforeseen event." Premier Skobelev accepts calmly and seriously.

"But, this is not the usual procedure." Minister Girs insists with some concern, but his concerns are ignored by Skobelev and Tsar Nicholas II.

"Paperwork can wait, hunger can't." Director Iosif V. Stalin offers a particular vision. "Furthermore, we cannot show weakness in front of our allies and enemies."

"Your father would be proud." Skobelev mentions it seriously when talking to Nicholas II.

"Thanks." The tsar smiles back at the Premier's words.

Skobelev knew that Nicholas II was capable, the Premier went against the many right-wing factions that criticized the monarchy or the czar.

In the opinion of Premier Mikhail Skobelev, Nicholas II also represented the idea of Autocracy with a Heart. But where Alexander III had more heart than firm hand, Nicholas had more firm hand than heart.

It was true that the Tsar had years of experience in state affairs and was trustworthy since he was a Tsesarevich, but still he could be a lot of trouble at times...

(OOC: In part, we cut the famine in Lebanon from 1915-1918, now is from 1915 to 1916).


[New Great War]

On March 25, the armistice between the Allied Bloc and the London-Berlin Axis ends, restarting various parts of the conflict.

But where before there were great maneuvers and movements, now there were mainly border skirmishes, little movement or trench warfare.

Especially in Europe, Asia and parts of America.

It was obvious that the war was eventually coming to an end, and countries were already preparing for the next great diplomatic meeting and the next great war.

The only exception to this change of direction in the war was Brazil, the Empire of Brazil of Dom Pedro III began to march successfully to crush the Republic of the United States of Brazil.

After the bad presidency of Rui Barbossa, the Brazilian republican state began to collapse in several ways and it was time for the return of the empire ...

Although the empire itself continued to have several problems of social, economic and political instability, which had to be resolved in the post-unification period.

* The situation of the Federation of Rio Grande do Sul, part of the sphere of influence of the Russian Empire, also had to be resolved.



January 6, the "San Diego Plan" is written, produced in Texas, United States. The San Diego plan declared the intention to liberate the territories of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Colorado from the control of the United States.

The authors of the plan are not really known, but it began to circulate among various Mexican inhabitants of the southern United States and Mexican countries (Free Republic of Mexico and United Mexican States).

Theories about the authors of the plan range from Mexicans to British-German spies, etc.

January 9, various demonstrations for peace in Washington D.C, mainly organized by women (relatives of veterans and soldiers, politicians and organizers, among others).

January 11, Abdullah bin Al-Hussein's forces grow to more than 20,000 troops, the unification of Transjordan and Palestine continues on the right track.

January 12, the House of Representatives of the United States of America votes against women's suffrage, once again.

January 13, earthquake in Avezzano (center of the Italian peninsula, magnitude 6.8), the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy. This earthquake is very destructive and causes more than 30,000 deaths.

Immediately begins the process of reconstruction and humanitarian aid.

January 15, the anti-Semitic factions of the Social Aristocracy continue to gain prominence in the Imperial Federation, Zionism suffers various damages in the Anglosphere.

The first film of the trilogy of The Golem, by Paul Wegener and Henrik Galeen, is released, a characteristic film of the German cinema of that time and with interesting special effects, which represents a creature of Jewish folklore (the Golem).

Currently the first two films have survived in their full form, but Wegener's third and last film with the creature is lost.

(OOC: Basically a reverse situation to OTL, where we only have the third and final movie.)

January 16, the socio-political problems in the Republic of Greece intensify, between moderates and radicals of the old anti-monarchy coalition.

January 17, most of the Arabian peninsula (OOC: in this context, Saudi Arabia) is unified by the Rasheed / Rashidi dynasty of the Emirate of Jabal Shammar.

The emirate is led by the young Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Rashid, sponsored by the Russian Empire and pan-Arab elements from the Arabian peninsula.

The conflicts that exist between the socialist reformists and the communist radicals of North America are maintained, but the dissolution or division of several of the union and socialist organizations of the United States is avoided.

This as a result of socialist growth and radicalization of parts of the population during the Great Depression and the New Great War.

