

Lilian fleur Queen, Is a half British and half Filipino. Her mom was a former member of an organization of assassins who fell in love with her Dad who she thought was an ordinary guy. But turned out to be an interpole. The org got furious about what her mom did thinking she is the mole on the org on those time and put an order to kill her parents including her. But by discovering how talented Lilian is. Both side the government and the assassins change the plan They started being obsessed on getting the kid instead. But her parents are too smooth to always slipped away from them, for over six years. But then came a young visitor the top of the class assassin who's trained under the government managed to find them but the info leaked to the org of assassins on the other side. And there the situation got shitty.

Maryflor · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Tastes Good

Marianne's POV



''This is truly heaven .Rhian.''


''I really love your taste in my toungue, Rhian. ''

"Shit. "

''Every sip is worth it, gosh...its so good!!''

''We should continue doing this...''


''Will you stop that?'' The auburn haired lady beside me uttered with so much disgust in her face.

''What ? I am just tasting the new invented flavored coffee that your sister's made ,what's up with you?'' Mia my loyal employee said confused with Lily's sudden attitude.

''Its disgusting.'' Lily said truthfully.

''What do you mean? It taste good. Can't you be supportive to your sister, even once?'' Mia answered to Lily's comment.

I didn't bother to intervene in their fight ,instead have the joy on watching Lily's annoyed face.

''I mean You are disgusting. And she is NOT ,my sister.'' Lily answered annoyed by Mia's slow head I know that look. I know how she hated explaining her point ,when its that simple.

But I felt a little hurt by what she just said. She really won't see me no other than the the person who killed her family.

''So, you mean that you agree that Marianne's tastes good?'' Mia said teasingly.

A faint shade of red painted on Lily's cheeks. It might be because of anger. She hates it.

''T-that's absurd.'' She angrily said to Mia with the ' I can't believe you, look.'

''I meant the coffee , baby girl. What were thinking , by the way?'' Mia said like she did nothing.

Lily glared at Mia with a threatening look . I bet, she knows what's Mia was doing too.

''What?'' Mia ask innocently , when I, too glared at her asking her to stop already.

I know what Mia is doing now. Its weird that she always think that Lily has something for me.

'That's maybe the reason she's acting weird with you' As she always say.

She knows we are not related she just insisted to call us sister's because we live in one roof together with the old couple like a real ,family.

If she only knew our true story then maybe she will not think that way too.

''Her performance in everything is always the best, as expected. She is constantly at the top. So, the coffee's taste is far from delicious, but great. Even if I won't taste it. That is only appropriate because to be my servant has a high standard and not everyone is qualified." That was one of the longest words I ever heard from her since we met.

And they keep fighting on a lot of nonsense things.

Ever since we move in at the top of this coffee shop she was talking a lot more. Specially when Mia is pestering her. She even helped us serve whenever its needed and sometimes just to prove to Mia that she's more than a spoiled brat kid. But she always end up into a fight or have complaints from our customers because of her not so pleasant temper.

So, I convinced her to stop and just focus on her study but she just said that it doesn't bother her cause school works are way too easy for her.

So, I have to use the 'Slave and master' card jus to convince her to stop, that made her more full of herself. She even claim this coffee shop as hers because of the fact that she is my master and I am her slave so she conclude that what I own is also gonna be hers. Unbelievable.

I smiled thinking about it.

She's progressing. If I would compare her actions now than before when all was still fresh, I can say she's getting better. She's healing.

I just wish things won't go side ways before she got totally healed. Cause it would be so hard to see her suffer more.

I will do anything to protect her. If only I could hold onto everything that would take her away from being the innocent beautiful lady in front of me living life to the fullest without getting her hands stained with blood. I would.

I'll never want to see the horror in her eyes again like that day when realization hits her that she have killed people.

She was so terrified that it made her nose bleed and fainted from horror.

That led me to carrying her away from the mansion right before those bombs that I planted exploded.

