
Loki's Spell

Loki is Senior High School student from Magical Academy in Asva, small island in Europe. Since he is genius, he can reach first year Senior High School at age 13. By an accident he makes in his previous school, he punished to move to eastern school and his old magic is sealed. He also needs to hide his identity as magician in his new school. Unlucky for him, he registered to a Female only class room. He meets 'Fira' which seen him using magic in front of her own eyes. And the Magical Fantasy School life begin...

LokiMask · Fantasy
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Chapter 4 - Training Part 2

========== Fira ==========

"Huh… That was close," I am relieved.

I am just running blindly away from them because I panicked. Hmm? I just realize that I stopped in front of the headmaster's room. The door is open a little. I can hear Loki's voice inside. Maybe I should peek. I see Loki, Mr. Awanemp, and the headmaster in the room.

"What is the meaning of this, Grandpa?! I was assigned to the girls' classroom and the girls' dormitory!" Loki yells.

Grandpa? Could it be that the headmaster is Loki's grandfather? I just know about it… If Loki is a magician, then the headmaster must be also… Mr. Awanemp could be a magician also. How can I not know about this? I stayed with Mr. Awanemp for quite a long time.

"Hohoho… That was my mistake… But seems that it's good for you. You seem to be having a lot of fun," the headmaster replies.

"Grandpa! Please be serious!" Loki is so angry.

"Headmaster… Maybe you overdid it," Mr. Awanemp adds.

I don't know that Loki gets mad easily. As far as I know, he always looks so calm. Maybe because I have only seen him for a day.

"Okay… Okay… I will try to find another place for you… But you need to stay there temporarily," the headmaster replies while stroking his beard.

"Ugh… Okay then… But promise me," Loki gives up.

"Maybe…" the headmaster adds.

Loki can't win his debate with his grandfather. Seems like he will stay at Nabila's room for a while. Or maybe forever… I also want Loki to stay out of the girls' dormitory.

"By the way… Who is Fira? Why does she have the same name as that legendary weapon?" Loki asks.

That's it! I also want to know about it. I want to know why this sword has the same name as me. This will be serious. I need to listen carefully.

"Hohoho… You will know later by your own if you keep close to her…" the headmaster replies.

Seems he just avoiding Loki's questions. He doesn't want to answer them seriously.

That headmaster… How can he keep trolling? I really want to hear the answer here. Come on, answer seriously, please…

"Hey Fira! What are you doing here?" someone calls me.

"Sa… Sakura… Err…" I am shocked to see Sakura behind me.

"Bruukk!" Sakura pushes me until I fall inside.

"Hohoho… Why do you both look so hasty, Fira and Sakura?" headmaster asks.

"Fi… Fira?" Loki is shocked when sees me.

Oh no… What should I do now? I am already inside this room. I can't say anything…

"Umm… Sorry…" I apologize.

"Hohoho… Since you are already here, I want to say something to you and Loki in private," the headmaster says.

"Oh well… Let's go, Awanemp… I thought you just called me here," Sakura replies.

Mr. Awanemp and Sakura leave us. I just know that Sakura calls Mr. Awanemp by his name only outside the class. That makes me curious about what they are hiding from me.

"Okay, Loki and Fira… I want you two to look around the school after the lessons end. Maybe those Slimes are still roaming around our school," the headmaster says.

Slimes? Does he mean those jelly creatures we encountered? I almost died from them. How can I fight them back?

"But those Slimes are so dangerous. How can I fight them?" I ask.

"Slimes are actually the lowest level creatures in 'Midgard'," Loki explains.

"Lo… Lowest level? If those things are the lowest, how can I win against them? I will die," I am scared.

"Don't worry… I will protect you if anything happens," he replies.

I don't know why, but after he said that I am not scared anymore. He has a good side despite being a brat.

"Okay! I will smash those Slimes if they appear!" I declare bravely.

"Hmm… Fira… Just now you can use your hands freely while wearing those wristbands," Loki stares.

Ah… I forget… I didn't notice that I can move my hands freely just now. This is strange… A moment ago, I can't even eat properly while wearing these. Ah… Now I am starting to feel that they are heavy again.


========== Nabila ==========

Huuuhh… I just ran away from them because they keep asking me. Maybe I will become another victim like Fira. I don't understand why everyone in my class is so mean to me. If they know that Loki stayed at my place last night, maybe I can't even go to school anymore.

Oh… Where am I now? I think I just arrive at the back of school yard. There is a school gym building there. Hmm? I see Mr. Awanemp and Sakura standing at the corner of the school building. What are they doing there?

"The Slimes appeared in here yesterday," Mr. Awanemp says while checking the split mark on the ground.

What is that mark? Looks like the split mark is quite wide and deep. Maybe I should get closer a little…

"Found it! As I thought… Capsule!" Mr. Awanemp picks up something.

"So… It's true that someone did it on purpose. By the way, you don't need to use that skill to fight low level Slimes. What a waste," Sakura says.

Slimes? What are slimes?

"No other choice… I need to do it fast to save him. Now I am just hoping the person who did this not aiming for that," replies Mr. Awanemp.

"Don't worry… Loki is here now for backup," Sakura says.

"That makes me worry more… His power is sealed," Mr. Awanemp replies.

They are talking about Loki and something that happened yesterday. I don't really get what they mean… Maybe I should ask Loki myself later. I should go back to my class. The next lesson is starting soon.


========== Fira ==========

I am going back to my class now. What a surprise, so many magicians are in this school. And now I am a part of them. But that is good… Maybe I will know about my past if I stick with them.