An example of this was the survival of the Syndicalist League of North America, led by William Z. Foster, which helped bring from within the American Federation of Labor to the most revolutionary cause. The craft unions were defeated early by industrial unions.

The problems of the factions of the Socialist Party of America, while not resolved, did not cause the formation of various parties or divisions.

Thanks to an increase in organization, the result of the New Great War, the Great Depression, the European socialist revolutions, foreign socialist-social democrats (especially from Europe) and the post-Fashoda pandemics.

January 23, Baptist minister John Chilembwe attempts to launch an independence rebellion in Nyasaland (Malawi), preaching a form of modified millennialism and anti-colonial separatism.

The rebellion attempt was crushed by the British armies of the Nyasaland colony. Before this, Chilembwe had already mentioned to his followers the defeat of the rebellion.

"... We will all die from the strong storm of the White Army. Then the Whitemen will think, after our death, that the treatment they are giving our people is bad, and they could change for the better for our people."

It didn't happen, at all.

January 29, the economic, social and political crises in the Republic of the United States of Brazil intensify during the armistice.

Instead of helping, the Imperial Federation focuses its attention on continuing to maintain Chile, Peru and Bolivia, in the future they will seek to influence Brazil, Greater Colombia and other countries.

February 8, The Birth of a Nation, directed by David Wark Griffith and starring Lillian Gish, opens in Los Angeles for the first time.

The film turns out to be a box office flop, becoming one of the most disastrous films of the time (and for decades to come).

The Birth of a Nation is a revisionist history of the time of reconstruction in the United States, adapting The Clansman by Thomas Dixon Jr, showing the American KKK as heroes.

Later several groups of American extreme right would vindicate it, but the film was badly received in the patriotic ambit of the New Great War, political changes in the USA and the decline of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy.

February 15, half of the Indian forces of the 5th Light Infantry in Singapore, Imperial Federation, mutiny against the British Raj.

The mutiny is crushed by loyalists and white forces of the Imperial Federation, resulting in 47 deaths between both sides.

The escaped elephants in the Great Plains of the United States (Kansas and nearby), manage to expand their numbers with success.

Although of course it is not much, elephants take a lot of time to be born.

But it is curious how the United States began to become a great reserve of African fauna, elephants in Kansas and surroundings, and Hippopotamuses in the Mississippi Delta.

February 27, writer Arthur Conan Doyle releases the latest Sherlock Holmes story, the novel The Valley of Fear.

March 1, the labor strikes in Japan continue and even intensify at times, the political stability of the Empire of Japan is quite complicated at the moment.

March 2, the United States Motion Picture Corporation is founded, an American company dedicated exclusively to the creation of comedy films, the well-known "Black Diamond Comedies".

March 10, in the war effort of the Russian Empire, the composer Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmanioff premieres for the first time "All-Night Vigil" in Moscow.

March 17, the Imperial Federation successfully re-armed several units of the armed forces of the Prussian Republic of Germany.

With this, the German puppet of the Imperial Federation would be able to stand up successfully, based on the re-arming of the units that remained after the coup and paramilitary units, and British support.

March 18, Alexander Alexandrovich Kazakov becomes the most decorated ace of the Air Force of the Russian Empire during the New Great War period.

March 19, Pluto is photographed for the first time.

Of course, at this time Pluto was not classified yet (not as a planet and not as something else).

March 20, the astronomer Josep Comas i Solà of the Iberian Union, discovers what today we know as the minor planet 804 Hispania.

This discovery has the merit that it was the first minor planet discovered by a Spaniard (Josep Comas i Solà is of Catalan origin).

March 21, several Japanese tool makers go on labor strikes.

March 25, the general elections in Japan indicate the shift of the population to the left, but the armed forces (the Imperial Japanese Navy) continue to prevail in the political dominance of the country.

Re-start the New Great War.

The Republic of the United States of Brazil begins to fall strongly against the Empire of Brazil of Dom Pedro III.

March 27, the Allied Bloc successfully breaks through the code that British merchant ships use to communicate.

British intelligence makes similar attempts, they succeed in breaking the codes of some countries, but Russia's Enigma Machine is a huge problem.

March 28, several of the separatist movements in the Baltic are successfully broken.

Furthermore the local socialist and social democratic movements are absorbed by the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party with success.