
The Seven Bejeweled Heroes

'Do you continue to sleep?'

"Sleep? Who? Me?"

'You don't know or do you wish to not know."

"I honestly don't know. Wait, what do mean I'm asleep? I'm clearly awake!"

This place is to real to be a dream like something out of a photo. To be honest this place gives me the creeps how eerily silent it is. This place is beautiful, but it feels to artificial. It's like it's a replica of the original.

"Wait a minute! Who are you and why am I here?"


'In time you will know everything. For now you will continue to as you are and awaken when the time is right. By that time everything will become known.'



"Ugh-. I hate Mondays in the morning. Getting up at five'o'clock is so not worth minimum wage for such a crappy job. Can't they get someone else to due this job it's not like I'm the only one in the world. There are thousands of people that are dying to get my job. I don't want to go I'm to lazy."

"If you don't then how are you going to get paid. Even if it minimum wage that fact it isn't a few dollars but few thousand dollars. Now are you going to get up or do I have the pull your blankie and you off the bed."

"What the-, Amethyst! What are you doing don't pull my Savior Noon blanket, I just got it! This is not some babies swaddling cloth that you can just tear. You know how much I love that show."

"Hahahaha! Blaire, you're obsessed with that show. Reincarnated lovers don't happen. Not in this world anyway. Besides it's just an anime you need to stop watching that stuff. It's not good for someone as easily influenced as you. Come on, you woke me up with your groaning last night and I don't want to be late to work because you had some nightmare."

"OK! OK! Stop! Your're tearing it."


"I was groaning in my sleep?" Was it that dream last night, but it wasn't a nightmare so how was it that I was groaning? At least it was weird, but it wasn't scary enough to make me feel as if I'm scared.

"Yeah you were groaning as if you were in pain. You were even crying too. Take a look, your cheeks are wet."

She takes a mirror from her purse and holds it in front of me and I see that she was right. Wow. I look awful.

"Guess you're right. I wonder why I was like that. I don't remember that my dream was something that make like that either. How weird."

"Anyway you'd better get ready. If Ruby finds out you'd slept in and didn't make breakfast your gonna get it."

"AH-! Why didn't you tell me me sooner! You know what happened last time he didn't get his coffee!" Brr! (Shivering) Ruby has a problem where he's half asleep and can't wake up fully without coffee. He makes a total mess of the place.

"Well hello there sleepy head! Did you have such a nice dream that you wouldn't get up?"

"Not funny Kai . Please don't tell me Ruby's awake yet."

"Jade just went to wake him up. You'd better hurry or you'll be cleaning after breakfast."

"I know, I know." Jeez Louis. Can't that guy ever stop making fun of me. "Why can't you take one minute to make coffee it's not that hard the machine does most the work."

"It's because we don't have time for even a minute for small stuff. Most of time is spent either working to find the Paradox Organization and fighting them or training to become stronger."

"Hey Jade is that Ruby behind you? Hey! Blaire! Hurry up Ruby's here!"

"The coffees done. Here Ruby time to wake up."

"Tanks Vaire..."

"Dang and I thought I would get to see good show. OUCH! Who hit me! Oh! It's you leader were you standing there the whole time. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Stop making it hard for Blaire. She's had it hard as is doing your dirty laundry and dishes."

"Yeah Kai, it's because of her that we're able to concentrate on our work. Unlike the other people who tried to crawl into our beds. Remember that red head Jenny who literally crawled into yours saying she's your future wife. You couldn't sleep for weeks!"

Brr- "Don't remind me. She looked like a deranged demon that wanted my soul. Besides it's not like you had your fair share of stalkers 'Miss Goddess'."

Sigh-, they started to biker again. Now lets see, Amy, Kai, Jade, Ruby, Greg. "Where are Catherine and Cindy?"

"Cindy thinks she's got a lead on were Paradox might attack next so she said she going to skip breakfast today and have brunch instead. Catty, hmm, I don't know but I think she's spending time with her boyfriend since she hardly gets the time to since she's hardly had times for herself."

"And what? We haven't? Amy you need to stop covering for Catherine and make her realize that now is not the time for us to relax the fights have become tougher and the days between them have gotten shorter. The enemy has increased their operations and we don't even know why. Now is not the time to take breaks. After your breakfast go and bring Catherine back. That's an order."

"Yes Greg."

It's really hard on them. After all they are the only ones in the world who has the power to stop Paradox. Ever since our world began seven people had gems embedded in their foreheads since birth, each with it's own color. The rest of the world had pearls on the back of their hands with no color.

Greg, the leader, has a blue gem and holds the power of water and healing. He became the leader since he's had experience in the army and has great leadership skills.

Amy she has a yellow gem. Her power allows her to communicate and summon animals from all over the world. Especially the jewel beasts that have great strength and defense.

Kai has the indigo gem. He's a ninja from Japan, with his power over shadows he can go in and out of the enemies base and gather intelligence. Even if he's and arrogant jerk.

Ruby has the red gem. His power is over fire and he gets cranky when he doesn't get his morning coffee and starts lighting things on fire.

Jade has the green gem. He holds power over the wind and can give a boost people such as increase speed and agility. He doesn't talk much since he has trouble with speaking English since he's from china. The name Jade is something we call him since his gem is green and his Chinese name is confusing to us.

Cindy has the purple gem. Having the power over lightning has made her into a techno-path with fast calculation abilities and has become the strategist of the group.

And then there's Catherine. Orange gem. My least favorite person in the world. Her power is pure raw strength. Bending metal bars is something quite easy for her. She's basically the vanguard. The only problem is her personality. She treats everyone else in the team with respect, but me. She treats me like a slave.

I've been treated with hostility from day one since I met her. The 'Seven Heroes' are treated with respect, while the rest of the world she just ignores. Not me though. That's because I'm different then everyone.

In history it has always been the 'Seven Heroes' that keep the balance of the world and the pearls are just stringed along for ride.

Me, I don't have a pearl on the back of my hand. I have a crystal embedded in my forehead. Pure, clear, and round crystal. This has never been seen before in all of history. When I was found out I was immediately put with them and had been placed under their care as a maid. I know better though. I'm just under observation to see if I had any powers and if it could tip the balance of our world.

They see me as a threat.

I don't care though, so long as I'm not used as a lab experiment I'm fine with that. Besides I don't have any powers.

"Hey Blaire what you doing spacing out like that. Your not going to get paid if you don't cook."

"Ah sorry I was just lost in thought about the weird dream last night."

"Was it a dream with your boyfriend. You two do have a date tonight don't you. Were you guys doing anything shameful in that dream of yours. You naughty girl. OW! What's with the hitting me on the head! It's fine if leader does it but not you too Ruby!"

Slurp. "Ah, Kai, I just woke up and if you're going to spout nonsense in the morning and ruin my good mood I'll set your pants on fire instead."

"Forget I said anything."

Even when I'm here under observation, I really like it here. Besides Catherine everyone's friendly towards me. It makes me happy being apart of their group even if is a small part. Seeing them laughing, joking with each other and working together as a team warms my heart. It feels like a family. I wish I could spend time with them like this for a long time to come. No matter the difficulties we face.

'That time will soon end.'

I wish I could add pictures to this to give you guys a better visual effect. This is the first book I'm publishing even though I have other books I want to publish so go easy on me and tell me where I need to correct things. The thing I'm having a hard time on is the correct way to make the words read like sound effects and stuff. For example: "sigh", 'sigh', (sigh), sigh-, and so on. I have no clue on how to insert that sort of text. Any advise will be great.

Ventiacreators' thoughts