When I am entering the class, my classmates are staring at me. What just happened?

"Hehehe… As I thought… You two are having a date together at lunch time, is it?" Hilda asks scarily.

"Wha… What?!" I am confused.

"You come back here together with Loki… I suspect that you two are secretly having a date," she explains.

What?! How can it be? Just because I come back together with him, she thinks that I am having a date. Or is she just cornering me to make a hot gossip?

"No! I didn't have any dates… It's just coincidence. Loki, say something…" I beg.

Loki is thinking about something. I hope he can help me to get out of this misunderstanding.

"Umm… Since I saw Fira eat something nice just now, I asked her to take me to the canteen. I just ate there, and Fira was waiting for me. She is so kind," Loki lies.

"Really?!" everyone exclaims.

"Oh… You are trying to seduce Loki, aren't you?" Hilda teases me.

Nooo! His answer is making this gossip worse. Now they are really thinking that I am trying to get closer with Loki. What am I supposed to do now?

"Fi… Fira… So, it's true that you like Loki?" Nabila asks when entering the class.

"No… Not like that!" I reject.

"Hmm… You said that but your face is red now, hehe," Hilda teases.

"Oh… Fira… I don't know that you are secretly trying to get closer to Loki…" Sakura says when entering the class.

Noooooo! Everyone is now teasing me… I feel so embarrassed… It is not like that! My normal life in school is ending now…

"Okay, that's enough… Let's start the lesson now!" Mr. Awanemp comes and saves me.

Luckily Mr. Awanemp comes. Now I can relax for a while. It all happened because of this little brat. When I look at him, I see that he is grinning at me. Does he think it is funny? I need to take revenge…


"Teng!!" the school bell rings.

The last session ended. Before I am go back to my dorm, I need to settle something first with Loki. He needs to be warned so he will keep a distance with me later to avoid any false gossip.

"Come here!" I grab his hand and force him to follow me.

I take him to the back of the school where we encountered the Slimes yesterday.

"Hey, Loki! I need to remind you that you better keep a distance from me… I don't want to become a victim of false gossip.

"Eh? I thought it will be fun if I just follow what everyone is talking about, hahaha," he laughs.

"Stop laughing at me or I will hit you!" I am mad.

"Just try if you can," he provokes.

I try to punch him with my right arm. He dodges that punch easily.

"So slow…" he mocks.

Damn it… My arm is so slow because of this wristband. I try to punch him so many times, but he keeps dodging it.

"Buk!" I hit his face finally.

"Yay! Eat that!" I exclaim happily.

"Ugh… Wa… Wait… My leg… It froze!" he replies while looking at his leg.

I see that his legs are frozen by a block of ice. What just happened?

"Braaakkk!" the ice keeps spreading towards his upper body.

"Ugh… I was careless again! Look at that! An Ice Slime is behind you in that bush, Fira!" he points.

I turn back and look at the bush. I see blue and red colored Slimes there. The red colored slime must be the same as the ones we encountered previously, the Fire Slime. The blue one is probably the one who attacked Loki just now, an Ice Slime, I think… How can they still roam around this school? I thought Loki has already killed them all.

"Loki! Are you okay?!" I worry.

"Don't just stand there, we need to fight back! Unlock, Arc Wand!" Loki unlocks his weapon.

"But… But how?!" I ask in panic.

I don't know what to do… Loki tries to cast his magic and aims at the Fire Slime.

"Frost Dive!" Loki yells to cast his magic.

"Braakk!" the Fire Slime freezes.

"Wow! Nice Loki! One more!" I exclaim happily.

"No… I can't… That Slime has the same element with mine. My magic will not work on it. I can use physical attack, but my legs are frozen," he explains.

No way… How can Loki beat that Slime?

"Syut!" Loki throws his wand to strike that Slime.

He misses it… The Slime dodges it by jumping to the right side.

"Damn… I missed," he grumbles.

"So… What should we do?" I am scared.

"Use your weapon to strike it! I know you can do it!" he yells.

My weapon… But… I can't even use it… Let's just try.

"Unlock! Ragnarok!" I unlock my weapon.

A huge sword appears but I can't lift it. It is too heavy.

"Zuuungg!" the Slime casts a spell to attack Loki.

Loki can't evade that attack… I must do something quickly. I take off my wristbands and try to lift this sword with all my powers. Ugh… I manage to lift it, but I can't hold it longer. I throw my sword towards the Slime which are still there casting their magic.

"Buaarrr!" the Slime is destroyed.

I did it! I don't believe that I will hit that Slime. What a lucky throw. After that Slime is destroyed, the ice that froze Loki's leg melts.

"You did it, Fira! You manage to use that sword!" Loki praises me.

"Yes… But both my hands are numb now…" I reply.

"But… I still need to punish you," Loki says.

"What? Why?" I ask curiously.

"You take off your wristbands," he replies.

"But I just saved you! You will die if I did not save you!" I exclaim.

"I will not die just from low level Slimes like that. This uniform is already designed to reduce magical damage from low level magic," he explains.

"But you will still be dead if that Slime attacks you like yesterday!" I persuade.

"Who dragged me here in the first place?" he counters.

"Err… Okay… Okay… It's me…" I give up.

Ugh… He has a point… It is my fault that I dragged him here. I don't have any words to defend myself now… It is so annoying to think that Loki always wins. His smile is telling me that he is looking down on me. Just wait… Once I get stronger, he can't make fun of me again!

Chapter 4 is out! Comment it and let me know.

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