

Lilian fleur Queen, Is a half British and half Filipino. Her mom was a former member of an organization of assassins who fell in love with her Dad who she thought was an ordinary guy. But turned out to be an interpole. The org got furious about what her mom did thinking she is the mole on the org on those time and put an order to kill her parents including her. But by discovering how talented Lilian is. Both side the government and the assassins change the plan They started being obsessed on getting the kid instead. But her parents are too smooth to always slipped away from them, for over six years. But then came a young visitor the top of the class assassin who's trained under the government managed to find them but the info leaked to the org of assassins on the other side. And there the situation got shitty.

Maryflor · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Left alone

''What?'' Mia shrugged and went inside the place. The wall was painted white with purple LED lights on each side of the ceiling and a large crystal chandelier in the middle of it.

The wooden floor was elevated and the center floor was glass which you can see fish swimming under it. It has a a white set of couch that was facing the 292 inches wall tv.

They are all in awe of the beauty but it is not what they needed at the time so Mia led them to another lift they all glared at Mia upon seeing another lift.

''Don't worry I promise you won't get hurt this time.'' Mia assured them.

They arrived at the ground floor safe, the place was enormous and there is a modern black in white twin stair case that has a purple LED lights under it that made it so cute looking stairs. The stairs was facing the grand entrance of the floor and also has an enormous crystal chandelier with purple lights on it.

The floor of the lobby is black and gold marble with a white sofa set with black cushions placed on each chair, and a center table is also placed in the middle of the chairs with a flower vase and white tulips that add to the beauty of the design in the lobby . The beauty of this place is remarkable.

Mia led them upstairs and there you can see room doors line up at each side of the hall way looking like a luxury suites.

'' Whose place is this? '' Marianne asked thinking that there was no way Mia could afford such a place.

''Beat me. '' Mia shrugged again without looking in their direction and continued walking up the stairs guiding them.

''You mean you just break into someone's house and dragged us all along with you?'' Yui said worriedly.

''Says the thief.'' Mia blocked what Yui said.

''How did yo-"

''You can all choose your room, each room has its own bathroom and everything you need from soap to clothes is already set each room and I happily welcome you to my small and humble abode.'' She said when we got to the top and she faced us and bowed with a smile cutting Yui from speaking.

Yui looked at Mia with disbelief but the latter just nonchalantly look back at her and gestured her to choose a room. Yui just glared at her not moving from her position.

Mary Jane and Elian chose a room and immediately went in. Lily looked at them but didn't say a word and just let it go. She looked in Marianne's direction but Marianne was looking at Mia doubtfully.

Lily's mood became more complicated and she felt something in her chest but she was so tired that she just turned her back on them and entered the first room she saw.

Marianne's POV

I saw Lily enter a room but I didn't bother to follow her and continued looking into Mia's eyes. But she was suspiciously elusive at my gaze. Yui was about to speak but decided to enter the door next to her while carrying a quiet Mei in her arms. Poor kid, why does she have to go through all this at such a young age?

''W-would you like a tour around the house ?'' Mia suggested trying hard to look happy.

''I-I need to-I wanna rest Three. '' I said and her eyes widen upon what I just called her. From the moment she approach me at the park acting lost and I help her know the place as she says she was new in Brentwood I already knew.

I recognize the face who always look at me with admiration she was the weakest but look at her now. But I didn't know it was not on purpose that time , I bet she did not recognize me at the time.

She is far from the kid I saved back at the Island, I haven't attack her that time because she was the only one who is not trying to attack any one and I admire for that but time passes and she became brutal . I wanted her in my team but the org didn't let her.

I waited for what she was planning to do with Lily and me but she didn't do anything so I was sure that she was no longer in the org just like the information I gathered about her. Until all this happened that again put many questions in my brain.

''O-okay '' I can't figure it out but something's not right with her and it looks like she wanted to say something but I don't know what's wrong with it just I feel that something big is behind all this happenings.

She was about to go but she stopped and face me again she looked down and then I heard her sniff.

Is she crying ?

