
Lolipop Candy Love

When the coronavirus attack in 2020, the economy shut down completely in some countries. For Claire, her senior year should be amazing but when things happened, she could only wish everything would be better. Living in her own world, Claire do not like anyone and only think about her Thai actor, Arm Weerayut. Little that she knows, her meet with snobbish Aidan change her entire world. Trap in the campsite — getting accused for liking her own friends and almost get killed by her sister. Claire hate Aidan so much that she blames Aidan for almost everything but Aidan does not fall easily. He got his own mission for Claire. Until he achieves it, he will not fall. Would things actually turn worse this year and after? Would Aidan change her perspective towards guys and bring the new Claire? Or would Claire fall for Riera trap?

clairehyacinth_ · Teen
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10 Chs

Episode 4: I was a fool indeed

(A few days later) -School Hall-

I walk around the school hall with Ivy. Even though the ball was scheduled a few months ahead, we were improving the school hall in order to give a good impression towards them. But, in my opinion, it was not like that.

"I am sure that the boys will impress when they look at our school." Ivy smile proudly.

"Do you know why they are so keen to beautify this hall?" You asked as both of you sit for a while.


"Because of money Ivy. When they organize such an event like this, they will be sponsors all over the world. An elite and prestigious school organize a private event to bond with each other. The headline in all the newspapers will be us. The school will gain money in developing the student. In the end, we gain nothing. Maybe we could gain attention if any of the sponsors actually have an interest in us."

"Ohh, I see. But, why should the school gain more money if we ourselves come from a rich family indeed?"

"Ivy, money comes second. The first one is actually power. Don't you read the newspaper? The school stock price rises when they open up the market this morning."

"Since when did our school involve in stock buying?"

"How come you don't know? Ohh, you rarely in school, right? Yeah, long story but to make it short our school does involve in this stock buying."

"No wonder the teachers were using Lamborghini." Ivy shakes her head while looking around.

"Let's go. We should pack our things or else the prince will nag at us." I speak with an annoyed toned.

"Let's go."

As we walk to the classroom, we could hear a very sudden loud fighting voice. We rushed towards the sound source and I could not believe with my own eyes that there is a guy in the school with Adeline and Iris was hitting him up while Iole and Riera were stopping her. When I make myself into the scene, the other student dismisses. I could sense that they were afraid if I get mad because it could affect their sleep time. Whenever the students are arguing, The Students Affairs Department will make a roll call to make sure everyone will be discipline and none of the teachers were against this rule since it will help to improve the school surrounding.

"Iris, stop it." Ivy drags her away.

"No don't stop me. Let me kill that guy." Iris was being aggressive.

"Iris, stop." Hearing my voice, her movement becomes slower.

"Iole, where is the teacher?" I asked her since she is also a part of The Student Council member.

"The teachers and Lyra were having meetings outside. At J Hotel. Will be back in one hour." Iole's words make me sighed in relief.

"Iris, Iole, help me to gather all the Student Council members and asked them to pass around a reminder to all the students. Whoever opens their mouth will suffer a great loss. Riera, can you go to the guard and make sure they were distracted." I order them around.

"Yes, Claire." They went off leaving me behind with Adeline, Ivy, and the mysterious guy.

"Claire listens, I can explain." When Adeline is about to open her mouth, you glare at her.

"If we do not have laws, I would definitely kill you asshole. Whoever you are man, you should go now and do not come back because you will face a bigger problem if you meet up with my friends." My words make him smirk.

"Who are you lowly girl think you are speaking with? I am Liam James, the world-famous model. Don't you know who are my parents?" His words make me roles in my eyes.

"I don't fucking hell care whoever your parents are even though they are Michael Rose or Anthony Lee. Please get out from here before I send you off to hell." You yell at him.

He perplexed and he glares at me. He then walks away leaving me behind with Ivy and Adeline.

"If the school knows about this, not only you. I will also get expelled from here. You should be reflecting yourself by now if you still take me and Iris as your friend." You leave the classroom with Ivy.




-At night-

I walk around the school dormitory, checking the students there. It is my turn today and I was a bit exhausted. I walk around and checked every door. Just when I'm about to go back to my room, a text comes in from Phi' Joss.

'Claire, tomorrow the party planner will meet you and your team at the S café .'

"Hah? What team? Whatever." I walk inside the room and sleep without expecting what will happen tomorrow.




-The next day-

After school was over, Lyra calls me over to ask about what happened last evening. I told her and she was shocked.

"So, that's all?" She asked.

"Yeah. I asked her to stay at home for a while to repel upon her mistake." I sighed.

"Claire, do you really do not know who is Liam James?" She asked you.

"Who is he? Is he your brother?"

"No Claire. He is one of The Student Council Members of the prince school." Her words make you smirk.

"So what? He breaks the rules Lyra. What if the director knows about this?" I asked her who seems to side with the boys.

"Claire, Liam is the director's nephew." This time his words make you shock.

"What the….hell?"

"Yes. To be honest, I was also shocked but have you seen Adeline be caught or expelled for misbehaving? Because the director always backs her up."

"So, what do you want me to do? Apologize to both of them? Hell no. I'm sorry if I will leave you in trouble but let me tell you that this isn't anything other than bullshit. I'm leaving. Phi' Joss and Ivy are waiting for me." I walk away leaving Lyra behind in her room by herself.

I walk by myself to the café since it is just one stone away. I keep wondering about what had happened last night and did I need to apologize. This is a whole of new shit.

"Now I do understand why Aileen doesn't want me to study in the city." I sighed and enter the café.

