
Living With The Cold Fire Phoenix Beauty

Sherly, who has a half-human and half-fire phoenix was ambushed by the subordinate of human emperor as he wanted to capture Sherly, a human treasure with a half phoenix bloodline purity that if properly used it can make himself stronger. Luckily there was a treasure in Sherly that transported her to another place when her life was put in danger. A place filled with so called technology. She as a half beast and half human pursued by pure humans. Because of that she became extremely cautious and wary toward them but in this world she was transported, only humans and non-intelligent beast lives. .... Kiann was a normal human who founded Sherly in an alleyway who was at that time was injured and he help her. When she regained her consciousness she first saw Kiann and thought he was accomplices of the emperor as she leaves immediately but notice the world is different and she has no place where she can go to, no money to buy food,no knowledge in this world. Nothing at all as she coincidentally met Kiann again when she was exploring the place, and asked him to let her stay at his house for the time being. Follow the story of the two... as how Kiann can make her cold heart and cautious mind to change and gave warmth to her and open more of her thoughts to him.. How Sherly can fall to a human who she despises the most, How her cold heart be melted by Kiann's warm care and loving attitude.. Follow it all as the two embarked in an unusual relationship as both live in a single house but with different thoughts.. .... AN: English is not my main language so please don't criticized my grammar, not a professional author and only doing it for fun.. if you like please leave a review if you don't please leave it at that.. thanks... this novel a work of fiction so any coincidence that may happened here are not intended and only exist inside the story and not much related outside.

Wannabee_Kevinzkie · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Got a problem?

"So beautifuul!~" Kiann muttered softly with admiration on his face.

Sherly who heard him muttered that just blush for a moment before regaining her composure as she acts coldly and indifferent again.

"You're still resting there? Do you have no plan to cook? Or do you think that I will cook for you?!" She reprimanded him as if this was her home and Sherly is also starving now and can't wait no more. Kiann's expression becomes ghastly and he wanted to refute but cannot as he can only compromise.

"I'll cook later. Let me rest for a bit I'm...." Kiann didn't even finish his reply when he was interrupted.

"Later?! Do you think you're just the one eating now? Time waits for no MAN! You should cook now! Otherwise, your blood debt for removing my clothes without my permission will be paid fully!!" She said that with an extremely angry expression that even her beautiful blue eyes look fiery that looks like it can even melt a stone.

Kiann was shocked not by her commanding tone but by the last part of her sentence. His expression looks like someone who saw a ghost that could kill. He was deeply rooted at his spot and a cold chill run down his spine.

'She remembered it, I thought she forgot it or even forgive me that's why she didn't beat me and live in my home instead' Kiann thought fearfully and think of ways how to appease her so she could forgive him.

"Alright! I will cook now, wait here for a while. You can watch T.V shows first." He accepted and tried his best to appease her starting now as he opened the t.v. first and go to the kitchen to cook for their dinner. He planned to cook one of his specialty and hoped that she would like it and slowly forgive and not beat him.


Sherly saw Kiann leave to cook food as she moved her gaze toward the image projection screen, that Kiann called T.V. She was amazed by this so-called technology machines. It was way better than the projection stone as that stone is special and rare. It can only project some events limitedly. But this one that is called T.V is entirely different, it is so lifelike, it has sounds and different scenarios, unlike the stone.

Sherly just watched the T.V in an entranced state and she was emotionally affected by the t.v. shows. If Kiann was here and saw that her eyes almost red and a tear drop from her eyes. His jaw would drop from shock as far as he knew, this girl is a demoness with no emotion aside from being cold, aloof, anger and other negative emotions and he never saw another side of her like that. Oooh, he once saw her smile, but that is the time she was shopping so he excluded them as her expression never changed in front of him and other people. He only thought that she can be happy as long as it is self-interest and Kiann considered that as a demoness part.

Sherly watched a drama series that is so touching the moment the child of the mother regretted his action but it is already too late as it can't change anything, their mother already died due to stress and frustration so she got a heart attack.

She immersed herself in that story and place herself in their shoes as she felt nostalgic and she reminiscent the past where her adopted parents loved her very much even though she is not their biological daughter. They gave their everything. And what she did? She neglects their advice and proceeds to study in that academy that led to their demise. She regretted it too, like the one on the story. The young man regretted that he lived in debauchery as he smoked, drink and live his life with only indulging himself with self-pleasure while neglecting his parents.

Sherly regretted her decision too if she just lives her life peacefully and not wanting for revenge. But regret always comes too late. Later than police in horror movies.

As she immersed herself of the past, she was jolted awake by footstep and she knew it was Kiann. She cleaned her face from the teardrop just now and composed herself not to reveal any weakness towards crafty humans again.

Kiann came back with a serving plate on him. He put the food on the table as he acts like a servant of hers to please her.