I didn't say or do anything for a second. I guess I got used to the bubbly and optimistic Mia and I kind of forgot that she was like me trying to hide everything that was real, afraid to face the truth.

An Idea came into my mind and I abruptly dragged her down stairs .


Mia was surprised when Marianne pulled her so she almost fell, but she managed to balance her body. She looked at Marianne and see Marianne's smiling face staring back at her and showed her complete trust and Marianne's face had no trace of anger towards her and Marianne pulled her down the stairs again.

'' Change my mind , a tour might be great so come on show me around.''

Crystal-like liquid coming from Mia's face covered by her hair flew with the wind as she and Marianne ran down the stairs and a smile appeared on her lips.

She knew and yet she choose to trust me and her she was blaming herself for all of this Mia thought to herself.

If she only had listen to Ryuji. If only she had taken it seriously then maybe the innocent people in the apartment could've been save from that massacre , poor people had to die and no one will ever know the real reason . The org will either just make them disappear on the list or make a cover of it having migrated and some of the families will get paid for it but will not get justice.

If only she had talk to One about all of this should have been prevented but she already was living with them when Ryuji approach her maybe they are already too late from the very start .

And the others how are they ? Have they make it ? Did they survive?

''A penny for your thoughts?'' Marianne cut Mia from overthinking everything.

They are already outside the mansion drinking whiskey that they got from the bar inside the mansion. Sitting on this wooden floor at the edge of the lake where the mini boat was floating next to it, both of their feet were dangling from the lake under the wooden floor.

Mia looked in Marianne's direction. And she saw Marianne's smiling face with her eyes closed as she looked up at the sky where the twinkling stars could be seen and the cold wind blowing her black silky hair.

''How are you able to be calm in our current situation?'' Mia asked while still looking at her and observing Marianne's calm face.

Marianne turned to Mia. ''Why, do you think so? Should I be worried?'' Mia was surprised when she looked into Marianne's dead eyes as Marianne smiled at her it was the kind of smile when you catch your prey in your grasp. Mia's hair stood up at the way Marianne was looking at her.


''Hahahah. I was just teasing you.'' Marianne said to her tapping Mia's shoulder while laughing.

''You should have seen your face'' Marianne continued on teasing her that made Mia eyes came flat looking to the latter. Mia crossed her arms and pretended to sulk at Marianne while pouting her lips which made her look cute in Marianne's eyes without her realizing it.

''Oh. you're so cute when you sulk like that come on Mommy's gonna give you a hug. '' Marianne put her left arm around Mia's shoulder and grip it very tightly in her arms like a child being tease Mia's cheeks blushed but Marianne couldn't see it because she was wrapped in her arms.

''Grr..Stop it let me go'' Mia was now getting annoyed trying to get out of Marianne's grip but Marianne's grip got more tight not letting Mia go from her arm.

''Let it go.'' Mia stop hearing what Marianne has said to her.

''Then let me go.'' Mia answered ignoring what Marianne really meant about it.

''Trust me , you are going to be fine after that . Stop pretending . Let it go Mia I won't judge you.'' Mia was just listening hiding face under Marianne grip.

And Marianne started rubbing Mia's back while Mia was screaming her heart out under the light of the moon on that lake.


''I am so sorry !! I didn't know it was so serious !! I shouldn't have left you on that org!!''

''You should have come with me, why did you choose to stay. Why all of this has to happen all my friends are gone now . My team was wiped out because of me.!! I am so stupid every time I get close to anyone they all die.!!''

''I was the reason of all this!! I failed to protect my team now they were all gone because of me!!''

''I am tired ..''

'' I am tired seeing people dying , Marianne.''

Mia was gripping so hard on Marianne's shirt tears streaming out of her eyes that made Marianne's chest wet. But Marianne didn't say or do anything and let Mia do as she please letting her agony out.

Mia put her face on Marianne's neck and rest it there ''I was so afraid Marianne'' Mia whispered to Marianne's neck her voice now had become hoarse.

''Your afraid what Mia?'' Marianne finally managed to ask.

''Of you. Of losing all of you.'' Mia answered that made Marianne's heart ache.