But she didn't know it was me who planted those bombs. if she ever find out about that then, that would be the day, she'll kill me without a doubt.

Maybe it was because of the adrenaline rush that I was able to carry her easily out of the house.

After we escaped, and live with the old couple. She had always kept herself away from everyone .

She won't talk to you until it is needed and she always do things on her own not trusting anybody even the old man.

There was even one night when she begged me to run away from the old couple house as she said they were one of the enemies.

I didn't go along with her plans. Not because I don't believe her. but because I have my own reason that she won't understand at that time. And for me the safest thing we should do that time was to stay.

And I think I did the right thing because we wouldn't have had all this fun if we had left that night.

That's probably the reason why even if she doesn't show it, she strongly believes in me in all situations. I can see it in her eyes even if she doesn't say it.

And I know that's also the reason she chose to live with me here . That old man's house is not safe anymore. We can sense it even if we are not talking about it.

This apartment has two rooms but we choose to put the other bed in my room to make it make it two bed room .

Because she doesn't want to sleep with Mia in the other room. Mia has always been sleeping here almost every night because her place is too far from here. That's why I decided to just let her live with us rent free but this midget objects and made Mia pay the rent by deducting it from her salary.

We are here now in our room. I just came out of the bathroom and my long hair is still wet and the water is still dripping from my hair so I wipe it with a towel to dry it a little more.

I hate putting the towel on my hair because I get a headache every time I do it.

After that, I hung the towel outside, went back inside , I close the door together with the curtain of our balcony and sat on my bed and started drying my hair with a blower.

When my hair was dry, I apply some body lotion starting from my leg up to my thigh making my bath rob pulled up to my hips.

I was surprised, when Lily suddenly got up from her bed and started walking towards the door of our room.

''Hey, I didn't know you're still awake . I thought you're asleep ,already.'' I ask confused of her sudden action.

''Y-y-you-r sckhdhkjdhfkd''

'''What?'' I ask more confuse I can't figure out what she just said.

I walk towards her when I didn't get a response from her. Thinking she's sleep walking again because she's not moving and her back is facing me.

I was about to hold her arm to check. But she stopped me and she spoke,

" Get away from me." She said with begging voice.


"I'm fine, just don't come near me." She continued.

I was shocked of what she just did but again chose to ignore it.

She continue walking out of our room and I sighed and walk back to my bed , lay down and tried to sleep.

Unable to sleep I sat up, get my phone on top of my desk at the right side of my bed.

Its 2:26 am and she wasn't back yet. I walk to the balcony with the pack of cigarettes , I light one and look outside feeling the menthol flavor in my throat.

'So, she hates me that much, ha ' I said to myself and sighed. I stayed there looking at the city lights observing the surroundings.

I can sense that someone is watching me . I have been sensing this person for months even when we were still in old couples house.

I was just ignoring it but waiting for its move. I wonder what's this person wants by just watching us . Honestly, there's a lot of them but I have a feeling they are on different side or group and motif.

I doubt Lily knows about this she maybe has talent on combat but she lack of experience . She doesn't have knowledge about the real world of her parents.

I bet they raised her away from all of this to have a normal life but failed to do so. For I have found them , the organization had a hard time looking for them for over six years until I got deployed and assigned the case to me.

I guess I just really have the ability to find and sense people without them knowing. What can I do? I'm that good. as Lily said ' I'm always on top.'

I was about to go back in my room when I got paralyzed out of shocked to what I have sensed just now.

This can't be true? its impossible he's dead I saw it my own eyes I was there when that traumatizing scene happen.

'Sensei' I utter.

''Wjhgskdkjsdh'' I didn't finish my words when the person I just felt now put its hand in my mouth and dragged me inside the room.

I can smell the familiar scent of iron in her bloody hand. 'Who the hell is this person? This isn't him its a woman in my age. But why?

'' Don't do anything stupid if you don't want to die. I just want to shower and new clothes to change.'' This stupid woman warned me as if she can do anything to harm me. I tried my best to act fool to stay discreet.