From far, I could see Ivy waving at me. I wave and smile at her but my smile fades away when I see Daniel and Aidan. I take my seat next to Ivy and put away my coat.

"I'm sorry for the late. I need to settle on something." I bowed slightly as a sign of guilty making them wait for me.

"It's okay. I don't know what did you like so I order a vanilla frappe. Is it ok with you?" Daniel passes you the drink.

"Thank you. I'm okay with anything." You smile and take a sip of the drink.

"Ummm, Clarie I need to get something with Daniel for a while at the nearest store." Daniel and Ivy get up from their seat.

"Eh, what kind of things?"

"The things that we will use during the upcoming ball. Until then, can you guys please decide on the store to buy decorations? We will be back soon." Daniel and Ivy left the café.

I look at Aidan. He is handsome but how pity, his cold personality turns me off. He then shows me his phone with the name of several stores on it.

"Here is the list of the store our school uses to order things for an event."

"Wait, this store only sold expensive items. We can't afford to use a lot of money just for the decorations. We need more clothes and food. Also, the decorations should be simple because we can light them up with various types of light. What do you say?" I'm asking for his opinion.

"Then, if we only need a small number of decorations, why don't we buy from this store?" He was curious.

"Because decorations should only be used once. We will throw it away later so what a waste of money right? Just buy decoration from Y Decorations." He nodded his eyes while writing some notes.

"Don't misunderstand me. For me, the decorations won't affect anything since we had ordered various kinds of lights to fill up the hall later."

"No. I'm just clueless. I thought that people like you girls don't even know a store like Y Decoration because they only sold cheap stuff." Aidan was impressed.

"It was nothing for me since I like to buy cheap stuff. I don't like wasting money." I put on a weak smile and look at my phone for a new text from anyone.

"That's why you use cheap ways to harm our students right?" His words suddenly make me feels uneasy.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about Liam. Why did you ask him to climb up the wall?" His words make me shocked that I drop my handphone from my hand.

"Hah? Me? Made him climb the wall? What a joke? Did he hurt himself?" I asked him.

"Not that bad but I manage to calm him. You should be grateful that his family does not sue your school." Aidan smirks makes me boil in anger.

"It was him who started it first. Why should the school be responsible for anything?"

"He is the son of your school director. What is the problem?" His words make me stand.

"Then what? Tell him to come and fight me if he dares. I'll make sure he suffers more." I shouted at Aidan.

"You're such a crackhead girl. You don't even know who you're speaking to. Mind your words, cheap girl." When I was about to punch her, Ivy comes and stop me.

"Stop Claire stop." She holds on to my fist.

"Did you want to punch me? Oh of course you can. See you in court Claire." He was boiling me even more.

"Hey, let me tell you something. I will make sure he suffers to hell from the things that he had done." I grab my things and went away with Ivy.

"I shouldn't leave both of you behind." Daniel shakes his head.





I was inside the bathroom. I look at the mirror and scream. I throw away all the things on the sink top and I sit on the floor while crying. I sunk in despair living a life like this. I reach a fork on the sink and slowly cut my hand using the sharp eyes. I hear Ivy shouting from outside but I ignored the voice and just then, everything went black.





I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ivy, Iris, and my sister Aileen with her husband Mark. I put on a smile.

"How long did I sleep this time?" I'm asking them.

"Not that long Claire. Just for 6 hours." Ivy seems glad.

"Hahaha. I'm sorry. I should just die." I tear up and Aileen wipes it up.

"I don't know why but let me tell you, Claire. I will make sure whoever done this to you suffer." She holds on to my hand.

"No sis. Let them be. Please, this time it will involve my friend. Please sis, please brother." I beg them.

"Claire, I speak up to my lawyer already. When the market opens tomorrow, I will make sure those people involved with this will suffer a great loss. I promise you." Mark holds my other hands.

"Brother, sister, I'm fine. Thank you for taking care of me but I'm ok. You guys should rest. I have Ivy and Iris here." I hug both of my brother-in-law and sister.

"Rest well. We will fight again tomorrow." Aileen kisses my forehead and both of them leave the room.

"Did your brother…..really meant that?" Iris was a bit shocked by what Mark said before.

"He had made a company bankrupt because their heir was being rude to my sister. So, I think he can do even more." My words make them gulped.

"Why did you hide the fact all this time along?" Ivy asked me.

"What fact? The fact that my brother is Mark Lee? The giant boss of the City A, B, and C domestic company? Why should I? This will be just a waste of time. If you know my other family members, you will surely avoid me even more." I sighed.

"Claire, don't worry. We accept you the way you are ok." Ivy and Iris hug me.

"Thank you, guys. I love you."




-The next day (School)-

I walk to the Student Council meeting room and what I could saw were the people were gathering around in front of Lyra's laptop.

"Hey, what's up?" You asked as you try to get near them.

"Hey, Claire. Tell me, did you bring a grim reaper behind you?"

"Eh? Why? What had happened?"

"Today, the director company stocked had dropped along with Liam James family stocked and also Aidan. Lyra, Adeline, and Daniel's family also suffer loss but not that much. This is because Mark Lee, the giant boss said that it was fair by now." Hearing the news makes you a bit shocked.

"Finish with this. Let us continue with our meeting."




-Prince school-

"What happened? Why did our stock drop?" Aidan was talking with his family's lawyer.

"It happened because Mark Lee said someone had made her sister cried and he hates the fact that justice was not on her side." The lawyer was also a bit nervous and shocked.

"What? Is that all? Did dad date Mark's sister or what?���

"No young master. Only you know how to solve this."

"Hah me?"

"Yes. Only you know who you had hurt before."