''But we are all fine, Mia. And I assure you that I won't let any of you die before me . Remember that.'' It made Mia feel safe but at the same time nervous. But she shrug the feeling off and just rest on Marianne's arms.

Lily on the other hand was just looking down at them from the roof while lying her back arms on top her stomach feeling the wind looking at the moon above them. She was awaken by Mia's screams that she hurriedly got out from her window thinking something happened.

She wonders how those clothes on the closet perfectly fit on her whoever owns this knows them or maybe this was Mia's Idea from the very start. But she cannot feel any bad intentions from Mia they may not go along all the but she was sure Mia's just victim like them.

''Something's off with this place.'' Lily said on the wind.

Lily's POV

Ugh, the old pigs aren't done yet. I can still hear them from here. It's disgusting to listen to my mother and Mama Eli having sex. I wouldn't have listened to their conversation about the real things that happened, why all this time I thought they were dead, they were still alive and just hiding, how could they do this to me? But I heard something different inside of the room what is it about sex that almost everyone is addicted to it? I mean it's so gross.

Those two didn't stop their nauseating actions until now I could still hear their weak grunts. I don't know what they like doing that? I can't handle other people's skin, let alone sweat. And I can also hear other fluids coming out of them I think I'm going to throw up.

I'd rather bath with blood than those fluids , eww.

But I love listening to their heart beats it is in sync like they were making a beautiful music out of it and its weirdly calming while listening to it except the fact their that I can also hear their rushing blood , deep breath and fluids coming out'' ugh. again. MOM!!'' I whispered shout as if they can hear me

This is what I hate about my unique hearing ability because sometimes it hears unnecessary things but I can also stop it I have 100% percent control over it. I have this ability since I was little but I don't show it even to my parents I know my father also has it but I don't trust him ,I don't know why though but I just don't. I'm Papa's girl but I haven't told him even though he sometimes asks me to do something related to it.

Since I was a kid I only wanted to be normal play with my friends be with my parents we were so happy in that Island. I haven't met mama Eli yet at that time but I can already sense her presence growing up I can feel that she was just around and watching us until one day armed men came and the tragedy happened.

Mom and dad decided to migrate and live in Mama Eli's place which she transferred to Mom and Dad's name but my dad became very distant from me since I did what I did. It's like he's afraid of something or should I say he's afraid of me. My parents were fighting and my father just left us without a word.

I was devasted and I couldn't properly to mom because she was always out and got home drunk but mama Eli never left my side she even teaches me martial art , shooting going to the mall eating with whenever my mom is not home . Mom build a business when my father left us to sustain for our necessities and had no time for me . But mama Eli has become my everything she even sleep beside me whenever it rains because I hate the sound of thunder it feels like it breaks my brain for I have a very sensitive ear. I would always hide in mama Eli's embrace every time a storm come mama Eli became has become my rock while growing up I consider her as my real mom instead.

Until I turned 12 and my mon was not home on my birthday that's the time I started hating my mom and won't talk to her anymore . And anger was building in my chest that was waiting to explode.

But my heart was even more filled with anger when I saw mom and mama Eli kissing. I ran when I saw that, many things ran through my mind as I ran away, I felt like they all betrayed me.

I stayed walking on the road until dark and I saw a park and I sat on the swing pushing my feet on the ground a little to make the swing sway a little. I have fallen asleep on that swing and when I woke up in the morning I was already on my bed.

With a note in the table saying she will not bother our family again as long as I won't runaway from my mom again and never leave my mom alone.

But that Mary Jane Queen left me when my father left us she was dead to me. I was angry because I thought she would keep Mama Eli away from me.

I cried that day. I didn't mean it for her to leave me she hasn't even given me a chance to talk to her she was my mama. I can't afford to lose her why would she leave just like that with my witch mom.

I never saw her again since that day.

And then a week after the group assassins attack us and my mom died I wasn't even done hating her and then she died.

I hate my mom but now I just don't know what to feel.

I heard someone is crawling behind me but I didn't bother to look.

''Don't even think even think of getting near me.''