
Janitor's Closet

At twelve thirty our lunch began. Now there are two ways for you to go about this. One involves shoving and pushing, trying to get the first in line to be actually able to get the good stuff, fish fillet and stuff. Or two you bring your own lunch. I chose the third option.

"Sir Timothy Collingwood?" The man with the McDonald's bike asked as he held a paper bag. I have always made sure to keep some money for me and because I did so I can usually do this. Last Friday I ordered a small pan pizza. Me and my friends enjoyed it.

"Yeah that's me." I answered and gave him the money and him the paper bag.

As the delivery man rolled away on his scooter bike my girlfriend Ariana spoke. "You really have a way at going at things, you know?"

"And that's why you love me." I gave her a pat on the head and the fries she had me order. Her hazel eyes sparkled at the sight of the barbecue crispy fried and began to dig in it. Ariana was Latina. Smooth toned brown skin, brown wavy hair, and sweet lips I could kiss forever - *ahem* sorry got sidetracked.

"This is why I love you." She said with her mouth chewing on her food. Yeah she loves fries. I feign a hurt look and pout then she gives me a kiss on the cheek and began to drag me back to the lunch area. "Let's hurry up before the guys think we're making out again under the football field's seats again."

By the time we had reached the cafeteria most of the people had settled with their friends. Marc, Ariana's twin brother, frantically waved at us with a goofy smile. When we finally sat down Gabrielle said, "Making out under the bleachers again?"

I rolled my eyes with an irritated groan. "Dude it was only one time." A smirk was on Marc's lips as the rest of them snickered. "What?" I asked with wide eyes.

Then laughter began as Ariana made an 'oh' sound and licked her thumb and began to rub away whatever was on my cheeks. "Sorry it's just lipstick." She said though not sounding quite sorry. "There gone. Now can we leave our lover boy to eat?" She said as she resumed consuming her halfway done fries.

I began to open the paper bag and set up its contents. A crispy chicken burgers, a favourite, and a one piece chicken with rice and gravy with coffee. I started to eat

" So here's a cliche question, who's excited for pprom?" Bart asked, he plays for the basketball team and is the co-captain of said team. Because of this he's had many admirers trying to get him for prom. I would only laugh at those girls at their ignorance that Bart is completely gay. I mean on his part he does well to hide it, but still I would laugh at those girls, innately.

"Yeah? I'll guess you and Jake over there aren't going together?" Ariana asked. Bart only sighed and combed his hair with his hands.

"Well yeah, it's not like we can just profess our undying love to each other, what with the coach and the team." He answered with a sigh.

A confused look formed on Ariana's face and asked, "Why is that?"

"Oh! I didn't tell you?" I asked as she looked at me with a clueless face.

"Told me what?" she replied clearly confused. I sighed and moved closer to her to whisper my answer, the variety boys were just a table behind us and the cafeteria isn't that big so words travel faster here than anywhere else.

"Coach Thorn is kinda religious. So he's against LGBTQ, stuff like that. The moment he learns about Bart's "affliction", he'll kick him out." I said jabbing a thumb to Bart who shrugs with a "so you see" look on his face.

"Oh I'm so-" Ariana was just about to apologize, though somehow I found that unnecessary, when the bell rang signalling the end of our break. I cleaned up my table threw my finished ordered lunch and separated with Ariana and went to Math class with Raymond.

"Wait shoot!" I said as my hands began to grope my pockets.

"What is it?" Ray asked me letting him hold my textbook and notebook and homework.

"I-I think I left my phone at the cafeteria. You go on ahead." I said running back for my phone.

"Just hurry up!" Ray responded before I turned a corner.

"Shitshitshitshit where is it?" I checked on top of the table, below it. I even backtracked my steps but nothing.

"Are you looking for something sweetheart?" Ms. Evelyn asked, our janitor. She was plump and stout with a great voice. She participated in our annual school concert and the woman is a diva.

"Yeah my phone. I thought I left it on the table back at the cafeteria but it's not there. Have you seen it?" I asked checking my watch. Crap Mr. Sanders is going to kill me. I am so late.

"I think I did. Let's check the lost and found." She said and I followed her to the janitor's closet.

The janitor's closet is a small room. Small enough that my hair grazes the ceiling, but wide enough for me to lie down and touch both sides. Between the mops and brooms and large jugs of liquid soap was the black box labeled "Lost and Found".

"Check it there sweetheart." Ms. Evelyn said. I crouched down and opened the lid and saw an assortment of miscellaneous items. A jock strap (eww), a pair of glasses, a deck of poker cards, and some other things. But not my phone.

"It's not here." I said deflated then looked behind me to find Ms. Evelyn had disappeared. "Ms. Evel- ah!" I said as I felt a sting at my neck. A second later a fly, no a wasp? Flew right in front of my face then everything went blurry and I passed out cold.