"Here's the food. It's delicious and nutritious food called chop suey, try it out, you would like it." Kiann tried his bootlicking skills that he hasn't acquired yet.

Kiann sat down and pour some on his plate and started to eat too. Sherly followed suit and eat Kiann's prepared food after he took a bite making sure that there is no poison in it.

The moment she tastes this kind of food called chop suey, she felt heavenly as its taste is so delicious that she almost forgot mannerisms and eat food like there's no tomorrow.

She was too hungry to care about mannerisms and etiquette at all. She even least cares about Kiann who's in front of her as the food in front of her is more important and was finished in no time.

"Is there more of this?" She asked eagerly with a cold face still.

Kiann was shocked and didn't even dare to reprimand her for lacking of mannerisms when eating food. He didn't even dare to think that this otherworldly goddess is such a glutton in front of food. He can't even imagine that she can fit all of that in her small stomach and yet she asked for more? Is she really that starving? Maybe she is in a coma for a couple of days and didn't eat. But still, this many foods that can even fill 3 people was done by her alone and it still isn't enough.

"Yea-ah!~ there's still more~" Kiann nodded which makes Sherly delighted deep inside, but outside there is not much different in her expression. Kiann go to the kitchen and fetched it.

Kiann comes back with chop suey with the whole pot of rice cooker this time as not to go back and forth fetching for rice. Kiann's plan to cook fried rice tomorrow morning before going to school will be postponed because of this glutton.

Kiann places the pot of rice first on the table and pours some chop suey on his plate first before it is all gone when he put it on the table, because of this eager glutton that can make food disappear in an instant.

Just as Kiann expected. The moment he put the pot of chop suey on the table, it was swiftly gone and only took a few seconds and he felt that he is indeed a genius. He felt lucky and praised himself that he already put the chop suey on his plate that is full of rice before it swiftly disappears as his face filled with a smug expression.

His smug expression quickly change in an instant. Faster than the fastest lightning, his smug expression turned into disbelief as the plate in front of him now was completely gone and he notice that there is an additional plate in front of Sherly.

Kiann wanted to cry but no tears come out, he wanted to be angry but don't know how to express it or you can say he didn't dare to express it. He just look at her satisfied expression and he didn't know what to say.

"Got a problem?" Sherly asked coldly with an expression of 'you still have a blood debt for me and this was a part of compensation.' as she notice Kiann's gaze toward her, although no malicious thoughts she still felt uncomfortable with it.

"No! No! No! How can I? I'm just glad that you're satisfied now... I'll leave first to take a breather outside!~" Kiann made an excuse as he left his own home and went outside, a part is indeed for a breather but most part is to find a place to eat food outside with a cheap price.

Kiann went out to find a place to eat while thinking something... 'from tomorrow onward, I will cook less then.'

Kiann made a firm decision deep inside his heart and not long after he found the right place and he eats. Afterwards, he went back home.

"What took you so long?" Sherly ask with a cold tone as if she was his nanny or something

"It's nothing! I just met some friends and talk for some time." Kiann made an excuse and quickly moved toward his room.

"Wait! I'm waiting for you because I want to ask you about something."

Kiann shivered a little and think what kind of something is that. He turned his head with an expression of 'please no more things such as your clothes.'

"What is it?"

"It's just a minor thing, don't worry. Do you have some books here? Like history and as such, if not, anything will do."

Kiann heaved a sigh of relief as this kind of request is still affordable as he had many books in his room, some collection, others are for study.

"Alright, wait here I'll fetch it." He went to his room and picked all unimportant books that can't be of help to his school life for now. Because he had many books he went back and forth, Sherly told him to put all the books in her room, from which make the distance short.

"That's all the book I have. I hope it'll be helpful."

"Thanks!" Sherly gave a short reply of thanks to the leaving Kiann even though she acts like that to him, and her emotion is still cold she really felt grateful to him as he really helped her a lot. He didn't even make qualms of her staying here, and didn't even get angry when she ate all the food. Although she really felt guilty regarding the food, she is really hungry that her instinct got her. But her pride and cautiousness is higher than her guilt so she didn't dare to apologized for her wrong action as she didn't want to show any weakness to humans again.

Kiann who was leaving, heard it and was shocked as he didn't expect that the cold and aloof beauty to ever say 'thanks' to him and be grateful. Kiann smiled and thinks that it was great progress. Although she was indeed a cold woman, she is also a true beauty. That even Kiann can barely resist her charm. He didn't know whether in the future he can still resist her charm or not.

Both in a different room but with the same action as both read books with a different motive. One was to study while the other is to gain more information to this world. And mostly with different pace as well, as Kiann's reading and comprehending speed is much slower than Sherly that if compared, he's like a snail while Sherly is an eagle. That Sherly already finished a book when Kiann is just almost a tenth of it.