This idiot might not know me. I smirk at the thought thinking there is a person as stupid like this person that is holding me now , people who knew me wouldn't approach me this way. They won't even dare to get near me.

I didn't fight back and let her do what she wants.

She let me go the moment we got in . She take her clothes off after I led her to the bathroom.

I dumbfoundedly sat on my bed questioning a lot of things inside my head.

Wishing that Lily won't come back in this room seeing this stupid intruder. That would be trouble cause Lily's temper is the exact opposite of my calmness.

She'll surely blew our cover right away. I sighed and look for clean clothes in my closet.

I get my old University T-shirt and a black jagger pants . I put it on top of the drawer beside the bathroom door.

''God, that's refreshing..'' The Idiot just got out of the bathroom wearing Lily's favorite pink rob.

My eyes went wide of the sight not because of her sexy body but the sight of her wearing the brats pink bath rob, I'm dead.

Lily's gonna kill me if she found out someone else wore her favorite rob. She's a clean freak and she doesn't like it when her things being touched.

('' Nani? Watashi mitai ni kawaii hito ni au no wa hajimetedesu ka?')

''What ? Is this your first time meeting someone as cute as me? " The woman said being full of herself.

''What ?'' I ask acting confused like I didn't understand what she just said. I was born in Japan and have Japanese blood, well half of it other half is Russian. But my features is mix of my race but more on Russian look ,but if your a good observer you will notice.

She didn't answer and takes off the rob she is wearing and throw it in my face .Is this woman seriously just get in random houses taking off her clothes in front whoever's inside it?

She was quick on wearing the clothes on .Because the moment I removed the bath rob on my face she was already finish.

And just jump out of our room from the balcony like nothing happen.

Someone's POV

I am now sitting in the bench looking at the moon over Radnor lake . This is my reward to myself after finally killing that horny guy and his gang in the yacht two weeks ago. I feel so happy that I feel like I've finally done a good deed. After all of the years that I am just randomly kill people for money in order to survive as an orphan.

Don't judge me . We all do things we don't like in case of survival and I have lived through a lot life and death situation. It led me to embracing my fate, my life being surrounded by death and the only way to survive and win is to kill.

And if you ask me I hate it and I hate all the people who are behind of this fuck up organization they built and black market , wars killing.

So, if there is any chance for me to kill everyone of them, I am gonna take that chance.

I am enjoying the serenity of the place while leaning my back on the chair, this is heaven indeed.

Until a Knife flew my way almost find its home between my eyes.

But I was able to detect it before it find contact in my skin.

"What the f--" The man didn't give me a chance to speak and attack me again with his other knife.

God, his persistent. I grab his hand and kick him hard.

"Ugh," The man groaned in pain after I put his knife back to him by inserting it between his chest. Poor guy.

Its sad to know that there quality of teaching now in the org gone to bad quality.

I could see ten more are coming my way they are all in uniforms the black suit.

It doesn't suit them they are all ugly looking people..

Can't they have class or style in life? As they come near me a smile came out of me.

I fought them all together using every weapon of whoever come to attack.

The first three who came near me were already on the ground each of them got knife inserted on their fatal nerves.

Another three attacked and they also kissed the ground.

I didn't run I just stayed near the bench near the lake.

Until one of them use a gun the young man was shaking when he did that and his colleague look at him angrily.

I smirk and get to him so quick I snatch the gun that he was holding and shoot the four of them. That's was so easy. I didn't even sweat fighting those ten.

"Do you really think it was that easy to get away from us., Three?"

That's a real familiar voice. I looked at the man who just spoke.

The wind is blowing his blonde short curly and smooth hair and he fix it with his right hand.

His bangs really suit him and to be fair his really good looking in suit while his left hand is in the pocket of his pants.


I have revised this chapter a little because first version of this got banned.

Just informing you for the changes I put.

Maryflorcreators' thoughts