

more about possibilities than a story but still it's a story, I just mean you have to use your imagination, you will see, just give it a shot.

lyckyhay · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Hey, if I say I'm that 16 years old boy from before, will you believe me? Probably not, like I said this chapter is for those who didn't care at all, so what am I doing with them?

Ok, let's start from the beginning. I'm Ryo and when all that chaos happened I was in a coma so the principle of carelessness did apply to me... "this game is not fair, I know, but I was a lucky one". At the same time I'm not exactly Ryo, I mean I have his memories, his face, his body even his soul, I act like him, I speak like him and I do everything he does, still I'm not him.

When all that chaos started, Ryo was in the hospital, and when it's the end of the world people don't care if you live or not, you're a stranger to them, so they leave you. If you survive or die doesn't matter to them, so, like I said they left Ryo alone and he really died after a while.

Then for some unknown reasons I found myself with those who didn't care in a city called Liweskiv, I was reborn there as a higher creature have the same form, thoughts, and memories as Kyo, the only difference is I'm this higher creature and I have superpowers.

I said before I'm the main character, and yes I am, so not everyone was lucky as I was, I was immediately reborn here but others had to go through a lot to end up in Liweskiv and this is their story to tell.

"Hey, guys...Welcome to your first challenge, we're the twins Noy and Nyo, and we will guide you through your quest, we will decide who's going to win and who's not and for those who will lose, either they find someone to protect them from the cruel life or will have a peaceful death, and as a piece of advice we recommend that you choose the death.

No more saying let's start, first, not everyone is supposed to succeed, no matter what you do you have one chance on this, even if we don't kill you, you'll kill yourself by the end of the day.

Every single one of you will get a superpower and yes it's by choice.

Definitely, a lot of you will want the same power this is why you need to be precise and choose carefully what you want, if somehow two people or more end up wishing for the same power the strongest one will win.

The powers you'll get will consume your body so those who end up surviving longer will get the power and the other will die and if it ends equal everyone dies.

And one more thing, powers will consume everyone, not only who choose the same power and the chances for some to survive long enough to win is so low, nearly impossible, but we don't know we hope some of you will survive, it's a 24 hours challenge, you'll all get the knowledge to choose your power after we leave... don't ask how, we're not going to answer, get used to knowing nothing about the future... and also you can kill each other...

See you in 24 hours, Bye...


By knowing where everyone ends up, the story of Hillaris and Sillatress is for every reader who wants to expand, I put the rules for how it works there and it's for you to finish it.

Next, chapter 5 will be about Liweskiv the past, and its position on the world, it's not really connected to the chapters after so if you don't understand my explanation consider skipping the chapter, it's ok.

And the rest will be some magical fights, not really fights, just taking different powers and pushing them to the limit, ending up with a lot of what-if questions for your imagination to answer.

Or taking one power and creating a detailed description for it.